
The Elzard

‘’Status report.’’


‘’…she passed the tryouts.’’


The tall figure hummed ‘’ Any ideas on why she suddenly joined the team when she’s hiding her element for years now?’’


‘’We think Sandara, the head coach of the Thief club, used it as a blackmail for her to join the club. I’m not surprised why Sandara wanted Chaeyoung on her team considering how she literally created a black hole in the middle of a forest.’’


‘’I see…interesting.’’


‘’That’s not the only interesting thing though,’’ Another smaller figure stepped forward ‘’ Kim Jisoo also revealed her element to the whole school.’’


‘’What?!’’ The figure’s eyes widened at this unexpected turnabout ‘’Explain.’’ She demanded


‘’Chaeyoung is suffering from the burning of hot spices courtesy of Joy. Wendy is not there to heal due to the same illness and the school’s nurse is not in the school as well which is understandable because the day was just starting, no one would expect an injury or even sickness at the start of the day.’’


‘’Probably Jisoo knows she has no choice but to heal her herself and tried to blind everyone using her light element but it was a little too late as everyone caught on soon.’’


The taller figure clicked her tongue in irritation ‘’That will certainly be troublesome…the council head will definitely focus his attention more to his eldest now, and since the eldest is close to Chaeyoung…’’


‘’ Watching over them will be riskier.’’


‘’And we won’t let that happen’’ The female figure growled, her dark aura expanding even more making her subordinates shiver ‘’ She has potential, not only because it was suggested but even from before, we could feel her power…and I suppose you have a plan of your own to execute the next step of the original plan.’’


Another tall figure stepped forwards and said in an alluring voice


‘’Oh, we definitely have a plan.’’ She said sweetly before her voice turned venomous ‘’We just need to get rid of some pests first, and time it right and if not?’’ Her eyes glowed darkly


‘’We’ll go all out.’’


The leader stood up and walked towards the other tall figure with glowering eyes and whispered menacingly


‘’You better make sure of it.’’

‘’Y-you’re…’’ Jennie stuttered ‘’a light elzard…’’


A pin can be dropped and it can clang to the ground so loudly because that’s how quiet the hallway is


Jisoo looked into Jennie’s wide and shocked eyes as well as the open mouth of Lisa, which would have been comical if it wasn’t for her secret coming out in this way.


‘’I knew they would find out sooner or later…’’ Jisoo looked away and bit her lips, she could already feel everyone’s eyes on her


‘’But not like this…’’


She stared into Chaeyoung’s peaceful face after finally healing her and can’t help but chuckle weakly

‘’The things I do for you…’’ She whispered before standing up and easily carrying Chaeyoung, which proved her light element of having a better physical attribute. She looked at the shocked face of everyone and that includes Joy, Yeri, Seulgi, and of course her sisters.

‘’We’re skipping class today.’’ She announced loudly and with authority ‘’I don’t ing care if you tell everyone what you all just witnessed. Just make sure we’re excused for the day.’’ Then Jisoo stared at her sisters as well as the other three girls


‘’And don’t…’’ She growled angrily, eyes now glowing angry white


‘’don’t ever do something like this again or I’ll make sure you will feel your pain until you graduate in this ing school.’’


Jisoo sneered and quickly carried Chaeyoung away from school


Jennie slumped down to her knees in disbelief ‘’T-This can’t be…’’ She watched Jisoo hastily walk away until she was out of their sight ''This can’t be true…this has to be a horrible nightmare’’

There is just no way her sister has one of the rarest elements in the world, one of the most sought-after elements due to its ability to heal and strong physical self (inside and out), one that…their mother has.

‘’H-how…’’ Jennie whispered, clenching her fist as the feeling of being inferior to her own sister started to rise up once again ‘’Just…how?’’


Jennie looked beside her and saw Lisa who was also in disbelief ‘’D-does this mean…they’re not elementless after all?’’ Lisa’s eyes began to shine with a bit of hope

‘’D-does this mean Chaeyoung also has her own element?’’

‘’Chaeyoung…’’ Jennie thought now that Lisa mentioned it...did her Rosie also has her own element perhaps? Is that why she joined the Thief club to show everyone she has her element now?


