
The Elzard

‘’Are love potions even real?’’


Jennie hid a yawn hearing Seungri explaining the history behind it, though her eyes picked up Joy’s devious smirk which made her immediately look at Chaeyoung who was listening boringly at the lesson for today.


Who wouldn’t be though?


‘’Joy, you’re crazy you know that?’’ Wendy flinched seeing Jisoo give her a warning look since she’s next to Joy


‘’Don’t worry unnie~ I’ll make sure Ms. Protector over there won’t hurt you’’


Seungri walked over to another group of students who are oddly staring at each other warily ‘’Is there something wrong?’’ He asked but the group just shook their head and presented their own love potions for Seungri to look at individually


Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes, numerous sweat going down her face ‘’Why the is it so hot in here?’’ She muttered, itching to drink something


‘’Are you okay Chaeyoungie?’’ Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung worriedly seeing her sweating like crazy ‘’Are you sick?’’


Chaeyoung shook her head and sent Jisoo a small smile to know that she’s fine


‘’He said that the love potion that you made won’t have any effect on the creator…I should just do it’’




Chaeyoung’s eyes widened dropping the bottle she’s holding, her heart beating erratically which made her hold her chest tightly.


‘’This…this is not mine!’’


Jennie watched Chaeyoung sleeping lightly and she nodded in thanks at the nurse who bowed at Jennie with respect, recognizing her as the daughter of the council head and left the two alone.

The sunset already setting meaning that they should go home by now but Jennie still stayed with Chaeyoung for a few hours because when she carried the younger girl here and placed her at the bed, Chaeyoung passed out immediately due to blood loss.

Jennie doesn’t know how to heal so the only thing she could do earlier was to speed up walking and pressure her wound, even if leaving a trail of blood along the way and even staining her own clothes are the cost of it. She just needed to bring Chaeyoung to safety. Jennie was prepared to take the hit…but the preparedness turned to shock at the unexpected protection from the passed-out girl in the bed.

Jennie sat down at the chair next to the bed and tentatively reached out to grab Chaeyoung’s hand gently ‘’Why Chaeyoung? Why did you take the hit?’’ She squeezed her hand and felt warmth

‘’Her warmth never went away…even if everything about you changed, your heart never did…right?’’

Chaeyoung may be cold and distant to everyone since high school, but her kind heart never did went away because Jennie wouldn’t feel so much warmth right now by just holding her hand.

‘’Wake up please’’ Jennie whispered ‘’I have so many questions to you but I couldn’t get the answers on my own…I need you Chaeyoung’’

‘’You’re the answer and question at the same time’’ She said softly ‘’Please…just let me in’’ Jennie knew the reason why Chaeyoung cut off her heart to everyone including her...which made her remember Chaeyoung's sudden question earlier

‘’Why do you hate elementless so much?’’

‘’I don’t hate you…’’

Jennie slowly moved her hand up to caress Chaeyoung’s cheek, her heart jumping at the soft skin and the moment she’s having right now with her even if the other girl is unconscious

‘’I could never hate you Chaeyoung…’’ Jennie muttered and continued her cheek, the younger girl leaning to it a bit as she snored lightly which made Jennie giggle a bit

‘’You’re so cute you know that right?’’ Jennie said softly and pinched her cheek lightly but then, a groan from her made Jennie panic a bit and let go of her cheek at the same time Chaeyoung opened her eyes, her heart jumping in panic and a bit of relief for reacting quickly before Chaeyoung could see what she's been doing.

‘’W-what?’’ Chaeyoung groaned and sat up with Jennie standing up to help her

‘’Here, let me help’’

Chaeyoung recoiled seeing Jennie and even feeling her put a pillow behind her so that she could feel comfortable at her position




Jennie tilted her head for a bit, looking so cute doing so


‘’What is it?’’


‘’What are you doing here?’’


‘’I carried you here’’


‘’Why didn’t you just leave afterwards?’’


‘’Because I didn’t want to.’’


Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes ‘’I can take care of myself, you don’t have to babysit me just because I protected you from the hit’’


‘’Why did you do it anyway?’’ Jennie said the question that’s been itching to get out from her system ever since that happened.


‘’I…’’ Chaeyoung trailed off, why did she protect Jennie anyway? She has strong defenses because of her earth element but Chaeyoung still did the reckless move of running in between Jennie and Sandara resulting in her bandaged shoulder right now.


