First Training

The Elzard

“Who are you?!”


Chaeyoung glared at the hooded figure in front of her; the mere presence of this person is making her nerves tremble. She doesn’t know why but it’s definitely not from excitement.


“I have been watching you…Park Chaeyoung”


Chaeyoung smirked to hide the nervousness in her voice, gripping the flags at her belt protectively “I know the other team has a dark elzard in their lineup…for all I know this could be an illusion”


The figure laughed “And you would know that, right?”


Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes dangerously “I’ll ask again since you didn’t answer my question earlier…” The figure looked at her with interest as Chaeyoung released her aura


“Who…are…you” She growled


“It must be hard hiding yourself, eh?” The figure once again ignored her question, walking casually towards Chaeyoung as if she’s no threat at all

“It must have been hard trying to protect all this people all because of your stupid dream on becoming an elzard warrior”

As soon as those words left the figure’s mouth, lightning came out of Chaeyoung and attacked the person in front of her. Chaeyoung gritted her teeth before her eyes slowly widening seeing the hooded figure blend with the shadows

“Y-you’re… a dark elzard” Chaeyoung whispered and thought ‘and a different one too…’

“I am certainly different Park Chaeyoung”

Chaeyoung took a step back and stayed in her thoughts to not show her nervousness ‘Did she just…’

“Read my mind?” The cloaked figure laughed darkly before looking straight into Chaeyoung’s eyes, zipping towards her in a speed that Chaeyoung couldn’t detect with her eyes despite being a lightning elzard herself as she froze and stilled her breath when a dark, husky voice whispered close to her ears

“You don’t belong here…you deserve so much more, and you won’t find it here with your so-called family” The figure chuckled before saying maliciously

“How could you even stay when they don’t even trust you?”

“Chaeyoung, you okay?”

Chaeyoung snapped out of her thoughts about what happened in their last dagger training and looked at Lisa

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“So,” Lisa walked closer to her, already geared in her training uniform as part of the Thief club “Are we going to disregard the well?”

“We’re not just going to disregard it, just keep it in our mind.” Chaeyoung shrugged “One thing’s for sure though, we need a new plan of action.”

Lisa nodded “You’re right, any ideas?” She asked

Chaeyoung seems to be deep in thought as she and Lisa started walking towards the stadium “I think we need to measure our strength to these monsters, and when I mean measure, I meant going all-out to know if we can take them on with just ourselves.” She said “Our first time encountering one was interrupted by Jisung and you also don’t know my element at that time. Our second time is that we were with Jisoo-unnie and Jennie-unnie. Our last time is then because of the well.”

Lisa’s eyes brightened up at the forming plan they’re creating “So, that means we’re going to go out one night and hunt some shadow monsters to measure our strength, right?”

Chaeyoung nodded “Yup, and when we beat the monster with our own strength, then we’ll try and start tracking their source.”

“How are we going to do that?”

“Use our elemental senses.”

“But…” Lisa furrowed her eyebrows “Isn’t it…hard to track something like that when even the council can’t locate?”

“We have to try Lis,” Chaeyoung answered “We won’t know until we try. Who knows? Maybe the figure might just be near us and we’ll immediately go towards her.”

Lisa chuckled “Yeah, and with your lightning element, that will surely do the trick.” She held up a hand and said “Partners?”

Chaeyoung look at it and contemplated for a moment


Chaeyoung slowly bought her hand up and clapped it with Lisa’s as she whispered


Lisa seemed to have heard it and nodded in satisfaction, a happy grin on her face that lit up even her eyes. Chaeyoung looked away but you could see a tiny glimpse of smile twitching on her lips as Sandara’s voice finally rang throughout the stadium

“Ready for your first training?! Let’s get started!”

Jennie bit her lips as she watched Chaelisa talking to each other rather…seriously

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen Lisa that serious” She thought “Something is definitely up between those two and sadly, I can’t do it alone”

Jennie glanced at her sister who is actually beside her; her sister’s eyes already focused to Chaeyoung and definitely watching her intently just like her.

“Does she notice it also?”


Jennie stopped herself from talking further, a small embarrassed blush on her face “Did I just call her unnie?!”

Jisoo finally snapped her attention from Chaeyoung and looked into Jennie’s struggling eyes “Is there something wrong Jendeukie?”

A twitch from Jennie’s lips appeared as Jennie tried to stop the small smile from forming on her face because of the old nickname

“I uh…do you think we should team up and see what’s up between those two?” Jennie murmured but it was enough for Jisoo to hear then she ushered to explain quickly since Jisoo took a bit of time to respond

“I-I mean if you don’t notice them hiding something from us, I understand. I might just be overthinking things.”