‘’Well…’’ Yeri snapped out of her daze and said awkwardly for the whole shocked crowd to hear


‘’Looks like Jisoo’s not an elementless…’’

Chaeyoung groaned and slowly opened her eyes, seeing that the sun is almost setting. She stood up immediately and could feel her stomach growling for not having to eat anything for the past hours.

‘’Hey you’re awake.’’

Chaeyoung swiftly look to her left and saw Jisoo placing a food tray to a table. The tantalizing smell of bulgogi filled the room and Chaeyoung almost wants to drool at the delicious meat.

‘’Yeah…are we in?’’ Chaeyoung said softly, looking around the familiar house

‘’Yeah, we’re in her house’’ Jisoo answered while setting up the table

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes ‘’Of course we’re back in here… she did say to come here anytime we want but we don’t want to raise any suspicion especially since the family started giving us attention at the start of the school year…’’ Her stomach growled once again after she finished talking

Jisoo giggled ‘’Stand up and eat dummy’’ She said in amusement ‘’you want me to feed you?’’

Chaeyoung blushed a bit and immediately went to the table and sat next to her ‘’So…what happened after I passed out?’’ Chaeyoung asked and started munching some food ‘’ Did you made up an excuse to explain the sudden bright light?’’

‘’Nope.’’ Jisoo said calmly ‘’They know’’

If Jisoo has a video recorder right now, she would have definitely use it seeing that Chaeyoung spat out the foods in and thankfully, no one is in front of her.


Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo alarmingly ‘’They know you have the light element?!’’

‘’Yeah, there were too many components within your body that caused the burning so they caught the last wisp of my light energy’’ Jisoo shrugged

‘’And you are calm…why?!”’ Chaeyoung almost shouted at her ‘’Jisoo this could create a target on your head! Especially since one of the prime suspects of seriously injuring you and even attacking us when we were younger is one of our professors!’’

‘’We were supposed to not gain attention’’ Chaeyoung massaged her head in distress ‘’ what are we going to do…’’

Jisoo snorted ‘’It’s not my fault you just decided to eat some cake Joy gave you’’ She said albeit a bit bitterly

‘’She was too annoying’’ Chaeyoung whined ‘’I can only shut her up if I eat at least a slice…and uhm…’’ She looked away for a bit in embarrassment 

‘’I think I might have felt…a little happy that she made an effort like that for me.’’ She murmured

Jisoo clenched her jaw to not say anything more that might lead to the fighting so she took a deep breath and spoke


‘’Well, it happens. Now we just have to face whatever is coming towards our way now.’’ 


Suddenly another person talked and continued what Jisoo is saying


‘’And one of them is your sudden rise of popularity’’


Chaeyoung groaned hearing the amused tone of another voice joining them while Jisoo turned towards the sudden arrival of another person joining them to eat. She bowed her head respectfully and greeted her

‘’I knew you would have heard the news.’’ Chaeyoung muttered

‘’And why don’t you be like Jisoo here, showing me some respect’’ The person said playfully

‘’You’re just going to tease me about it as always’’

Jisoo giggled, forgetting her earlier jealousy sensing that everything feels comfortable like it always has been when they were younger together with the person eating them right now

‘’Oh, come on, I didn’t teach you to control your elements and weapons just so you could bow to me, I'm kinder than that’’ The person winked at Chaeyoung ‘’Although, it’s nice to get that feeling of respect.’’

Chaeyoung sighed and looked at the person fondly ‘’I do respect you…’’ She let out a small smile as she said

‘’After all you taught us everything we knew right now. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have controlled our elements better than the others…right Ms. Bom?’’


Bom smiled and sat down with them, started to eat Jisoo’s cooking


‘’Of course, and I’m still proud of you two for getting this far’’

‘’So, about this sudden popularity,’’ Chaeyoung started, they were seated at Bom’s living room and it was night time. They decided to go home very late to avoid any confrontations of their family.

‘’Is this because of me passing the tryouts and Jisoo’s element?’’

