
The Elzard


Chaeyoung laughed feeling Jennie launch at her with a hug

‘’I missed you Rosie!’’ Jennie grinned her signature smile

‘’But we just saw each other yesterday unnie!’’ Chaeyoung giggled cutely at her but hugged the older girl back with the same eagerness

‘’I still missed you’’ Jennie pouted

Lisa frowned, seeing Jennie once again hog Chaeyoung’s attention to her; she’s not used seeing others cling to her chipmunk especially since she’s the baby sister so Chaeyoung always looks after her whenever they’re together, like when there are storms outside, Chaeyoung would immediately go to her since she knows Lisa is scared of being alone especially with that kind of setting. Chaeyoung would even sing her a lullaby to help her sleep or calm down…

But ever since they met the Kim’s daughters, Chaeyoung’s attention to her has shortened since most of the time, they’re always at the Kim’s house to play with them.

So yes, Lisa is definitely feeling jelly seeing the youngest of the Kim claim her chipmunk’s attention by excessively clinging to her

‘’What’s got you frowning Limario?’’

Jisoo sat next to her as they ate snacks after almost hours of playing

‘’You’ve been frowning since you and Chaeyoungie got here’’ Jisoo raised an eyebrow at her ‘’Is there something wrong?’’

‘’Your sister unnie’’ Lisa pouted ‘’She’s hogging my chipmunk too much’’ She whined

‘’Can you please just, I don’t know pull her away or something?!’’

Jisoo laughed ‘’ My little sister is really clingy hence why I gave her the nickname Jendeukie’’

‘’Well, I don’t like it, especially since she’s clinging to my chipmunk’’ Lisa crossed her arms

Jisoo just shook her head ‘Oh Lisa, if only you knew how hard it is to pull Jennie away from Chaeyoung’ She thought and looked at the two snuggling girls, with Jennie dozing off to Chaeyoung’s shoulder who was humming a song.

Chaeyoung’s eyes quickly connected with Jisoo’s, as Chaeyoung shot her a small smile in which Jisoo returned with her own.

‘It’s getting really hard to get closer to you Chaeyoungie…’ Jisoo thought and ended it with a small whisper

‘’I wish we were much closer than this…’’

‘’What was that Lisa?!’’


Lisa looked behind her and saw Jennie storming up to her; she’s at the underground training space of the house, practicing her katana with some dummies as well as trying to mix her element along her training while waiting for dinner. So far, she has great progress! All she needs right now is a sparring partner to test her skills with in which a certain chipmunk entered her mind.


‘’What do you mean unnie?’’


Jennie fumed ‘’Your little show earlier after your match with Chaeyoung!’’


‘’So? What’s up with it?’’


‘’Can’t you see?! Everyone was shocked at the sudden sportsmanship you’re showing especially to an elementless’’ Jennie narrowed her eyes dangerously at the younger who tensed seeing Jennie’s fire flickering around the older


Lisa is mum for a while, why did she help Chaeyoung?


‘’Because you don’t want to hurt your partner…’’ Her mind voice whispered to her but she couldn’t possibly tell that to Jennie since she will be suspicious on why they are partners, this was her and Chaeyoung’s mission.


Jennie would just get in their way...


Would she really? Since Jennie is also considered to be one of the best elzard in their department so surely, she won’t be a burden during a battle


But why doesn’t she want her unnie to know about this secret?


‘’Because it’s your chance to salvage whatever is left from your relationship with Chaeyoung…’’ Her mind voice once again answered her running questions in her head that made Lisa roll her eyes inwardly.


Even her own consciousness already knows that answer, Lisa just can’t seem to accept it.


‘’Don’t be bothered too much’’ Lisa shrugged trying to change the subject ‘’Boss was there, and she likes sportsmanship after every match.’’


‘’Don’t give me that bull’’ Jennie growled, her own hand slowly turning fire ‘’ What did you and Chaeyoung talked about in your room?!’’