‘’My body just moved on its own’’ Chaeyoung muttered her answer which made Jennie even more confused


‘’So…your body likes protecting me?’’ Jennie said, a bit awkwardly


Chaeyoung coughed a bit to hide her incoming blush, curse her innocent and easily blushing cheeks ‘’I… yeah. I told you Jennie, I may be cold but I’m not heartless’’


‘’And I’m not weak either’’ Jennie said immediately ‘’I can take that hit, my element is already prepared for that.’’


‘’But still..’’ Jennie suddenly whispered making Chaeyoung look at the sudden gentle look settled upon Jennie’s face


‘’Thank you, that would have definitely hurt even if my earth element will lessen the hit but…’’ Jennie hesitated a bit, not knowing how to act like this at all ‘’It’s definitely more painful to you because you don’t have any elements, so thank you for doing that…or should I thank your body?’’


Chaeyoung snorted a bit at Jennie’s ending joke which earned a small victorious smile to the older girl ‘’Whatever, can we go out now?’’


‘’Is your shoulder hurting?’’


Chaeyoung rolled her shoulders experimentally and nodded in satisfaction ‘’It’s all fine now, I got to thank the nurse for healing me…and also you’’ She looked at Jennie warily before slowly saying as if she's not used to this kind of word.




Jennie didn’t know so much joy would fill up her heart from just that one simple word; she just blushed and muttered ‘’No problem…’’


Chaeyoung started getting out and noticed her ruined shirt once again ‘’Why does this always happen to me’’ She muttered


Jennie snickered at that ‘’Want me to buy clothes for you?’’


Chaeyoung scoffed ‘’No.’’


Chaeyoung gave the nurse a respectful and thankful nod as she and Jennie exited the infirmary. They started walking home together with a respectable distance with each other initiated by Chaeyoung herself.


‘’So,’’ Chaeyoung started a conversation as a way to thank Jennie for her efforts ‘’You’re quite good at wielding a sword. Have you been training about it?’’


Jennie shook her head ‘’Nope, that’s my first time, excluding the trainings that Ms. Sandara did on our first day of learning how to wield one.’’


Chaeyoung’s eyes widened ‘’What the actual ?! Sandara’s basic form and teachings actually worked for her?’’


Jennie really is a prodigy; Chaeyoung is knowing it just know seeing how she expertly battled with Sandara without being a burden to Chaeyoung herself. ‘’She really deserves the title of the best elzard of the freshmen department…’’


‘’Do you have any preferred weapons then?’’


Jennie seems surprised that they’re talking quite normal to each other, and deep inside she hopes that they will get past this and get even closer than before…


Like how they used to be when they were children


‘’The bow and arrow’’ Jennie’s eyes twinkled happily ‘’I’m quite good at shooting in long distances so I decided to try it out in my high school days and I got to enjoy it more than I thought’’

‘’Interesting…’’ Chaeyoung hummed, she didn’t know but she actually felt relaxed right now since Jennie seems to be in a casual mood; no plots or anything, just a normal civil conversation between them. They didn’t know that the longer they’re talking to each other, they’re actually closing the distance between them.

Sooner or later, they finally arrived the house and Chaeyoung finally noticed Jennie close to her which made her clear


‘’Uh…can you distance yourself from me?’’


Jennie chuckled and leaned her face teasingly close to a wide-eyed Chaeyoung ‘’Why? Still not comfortable around me?’’




Chaeyoung felt herself engulfed to a tight hug and her body relaxed knowing who it was ‘’Hey Jichu…’’ She whispered softly that made Jennie frown and crossed her arms, silently fuming at the tight arms around Chaeyoung’s waist.

‘’I was about to come back to the academy when I realized you’re not here at home but thankfully here you are’’ Jisoo sighed in relief and released the hug to cup Chaeyoung’s cheek ‘’You’re fine now right?’’ She said softly

‘’Uh Jichu…’’ Chaeyoung is a bit flustered; lately Jisoo has been really sweet and clingy to her, not that she minds so much because she trust this girl with her life but it really surprised her when the older girl is like this to her.


‘’Yeah?’’ Jisoo asked


‘’Can you…’’


‘’Can you let go of her and not act like a worried girlfriend?’’


Jisoo did let go of Chaeyoung but only to look at her fuming sister ‘’Something the matter Jendeuk?’’


‘’You shouldn’t hug her too tight, her injury just healed’’ Jennie glared at her sister, the distaste that’s been in her for years still visible on her face


Jisoo glared back  ‘’If you weren’t such a burden then maybe Chaeyoungie wouldn’t get injured like this’’


‘’What did you say?!’’


Jennie’s hand flashed fire and her eyes flickering red in rage as she stared at Jisoo angrily, her distaste to her older sister growing even more.