Jennie bit her lip awkwardly and just looked away “Why do I have to open my stupid mouth…”

She could perfectly handle it on her own…right?

Well, considering she’s been trying to observe them within a distance, it was hard to conclude what they’re possibly hiding. She can’t just go on her own and confront them since it’s two against one.


She’ll look like a fool in front of them


“I was hoping you say that”


Jennie snapped her head to Jisoo who was back to looking at the maknae line


“I knew you started observing them since the moment Lisa pulled Chaeyoung towards her room after the shadow monster fiasco. I also started keeping an eye to Chaeyoung but it’s also been hard since we’ve been busy with classes and when they talk, it’s on Lisa’s room or somewhere where they’re both alone I guess.”

Jisoo’s mind flashed to her own potion-making contest last Halloween when she saw Chaeyoung and Lisa going out of the party together.

“I’ve got an inkling feeling at what they’re hiding but I’m still not sure”

Jennie’s expression could only spell impressed; after all, she always looks at Jisoo to see if she’s reacting whenever the two interact but the only thing she gets is a blank expression which makes it harder for Jennie to decipher what’s going on Jisoo’s mind.

Her sister can be a very good actress 

“What do you think they’re hiding?”

“…probably something about being elzard warriors and maybe testing their strength to those shadow monsters as an act of revenge as well since they both made it pretty clear they hold grudges for a long time.”

Jennie’s eyes widened, it makes sense and a grumble of elements being cast made her attention go back to the stadium where training has started; her mind boggled up as she thought

“Is that what you two are hiding? Surely the both of you aren’t that stupid to go after the maker of those monsters when it took the four of us to barely defeat her…”

“Lisa, Chaeyoung”

Both girls looked at their coach with rapt attention after she was finishing guiding other members through their own training including Seulgi’s as she was flying around to increase her speed and evasiveness with other shooting strong attacks heading towards her...

Now it’s their turn

“I want you to team up against the two other tag team in our team”

They seem surprised at Sandara’s suggestion with Lisa asking in a doubtful voice “Are you sure we should do that? We’re just freshmen and well…they’re possibly graduating this year.”

“There’s definitely a gap of experience between us” Chaeyoung agreed to Lisa but then said “Is it because of our use of elements?”

Sandara nodded “Yeah, it’s no doubt the two of you are powerhouses and I want to see the limit of it. Few of the players here have experience like the seniors in which the two of you are lacking. However, you made it up with your use of elements. It may not be stronger than the seniors, but it’s getting there. The way you use your elements are incredibly innovative, like when Chaeyoung stabbed a vine to the ground while you Lisa used your grass element to extend the vine and grabbed Seulgi’s flag.”

“The two of you has one of the best chemistries that I have seen in my whole coaching career, despite what you two said that you…'hate' each other’s guts” Sandara raised an eyebrow at the end before continuing “So that’s why, in order to further improve your chemistry as well as skills, you will be going against the two-tag team of our team that wasn’t in your tryouts since they did theirs in a different day.”

“When you say tag team…you mean they also have a great ‘chemistry’ like us?” Chaeyoung asked

Sandara grinned “Maybe, they’re different from the two of you. Despite also being freshmen, they’ve won multiple matches back on their high school days before they transferred here.”

Lisa is in deep of thought, there were some people back in her Thief days back in high school. There were schools that has team like SM, JYP, and even Bighit. Weird names that’s what she thought but they do have some members that have great partnerships, she just can’t put a name on them.


“You again?”


Chaeyoung froze and looked at the two girls behind Sandara, not believing that these two girls are experienced Thief Club members!


Lisa’s eyes widened and could only stutter


“H-Hyeri and Suzy?!”


How could Lisa have forgotten the two of them back on her high school days when they fought with the JYP school!   


They were the reason why Lisa lost a few times in her high school days…not until Seulgi joined them in their last year and she finally has a much surer win against them.

Their chemistry is different and is the reason they won so much; not just because they’re close friends, but also because their elements actually compliment each other. Hyeri’s cunning thinking and Suzy’s tactics are one of the best in high school, so it’s really easy to say that they’re quite skilled.

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes before turning that look to Sandara “Really?” Chaeyoung gritted her teeth. Sandara really knows how to push her buttons and the fact she doesn’t watch Lisa’s games before is the reason why she didn’t know these two were actually Thief players as well.

Sandara could only give an innocent smile “Is there something wrong Chaeyoung?”