Lisa snorted, not at all intimidated by Jennie’s prowess ‘’That was quite a long time ago right now Jen, why are you bringing this up now?’’ Lisa’s eyes sparked blue in retaliation to Jennie


Jennie took a step forward, the earth shaking upon that step that made Lisa grip her katana tighter sensing tension brewing around them


‘’Because ever since your talk, you two have been more…secretive than ever’’ Jennie spoke quite lowly but Lisa heard it clearly ‘’Even I noticed Chaeyoung is also hiding something from Jisoo, and that’s something that smells really fishy to me if whatever you talked about made even Chaeyoung to hide it from my own sister.’’


Lisa chuckled making Jennie’s temper flare even more ‘’That’s it?’’ She said smugly, finally feeling the upper hand ‘’You’re being too attentive right now Jen, why is that hm? Why are you so affected?’’

‘’Be careful with your tone Manoban’’ Jennie glared ‘’I’m older than you so answer my question!’’

‘’There goes the age attack, you really got to do better than that or else you’ll get wrinkles every time you say it.’’

Lisa’s laugh finally kicked the bucket to Jennie’s flowing temper as Jennie punched the ground. Lisa jumped, eyes slightly widening seeing lava sprout out from her earlier position

‘’, I think I pissed her off too much’’

‘’If you won’t tell me peacefully, guess I’ll force it out of you!’’ Jennie shouted angrily and readied her next attack

‘’Lava Orb!’’

Jennie grabbed a piece of the earth which turned dark brown with lava slowly flowing courtesy of Jennie’s power; she gripped the lava orb tightly and with her hawk vision, she threw it to Lisa with her anger fueling her element.

Lisa just smirked however, her hand turned blue and she covered her katana with it; the water swirling around the katana as Lisa, with no hesitation, sliced the ball of lava to half. Their chunks landing to the earth they’re standing on with a loud thud.

‘’Is that all you go-‘’

Lisa felt the hard earth smack to her cheek quite harshly as she was quickly thrown towards the wall from the force exerted upon it. She shouted in pain when her back hit the wall quite hard and the smirk on her face was wiped off immediately, replacing it with an angry scowl

‘’You..!’’ Lisa growled

‘’Vine Dome!’’

Vines burst from the ground immediately, trapping Jennie in a big dome of vines and entering her into a world of darkness

‘’You think this could stop me?! I’m a fire elzard you idiot’’ Jennie shouted from the dome

‘’Fire Blast!’’

The vines quickly melted at the power of Jennie’s fire; her whole form being covered with fire as Jennie twirled a ball of fire to an already charging Lisa who just healed herself for a bit while Jennie was trapped for a while


‘’Lava Orb!’’


‘’Hydro Slash!’’


Jennie let out a ‘tsk’ sound seeing her lava orb easily getting slashed by Lisa’s katana so she decided to use her other element instead to gain an advantage


‘’Stone Edge!’’


Lisa yelped, feeling the earth she’s stepping on quickly rose up losing her balance. Lisa grabbed her hand in pain since another earth rose up and hit her hand making her, unfortunately, let go of her katana which landed to the ground with a clang.

She looked forward and her eyes widened seeing Jennie, with stoned hands, zooming towards her with an intention to punch the living daylights out of her


‘’Water Shoot!’’


Jennie clicked her tongue in pain, feeling Lisa’s pressurized waters hitting her body making some of her body parts bleed like her arms, legs, and even her cheek but this is the only opening as of right now that Jennie must take to corner Lisa so she endured it

Jennie crashed to Lisa harshly and they both landed to the ground with a large crack underneath them because of how strong their crash was but Lisa took the most damage as she shouted in distress

Jennie pinned Lisa with her stone hands and looked at her with anger in her eyes ‘’I was supposed to punch you but I’m not that harsh Lalisa so maybe this will show you how superior I am to you’’ She whispered with a perilous tone


‘’Now, answer my question’’ She stared at Lisa’s defiant eyes


‘’What did you and Chaeyoung talked about?’’


