First Day

The Elzard


Chaeyoung ran towards Jisoo who was hit by a large fireball. Her eyes flickered towards another girl who was snickering at them


‘’Weak as always unnie’’ She sneered


‘’Want me to take the fire out?’’


Chaeyoung is then hit by a burst of water that made her grunt in pain but stopped herself from falling to a burned and now wet Jisoo


‘’Pathetic’’ Another girl scoffed ‘’And dad still makes you two enter the academy? You might as well just drop out’’


Chaeyoung’s lips quivered, looking at the girl who just blasted her with water




Another wave of water shut her up as Lisa snarled ‘’You don’t get to call me by my name as if we’re close’’ She said hatefully

‘’Stop wasting your energy Lisa, they’re not worth it’’

Lisa chuckled ‘’But they’re great practice targets, don’t you think so Jennie-unnie?’’

Jennie looked at the poor form of her own sister as well as…


Chaeyoung grimaced in pain making Jennie’s eyes softened a bit


‘’Chaeyoungie, are you alright?’’


Then it hardened again, her temper sparking when she saw Jisoo hide her pain and replaced it with concern to the younger girl. She growled and conjured a big rock, blasting it towards them

‘’You were right Lisa…’’

Jennie looked at the unconscious form of her sister and Chaeyoung while Lisa looked at her in shock at the sudden brutality

‘’They’re great practice targets’’

Chaeyoung’s eyes opened up hearing another person who is finished changing her clothes

‘’Daydreaming again Chaeng?’’

Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo and said stoically ‘’It’s not much Jichu’’

Jisoo sat beside her ‘’Remember, anger won’t fix everything’’ She said softly ‘’If you’re thinking about how unfair they treated us for a decade, just remember we’re lucky to even have a roof above us’’

Chaeyoung looked at her sharply ‘’It’s not just how unfair they treated us unnie’’ She growled ‘’They beat us…they outclassed us…and you know what’s worst?’’ She chuckled bitterly as she spat out angrily


‘’How they enjoy beating us’’


Jisoo sighed and hugged Chaeyoung, her heart beating happily when Chaeyoung visibly calmed down by just her touch ‘’That was years ago Chaeng…it’s been years since the four of us trained together’’ Jisoo said softly

‘’And yet we’re still living in this hellhole’’ Chaeyoung said with coldness in her tone

A loud bang is heard and the two immediately knew who it was

‘’Hurry the up or we’ll eat breakfast without you!’’

Jisoo opened the door and was met by glaring cat eyes ‘’We’ll be there’’ She said calmly making Jennie scoff

‘’I don’t even know why the two of you still insist to enter as freshmen in the Elzard Academy’’ Jennie crossed her arms

‘’It’s what mom wants since we were children’’ Jisoo answered her ‘’We’re just following what she wants.’’

Jennie rolled her eyes ‘’Whatever, just don’t get in my way.’’ She locked eyes briefly with Chaeyoung before huffing and walking away

‘’I still can’t believe she used to be so cute like an angel when we were children’’ Chaeyoung piped in before throwing a smirk to Jisoo, standing up and walking to Jisoo’s side

‘’Looks like you’re the one who’s been the angel the whole time, and Jennie’s the devil…with her fire element and all’’

Jisoo chuckled; Chaeyoung always knows how to cheer her up. She knows that Jisoo is still hurting that there’s this wide distance between her and Jennie…and who wouldn’t? They’ve been close sisters from babyhood to the start of their childhood. She’s the one who has taken care of Jennie when their parents are away for work.


To see so much has changed, it still hurts Jisoo.


‘’Jichu, look at me’’


Jisoo did, staring to Chaeyoung’s eyes that was glowing a bit


‘’Stay calm…we’ll get through this day again’’ Chaeyoung smiled, her first smile of the day and as always


It’s directed to Jisoo




Jisoo smiled back ‘’Together.’’ Just like how it’s always been since the day Chaeyoung and Lisa moved in with the Kim.

As they were walking to the dining area, the two were just casually walking side to side while talking

‘’You know you don’t have to use it to calm me down you know?’’ Jisoo said, giving her a knowing smile


‘’I know you Park Chaeyoung’’


Chaeyoung smiled sheepishly ‘’I just don’t want you to start your day badly…especially now since it’s the first day of school’’

‘’Took you long enough’’

Chaeyoung and Jisoo looked at the source, and saw the whole family looking at them with curiosity in their eyes.