Jisoo just smirked, not showing any fear at all ‘’You’re the top elzard in the academy yet Chaeyoung just protected you from our P.E professor,’’ She said with a smug tone ‘’looks like you’re not deserving of that title after all.’’


‘’Who are you to talk to me like that’’ Jennie growled and walked closer to Jisoo, their faces almost touching


‘’You’re just a stupid and useless elementless who got lucky passing the past years’’


Jisoo frowned, her eyes flashing a bit ‘’Well look at us then, we’re here in college together and definitely getting stronger without any of your help’’


Chaeyoung quickly pulled Jisoo away when Jennie punched the ground Jisoo is standing on earlier making it crack


‘’Weakling!’’ Jennie growled, her whole form slowly getting on fire literally ‘’Fight me!’’ She barked and conjured a fireball, throwing it towards Jisoo who was prepared to dodge it but a shout stopped her


‘’Water Sphere!’’


Jennie growled and glared at another newcomer ‘’What do you think you’re doing Lalisa!?’’


Lisa sighed and two more figures also appeared behind her


‘’And what do you think you’re doing Kim Jennie?’’


Jennie gritted her teeth seeing her parents looking at her with a disapproval look ‘’I’m just teaching her a lesson’’


‘’What is that?’’


‘’To not look down at me’’ Jennie spat it angrily as she looked at Jisoo


‘’Jennie…’’ Hyuna sighed, walking towards her fire-user of a daughter to put a hand on her shoulder ‘’She’s your sister…the both of you shouldn’t be fighting like this’’


‘’She started it!’’ Jennie protested while pointing to Jisoo who just snorted and rolled her eyes at the immature response of her sister


Jisung rubbed his head in distress ‘’Jennie, Jisoo, you’re not children anymore!’’ He barked angrily and the whole family flinched at his booming voice


‘’Get your act together and be adults! You’re all in your twenties for goodness sake!’’


Jisung looked at his youngest biological daughter with a glowering look ‘’Apologize to your sister and then we’ll go to dinner.’’


‘’Why the heck should I be the one to apologize?’’ Jennie gritted her teeth, clenching her fist as she hissed out because the consequences of disobeying her father is severe.




Jisoo’s eyes softened a bit; she knew her father's punishment is no joke even when Jennie doesn't have her elements yet. ‘’No, it’s fine. It’s my fault for egging you on anyways.’’ Jisoo said ‘’So I’m sorry too’’


Hyuna looked at her eldest and smiled ‘’Now that’s all settled in, should we go eat dinner now?’’ Jisung just sighed in resignation and nodded, the whole family walking towards the dining area to finally have that well-deserved dinner after such a tense atmosphere.




Lisa looked at Chaeyoung who said that ‘’What do you mean?’’ She asked, a bit surprised

‘’You stopped Jennie’s fireball, if you didn’t…’’ Chaeyoung looked away because she’s not used to this kind of thing ‘’You know what I mean’’

Lisa giggled, a pleasant sound to Chaeyoung’s ears ‘’Yeah sure, I just don’t want this house to burn down to the ground because of Jennie-unnie's temper.’’ She joked slightly which made Chaeyoung let out a small chuckle and nodded in acknowledgement to her.

With that, the Kim family had a quiet but peaceful dinner but one girl left immediately afterwards, clearly not in a good mood especially after seeing her parents on her sister’s side.




Jennie looked beside her, eyes widening slightly seeing Chaeyoung climbing up the roof to sit next to her


‘’What are you doing here?’’ Jennie asked


‘’I was supposed to ask you that’’


Jennie scoffed ‘’Is this one of your go-to place whenever you want to be alone?’’ Chaeyoung’s silence seems to ring true from what Jennie observed


‘’Why are you here anyway?’’ Chaeyoung asked


Jennie laid at the roof of their house, looking at the wide sky littered with stars ‘’I need some time to cool off’’


Chaeyoung snorted ‘’Looks like you always need to go here then, you really have temper issues you know that right?’’


‘’If you only came here to annoy me then I’ll have to kick you out of this roof’’


Chaeyoung chuckled, really enjoying seeing this surprising and different side of Jennie. She’s still feisty but with a softer side ‘’Like the Jennie I know when we were kids…only  more mature’’ She looked at Jennie’s side profile ‘’And definitely grown to be a beautiful one’’

 ‘’Do I seem to be out of control most of the time?’’

Chaeyoung glanced at Jennie and answered her question seeing that they’re alone; their animosity to each other is actually not that present right now.