Bom nodded ‘’Yeah, it was the talk of the whole school…and you better know it that Seungri definitely looked shocked at that, even slightly nervous hearing the news.’’

‘’Probably because me having the light element will probably put a temporary stop on whatever plan he has…’’ Jisoo whispered

‘’And also, I think it’s a good thing that you showed your element at this time.’’ Bom said

Chaeyoung’s eyes hardened ‘’What do you mean by that? We didn’t hide our elements throughout these years just because we wanted to, we need to in order for us to be safe and away from whatever plans that he has.’’

‘’But you guys are adults now’’ Bom’s voice took on a more serious tone ‘’I’ve taught you everything I know, and we even separated ways of training on your last year of high school. I’ve observed the two of you and how you trained on your own, and it’s been wonderful.’’ She started to let out a small smile

‘’I meant what I said, I’m proud of you two for getting this far…and you don’t have to hide anymore.’’ Bom softly said ‘’The both of you are strong and can even make any council member sweat on a spar, which is a strong point despite the both of you being just a freshman. The attention that you will get will be a big change I know, but at least that will put a stop on the verbal insults as well as make Seungri back away because your parents will be watching over you even more now.’’

Jisoo thought over it for a moment and said ‘’You’re right…we’re stronger now so whatever did attack us many years ago, we can easily fight it now though that stopped when you became our mentor.’’ Jisoo looked away for a bit, her eyes darkening


‘’Though the injuries they left…it’s unforgettable’’


Chaeyoung’s eyes softened and scooted closer to Jisoo, giving her a side hug and worried glance in which Jisoo just smiled sadly at her, mouthing that she’s fine now.

Bom sighed ‘’ I don’t know who they are but they’re really familiar from their auras…and I can’t seem to just fool Seungri because he’s also a master of the dark element, maybe even better than me so finding evidence against him is really difficult.’’ She looked at Chaeyoung and Jisoo with a bit of shame

‘’So, I apologize if it’s taking so long to serve justice…’’

Chaeyoung sighed ‘’ You did your best Bom-unnie, and we’re still very grateful for everything you have done for us.’’ Her tone hardened as she said next ‘’We know it’s going to take time since it’s been years since he attacked us but I know karma itself will serve justice to him because if not…’’ Chaeyoung’s eyes glowed a bit darkly

‘’I’ll be the one to do it myself.’’

Bom’s eyes narrowed and said lowly ‘’Park Chaeyoung, don’t let your hate and loathe take over you’’ She said in an authoritative tone, a tone she used when she was training the two girls years ago.

Chaeyoung closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting her energy flow inside her to calm her emotions down

‘’…I apologize’’ She whispered

‘’So…’’ Bom said ‘’Are you going to tell them the truth?’’


Jisoo and Bom looked at the firm Chaeyoung

‘’Why is that?’’ Bom asked calmly

Chaeyoung scoffed ‘’They all bullied and deliberately ignored our existence since we were young! Now that we suddenly got elements and strong ones at that, they suddenly notice us? I don’t think up flocks of ignorant people is my scene’’ She said in a disgusted tone

‘’I don’t care what they say about us, all I know is that me and Jisoo will get through this together no matter what; we’ll reach our own goals on our own strength and without the ing support from fake people’’

‘’She’s right’’ This time it was Jisoo who voiced out her opinion ‘’ I have no doubt we will be surrounded by people wanted to become our friends suddenly or what. We have only one friend and that’s Wendy; she became our friend before all of this anyways so we know that she won’t backstab us.’’

Chaeyoung nodded in agreement ‘’ No one will change our mind about it; they can get close to us for all we care but there will always be a line’’

Bom looked on sadly, maybe hiding their element has made their trust to other people so shaky…but she has no choice but to just respect their decision. They’re stronger adults now and she can’t sway them on their decision…

But perhaps she could give a push or something…

‘’I understand then’’ Bom suddenly smiled in which Chaeyoung’s eyes narrowed suspiciously seeing Bom is looking at her pointedly

‘’You seem to have a way with words huh Ms. Chaeyoung’’ Bom chuckled then looked at the time ‘’You better get going then, I don’t want any of your parents suddenly coming into my house and interrogation will not end well with me considering that I’m part of the council.’’