Hyeri’s smirk and Suzy eyeing her with interest is making Chaeyoung want to just smack it off their faces after what they did in the drinking game last Halloween.

And Chaeyoung hates cheaters

However, she does wonder what’s their reaction after the whole school blabber about her main element. Were they angry at being fooled? Or did they just ignore it?

“So,” Suzy started walking closer to look at Chaeyoung up and down before Lisa stepped forward, slightly glaring at her.

“You’re not an elementless after all” She said with a smirk “And a lightning element too…just like Hyeri”

“Got a problem with it?” Chaeyoung growled and Suzy whistled

“Always knew you were quite a mystery…You’re getting more interesting Chaeyoung” Suzy winked before stepping back when she saw Lisa having vines around them.

“Easy there Lisa, I wasn’t even hitting on you” Suzy rolled her eyes before going back to Hyeri who was chuckling

“Let’s see what you two got” she said arrogantly

“Get ready then” Lisa said fiercely and Sandara could only look on with impending excitement.

“Their competitiveness will either save the team…or destroy it” Sandara thought and could only hope for the best

“I hope it’s the latter though”

Jisoo narrowed her eyes “Those two…are on the club?”

Jennie sighed but nodded affirmatively “Yeah…heck I almost forgot about them but I have to admit” She pursued her lips in distaste

“They’re a good team”

“Let’s show them what we got” Lisa said angrily as the two in front of them just smirked at them as if they’re not a threat at all

“Agreed” Chaeyoung opened her palm and slowly, electricity started sparking around it


Immediately, Chaeyoung struck the lightning in the ground creating an immediate explosion; the smoke covering the four of them quickly.

Slowly, vines are now creeping up to Hyeri and Suzy’s legs in an attempt to trap them

“Predictable” Suzy chuckled and easily burned the vines on their feet. They both jumped up high to get away as Hyeri easily controlled the wind to lift them up and stay up in the air

“So, Hyeri’s an air element as well” Chaeyoung thought, she already knew Suzy was a fire elzard since they cheated using it last Halloween. Hyeri was also a lightning elzard according to Suzy’s blabber earlier.

“Chae, just wanted you to know that Suzy is also a water elzard like me” Lisa whispered to her as they hid within the smokes.

Though it is a bit of a wonder why the smokes are taking so long to dissipate, but Lisa ignored it since Chaeyoung probably used more firepower than she thought.

“So, they both have good elements that actually compliment with each other…air makes fire stronger and water makes lightning stronger.” Chaeyoung muttered “No wonder they’re a good tag team.”

“Do you think coach will agree that we separate them and attack them individually?” Lisa asked

“I don’t think so…” Chaeyoung answered “I think Sandara wants to see more teamwork than individual skills anyways since this is a team sport”

“Let’s wing it then” Lisa grinned and Chaeyoung smirked in return

“I like what you’re thinking. Let’s do this”

“They’re taking a bit long don’t you think?” Suzy whispered to Hyeri who narrowed her eyes

“And the smoke…it’s taking a bit too long to disappear.” She said before saying to Suzy “You know what to do.”

Suzy laughed a bit and nodded; she looked at the field and soon, her eyes turned blue as water started surrounding her like a serpentine. Suzy pointed her hand towards the smoke and a large torrent of water struck the field. Before the water struck the ground though, Chaelisa finally emerged from them by jumping up high

“Was wondering how long you two are going to hide” Hyeri smirked and took noticed of their damp form meaning Suzy did managed to stray her attack towards them.

“You’re actually good at changing courses with your attack” Chaeyoung nodded in appreciation to Suzy since it’s hard to change the trajectory of your attack.

“I can show you more than that” Suzy winked and Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow at that before shrugging and instantly her body is on alert after hearing another attack

“Lightning Strike!”

Chaeyoung’s form glowed a bit and Hyeri’s lightning attack immediately went towards Chaeyoung who absorbed it despite the small water on her that made the attack stronger

“That’s all you’ve got?” She taunted with a smirk

“Why you…” Hyeri growled

Sandara looked on with a bit of excitement, her eyes glinting mischievously “Interesting…”

“Jet Stream!”

“Follow it up with a huge one Lisa!” Chaeyoung yelled and her form is now starting to crackle with electricity.

Hyeri and Suzy kept on dodging the pressurized water from Lisa’s fingers and they’re unable to counter an attack quickly because apparently Lisa definitely increased her speed since then.

“Is it me…or are they better than I thought?” Hyeri whispered

“Yeah…and I thought those two despise each other” Suzy also shared, backflipping from the strikes and countering with quick fire balls creating steams in the air.