‘’Well, yeah you could say that’’ Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’When you taught me how to conjure the fire element for a while, you said a fire elzard gain his/her power from their emotions so that means you tend to use your feelings to get stronger. You also said to me you always say what’s on your mind, which can definitely get you in trouble sometimes’’

‘’What do you mean?’’ Jennie looked at Chaeyoung who’s now laying beside her, looking at the dark sky. This is the first time Jennie has seen adult Chaeyoung so relaxed even if she’s with her, and Jennie has to admit, it actually felt kind of nice to see Chaeyoung like this to her.


Maybe her efforts are really paying off


‘’We’re kind of different and similar Jennie’’


‘’Stop giving me more questions and answer me directly instead’’ Jennie said with irritation at the vague answers that Chaeyoung keeps saying to her


Chaeyoung chuckled a bit ‘’Let me finish would you?’’ She said ‘’You’re blunt Jennie; you always strive your best to be at the top because it’s your pride. You’re the daughter of the council head and the top elzard in our department, surely you’re proving it even right now. You always get what you want no matter how hard it takes’’


‘’You’re like me,’’ Chaeyoung continued ‘’We’re both blunt but in different ways. I say what I think is right, but I say it in a more calculative way. You say yours in a confident kind of way, always voicing out what you think is right. You use instincts and feelings to carry you through your trainings and battles, and I use my wits and calculative mind. We’re similar in our goals but very different in our approach towards it.’’


‘’So which is better?’’ Jennie whispered


‘’You’re really asking me that?’’ Chaeyoung snorted ‘’Of course I’m going to pick my side’’


‘’How does this connect to me getting out of control then?’’


‘’You tend to not think carefully of what you’re saying and what you’re about to do’’ Chaeyoung answered ‘’Sure sometimes you make plans like earlier in our battle with Ms. Sandara but as I’ve said, you rely on your instincts and feelings more since you’re a fire elzard and seeing that it helped you get you to where you are right now, it’s working but who knows?”’ Chaeyoung looked at Jennie carefully

‘’Your impulsive and reckless actions might cost you in future battles’’

Jennie seems to be quiet, taking in what Chaeyoung is saying to her ‘’Is my own personality really holding me back? Is it costing me my family’s perception to me? Is there something even good to me besides being a strong elzard?’’

Jennie bit her lips ‘’Is it the reason why I couldn’t get Chaeyoung to notice me?’’

‘’However,’’ Chaeyoung said ‘’Strong feelings and emotions can get you into a higher form of strength…the will and determination to get through every obstacle that a person will be facing just to reach that goal. It’s something that I lack…what you have is what I lack’’ She whispered but Jennie’s ear picked it up

‘’What do you mean?’’

Chaeyoung looked at Jennie and smiled…sadly


Jennie clutched lunch box with both of her hands while biting her lips ‘’Would she really accept it?’’ She smelled and even tasted the kimchi fried rice that she made by herself. Jennie hopes Chaeyoung would like it after their soft but vulnerable moment in the rooftop last night…

It was…enlightening

Jennie is glad to know something about Chaeyoung but her smile…the smile that Jennie saw in that night tugged something in her heart, like she wants to desperately hug Chaeyoung with all her might but from what she knows, Chaeyoung doesn’t like physical contact. In fact, the only person she allows to hug her is her sister…

And that’s probably because they hanged out to each other since they stopped training with them, Jennie has to at least expect that Chaeyoung is really comfortable to Jisoo.


But will that stop her?


Not at all! She’s Jennie Kim for goodness sake, she’s not the type who gives up easily


Jennie hid the lunch box well; she’s in school rather early and waiting for a certain someone to come into her view. Because of that, she’s here all alone without her friends and even Lisa. From what she observed, Chaeyoung and Jisoo tends to go out early so that they could avoid bumping to Jennie herself and Lisa.

She took a deep breath finally seeing the dark blonde hair that made her heart skip a beat ‘’Alright Jennie Kim, you can do this. This is just Park Chaeyoung, you can do this’’ She’s really acting unlike her usual self but something about Chaeyoung since they were children really magnetized Jennie towards her. Who is she to stop her own feelings?


Maybe this is what Chaeyoung meant when she said Jennie relies to her own feelings




Chaeyoung turned around, a bit confused on why Jennie is coming to her. ‘’ is this about last night?’’ She cursed, she didn’t mean to let Jennie see her in a vulnerable state momentarily but curse again her kind heart and blabbering mouth. Thankfully, Jisoo excused herself for a bit since she needs to use the bathroom, which is probably why Jennie quickly make her way over her.