‘’Good morning to you too monkey’’ Jisoo chuckled seeing Lisa send her a glare

‘’Whatever unnie’’ Lisa scoffed and stared at Chaeyoung with narrowed eyes

Chaeyoung just raised her eyebrows again before ignoring Lisa’s hostility and taking a seat at the dining table.

Years of Lisa being like this got Chaeyoung almost immune to whatever resentful comments that Lisa throws to her. Heck it’s not her ing fault that she’s just making sure she’s safe from those monsters that attacked the Manobans.


As soon as she realizes that, she decided to let Lisa be


Jisoo sat next to Chaeyoung, and glanced in front of her meeting another pair of eyes that’s been glaring at her for a decade now


‘’Do your eyes ever get tired doing that?’’ Jisoo said boredly


‘’Doing what?’’ Jennie gritted her teeth


‘’Glaring at me. It’s getting old Jendeukie’’


‘’I am not clingy!’’


Jisung and Hyuna just looked at each other and sighed


Just another normal day for the Kim family


They proceeded to eating their breakfast silently, the tension still high but somehow they’re used to it since it’s been there for a decade now and as usual, it’s Hyuna who will be the one that will break the tension.

‘’Excited for your college?’’

‘’Definitely!’’ Lisa said excitedly that made the Kim parents smile happily at her excitement. As years passed by, Lisa is slowly moving on to her parents’ death…

‘’I can’t wait to become an Elzard warrior and protect the people I love’’ Lisa exclaimed passionately, her smile bright then turning a bit bitter as she said


‘’Unlike someone I know’’


...but her personality has drastically changed, from being sweet to becoming a bitter person, blaming the person in front of her which was her former chipmunk

Chaeyoung’s grip on her spoon tightened before relaxing it. ‘’Don’t let her bother you…don’t let her bother you Park Chaeyoung…’’

Chaeyoung’s emotionless eyes bore to Lisa’s bitter ones as they stared at each other intently.

‘’Please Chaeyoung…you and Lisa are very important to mommy and daddy okay? You still have dreams to becoming a great warrior right? To protect everyone you love?’’

‘’Remember your promise to Chittip Chaeyoung…’’

Thankfully, another voice cut their staring contest off and looked at her to listen on what she will say.

‘’I for one just can’t wait to graduate and finish this stupid schooling’’ Jennie murmured making Jisung chuckle

‘’That’s because you got training from us. It’s easier to breeze through school if you have advance knowledge about it, especially in your Elemental Class.’’

‘’We’re way too advanced anyway, it’s making school boring for us.’’ Jennie said when she heard her father chuckling at her. Then she glanced at Jisoo and Chaeyoung, a mocking smirk already on her face

‘’At least, the two of us are’’

Jisoo rolled her eyes and ignored her, the next one answering to Hyuna’s question ‘’Just fine, we’re going to get through it together as always.’’  She said in a blank tone

Hyuna’s eyes softened, her heart clenching with guilt because she knew why Jisoo is talking to her like this…like they’re just merely strangers. She cleared and turned to Chaeyoung


‘’How about you Chaeyoung?’’




They all turned to her waiting for an answer but Chaeyoung just continued eating that tick off another person.


‘’Hey, mom’s asking you a question’’


Chaeyoung turned her cold eyes to Jennie who is heatedly looking at her ‘’And so I heard.’’


Jennie clenched her fist at how the younger girl is cold to her ‘’So? Answer her and not act like you’re a ing mute’’


‘’Jennie’’ Hyuna warned at her use of language


‘’She’s disrespectful mom’’ Lisa defended Jennie ‘’It’s only right that Jennie-unnie called her out for it’’


‘’What’s with all of you being interested with what I will say?’’ Chaeyoung said with irritation ‘’I have nothing to say that why I’m not saying anything.’’


‘’You’re not even excited?’’ Hyuna asked surprised


‘’Why would she even be excited when she and Jisoo-unnie barely passed through high school’’ Lisa snickered before speaking condescendingly ‘’If I were them, I would just drop out’’


‘’Lalisa, control your tone’’ Jisung warned but Lisa just scoffed and continued eating


Hyuna reached forward and held Chaeyoung’s hand, making the younger girl freeze at the action ‘’You know you can always ask for help to us…’’ She said kindly but apparently she got an opposite reaction.

Chaeyoung stood up abruptly and glared at Hyuna ‘’Tell that to us when you actually mean it!’’ She stated coldly and harshly pulled her hand away from Hyuna’s hold. ‘’You don’t get to say after all these yea-‘’


A soft voice stopped her, a hand much softer than Hyuna’s grabbing her arm to calm her down. Instantly, she felt the warm cold sensation going through her as Chaeyoung took a deep breath.