“Ugh…” Hyeri gritted her teeth, looking at her arm seeing blood slowly seep out from the strike.

“First blood” Lisa smirked seeing a small droplet of blood in the ground.

“Aqua Stream!”

A large stream of water came out from Lisa’s form but unfortunately for their initial plan, their two opponents unexpectedly dropped down, using the steam as diversion for Lisa to miss.

Suzy smirked and took a deep breath

“Fire Sphere!”

“Cascading Wind!”

Chaeyoung’s eyes widened seeing a large sphere of fire widening and definitely became stronger that is already heading towards their way. The heat of the attack was so strong that everyone within the stadium is starting to sweat.


Lisa nodded and let herself be scooped up by Chaeyoung’s strong arms; the wind picking up as Chaeyoung jumped up high to try and avoid the fast fireball

“Water Shell!”

Chaeyoung took a deep breath and soon both of them were covered in water like a clam protecting its pearl

The water around them hissed and is slowly disintegrating. Lisa kept her hands and eyes closed in complete concentration but the flames continue whizzing its defense thanks to the additional strength from Hyeri’s air attack.

Chaeyoung hissed and quickly hugged Lisa out of harm’s way as her back was now being burned slightly since the flames actually managed to get through Lisa’s defense. As soon as the flames let up though, another attack was heard

“Electric Blast!”

Quick as lightning itself, Hyeri’s attack struck the two of them head on which made them cry out in pain specifically Lisa since it’s one of her few weaknesses.

The attack soon died down and Lisa could feel herself twitching a bit from the attack while Chaeyoung winced from the burn at her back. The clothes they’re wearing has something magical applied to it that they don’t get destroyed but they can still the full effects of their opponent’s attack.

“I can…definitely see while they’re one of the best tag teams” Chaeyoung cringed while Lisa scowled

“Well, we’re better” Lisa growled

“You think it’s up to your standards now Chaeyoung?” Suzy smiled sweetly at her, emerging a small fire ball on her hand and twirling it before throwing it towards the two in which they just rolled out of the way

“Why the heck is she talking to me?” Chaeyoung muttered in annoyance and glanced at the burning grass they’re stepping on and slowly realized that Suzy is trying to trap them in a circle of fire.


“You may have the first blood” Hyeri simpered, the wind picking up around her and Suzy's fire is starting to get bigger because of it “But we still got an upper hand”

Chaeyoung kept mum while Lisa glared at them like no tomorrow; a minute of silence overtaking them but their bodies in high alert for their next move.

Chaeyoung grabbed Lisa’s shoulder and closed her eyes. Lisa looked at her in wonder then realized that the electricity within her body from Hyeri’s attack…is now being slowly absorbed by Chaeyoung so that she could move more freely.

“Aqua Stream!”

Molecules of water quickly spread out to take off the fire and Chaeyoung shot a bit of small lightning towards Hyeri’s forehead to cut off her upcoming technique.

“We need a strong defense…” Chaeyoung bit her lip, watching Hyeri get furious at the small attack but Suzy grabbed her shoulders and whispered something to her

“Get them to attack us and surprise them with that defense technique…surround them with your vines that is high enough. If they jump, I will be there waiting for them but if they don’t, plunge them with water and I’ll take care of it from there.” Chaeyoung whispered as the four of them started to talk with their own respective partners.

“That’s a solid plan” Lisa nodded in agreement “Let’s do that”

Chaeyoung looked confused “But…we don’t…have a defense technique” Chaeyoung hesitated

Lisa grinned

“Leave that to me”

“They’re in a tight spot” Jisoo commented while Jennie just kept watching their training with narrowed eyes

“That Suzy…” She growled

Jisoo looked at her sister in confusion “What?”

“Nothing…” She grumbled, noticing Suzy’s interested eyes on her Rosie

“It just might be my imagination…”

“What are they planning…” Suzy narrowed her eyes, noticing their opponents whispers to each other while Hyeri tapped on her feet impatiently. She has got to admit, Park Chaeyoung has been an enigma to her since she and Joy beat them in beer pong. Though it’s just a game, it got her a glimpse of what’s she’s really like in personal.

“And the rumors were true about her being distant and cold to everyone besides Jisoo”

Then came the rumor about her having an element all along and passing the tryouts all at the same day. She knew they were going to cross paths with each other once again since she and Hyeri are also in the club. Seeing her strength right now however…

“It’s been disappointing at the moment” Suzy frowned, she expected more from the person who probably hid her element for years. However, she can also sense the hesitation from the younger girl as if there is still hiding in that many layers of hers.