‘’What is it?’’ Chaeyoung asked

Jennie blushed lightly and slightly fidgeted ‘’I uh…’’

Chaeyoung scrunched her nose in irritation, what is Jennie up to now?

‘’Spit it out already Kim, I don’t have all day’’

Jennie gritted her teeth and she could feel her temper rising ‘’Seriously?’’ She huffed, how dare Chaeyoung act like they didn’t get a bit closer especially what happened last night?

She grumpily pushed the lunch box she’s holding to Chaeyoung’s chest ‘’Here take it’’ She said with a grouchy tone

Chaeyoung could smell something really delicious that her stomach growled a bit but thankfully Jennie didn’t hear it so she asked ‘’What’s in this?’’

‘’It’s lunch pabo’’ Jennie rolled her eyes ‘’Take it.’’

‘’For what?’’

Jennie grumbled and Chaeyoung didn’t hear it so she asked again with a bit of an edgy tone ‘’What?’’

‘’I said it’s thanks for being there for me yesterday!’’ Jennie yelled, her blush staying on her face and curse Park Chaeyoung for making her feel like this!

Chaeyoung looked stunned as Jennie finally left with a huff but still with a masked blush and entered the greenhouse because it’s where their next class is.

Chaeyoung hid the lunch box and just in time, Jisoo walked towards her ‘’Sorry I took so long, let’s go?’’ She said cheerfully

‘’Uh yeah…’’ Chaeyoung still looked at the spot Jennie is on earlier

‘’Let’s go.’’

‘’So for today’s lesson, we’re going to learn how to make a shield potion’’ Seungri smiled cheerfully ‘’A shield potion is used in battle to absorb a user’s attack. It can only be used once though and depending how perfect your potion is, it can possibly withstand even collaboration attacks’’

‘’So in order to do that, I’ll have to partner everyone in the class so that one could use the potion and other could cast an attack. This will be graded individually by the effectiveness of your potion and not the strength of your attack. The ingredients are already ready outside the field so just pick up your partner and get started’’

Jennie groaned ‘’I really hate this class’’

Lisa snickered ‘’Maybe you could partner up with Yeri or even better,’’ She smirked teasingly ‘’Jisoo-unnie, she seems like a great contender in the potion-making department.’’

Jennie growled at that ‘’No way in hell’’

‘’Kim Jisoo and Bae Irene’’

‘’Talk about visual goddesses’’ Chaeyoung chuckled seeing Jisoo a bit nervous ‘’Why are you nervous Jichu?’’ She asked

‘’You know I’m partnered with Wendy’s girlfriend right? The one I almost look alike?’’ Jisoo said in a way that made Chaeyoung feel amused

‘’And? So what?’’

‘’I’m afraid that she’ll kill me for being close to her girlfriend.’’

Chaeyoung laughed a bit ‘’She does seems like the jealous type from the dagger stares she gives to you whenever Wendy’s being kind of flirty.’’

‘’It’s not my fault her girlfriend is greasy’’ Jisoo pouted

‘’I’m sure Wendy will make sure you’ll finish this alive’’ Chaeyoung reassured her

Jisoo huffed ‘’I hope you get a worse partner than mine…’’

‘’Oh come on don’t be like tha-‘’

‘’Lastly, Park Chaeyoung and Kim Jennie’’

Jennie and Chaeyoung froze ‘’Partners again? Really?’’

What is the universe planning anyways? 

‘’Would you look at that’’ Chaeyoung dead-panned ‘’I got one of our haters and not only that, a real talent at potion-making…’’

Jisoo however, instead of joking around like always, is quiet ‘’Why am I getting so bothered about this anyway?’’ Jisoo bit her lip and looked at her equally shock sister ‘’Why are you always getting everything you want?’’ She thought bitterly. Jisoo has this inkling feeling that her sister might have a crush on the girl she’s sitting next to…from the way she observed it when they were kids, Jennie is really clingy to Chaeyoung. Jisoo is afraid that their bond might get a comeback if this continues…


And she’s definitely not okay with that


Lisa glanced at Jennie then Chaeyoung, as well as Jisoo who is also wearing a frown of her own ‘’Wow unnie’’ Lisa forced herself to let out a teasing chuckle ‘’Partnered up with a dead-last twice in a row. Not bad, looks like your luck is running out’’

Jennie however ignored her instead of retorting or even complaining and just stood up, walking towards Chaeyoung and Jisoo ‘’Let’s go?’’  She said to Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung sighed and nodded, but as she was about to stand up, Jisoo stopped her by holding her hand ‘’Jisoo-unnie?’’ Chaeyoung looked at her quizzically

Jisoo gripped Chaeyoung’s hand and stared at Jennie’s eyes with narrowed ones, as if sending a warning to her sister in which Jennie returned with a smirk of her own.