Chaeyoung looked at Bom for a while and nodded ‘’Fine…we better get going then.’’

Jisoo stood up and gave Bom a smile and hug ‘’Thank you for letting us in your home for a while…’’

Bom smiled and hugged back as well; it’s like having a daughter on your own and she’s just really happy to see them grow to such beautiful women ‘’You can come back anytime…and I will always be here for you two…’’ She let go of the hug and raised an eyebrow at them in amusement

‘’Just please don’t skip classes again, I miss messing with Chaeyoung and with her not having to do anything about it.’’

Chaeyoung snorted ‘’I knew it…’’ She muttered grumpily

‘’ You should really stop making Jisoo here jealous though’’ Jisoo’s eyes widened at that and looked at her mentor alarmingly as Bom continued talking ‘’You being close to Ms. Joy is not helping’’

Chaeyoung looked confused ‘’Jealous?’’ She looked at the panicking Jisoo ‘’You’re jealous of Joy?’’

‘’I-I was not!’’ Jisoo shouted and glared at Bom childishly ‘’N-No I d-didn’t!’’

‘’You shouldn’t’’ Chaeyoung said bluntly ‘’You’re way more beautiful than her and we always cuddle plus our skin ship is much better. We’re closer also so you shouldn’t be jealous’’ She shrugged in indifference as if what she said didn't just make Jisoo almost faint

Bom laughed quietly seeing Jisoo’s mouth opening up and down as she was speechless at Chaeyoung’s sudden sentences and her blushing face could really beat a tomato right now ‘’Cuddle you say?’’ Bom wiggled her eyebrows and nudged Jisoo

‘’Shut up!’’ Jisoo huffed and harshly grabbed Chaeyoung’s arm while walking out of Bom’s house ‘’We’re going out!’’

Bom laughed out loud at Chaeyoung’s small ‘ouch’ at Jisoo’s grip and watched them leave her house with a small smile

‘’Ah feelings, can be really messy in the elzard world…especially yours, Ms. Chaeyoung.’’

Chaeyoung and Jisoo looked up at the doors of their house…and this time, they’re nervous to enter the household especially with the talks around the school. There’s no doubt that it probably reached their parents as well considering they were also the daughters of the council head.

‘’Well, better get this over with’’ Jisoo whispered

‘’Hey,’’ Chaeyoung said and Jisoo looked at her to see a small smile on Chaeyoung’s face as well as holding Jisoo’s hand tightly ‘’ I’ll be with you.’’

Jisoo giggled and joked ‘’Easy for you to say…they know nothing of yours’’

Chaeyoung chuckled and just started to open the door…


The moment they opened it however…


‘’ Lava Strike!’’


Chaeyoung’s reflexes was once again helpful…for Jisoo at least because Chaeyoung hissed feeling the lava stung her sides. Jisoo jumped away while holding Chaeyoung and looked at the source of the attacker

‘’What the hell Jennie?!’’ She yelled angrily but Jennie is just not looking at her and another attack was heard

‘’Water Shoot!’’

Chaeyoung shouted in pain again as her side is attacked once again, further worsening her injury and glared angrily at Lisa, sending her a look that says ‘What the hell?!’’


Did the two girls resorted back to their violence ways once again?


Jisoo clenched her fist and retaliated without much thought


They know about it anyways


‘’Light Wave!’’


Though weaker at night, it was enough to distract Jenlisa as they were sent away by the sudden strike of light element that even burned them slightly, their eyes widening seeing Jisoo attack them in her element.

They must have really pushed her since the stress of the day might be getting to her

Jisoo’s hands glowed weakly white but it managed to heal Chaeyoung’s injury effortlessly in which the younger girl stood up, looking at the two attacking girls with malice and confusion in her glowing eyes but before she could say anything though, a voice was heard




Everyone looked at the door and saw Hyuna looking at Jisoo with teary eyes, shaky hands pointing to her eldest, and also a really bright smile and alongside her was Jisung who was looking in amazement at his eldest, his eyes holding the emotions of sadness but also the same joy that his wife is experiencing right now.