“I don’t know why…but I’ll probably see it the longer we spend time whether in training or outside of it”

Hyeri’s sudden shot snapped her out from her thoughts and Suzy yelled

“Wait Hyeri stop!”

“Lightning Cutter!”

Suzy sighed but came up with another attack anyways, to hopefully finish this soon. If it did finish soon, looks like her interest for the younger girl will also be finished

“Hydro Cannon!”

Their elements easily mixed with each other from years of practice; the burst of water with cutting of lightning surrounding it and Suzy is sure that when they’re hit with that, paralyzation will definitely happen and both of them will be ready to make them yield or unconscious when it happens. With Hyeri’s lightning speed, Suzy is sure this is the end.


Until an unexpected attack occurred


“Earth Wall!”


Everyone’s eyes widened seeing Lisa slamming her hands down the ground and immediately a huge and very sturdy wall rose up the ground to meet Hyeri and Suzy’s attack head on, not even denting the earth element that was conjured by Lisa.

“What the ?!”

Jennie’s eyes widened seeing Lisa conjure the earth like it was nothing! Heck she doesn’t even see the girl using any strong defense techniques or even the earth element itself!

Jisoo’s jaw dropped seeing the attack and looked at her sister for some explanation but apparent she too was shell-shocked seeing a perfect defensive earth wall

Sandara almost dropped her board in shock before letting out a huge grin “Now that’s my favorite student out there” She thought while chuckling to herself, already planning a few collaboration techniques for the team in addition to Lisa’s apparently new strength.

Chaeyoung blinked in surprised seeing the earth wall but quickly got into action, tapping her feet with electricity.

“Get on with the plan”

Lisa nodded, thankful that Chaeyoung decided to just go along the plan

“Grass Throng!”

Suzy and Hyeri looked around in panicked seeing multiple vines encircling around them, it also doesn’t help that the stadium’s footing is mostly grass

“Burn them quick Suzy!”

“Fire Stream!”

“Oh no you don’t” Lisa grinned before her whole form turned blue 

“Aqua Plunge!”

The huge dam of water that came out of Lisa easily broke the earth wall that she also created showing the power of her technique. Their two opponents looked on at the huge attack with wide eyes and knew they either have to retaliate or hopefully jump up high enough since they don’t have any defensive techniques on their sleeves


With Hyeri’s air element, they managed to get high enough to feel safe that Lisa’s attack won’t drench them…




They are forgetting one other person


“Hi girls”


Hyeri and Suzy looked up and saw Chaeyoung already descending down towards them with a victorious smirk, her hands gaining a bit of shine with sparks surrounding it

“Looks like this is it”

Before they could retaliate, Chaeyoung speedily jabbed them in the head that disoriented them for a bit and then Chaeyoung gave them a strong roundhouse kick in the gut as they immediately sped down the ground with a resounding crash.

Hyeri spat out a bit of blood while Suzy grabbed her gut in pain, her head aching and it definitely made them still for more than a half a minute…

Which is enough time for Chaeyoung and Lisa to take action

“W-what…” Hyeri winced, feeling Lisa’s grass element wrapped them up like a cocoon squeezing them thoroughly “What the heck was that?! That was like being hit by an iron fist!”

Suzy’s eyes were wide, seeing Park Chaeyoung up close to her face with her hands on Hyeri and Suzy’s neck in a gentle hold but she could feel electricity sparking in her fingertips as Suzy winced since she’s a water user.


Suzy shivered a bit from the husky tone and sighed shakily, eyeing Hyeri for a bit who also sighed in defeat


Immediately, Chaeyoung let go of them while Lisa smirked and cut off her grass element on them as the vines surrounding their opponents receded to its original form. Chaeyoung looked at their state and grumbled. She put her hand to Suzy’s head and started healing her with a small grass technique

“Lisa, help me heal them on their head. I apparently hit them with too much firepower so they’re a bit dazed.”

“B-but!” Lisa protested but Chaeyoung looked at her with a strange look before nodding with a small pout, grabbing Hyeri’s head and healing her as well with a much more noticeable green glow than Chaeyoung.

Suzy blinked her eyes and could feel the soothing energy in her head “For being the coldest person in school…she sure has a warm heart”

Looks like things will get interesting after all

“We don’t need your help” Hyeri snarked at Lisa who rolled her eyes

“Yeah, says the one who spitted blood when they hit the ground and is clearly dazed from my partner’s attack” She said haughtily “Bet you weren’t expecting an earth attack from me huh”

Hyeri growled and swatted her hands away feeling her head a bit better but she didn’t show much appreciation compared to the quietness of Chaeyoung and Suzy

“That’s one-time Manoban, next time we’ll get you.”