Jisoo looked away from Jennie to send a worried Chaeyoung with a forced smile ‘’…be careful’’

Chaeyoung nodded slowly and Jisoo finally let go of her hand as she and Jennie walked out of the greenhouse leaving a quiet Jisoo.

Jisoo felt a presence beside her which prompted her to look, she shivered a bit seeing the resting face of Wendy’s girlfriend

‘’Let’s get this over with’’

Jisoo gulped at the blank tone

Maybe she should follow her own advice?

‘’So, do you have any idea how to make this?’’ Chaeyoung asked

‘’Well, it’s all about just mixing these ingredients right?’’ Jennie looked at the table where their ingredients are placed ‘’How hard could it be?’’

Chaeyoung sighed ‘’There’s instructions here Kim; let’s just follow everything and don’t’’ Chaeyoung looked directly to Jennie’s eyes seriously ‘’Don’t put anything else or try to put the furnace in a higher level of heat. Be patient.’’

Jennie crossed her arms; she’s an impatient kind of person so how could she help herself? Nevertheless she needs to follow Chaeyoung’s lead because she seems like she knows a thing or two at potion-making.


‘’Clod Water…heating up to medium low heat’’ Chaeyoung murmured and started the furnace to low heat ‘’Here, place this clod water while I put the pot to the furnace’’

Jennie nodded and watched Chaeyoung put on the pot with a heave; she put on the brown water and watch it slowly fill up the pot

‘’Then, let’s wait for it to heat up and add in the blue and green herb leaves’’ Chaeyoung said and once again Jennie nodded while letting out a small yawn

‘’This is so boring’’ Jennie said lazily ‘’Are you sure I can’t heat it up on my own?’’ She smirked, raising a hand to show a medium-sized fire

Chaeyoung glared ‘’Don’t you dare, I don’t want to start all over again just because you’re impatient’’

Jennie scoffed ‘’Jeez, you don’t know how to take a joke do you?’’

‘’How the heck should I know if you’re joking or not, we’re not even close.’’

Jennie looked away at that; she doesn’t know if it’s her fault or Chaeyoung’s fault why they’re not close anymore…

She saw Lisa also looking boringly at their own pot, her partner is Seulgi who is also yawning sleepily since they’re waiting for the pot to heat up. She looked on another table and saw Irene shooting Jisoo an irritated look because Jisoo just sped up the process by bringing their heat to medium

‘’Are you sure you know what you’re doing?’’ Irene asked and Jisoo just hummed calmly

‘’Trust me on this’’ Jisoo smirked ‘’Who knows maybe you’ll learn something about it’’

Irene grumbled but cooperated along with Jisoo, the two actually having a good chemistry since they seem to know what they’re doing


Chaeyoung opened her eyes and looked at Joy who shouted at her while waving ‘’We’re almost done here! How about you!?’’

Chaeyoung ignored Joy and looked at their own pot, nodding in satisfaction ‘’Hey Kim, can you get the blue and green herb leaves? I’ll stir it’’

Jennie nodded and went at the table, blinking seeing two kinds of green ‘’What the ? Did Seungri put this on purpose so that we would fail?’’ Jennie decided to just bring them all to Chaeyoung and handed it to her. Chaeyoung stared at the three leaves and commented

‘’Are you color blind or something?’’

Jennie glared ‘’In case you didn’t notice, there are two kinds of green.’’

‘’I know, you didn’t read the instruction didn’t you?’’

‘’I read it’’ Jennie protested before looking away a bit ‘’But uh…I think I may have skipped some parts’’

‘’Lisa is right…Jennie is not meant for this kind of thing’’ Chaeyoung shook her head ‘’The professor put this other kind of green to confuse us. If we put this on the mixture, it won’t absorb the attack but rather bounce it off which is quite dangerous especially since the class is here.’’

Jennie looked a bit amazed ‘’How do you know about this?’’

Chaeyoung shrugged and threw away the darker kind of green ‘’Watching Jisoo make potions helped in that.’’

‘’She makes potion? On a daily basis?’’

‘’Not daily…but most of the time’’

Jennie hummed; She likes this kind of atmosphere between them, it was almost the same as last night minus the vulnerable part.

‘’What is it called then?’’

Chaeyoung blushed a bit ‘’I…don’t know.’’

Jennie snickered ‘’Now I get what you mean when you say we’re quite similar’’ She teased

‘’Shut up’’

‘’We’re done!’’