Jennie and Lisa looked at Jisoo holding Chaeyoung by the arm, looking at her with a mysterious meaning behind her eyes and they watched Chaeyoung visibly calm down from her emotions.


‘’I’m sorry’’ Chaeyoung bowed to Hyuna ‘’I didn’t mean to get angry like that’’ She said like a robot


‘’To answer your question respectfully Mrs. Kim,’’ That hit Hyuna hard in the heart


Chaeyoung just looked at the hurt Hyuna and surprised Jisung with resolve in her eyes


‘’I’m absolutely elated to start this college year.’’

‘’They’re here! The Kim Family are here to grace us with their presence!’’


‘’What’s up Jennie?’’


‘’Hey Lisa! Excited for the tryouts?’’


‘’Ugh, why are those two with Jennie and Lisa? They’re dropouts!’’


‘’The four of them are sisters stupid. Did summer break made you forget about it?’’


‘’I can’t believe that the Kim family has dropouts on their family!’’


‘’Pshh, they’re probably just fake sisters of the family. I’m pretty sure only Jennie and Lisa are true sisters. They probably just adopted the other two out of kindness’’


Rumors. Oh how Jisoo and Chaeyoung are used to them by now. It’s the endless rumors about them being the fake sisters of Jennie and Lisa where in reality Jennie and Jisoo are true sisters while Lisa and Chaeyoung are the adopted ones.

Speaking of Jennie and Lisa, it’s just a normal day for them. People worshipping them and already classing them as Queens of the Elzard Academy because of how advanced their knowledge is regarding their elements. Every day, praises and compliments are what greeted them the moment they stepped upon the academy. They sometimes get gifts and foods from their admirers and who are the two to decline them? Especially since most of them are expensive clothes, interesting potions, as well as scrolls for different spells.


It's a normal day for them


‘’Jennie! Over here!’’


Jennie smiled ‘’Irene! Yeri!’’ She ran towards them with a grin ‘’How’s summer break?’’

Yeri groaned ‘’Exhausting, I don’t even why they’re training us too hard. We’ve been through enough already’’ She pouted

Irene gave Jennie a pointed look ‘’You really have to ask her that huh’’

‘’Training as hard as ever?’’ Jennie snickered

Irene sighed and nodded ‘’Yeah…the five of us sometimes fight each other to get stronger.’’

‘’Where’s Seulgi by the way?’’ Lisa suddenly asked, coming to them after receiving another food from her admirers.

‘’Right here’’ Another girl with bear-like features yawned, walking next to Yeri’s side.

Lisa laughed ‘’Come on you bear, we have tryouts next week for the Thief team. Can’t have someone I trust to sleep while playing’’ Seulgi just grinned sleepily at her making Lisa just shake her head in amusement.

Jennie narrowed her eyes ‘’Where’s the other two by the way?’’ She asked but if her hunch is right and that this is a normal day, she would know where they are right about…


‘’Joy, please get off of me’’




‘’Oh come on Rosieeee~’’


Jennie’s eyebrows twitched while Lisa narrowed her eyes, turning their sharp eyes to Joy who’s clinging to Chaeyoung’s arm like it’s her lifeline with Jisoo and another girl with features like a hamster due to her chubby cheeks, not to mention emitting a warm presence. The both of them were looking at the two with amusement


‘’I know you have another prank this time Joy’’ Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes, her lips in an unamused frown. She met Joy since the last year of high school together with Irene, Seulgi, Yeri, and Wendy who’s talking to Jisoo right now, totally used by what they are seeing right now.

‘’So Jisoo, how’s your summer?’’ Wendy asked

Jisoo shrugged ‘’Just fine. Me and Chaeyoungie got to travel to some places’’

‘’Why didn’t you ask me to come with you Rosie~’’ Joy pouted at her

‘’Because I don’t want to.’’

Joy giggled ‘’You’re so mean…’’ She grinned so much that her eyes crinkled

‘’I like it.’’

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and tried to shrug off Joy’s hands around her arm but damn the girl has such a strong grip. With a defeated sigh, she opened her lockers…


Only to be met by smokes that only means one thing


Chaeyoung trembled in anger, facing Joy with fire in her eyes ‘’Park Joy…’’ She muttered lowly

Joy laughed and let go of Chaeyoung’s arm, smirking at her victoriously ‘’I missed you too Park Chaeyoung’’ She winked ‘’Isn’t it great we have both Park as our surname? It’s like we’re already married.’’