“I like to see you try”

“Keep that attitude to your opponents, not your team members”

The four of them looked at Sandara who approached them with an excited smile “That was amazing training you guys!” She said cheerfully before turning to Lisa “Didn’t know you perfected an earth wall technique”

Lisa chuckled “Was keeping it as a surprise for a while, glad that I could at least show one of my aces”

“There’s more?” Sandara said with mirth in her voice in which Lisa just zipped and grinned like a kid which made Hyeri rolled her eyes at that


Everyone snapped their attention to Chaeyoung and Suzy who finally let go of her hand from Suzy’s head

“Sorry it took a while; healing is not my forte” Chaeyoung shrugged. Suzy touched her head and asked

“Why did you even heal us? It’s not like we were unconscious or something”

Chaeyoung looked at her for a bit then answered her question “It’s my fault that I jabbed too hard; I wasn’t controlling my strength too well so I’ll work on that soon. If we didn’t heal it, you might experience more pain later on after we finish training.”

“I…” Suzy scrunched her face but then switched to the confident girl that usually is “Yeah whatever, you got us that one time Park. I’ll beat you soon enough” She smirked

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow at that and let out a small smirk “Maybe she isn’t all that bad after all”

Lisa could feel her eyebrows twitching seeing that the two are on…normal terms with each other while Hyeri looked at her best friend with a questioning look in which she’ll definitely ask when they’re alone.

Lisa grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand and led her away from Suzy “You’ve done enough” She said firmly while Chaeyoung looked at her weirdly


Sandara snickered and said “Well, glad that you two bury the hatchet from this training” She grinned in which Suzy just grinned back while Chaeyoung shrugged before wincing a bit feeling the burn on her back again.

“The four of you are done for today’s training, and Chaeyoung” Chaeyoung looked nervous once she saw Sandara’s mischievous eyes again

“You should treat that burn at the infirmary”

Chaeyoung could only let out an inaudible sigh of relief hearing that and just said “No, it’s fine.”

“Let me help you” Suzy walked towards her and touched her shoulders which made Chaeyoung stiffen from the contact “After all, it’s my element that did that to you”

“No, it's alright” Chaeyoung said stiffly, pushing Suzy’s hand away from her shoulders as her eyes turned cold once she turned around to face the older girl

“And don’t touch me” She glared before walking away from the stadium while Lisa could only give a smug grin at them before taking off to catch up with Chaeyoung

“…you have got to tell me what’s up in that brain of yours you low drinker” Hyeri teased while Suzy just chuckled and splashed her playfully with her water element.

Sandara just laughed and looked at their first match for the Thief Club, she could just smile in confidence as she thought

“We’re going to destroy them”


Chaeyoung smiled warmly when Jisoo and Jennie came up to them after their training. They met up outside the stadium after Lisa and Chaeyoung finished changing their clothes.

“Chaeyoungie” Jisoo grinned before messing up Chaeyoung’s hair

“Yah unnie I’m sweaty!”

Jisoo just laughed “You were awesome out there” She then turned to look at the equally exhausted Lisa “You too kiddo”

“I’m not a kid!” Lisa huffed

“You’re already acting like one” Jennie rolled her eyes

“Oh, hey Lisa! Chaeyoung!”

They all turned to see Seulgi waving at them as they gave back a small wave

“Hey Seul” Lisa smiled “You got a pretty good training earlier. It’s good to be back huh”

“Definitely!” Seulgi gave a toothy smile “And also, you two were awesome! It’s almost hard to believe how well you two work together when you ‘hate’ each other huh” She teased

Chaeyoung coughed while Lisa let out a small blush “Yeah yeah whatever, that’s us being awesome” Lisa said smugly

“Where are your friends?” Jisoo asked

Seulgi shrugged “They’re busy preparing something so they couldn’t come and watch me train. They also get bored sometimes so it’s better they just watch the matchups.” She answered “Anyways, I better get home and rest. Take care you guys!”

“You too Seul” Lisa smiled and Jennie nodded at her. With that, their bear friend left and they started walking back home.

“So, the Thief matchups are starting soon, right?” Jennie asked

Lisa nodded “Yeah, apparently we’re going to train every day for our first match.” Lisa pumped her fist in excitement “I’m so excited! I bet we’re going to face so many interesting opponents right Chae?”