Jisoo watched her mother slowly walk up to her…then suddenly running and ramming Jisoo into a tight hug; she was unmoving at the hug because she was expecting this but still, Jisoo is feeling overwhelmed at the sudden attention also.

Maybe because she got used to them just neglecting her and Chaeyoung

‘’You’re a light elzard…you have my element...the light element’’ Hyuna whispered happily and let go of the hug ‘’W-when did you have your element!? Why didn’t you tell us?’’ She immediately asked

Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung who was just observing, as if just watching how would she react

‘’I…’’ Jisoo hesitated ‘’I just have it.’’


This time though…


It was Jennie who yelled


‘’how long were you hiding this huh!’’ Jennie’s eyes burned with tears, surprising everyone around her ‘’How long are the both of you going to make us fools!’’

‘’Jennie-unnie…’’ Lisa whispered but Jennie has a point…the two feels like they’ve been really fooling everyone especially about the boggling news. It’s obvious that they are still hiding something and won’t budge anytime soon.

The fact that they all live in the same house with these mind-boggling secrets stings... a lot

‘’You must think you’re all strong now huh and I won’t accept it’’ Jennie growled ‘’Not until the both of you tell us everything right now.’’ Her hands ignited with her element as she shouted

‘’Don’t treat us like idiots you cowards!’’

Jisung walked up and put a hand on Jennie’s shoulders to calm her down which was effective but she was still panting harshly at the overwhelming feelings she is experiencing right now.

‘’Just…tell us Jisoo’’ Jisung stared to Jisoo’s eyes ‘’Tell us the truth…’’

Jisoo pushed Hyuna away and looked coldly at her family ‘’I don’t have to explain myself to you, especially after you neglected us for them’’ She pointed to Jenlisa

‘’And I told you’’ She looked specifically to her father ‘’We will get stronger…without your help.’’

Jisoo grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand and swiftly walked inside the house without looking at them. Chaeyoung looked back and saw how Jennie finally let out her tears which somehow sting her heart while Lisa looked at them at lost, not knowing what to do at the original Kim family.

Hyuna joined Jennie in crying at the cold shoulder of her eldest as she could feel the hopes of getting closer to her daughter slowly dwindling down, the thoughts of training with Jisoo that entered her mind the moment she heard the news immediately went out of the window. Jisung let out a heavy sigh and looked at the sky as he muttered

‘’I really messed up huh…’’

Jisoo closed the door of their room and slid down off the door in tiredness, even though she was expecting this confrontation, it still took a lot out of her.


Jisoo’s eyes began to sting as she heard Chaeyoung’s soft voice

‘’Come here’’

Jisoo immediately let herself be enveloped to Chaeyoung’s hug that is filled with warmth and comfort. The moment Chaeyoung hugged her tightly, that’s when the tears finally fell

‘’I-I wanted to tell them so much’’ Jisoo let out a small sob ‘’But then I remembered the way they neglected and hurt us…I-I just can’t.’’ She cried

‘’I know…’’ Chaeyoung whispered ‘’It’s hard considering you still hold them close to your heart despite everything…but the pain they also inflicted is also hard to forget you know?’’

Jisoo just nodded vulnerably and Chaeyoung turned off the lights, carried Jisoo to her bed and opted to cuddle with her at her moment of weakness

‘’I knew this day would come you know’’ Jisoo suddenly said after a few moments of silence with Chaeyoung just rubbing her back soothingly. This was one of those moments that she’s really thankful for Chaeyoung….

And one of the reasons she fell in love with her

‘’I just never thought it would be this…early of college’’

‘’It’s somehow my fault too you know’’ Chaeyoung chuckled ‘’If I just denied Joy’s offering then maybe you wouldn’t be feeling like this.’’

‘’It’s fine…’’ Jisoo said ‘’I kind of understand your reason behind it…It’s not like I’m jealous or anything’’

Chaeyoung laughed lightly ‘’The jealous thing again?’’ She asked in amusement ‘’I told you earlier you don’t have to worry a thing.’’

‘’Yah!’’ Jisoo let go of the hug to glare at Chaeyoung ‘’I told you I’m not!’’