Jisoo frowned at that but decided to ignore it since she knows Chaeyoung has absolutely no feelings to the taller girl. Then her eyes wandered at Chaeyoung’s hand that has signs of something sparking ‘’Uh oh’’


‘’Joy stop it now.’’


Joy rolled her eyes and turning her eyes to the girl beside Chaeyoung ‘’Of course Ms. Protector has to stop things when it gets exciting’’ Her boring tone irks Jisoo a bit but she remained calm.

Jisoo leaned to Chaeyoung’s ears to whisper ‘’Chaeyoung calm down…I have your clothes in my locker. We can just buy new supplies for your other burned items in it.’’

Chaeyoung visibly calmed down and took a deep breath ‘’Fine.’’ She glared angrily to Joy before walking to her class leaving behind a snickering Joy, a sighing Jisoo, a worried Wendy, and an audience who always watches Joy’s pranks on Chaeyoung since it’s quite enjoyable to see the devil’s plans.

‘’I’m really sorry about Joy’’ Wendy said with apologetic eyes

Jisoo waved it dismissively ‘’It’s fine Wen, let’s just go and catch up with Chaeyoung’’

Wendy nodded before glancing at Jisoo curiously

‘’You know…for someone who is so warm like you, I don’t know why you and Chaeyoung seems to stick around to each other, especially since she’s known to being cold to everyone she meets.’’

‘’We have quite a history together’’ Jisoo whispered softly ‘’…and that’s all I can say’’

Jennie looked at Irene who’s staring at a certain girl with a small warm smile ‘’Why do you even let Wendy, your girlfriend, hang out with’’ She threw a disgusted look at Jisoo and Chaeyoung ‘’them’’

Irene chuckled ‘’I let her be friends to whoever she wants. I’m not a control freak you know.’’ Her eyes dripping with honey as she looked at the amused Wendy making Jennie gag a bit.

‘’I don’t even know what Joy sees on Chaeyoung’’ Lisa scoffed ‘’She’s been pranking her ever since the day they met.’’

Yeri shrugged ‘’She just likes getting her attention’’

‘’So that means that she likes her?’’ Jennie said, a bit agitated.

Irene chuckled ‘’Obviously Kim. It’s been going on for a year now and you didn’t even notice?’’

‘’Of course I noticed that’s why I voiced it out on why is she liking her’’


‘’So what if I like her Jennie Kim?’’


Joy strutted towards them with that cheeky smirk ‘’It’s fun getting a reaction from the coldest person in the whole school’’

Jennie rolled her eyes ‘’I just don’t get why you’re being such an attention-seeker to someone who’s not even worth it of getting attention’’ She said harshly

‘’I know something that you probably don’t know Jennie’’ Joy giggled that irritated Jennie, and even Lisa.

‘’We don’t know?’’ They thought. They’ve been living with her and Jisoo for a decade, heck they always defeat the two of them every time there’s a practice match. Since they’re just gathering energy and can barely let out a strong spell because they don’t even know their element, they easily won over them. However, they stopped training with them when high school came, but that doesn't mean they don't know anything about Jisoo and Chaeyoung.

‘’I know everything about Chaeyoung’’ Jennie glared ‘’I live with her for a decade!’’

‘’You’re not even close with her Jennie’’ Joy’s eyes bore to Jennie’s deeply ‘’In fact,’’ She smirked, looking between Lisa and Jennie

‘’She hates the both of you.’’

That stopped Jennie from talking back, and hot anger enveloped her body in flames…




She slowly walked towards Joy with Seulgi taking a step back from Jennie since she has an element that’s weak to fire.


‘’Let me tell you these four words Joy…’’ Jennie whispered menacingly, showing her fire power to the whole school as her eyes turned red




Joy looked deep in Jennie’s eyes and they stayed like that for a while until Joy laughed loudly ‘’Oh Jennie, you’re almost as fun to tease like Rosie’’

‘’Don’t call her Rosie’’ Jennie narrowed her eyes ‘’Where did you even get that nickname anyway?’’

‘’Oh, she gave me a rose last year. So I decided to call her Rosie’’

Lisa snickered ‘’The coldest person in the whole school giving you a rose? Now that’s definitely something worth laughing’’

Joy rolled her eyes ‘’Believe what you want. I got to go and head to my next class’’

‘’Nini, calm down; You’re letting her get to you’’ Lisa grabbed Jennie’s shoulder to calm her down ‘’Don’t let me douse water all over you’’ She teased

Jennie scoffed and immediately, her flames distinguished ‘’I can calm myself down just fine Lili.’’