Jennie looked at the cheering Joy and Yeri, who excitedly went to the middle field where Seungri will be judging their potion

‘’Nice one, the first one to finish the potion’’ Seungri grinned ‘’You’ll get extra points for that’’

Joy and Yeri high-fived each other and distanced themselves with Joy holding the potion. Seungri nodded ‘’Commence’’ He said

Yeri grinned as she conjured a spell

‘’Lava Strike!’’

Just in time with Yeri’s spell, Joy smashed the potion on the ground as a small dark green shield encased her

‘’That’s…that’s the wrong color!’’ Seungri’s eyes widened knowing what will happen next so he shouted to Yeri  ‘’Stop! Cancel your attack!’’

But it was too late, Yeri’s attack came in contact with the shield but instead of absorbing the attack…it bounced off!


And it’s heading right towards Jennie and Chaeyoung’s table


‘’Chaeyoungie watch out!’’ Jisoo shouted out but it was too late for Chaeyoung to react who turned around only to see a fast lava strike coming at her. Lisa's eyes widened at that and let go of the pot she's holding, spilling the contents in it to conjure a large water sphere ''I don't think it'll make it'' Lisa gritted her teeth.

‘’!’’ Chaeyoung knew she couldn’t dodge it in time so she just closed her eyes and braced herself for the upcoming attack that would surely leave a burn all over her body then suddenly…


Chaeyoung felt herself engulfed in a tight hug and all she could hear was…


‘’Earth Wall!’’


Chaeyoung could hear the earth rumbling and she noticed its shadow covering her as well as…


Chaeyoung stiffened knowing whose arms are holding her right now ‘’J-Jennie?’’ She whispered in shock


Jennie sighed in relief, feeling her earth element saving the both of them most especially Chaeyoung from the attack. She got to thank her quick reflexes for immediately summoning that wall so Chaeyoung is absolutely right about her instincts but speaking of the younger girl…


’’Why the hell did I have to hug Chaeyoung all of the sudden?!’’ Jennie panicked but she could feel Chaeyoung releasing a breath of relief not having to experience a lava kind of pain throughout her body.


‘’You okay?’’ Jennie whispered worriedly ‘’The lava didn’t hit you right?’’ Lava is not something you should trifle with; if it comes contact to your skin, it definitely hurts like a even if it’s in a small amount.


‘’I uh…’’ Chaeyoung craned her neck to look at Jennie but her breath was caught up at their sudden close proximity; Jennie’s cat eyes piercing her own which made her zip to not stutter so she decided to just nod


‘’Thank God’’ Jennie let out a small soft smile that only Chaeyoung could see because the earth wall’s shadow is hiding them a bit from everyone. Chaeyoung’s heart skipped a bit seeing that smile, it was like child Jennie’s smile…only this time,


‘’It’s more…beautiful…and definitely cuter but also'’  Chaeyoung gulped ''deadly...''


She shook her head to get away from those thoughts ‘’Let go of me’’ Chaeyoung stiffened once again now that she got her senses back when she saw her smile

Jennie felt a bit disappointed but relented anyways; they both stood up at the same time the earth wall crumbled down and Seungri rushed towards them

‘’Are you two okay?!’’

Chaeyoung frowned seeing him worried and just said ‘’Yeah. We’re fine.’’

Seungri then nodded in approval to Jennie’s direction ‘’Nice reflexes Ms. Kim, you really deserve your title as the best elzard in your department’’

Jennie nodded in thanks, the feeling of uncomfortableness still there whenever Seungri’s in close proximity to them ‘’It’s no big deal, dad trained us like that’’

Lisa stopped conjuring the water sphere and Jisoo's mouth dropped in shock only for the both of them to frown at Jennie's hold to Chaeyoung earlier...

''What is going on with you Jennie?''

Seungri’s eyes darkened a bit hearing the council head ‘’Is that so…’’ He whispered before nodding ‘’Okay then, are your potions done? I’ll give you both another extra points for your quick reflexes’’

Chaeyoung and Jennie looked at each other and nodded

Needless to say, they passed thanks to their unique teamwork

‘’Where are you going?’’ Jisoo asked curiously, it was now night and time for bed since it’s weekdays so school is still on for tomorrow

‘’I’m just going to buy something’’ Chaeyoung said

‘’Like what?’’

Chaeyoung thought about it for a while ‘’Just going to restock some foods.’’ Jisoo chuckled, in their own room, Chaeyoung has a storage of her favorite foods and chips just in case she gets hungry during the midnight, which is actually most of the time so she definitely understands why she's going out right now.