Chaeyoung just grinned at her, despite the dark room, she could clearly see Jisoo’s visuals easily ‘’You’re really beautiful.’’

Jisoo blushed furiously and went back to Chaeyoung’s neck in cuddling position as she sputtered out ‘’S-stop saying random things!’’

‘’It’s the truth.’’

‘’You could make a woman swoon and you really don’t have any idea about it’’ Jisoo rolled her eyes and decided to change the topic

‘’Now that I remember…I wonder who healed Wendy at that time? It must have been really painful for her…’’ Jisoo said

‘’Yeah…’’ Chaeyoung grimaced ‘’One thing is for sure; Joy has a long way to go in the cooking department.’’

‘’Is it…’’ Jisoo hesitated ‘’Is it okay for me to go first tomorrow? I just really don’t want to face my family tomorrow.’’

‘’Wow ditching me twice in a row Kim Jisoo?’’ Chaeyoung joked and laughed when Jisoo slapped her lightly ‘’I’m joking jeez, and of course it’s okay. I can handle myself don’t worry.’’

‘’Yeah, I really don’t want to wake you up too early…’’

Chaeyoung smiled at Jisoo’s consideration and tightened her hug to her ‘’Thank you…don’t worry though, I’ll be with you as soon as possible when I wake up.’’

Jisoo smiled at that; it should always be like this…her and Chaeyoung together.

‘’By the way,’’ Jisoo suddenly said ‘’What were you doing in Jennie’s room earlier anyway?’’

‘’I uhm’’ Chaeyoung’s heart picked up ‘’I…carried her there when we fell asleep on the rooftop.’’

‘’The both of you…fell asleep on the rooftop?’’

‘’Uh…yeah, I wasn’t expecting it also and I’m not that too cold-hearted to leave her in the rooftop especially since…’’

‘’Especially since…?’’

Chaeyoung remembered Jennie’s warmth and blushed a bit ‘’Since…she kind of fell asleep on top of me’’

Jisoo took a deep breath ‘’So…Jennie is realizing it too huh.’’ She tightened her hug to Chaeyoung ‘’Hey Chaeyoungie…’’


‘’I love you.’’

Chaeyoung blinked and said softly but also a bit confused at the sudden words ‘’I love you too unnie’’

Jisoo sighed quietly, hearing how Chaeyoung not say it back in a tone of what she really wants.

‘’Don’t ever leave me okay?’’ Jisoo said and kissed Chaeyoung’s cheek

‘’I-I won’t unnie…’’ Chaeyoung stuttered before switching to a warmer tone of voice ‘’I promise.’’

Jisoo seems to be happy at that and cuddled to Chaeyoung even more in contentment, if this is how her day always ends…

She would gladly take on anything just to experience this feeling


Chaeyoung flinched hearing that, and here she thought she could be able to escape them heck she was already planning to just eat some toast but the whole family except Jisoo is already waiting downstairs.

‘’What is it Mrs. Kim?’’ Chaeyoung stated emotionlessly

Hyuna winced at that but continued talking ‘’How long did Jisoo have her element?’’

Chaeyoung was quiet, she couldn’t possibly tell them that Jisoo got her element when Chaeyoung was…seriously injured.

So, she decided to be vague

‘’A couple of years ago.’’

They all tensed, so Jisoo has her element all this time…but why was she insisting that she’s an elementless?

‘’Why? Why hide her element?’’ Jennie said angrily, her eyes a bit red from crying last night ‘’And how about you?’’

Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’ It’s her you got to ask about that, and as for your second question…’’ Chaeyoung could feel her heart twinge a bit seeing Jennie’s hurt and confused eyes ‘’ I don’t have any.’’

Chaeyoung turned away ‘’Now I got to head out, class is starting soon.’’

‘’Wait Chaeyoung, tell us’’ Jisung hardened his eyes a bit ‘’It’s not just Jisoo isn’t it? You also have yours, right?’’