‘’That was a fun show’’ Yeri exclaimed ‘’As much as I would love to gossip what just happened, we’re late for class.’’

‘’It’s just Elemental class; Mom and dad made sure me and Lisa knows everything about the element’’ Jennie said, clearly bored at attending the first class of the day.

‘’Oh but they have a different professor now’’ Irene shared that peaked Jennie and Lisa’s interest

‘’Really? Who?’’

Irene shrugged ‘’I don’t know what’s the professor’s name is but…’’ Her voice is steady as she said

‘’She’s one of the members of the council.’’

‘’Good morning everyone!’’ A barbie-like person exclaimed happily as she introduced herself ‘’My name is Park Bom and I’ll be your professor for Elemental class.’’

‘’Psst, Jennie’’ Yeri whispered to her ‘’Your parents are part of the council right? And your dad is the head?’’

‘’Yeah, what about it?’’ Jennie whispered back as Bom started to introduce the subject

‘’Who is this Park Bom? I never heard of her’’

Jennie looked surprised ‘’Are you living under a rock?!’’

‘’Is there something wrong Ms. Jennie?’’

All eyes turned to Jennie who blushed a bit with embarrassment ‘’Nothing ma’am’’ She said coolly

Bom looking a bit curious before letting it be ‘’Okay then, so as I was saying’’

‘’Park Bom is one of the strongest and youngest masters in the council!’’ Jennie whispered, excitement in her voice that she will learn under one of the best masters in the council ‘’She’s a master of Light, Dark and Ice! Not only that…rumors say that she can do all elements as if it’s been with her since she’s been born’’

Yeri looked intrigued ‘’But her main is Light, Dark, and Ice? That’s quite…a combination of elements’’

Jennie snickered ‘’I know right? She’s the first person I know that has both Light and Dark as her main.’’

‘’Ms. Yeri, I would really appreciate it if you could keep your voices down’’ Bom said before sending them a teasing smile ‘’I’m quite flattered that you want to learn so much about me, but next time, ask me instead of the daughter of the council head.’’

For the first time Jennie’s life, she’s seen Yeri looking like a fish out of the water but kept her laughter inside.


‘’U-understood Ma’am’’


A hand raised and Bom called her ‘’Yes Ms. Joy?’’


‘’Who are you really?’’ Joy asked bluntly


Bom looks surprise before chuckling ‘’As I’ve said, I’m Park Bom your new Elemental teacher’’


‘’What are your elements then?’’


‘’I’m the masters of Light, Dark, and Ice’’


Everyone in the classroom gasped except for four girls.


‘’W-what?!’’ Joy sputtered out, her eyes wide in shock ‘’You have the two contradicting and rarest elements as your masters?!’’

Bom laughed joyously at their reaction, her students are so cute despite being grown-ups now ‘’Yes, I do; If that answers your question Ms. Joy, you may take your seat.’’

Joy looked at her dumbly before slowly taking a seat

‘’So now that’s out of the way and you know my specialties, let’s get started with a simple orientation about elements that all of you probably know by now. But hey,’’ Bom chuckled ‘’We need to kill some time or else the school will scold me for slacking off at the first day of class’’ She joked and that effectively bought out some chuckles from the class.

Bom clapped her hands and suddenly the room’s lights turned off, and their only light is Bom who’s shining by herself. They watched in amazement as Bom created spheres containing all the different elements in the Elzard world.

‘’As a member of the council, it’s a requirement for all of us to know at least the basic spells of elements other than our main.’’ Bom started ‘’It’s something that will give us an advantage; that’s why professors are teaching students different spells of different elements regardless of their main ones.’’

‘’But isn’t it much easier to focus on our main ones?’’ Another student asked

Bom looked at them with serious eyes that surprised and even scared them a bit since she’s so bubbly earlier

‘’And that’s a mistake that you will never realize because the moment you realize it…’’ Bom talked like she’s telling a horror story


‘’You’re dead.’’