‘’Can you buy me some ramen and milk also please?’’ Jisoo asked

Chaeyoung opened her palm that Jisoo slapped away with a laugh ‘’Yah! Use your own money!’’

Chaeyoung chuckled ‘’I’m just kidding, go to sleep. I’ll be back before you know it’’

Jisoo yawned and nodded sleepily ‘’Be careful okay?’’

‘’Don’t worry, I will’’

Chaeyoung hummed, feeling a bit grateful that there’s a convenience store near their house. She immediately got Jisoo’s food first before going to the ice cream section.

She stared at a specific flavor and talked to herself ‘’She’s the only one that I know who really loves this ice cream…should I really get it?’’

Chaeyoung contemplated it for a bit but there’s this feeling that she wants to let out ever since what happened earlier. She needs more than just a simple thank you note.

‘’Ah it, it’s just this one time’’

Chaeyoung bought the foods and immediately went home, heart beating a bit fast in her ribcage as she looked at the door apprehensively

‘’Come on Chaeyoung, you trained for hours and years yet you can’t knock on a simple door?’’ She mumbled to herself and took a deep breath

‘’Might as well get this over with’’ She thought to herself

The door opened and once again, Chaeyoung’s eyes met surprised cat eyes staring back at her

‘’Chaeyoung?’’ Jennie looked a bit confused, dressed in her pajamas and hair a bit wet; probably from a night bath that she took.

‘’What are you doing here?’’

A sweet scent waft through Chaeyoung’s nose as she stared at Jennie, speechless at the sudden bare face of the confused girl

‘’Is it me? Or did she look….cuter?’’

A bare-faced Jennie seems to make her fall speechless so she cleared and said


Jennie awkwardly accepted the plastic given to her and looked inside...

Her heart exploded in giddiness as she let out a small squeal ‘’Milk ice cream!’’ She chirped and looked at Chaeyoung with joyful eyes seeing her favorite ice cream

‘’She…she still remembers’’ Jennie thought, her heart melting at this thoughtfulness that child Chaeyoung would have thought…but certainly not adult Chaeyoung.


So why?


‘’Thank you…’’ Chaeyoung whispered ‘’About earlier…it’s really painful to get hit by lava so…yeah’’ She said awkwardly and looked at Jennie with a small shy blush 

Jennie let out a small smile at that ‘’Sure…it’s no problem….’’ Jennie her lips due to nervousness as she said softly




Ba Dum…Ba Dum…


Chaeyoung’s mouth drop in shock for a bit and took a step back ‘’I uh…I got to go’’ She said hastily before quickly sprinting back to her and Jisoo’s room, heart beating erratically hearing Jennie call her old nickname to her.

Jennie blinked rapidly before chuckling a bit ‘’Even if you changed so much, some parts of you are still there…Rosie’’

Jennie clutched the milk ice cream happily, opening it to take a bite while looking at the words ‘Thank you’ on a note that’s attached to the milk ice cream; the delicious flavor melting happily on as she muttered


Chaeyoung closed the door and held her heart ‘’What the was that? Why did she suddenly call me…that nickname’’

Sure Joy call her like that all the time but what makes Jennie calling her that so different?  Is it because she was the original inventor of that special nickname?

‘’I must be hungry’’ Chaeyoung muttered ‘’And she must also be hungry that’s why she suddenly doesn’t seem so nasty…’’

Chaeyoung’s mind dinged for a bit and reached out for her bag, getting a lunch box that Jennie gave to her earlier

‘’It must be cold…’’

Chaeyoung doesn’t mind it though, so she opened the lunch box and is surprised to see it still warmed up even after several hours has passed

‘’Did Jennie used a spell?’’

She definitely used a spell seeing that it’s still smoking hot. She heard about fire elzard chefs using that kind of technique to keep foods warm but she didn’t know Jennie could cook at all.

‘’She better not put any poison in it’’ Chaeyoung grumbled and took a bite

The delicious flavor exploded in Chaeyoung’s mouth that she almost moaned at how delicious it tasted so she continued eating it with one thought on her mind


Chaennie moment because I read some AUs on Twitter that made me want to write a Chaennie moment :(((( Hope you guys liked it! Some filler chapters first before we get into some serious stuffs once again. Thank you once again for all your support and love for this story! I honestly can't believe that so many would like this story but here you all are! I can't promise updates starting next week because my parents are finally going home since they're in another country as an OFW. They're going home permanently and it will be quite full here in our house so I'm not sure if I would be able to write every night, but I'll do my best to make time! For now, enjoy this long chapter! Once again, thank you and have a nice day everyone!





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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