Chaeyoung let out a ‘tsk’ sound ‘’I don’t okay’’ She snapped ‘’Just because I passed the tryouts doesn’t mean I got mine as well’’

‘’I felt a flow of energy from you when we were trying out’’ Lisa said sternly before softening it up ‘’ Please Chaeyoung, tell us. You don’t have to lie anymore…’’ Lisa’s apologetic eyes met Chaeyoung, desperately trying to make her see that they’re partners.

But it wasn’t enough

‘’Then what would happen huh?!’’ Chaeyoung glared at them angrily as her rage deep inside started coming up from this interrogation. This is probably why Jisoo headed out so early

‘’I should have come with her…’’

‘’ You think we would be like the other families that are happy and lovey-dovey?! Because let me tell you this’’ She could feel sparks wanting to get out of her hands but she controlled it albeit with a bit of difficulty

‘’You lost the privilege the moment we left that stupid training ground years ago, the moment disappointment entered your eyes when we were elementless that are helpless in training.’’ Chaeyoung spat ‘’So don’t you dare come back now especially since Jisoo has her own element. We knew this would be coming and it’s utterly disappointing that you only noticed us when we’re stronger or in this case, Jisoo’s element.’’ She said with disgust on her face before finally walking away in anger,

They were all quiet especially Jisung and Hyuna who was wallowing in their own sadness until Lisa whispered

‘’There’s something…and we all know it.’’

Jennie clenched her fist, her mind flashing at Chaeyoung’s disgusted face ‘’There definitely is…Chaeyoung is still hiding something and we’re going to find out.’’

She walked out with Lisa quickly following her leaving Hyuna and Jisung behind

‘’Don’t be down honey,’’ Jisung soothed his wife ‘’You’ll get through her soon…they already know about the hidden section of the library, maybe you can talk to her there?’’

Hyuna nodded solemnly ‘’I hope so…we’re missing so much of their lives…’’ She looked at Jisung with some tears b in her eyes

''And I don't know how much we can take the situation at hand right now in the magic realm...''

‘’Okay! So today we’re going to learn how to paralyze our own opponent’’ Bom grinned deviously, sneaking a glance to Chaeyoung who stiffened hearing the lesson for today.

‘’…this day has now begun to get worse’’ Chaeyoung glared at Bom who was still grinning and she definitely has a bad feeling about this. Her lightning element is really strong inside her, so she got to do her best to not let it out too much. The potion in beer pong slightly lessened it to make way for other elements so she has no problem at that time…

But in this case?

This is ringing red alarms in her head especially since she entered school in a bad mood and students whispering all around her, suddenly giving her and Jisoo attention because of what happened.

‘’Just relax Chaeyoungie,’’ Jisoo said softly ‘’ If you’re fidgety, you might overdo it.’’

‘’I know but,’’ Chaeyoung clenched her jaw in tense ‘’ the people around us are pushing me to the edge’’ The whispers of awe and amazement are still entering Chaeyoung's ears and it angers her so much because there is absolutely no hint of malice like they used to have.

It's like a switch has been to them!

''Ignorant scums'' Chaeyoung sneered and glared at the students behind her that are gossiping and looking at her and Jisoo like they're some kind of idols (in which they are in the real world but moving on)

‘’Chaeyoung! Since you’re one of the talks of the school today and this must have been taught in your high school days, why don’t you be the first one to try it.’’ Bom said innocently but with a playful smirk that made Jisoo nervous

‘’What are you thinking Bom-unnie?” Jisoo thought but Chaeyoung has no choice but to follow the professor since everyone is looking at her, especially Jenlisa’s sharp stares.

‘’Any volunteers?’’

‘’I’ll do it!’’

Chaeyoung sighed hearing her voice once again

‘’Ah Ms. Joy, Ms. Chaeyoung’s number one admirer’’ Bom grinned cheekily seeing Jisoo tense at that, however she didn’t notice Jennie and Lisa are also affected.

Joy smiled haughtily ‘’That’s me, liking one of the best players who aced the tryouts’’ She winked at Chaeyoung who just glared at her

Joy leaned closer to her ears and whispered ‘’Think of it as a way to get revenge on me for yesterday…’’

Chaeyoung’s eyebrows raised at that ‘’She’s…guilty?’’