“That’s for sure…we’re just freshmen so we better up our training.” Chaeyoung answered “but so far, despite Sandara being a mean coach…” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at that “She’s a pretty good one.”

“Suzy and Hyeri seems to be a good tag team don’t you think?” Jisoo commented

“Yeah…I guess they are” Chaeyoung murmured “Though the other girl…Suzy, she seems really different than when I met her the first time.”

Jennie raised her eyebrow “Different in…what way?”

Lisa scoffed “She’s been giving Chae here some flirty eyes and talking to her while ignoring my presence at all”

Jisoo’s jaw clenched at that while Jennie could feel her hands burning in anger

“Great…just great”

International playgirl everyone

“I’m not interested” Chaeyoung said bluntly “We have other things to focus on. I have to admit they’re strong though; if it wasn’t for Lisa’s surprise attack, the battle could have gone for far longer.”

“Speaking of Lisa’s attack…” Jennie turned to the youngest with a suspicious glare “How the hell did you conjure a perfect earth wall? Are you hiding something Lalisa?”

Lisa laughed despite the use of her name “Is it bad that I’ve seen it from you numerous times since we were young that I mastered it?”

“Hmmm..that makes sense” Jisoo said “Years of practice can do that for you”

Jennie relented when her sister agreed so she just huffed “Fine…you should have told me so that we could come up with different strategies”

“That’s when we were facing mom and dad Jen” Lisa shook her head “I have no reason to share you all my secrets” She winked

 “And here I thought we could find out what they’re hiding” Jennie bit her lip. Looks like Lisa won’t be opening soon. She looked at Chaeyoung who was apparently walking slowly with closed eyes, the sun setting with the sky slowly turning dark indicating that it’s soon to be night time.

“Is there something wrong Chaeyoung?”

Jennie walked closer and was about to talk again but Chaeyoung shushed her by putting a finger to Jennie’s lips, ignoring how her heart beats from the soft appendage.


Chaeyoung concentrated harder and the three girls could feel their body tense sensing something bad if Chaeyoung is concentrating this hard.

Then they jumped a bit when they heard Chaeyoung growl

“Lisa over here!”

Chaeyoung yelled before sprinting towards an abandoned area near them

“W-what?” Lisa sputtered before finally realizing what was going on as she started sprinting as well, throwing her bag to the side of the road and catching up to Chaeyoung’s quick speed.

“What the?” Jisoo narrowed her eyes before following the two of them in which Jennie took off as well. The two sisters looked at each other and could only sigh

“What are you two really doing?”

Jisoo bit her lip in thought “Chaeyoung usually calls for me when she senses something bad…but now she’s calling…”

“Aqua Stream!”

“Lightning Fist!”

Jisoo stared ahead and saw Chaelisa already engaging a shadow monster that’s apparently normal in all areas; it’s not speedy, not tanky, and doesn’t even hit that hard when she saw it hit Chaeyoung on the head but she doesn’t appear to be hurt from it judging from her fierce face.

Jennie’s face hardened seeing the two completely ignoring them and focusing on the shadow monster “could it be Jisoo was right?”


The shadow monster screeched in pain but swinged its elongated arms around the area. It was surprisingly long enough to destroy an area with around 15 diameters.

The four of them jumped up to dodge it but before Jensoo could help them, Chaelisa were already charging a strong attack to finish it.

“Ready Chae?” Lisa smirked “I hope training from earlier didn’t tire you out”

Chaeyoung smirked back “As if, hit it with your best shot.”

Lisa’s eyes turned dark blue before whispering “As long as I have you Chae…I know we can fulfill our goal”

“Expanding Water Bolts!”

Lisa projected bolts of water from around her and fired; the water expanding quickly as soon it hits its target, the shadow monster almost drowning within the expanding water.

Chaeyoung took a deep breath, her eyes turning a dangerous dark violet and shouted with strength

“Lightning Storm!”

Jisoo’s eyes widened while Jennie and Lisa watched in awe as the skies turned darker even further as if a thunder storm is going to strike anytime soon.

Lisa looked at Chaeyoung who was now glowing in a dark violet aura and slowly floating from the amount of energy she’s letting out


Chaeyoung raised her hand up and the skies roared with lightning and thunder, eyes looking straight at the shadow monster who kept struggling on Lisa’s water technique as she whispered

“Begone with the lightning.”

Chaeyoung bought her hand down and everyone but her had to close their eyes because of the lightning and a huge explosion occurred.




Lisa coughed a bit from the smokes so Jisoo used a small air technique for the wind to blow it away. They all looked at the area where the lightning struck and could only shiver seeing that nothing remains but black ashes on the ground.