Lisa can finally feel her anger ticking within her so she voiced out the cause of it


‘’Why the……are…affected?’’ She grunted since Jennie’s grip on her is quite tight


‘’I already told you countless of times,’’ Jennie said angrily ‘’You two are hiding something fishy, and I need to know it because this change between the two of you is too sudden!’’


‘’What is it with you?!’’ Lisa glared at her ‘’So what if we’re getting closer again?! If we’re getting comfortable with each other bit by bit?! It’s none of your ing business Jennie! This is my life!’’


‘’I know something happened in the party that involved Chaeyoung’’ Lisa’s eyes darkened at the same time Jennie’s own ones widened


‘’And you know it.’’ Jennie’s grip slowly weakened


‘’And you’re hiding it from me’’ Lisa growled, hands glowing blue to a surprised Jennie


‘’And you won’t tell me…so how dare you ask something from me that’s my business and not yours when you yourself clearly wouldn't tell me what happened to me that night?’’


‘’Because it’s Rosie…’’ Jennie whispered that made Lisa stop her upcoming attack for a bit hearing Jennie say it so softly


‘’W-what?’’  Lisa’s ears couldn’t believe it, did Jennie just used her old nickname to Chaeyoung when they were kids?


‘’It’s Rosie…’’ Jennie’s eyes turned to strong determination ‘’It involves her, so I got to know…’’


Lisa could feel her teeth grit in jealousy at the thought of her chipmunk getting closer to Jennie again is making alarms blare in her head dangerously


‘’No…Chaeyoung can’t get closer to Jennie...they were too close when we were kids and I…’’ Lisa clenched her fist


‘’I won’t let it happen, not again!’’




Jennie yelped in pain feeling the full force of water blasting her away from Lisa, who was heaving deep breaths at the knowledge of Jennie calling Chaeyoung with her old nickname that sparks quite a few moments of kid Lisa pouting in jealousy seeing kid Jennie clinging immediately to kid Chaeyoung whenever they go to the Kim’s house.


‘’It’s none of your business Jennie,’’ Lisa said coldly to her and basically flaunt what she and Chaeyoung has as she said next


 ‘’Stay out of our way’’


Jennie’s eyes quickly turned dark red as she barked angrily ‘’You little-!’’ She charged towards Lisa with a clenched lava fist while Lisa prepared a wave of water around her and charged as well with hands outstretched as they slowly came closer and closer to each other…


Then suddenly...


Stone-like grip on both of their hands, which is almost a meter to each other, stopped their attacks but the voice that spoke afterwards made them really stop conjuring their elements.


‘’What the are you guys doing?!’’ Chaeyoung snapped at them, holding their outstretched hands tightly almost making both fighting girls flinch at her grip


‘’C-Chaeyoung’’ Jennie and Lisa stuttered, too stunned to see the reason of why they’re fighting stopping the very said fight and looking at them irritatingly


‘’Hyuna and Jisung has been calling you guys for minutes already!’’ Chaeyoung barked at them ‘’Why the hell are you guys even training this late?!’’


‘’Why are you here?’’ Lisa suddenly asked, a bit of nervousness in her voice


Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and quickly let go of them ‘’Isn’t it obvious?!’’ She scowled ‘’The two of them sent me here to fetch you two because it’s dinner already! We would be having dinner right now if you two just heard them calling you like a siren!’’


‘’But why sent you here instead of them just coming to get us?’’ Jennie asked this time, stunned Chaeyoung even followed their parents but also suspicious because how come Jennie and Lisa didn’t sense her entering and heck even stopping their attacks!


‘’A visitor came and the two of them went to see who was it’’ Chaeyoung answered a bit calmly now but her irritated look remained ‘’Jisoo-unnie is setting up the table that’s why I was the one who was sent to get you two.’’