Some students shivered at that ‘’B-but why Ma’am? Won’t it make us much stronger if we just focus on our main ones?’’ Bom chuckled, for college students, some are so gullible


 Well she’s here to straighten them out


‘’Let’s say you’re a Water elzard’’ Bom focused on the water ball that all students turned their attention on ‘’And you’re surrounded by Lightning and Grass elzards’’

Lisa flinched, being a water user herself, she knows how much it hurts getting hit by those elements. She hates the feeling of getting electrocuted or even slashed by sharp grasses. Good thing her other main element is grass so that lessened the pain.

‘’What will your stronger water do then hm?’’ Bom said and they watched with a bit of fear as the balls containing the grass and lightning element crashed towards the water one, instantly making the water ball disappear out of existence.


‘’However,’’ Bom conjured another water ball but this time with a small ball of fire and earth behind him ‘’If you knew at least the basic spells of fire and earth…’’


The balls clashed again and after a moment, the water ball emerged victoriously; Small but still alive


‘’You can win or even give yourself enough time to escape.’’ Bom said ‘’That’s why those who are elementless, they tend to understand the pro of their situation.’’

All eyes turned to Chaeyoung and Jisoo who just stoically listened to Bom, ignoring their stares.

‘’Why is that Ma’am?’’ Jennie immediately asked. ‘’Aren’t all elementless weaklings because they don’t have strong elements to begin with?’’


Bom chuckled once again, even the daughter of the council head is a bit gullible than she thought. Oh well, it’s just the first meeting, might as well give them an insight.


‘’They are.’’ She said ‘’because they have don’t have any elements, they have a harder time grasping what kind of energy they need to conjure a simple spell. Others tend to just give up and live life as normal human beings.’’

‘’But others though…’’ Bom said quietly but the whole classroom could hear it ‘’They tend to never give up. Being elementless doesn’t mean they can’t become Elzards’’ Bom looked straight to Jisoo and Chaeyoung’s eyes


‘’All of us have elements of our own; It is a tradition that in our 7th birthday that our elements will appear or else we’ll be elementless…temporarily’’


Everyone gasped at this realization


Lisa stood up, looking at Bom intently ‘’What do you mean by that?’’ She asked with a bit of agitation


Bom raised her eyebrows at the sudden question ‘’Don’t tell me you all don’t know about that?’’

‘’About what?’’ Lisa asked again

‘’As I’ve said,’’ Bom said ‘’All of us have elements of our own. For those who are elementless, it really depends on them. It might take years, or you might even be an old woman and your element will suddenly appear. That’s how unpredictable elements are’’

Bom looked at everyone ‘’And that doesn’t apply to elementless as well. Elzard magic is something so mysterious that even the latest knowledge we have about it are still limited. Don’t you ever wonder why we suddenly gain a second element after many years or a year despite already knowing our main element?’’


That got everyone thinking; Bom’s right, others achieve their second element many years after. They never considered the possibility for elementless to gain an element despite having their 7th birthday pass by.


‘’Elzard magic is something that continuously develop within ourselves and that is attached to our soul that makes our element as it is. Like how water elzards are graceful, or how fire elzards are feisty. Who knows? Maybe this year some of you might gain a new element.’’

Lisa took time to process this ‘’No…I won’t believe this’’ She glanced at Chaeyoung’s side profile who is just calmly listening to Bom, not even reacting joyously after learning that she won’t be elementless for long. She gritted her teeth and then glanced at Jisoo who was just next to Chaeyoung. She watches Jisoo sighed and just shake her head…in Lisa’s hope that it’s from hopelessness.

Jennie scoffed ‘’Elementless are elementless. It won’t change my mind about them because a member of the council just said it.’’

‘’So back to the orientation’’ Bom said cheerfully ‘’Let’s have a bit of a recitation. What are the basic elements?’’

Jennie raised her hand in which Bom nodded at her

‘’Water, Fire, Grass, Air, Lightning and Earth.’’

Bom smiled at her ‘’Very good Ms. Jennie; You are correct.’’ She gestured to six balls containing the said elements ‘’These six elements are the basic elements, and are quite easy to learn it despite some of you not having it as their main ones. We’ll start learning some of the spells of all these elements in our next few meetings.’’

‘’Do all of you know its weaknesses to each other?’’ Bom looked at another girl and nodded at her.

‘’Water is weak to Grass and Lightning. Fire is weak to Water and Earth. Grass is weak to Fire. Air is weak to Lightning and Earth, Lightning is weak to Earth and Earth is weak to Water and Grass.’’ Irene answered

‘’Wonderful! Though that is expected that all of you know it since high school’’ Bom cheerfully said

Bom turned to them again to ask a question ‘’Does anyone know the secondary elements?’’