Chaeyoung exhaled and finally let down her aura, she stumbled a bit but Lisa caught her

“Did you have to attack excessively?” Lisa chuckled, looking at the older girl with admiration in her eyes

“I told you” Chaeyoung grunted but not pushing Lisa away “We need to go all-out”

“Amazing…” Jennie whispered in awe “Rosie…you’re so strong”

“That she is…” Jisoo said with a small smile, but a pang of hurt and jealousy hit her watching Lisa holding Chaeyoung…and Chaeyoung not even pushing her away after using such a strong attack that probably took a lot out of her.

“You okay?”

Jisoo seems surprised hearing Jennie ask her that “Yeah…I’m okay, we’ll ask them when their match is done. Apparently, they’re going to be busy and tired so it’s not the best approach to ask them while they’re in that mood. It might end up in a fight and we won’t be able to get our answer.”

“Did this fight prove your theory?” Jennie asked

“A bit…but I feel like there’s more to it” Jisoo narrowed her eyes “For now, let’s just observe and act normal.”

Jennie nodded slowly and could only just accept this…temporary partnership with her sister if she wanted what’s going on with those two. It really calmed her thoughts having someone in this situation with her, even if it's her sister. She couldn’t take the sight of the two being close like that so she approached them with a worried tone

“Here Chae, I’ll help you. I’m sure Lisa is equally as tired as you seeing that she used much water energy in her last technique” Jennie said, offering a hand to Chaeyoung

“She’s fine with me” Lisa said stiffly

“No Lisa, Jennie’s right” Chaeyoung said softly “You must be tired as well.”

Jennie looked elated at that but didn’t show it “Come here Rosie, let’s go home”

“Home…” Chaeyoung closed her eyes and could only let out a small laugh inwardly. Months ago, she wouldn’t regard that house of theirs as home…heck even Bom’s house feels more home than theirs anyways but now…

Chaeyoung glanced at Jennie, Lisa, and the walking Jisoo who is heading towards them. She could only let out a small smile seeing how worried these three girls at her and spoke


Jisoo came up to them and started scolding Chaeyoung “Out of all techniques you can use, it has to be the one that leaves you completely exhausted especially when you just came from training! I swear Park Chaeyoung you can be so reckless sometimes!”

Lisa snickered in which Jisoo just glared at her so she shut up “Jisoo-unnie can be really scary…”


Jisoo stopped ranting and her heart stopped when Chaeyoung gave her a warm and loving smile

“Thank you…”

“I swear I’m so soft to this girl that I need to get a grip!” Jisoo could feel her heart melt though as Chaeyoung’s eyes considerably turned warm when it turned to her.

“Whatever” Jisoo rolled her eyes before healing a bit of scrap injuries of Chaeyoung and Lisa “Let’s just go home”

Lisa laughed a bit “You’re really looking like Jennie-unnie lately”

“Lisa…” Jensoo glared at the maknae who shut again while Chaeyoung chuckled


They may be weirdos in Chaeyoung’s mind, but deep in her heart she knows she’ll use all her power to protect them at all costs.

After all, it’s what she promised to Chittip…

To protect her loved ones


They watched the thunderstorm that was summoned by a girl who is just a freshman. The power and sound of the attack is enough to send shivers through their spine if they got a taste of what that shadow monster received.

“Good thing shadow monsters would just turn into ashes, at least it wouldn’t leave them any permanent scars.”

“Our leader will be pleased to know about this.”

“How long until we do it?”

“Let’s give it a little more time and keep on pushing her to the limit.”


Quietness occurred when the one in charge of their group finally spoke up

“I know she and Lalisa are in the Thief club. It could be the perfect time to strike regardless of their opponents. I’m sure they can easily handle that.”

“Their opponents…the first match of the sport, who are they facing anyway?”

A smirk and whisper were heard

“They’re facing…EXO from the SM academy”

I am so sorry for the long wait :(( I have been really busy lately despite having my own vacation. Heck I even finished my summer classes without updating! As always, thank you for waiting for me to update. I cannot promise weekly updates like I did in the first few chapters of this story but rest assure that I am working on future chapters as you can see in the beginning of every chapter. (Though some are from the past but you all get what I mean)

Additionally, this is just a filler chapter for the start of the first matchup in the Thief club! To be honest I wasn't really expeccting having Hyeri and Suzy gaining a bigger role but here they are lol. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you once again for waiting and please do re-read the story if I take too long to update xD. Stay safe everyone! 

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