‘’Besides, I know you’re an elementless Chaeyoung’’ Joy suddenly said out loud with a taunting smirk, completely different from her gentle whisper to Chaeyoung earlier.

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes ‘’What the…?’’ She was confused, one moment Joy was being soft and guilty and now she’s taunting her?

‘’You can’t possibly hurt me even if you do ace the tryouts’’ Joy yawned and held out her hand ‘’Try it.’’

‘’Okay so all you have to do is…’’

Chaeyoung grabbed Joy’s hand and suddenly, she shivered at the cold feeling of the girl’s hand, which is quite unusual because she’s a fire elzard. She looked intently in Joy’s eyes and could feel the girl smirking in arrogance that she won’t hurt her. Bom’s instructions on the paralysis technique is quieted down and she could hear almost nothing, but she could feel the weird connection once again.

Chaeyoung can’t move at all, and she’s getting agitated because the longer she looked at Joy, the faster her heart beats.

‘’Hit me with your best shot Rosie~’’

Chaeyoung gritted her teeth, getting angrier at the taunting tone in Joy’s voice, not noticing that her body is letting out sparks that made some students gasp and Jisoo’s eyes widening seeing how easily riled up Chaeyoung is right now...

''which is impossible! Especially at the risk of getting caught!'' 

‘’Come on Rosie, are you just going to stand there?’’ Joy smirked at Chaeyoung’s pants of anger and whispered deviously her last few words to cut Chaeyoung’s thread of calmness


‘’or are you going to show us how weak you are?’’


‘’No Chaeyoungie!’’




Everyone watched in stunned amazement as Joy shouted in pain from being electrocuted instead of paralysis! The strong sparks turned into lightning!


The energy Chaeyoung is releasing is astounding and blinding that they could only feel sorry to Joy because lightning is not harmless at all!


‘’Chaeyoung stop!’’


Jisoo’s voice finally snapped Chaeyoung from the anger she’s feeling and she immediately let go of Joy thus stopping the lightning attack. Joy has some lightning burns around her body and is shivering a bit at the pain but the small smirk on her face is quite intriguing as she whispered while looking at Chaeyoung’s panicking eyes intently

‘’I knew it.’’

Chaeyoung didn’t know whether to feel angrier to Joy or feel sorry at her pained state right now then Bom’s voice finally entered her ears.

‘’Well, looks like there’s no elementless in this class after all’’

Chaeyoung and Jisoo looked at Bom in horror ‘’So that’s what she’s planning…’’ Jisoo bit her lip and nervously looked at Jennie and Lisa who has their eyes wide in shock.


Chaeyoung took a step back and quickly looked between the smirking Bom and Joy, so she did the only thing she could do at this situation.


She ran away with a speed that made the students gasp since Chaeyoung ran just like Flash, she was that fast that you wouldn’t even notice her if not for the sparks available at the direction she ran.


‘’Chaeyoungie…’’ Jisoo whispered worriedly


Bom chuckled and answered the students’ confusion ‘’That’s one of the lightning element’s aspects, an improved speed but in Ms. Chaeyoung’s case, she’s clearly mastered it well.’’

Lisa and Jennie now realized that the speed Chaeyoung used all this time is her lightning element…when she was running with Lisa in their first P.E class, how she and Jisoo managed to escape one of Jennie’s strongest attacks, and even Chaennie’s spar against Sandara….


It was all because of Chaeyoung’s element…


The lightning element.

Surprise surprise! One of the mysteries in this story has finally been solved in this chapter ;) I'm sorry for the long wait since I've been really busy with my academics lately but hey! One more month left and I'm finally done with this semester and ready to embrace the sweet sweet semestral break. I hope all of you are safe and I also hope to update at Rosie's birthday but I can't promise it since I'm still busy with academics. The Show is absolutely P E R F E C T well, not really perfect since they didn't perform all of their songs but still, it was a really great content and changes that I know Blackpink absolutely worked hard for it so I won't compain at all. I missed you guys  so much and I hope you bear with me with my frequent updates. Love you all! 


P.S Look at the chapter names of Chapter 20 and Chapter 21 ;) I'm witty like that lol  

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