Lisa raised her hand as she answered

‘’Metal, Wood, Ice, and Lava’’

Bom clapped happily ‘’Very good Ms. Lisa! That’s correct.’’ She exclaimed and gestured the four balls containing the said elements

‘’These four are the results of combining some of the basic elements.’’ Bom explained ‘’Though Metal is a weird secondary element, but studies shows that it’s linked to the Earth. The rest are combinations of other basic elements that you all probably know like Lava is made from Fire and Earth, or Ice is made from Water and Air.’’

‘’Their weaknesses however vary upon the natural reaction that we all probably knew,’’ Bom continued ‘’Like how Ice despite being a secondary element, is weak to Fire. Common sense if you get what I mean’’ That earned a few laughs to some students.

‘’And lastly’’ Bom grinned, her two hands holding a ball of light and a ball of darkness; Energies of their respective elements swirling inside them.

‘’Light and Dark’’ Bom said ‘’The two rarest elements in the world, and the two who are also each other’s strength and weakness.’’

‘’It’s ironic right?’’ Bom giggled ‘’Light is weak to Dark, but also strong against it. Same situation with the Dark element’’

‘’But!’’ Bom suddenly shouted making most of them jump

‘’They have their own differences as well’’ Bom turned to them to ask a question ‘’Can anyone tell me what is the Light element’s aspects?’’

Wendy raised her hand and Bom nodded at her

‘’Light element is the only element that can heal their fellow Elzards; They’re the only ones who can use Light techniques that’s why professors don’t teach them to students.’’

Bom smiled ‘’A very nice description Ms. Wendy.’’ She then looked at someone and called her out




All heads turned to Jisoo while Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes to Bom.


Bom just smiled at and said ‘’Can you tell me more about the light element?''


Jisoo calmly stood up and answered


‘’Light Elzards are more focused on the physical aspect of a human, which means they rarely get sick or catch a disease because of their high healing factors. This also meant a higher defense on their immune system. They are also a lot stronger when the sun is up because the sun is the greatest light source here in our globe, and also’’ Jisoo kept quiet as if not sure if it’s the correct answer

‘’They have a unique fire that only they can create and only they can distinguish it…like how Light elzards also create miracles that no one can explain.’’


‘’That’s bull’’


Jisoo looked at Jennie who crossed her arms, raising her eyebrow at her


Jennie scoffed ‘’While I agree that some of those are correct because my mother is a master of light, there’s one thing that you got wrong.’’ Jennie stood up with fire in her eyes

‘’Light Elzards do not have a unique fire only to them; Only Fire elzards can create fire if your small brain don't get it.’’

Jisoo shrugged and sat down ‘’Say what you say. I’m just answering to what I read’’

‘’You must read stupid fairytales then’’

That earned chuckled from the class and stared to jeer at Jisoo


‘’What a liar’’


‘’Yeah, what does she know about Light element?’’


‘’She’s living with the master of the Light element and yet she still somehow got the information wrong.’’


‘’Class quiet’’ Bom said in a stern voice and instantly, everyone shut up. ‘’While not all of us have seen a light elzard conjure their own fire; I have read something about the first elzard of light having an ability of it…’’


Everyone gasped


‘’What?!’’ Jennie thought with eyes wide


‘’But there’s no proof of it.’’


That made Jennie sigh a bit in relief. She won’t be embarrassed for showing off to her sister like that. She glanced again at Jisoo but she remains as calm as ever and somehow…that made her agitated.


‘’Now, let’s move on from the Dark element’’ Bom said


‘’I’ll answer this’’ Joy grinned that made Bom raise her eyebrows in curiosity at her


‘’Oh? Then you may tell us something about the Dark element please Ms. Joy.’’


Joy smirked ‘’If Light element is all about the physical aspect, Dark element is all about this’’ She tap her head ‘’The mental aspect. Dark elzards messes with your brains and emotions; Most Dark elzards knows how to use hypnotism but it depends on how strong their Dark element is to know how long the hypnotism last.’’

Joy enjoyed the awe reactions from her fellow classmates as she continued ‘’They are also much more powerful during the night.’’ She finished


Bom clapped, clearly amazed at the details ‘’What is your main element Ms. Joy?’’ She asked


‘’Fire Ma’am’’


Bom hummed ‘’You seem to know so much about the Dark element though.’’


Joy shrugged ‘’I just know someone who is a Dark element user. I learned it from her’’

Bom nodded and looked around, her eyes landing on one person ‘’How about you Ms. Chaeyoung? Would you like to add anything about the Dark element’’

Chaeyoung pierced her eyes coldly to Bom as she said

‘’None Ma’am. Joy clearly stated it all.’’

‘’Send me a kiss later as my reward Rosie~’’ Joy winked at her that made Bom chuckle

‘’Oh? You two are together?’’



That made some students chuckle at Joy’s persistence on annoying Chaeyoung. Bom laughed lightly at Chaeyoung’s irritated face

‘’Anyways, Ms. Joy is right about Dark element. It focuses on the mind so all of you must be really careful around them especially in a fight.’’ Bom said ‘’You must all have a strong mental strength if you want to counter a Dark elzard’s tricks.’’

The bell rang and just like that, Bom made the lights of the room light up again ‘’And that’s all for today! I hope you guys learned so much in our orientation for this subject, and I’ll see you all soon’’

All of them watch in amazement as Bom disappeared with a dark vortex engulfing her and leaving no trace behind.

‘’That’s so cool’’ Yeri said in awe ‘’Suddenly, I want to wake up early and attend this class everyday’’

Jennie rolled her eyes and fixed her things…things will be definitely interesting with Park Bom teaching them.

‘’Isn’t it weird that Jisoo-unnie knows so much about this?’’ Lisa asked her

Jennie scoffed ‘’She’s a nerd Lisa. What do you expect an elementless person do? Of course read books all day!’’

‘’Do you think what she said about Light elzards having a fire of their own is true?’’

Jennie slammed her hand and glared at Lisa who flinched from the intensity of it ‘’Lisa, I’m one of the best fire elzards in this whole academy and I know there is no such this as light fire.’’

‘’I’m sorry Nini…’’ Lisa whispered ‘’It’s just that, it’s kind of a scary thought that there is a kind of fire that not even water can put it out.’’

Jennie sighed and pat Lisa’s head to comfort her ‘’Don’t mind what Jisoo said; Her words don’t matter to us.’’

Lisa nodded, and together with their friends, they left the classroom.

‘’I can’t believe that Joy still won’t stop flirting with you!’’

Chaeyoung chuckled at the ranting Jisoo, they’re at the rooftop of the academy; It’s their go to place since no one really goes here too much. The wind picked up as Jisoo continued ranting, her calm façade out the moment she’s alone with Chaeyoung.

‘’Like why can’t she take a hint?!’’

Chaeyoung laugh seeing her usual composed unnie being stressed because of Joy’s unspeakable likeness to her. ‘’Unnie it’s fine; Despite Joy’s annoying antics, she really makes my battle senses fully aware, and that means more training for me.’’

Jisoo rolled her eyes that made Chaeyoung remind of Jennie ‘’They’re really sisters’’ She thought

‘’Of course it’s like training to you Chaeng’’ Jisoo said exasperatedly

‘’You know my goal unnie, I have to get stronger’’

Jisoo’s eyes softened and grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand ‘’You already are Chaeng, I just don’t want you getting hurt too much. Joy’s pranks on you are getting more dangerous and more personal’’

Chaeyoung sighed ‘’I know, but this is Joy we’re talking about. She’s not that harmful, heck she’s even Wendy’s friend and Wendy’s as soft as Olaf!’’

Jisoo giggled ‘’You’re known as the coldest person in the academy,’’ She teased ‘’What if everyone finds out that you watched Frozen.’’

Chaeyoung looked away with a blush ‘’I-it’s a good movie okay?! And besides,’’ Chaeyoung stared at Jisoo with a small smile

‘’You remind me of Elsa…always there to protect everyone and is this calm and collected person.’’ Chaeyoung said earnestly ‘’And also,’’ She winked at Jisoo

‘’Quite a visual’’

Jisoo slapped Chaeyoung’s arm who laughed seeing her flaming face as she thought

‘’Really like Elsa’’

Back with another chapter! I should really be sleeping now since I have an early class tomorrow but I don't why my heart wants to update you all on this new story of mine. Must be that new story excitement that's coursing through me. Anyways, I'm going to give you all a heads up that starting in every chapter, you will see some glimpses of the past or maybe even the future so that you would get to know the story more in a deeper level. Just like in this chapter, all of you read that Jennie and Lisa made Chaeyoung and Jisoo their target practice when they were growing up so that's an example of the glimpse of the past. It's something to look forward to for me so I hope it won't confuse you all. Thank you once again for reading my story and welcome to all new readers! Stay safe everyone!


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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