‘’Now can we please go up now and eat? I’m starving’’ She said grumpily

Jennie snickered a bit, seeing grumpy Chaeyoung quite cute right now ‘’You and your stomach Park’’ She teased making Chaeyoung scowl at her

‘’Shut up Kim’’ Then Chaeyoung’s eyes lingered on her cheek that’s continuously bleeding then looked around at the almost ruined training ground; burned vines, uneven earth, stones that are bigger than her lying around, and some wet land.

‘’Why the hell are these guys training in this extent…?’’ Chaeyoung mumbled before her hand glowed green and put it on Jennie’s bleeding cheek

‘’Does it hurt?’’ Chaeyoung asked, almost boredly

Jennie stuttered at the sudden action of the younger girl, the warmth seeping from Chaeyoung’s hand making her heart skip a beat

‘’I-I no it’s f-fine.’’

Chaeyoung nodded, slightly satisfied to herself now that she finally understands this technique well ‘’I really got to thank Jisoo-unnie for this later’’

‘’Why did you heal her and not me?’’

Chaeyoung looked at Lisa whose face was scrunched up adorably that made Chaeyoung almost want to coo at her




But she won’t be Park Chaeyoung if she did that to Lisa in this universe


‘’You’re a great grass elzard’’ Chaeyoung shrugged, not knowing she just complimented the girl she was supposed to hate but what the hell, she already healed one ‘’You can heal yourself’’

Jennie’s smirk at her suddenly made Lisa spout something as they were walking back towards the dining area


Chaeyoung looked at her and raised an eyebrow questioningly

‘’Come to my room later, we have something to talk about.’’

Jennie, with laser eyes, observed Chaeyoung’s face as Lisa said this. She clenched her fist seeing Chaeyoung just nodding to Lisa in agreement while saying

‘’Sure, after dinner.’’

Now, it was Lisa’s turn to smirk and shot Jennie a look that screamed ‘I won’

Before Jennie could say what’s on her mind, she suddenly felt Chaeyoung stiffen beside her as they reach the dining area…and hearing another voice that made her feel a bit cold but she didn’t know why

‘’Ah there they are, I see the two strongest elzards in the freshmen department are maintaining their strength’’ Someone said with a chuckle and mirth in his eyes ‘’Training at this time huh, you got some well-driven children Jisung.’’

‘’I know Seungri,’’ Jisung chuckled

‘’Which is why I have to send Chaeyoung to get them while we greet you outside’’

Chaeyoung stared daggers at their potion-making professor who was talking animatedly to Jisung and Hyuna; the moment they sat down, she made Jisoo sit closer to her while Seungri was across them, Lisa is also next to her and Jennie is next to Lisa. Her grip on her utensils is so tight that the veins in her hands are showing

‘’You’re going to break those utensils Ms. Chaeyoung’’ Seungri chuckled ‘’You got some grip there I see’’

Chaeyoung clenched her jaw to not say some spiteful things to him ‘’I’m just…feeling a bit under the weather right now.’’

‘’You’re sick?’’ Seungri asked worriedly making Hyuna look at her with the same emotion

‘’Are you feeling fine dear?’’ She asked

‘’Don’t worry about me’’ Chaeyoung answered coldly and proceeded to eat while letting out a protective aura around her, especially Jisoo

‘’ So, her reputation still holds true even in this household…and she’s been really edgy around me since I met her personally’’ Seungri narrowed his eyes inwardly and observed how Chaeyoung sat closer to Jisoo and positioned as if there’s any attack, Chaeyoung would quickly spring into action ‘’And quite protective to the people around her…maybe even only to Jisoo here’’


Chaeyoung almost jumped at suddenly hearing Jisoo speak so quietly ‘’What is it?’’

‘’Don’t worry about me, I’m fine’’ Jisoo grabbed her hand and squeeze it making Chaeyoung relax a bit for tonight ever since Seungri appeared at the dining area, joining their dinner.

‘’So Jisung about why I came here…’’ Seungri suddenly said

‘’About the Halloween Party am I right?’’ Jisung said

Seungri nodded and said with a small excited smile ‘’Yeah since you put me in charge in that party, I have some plans of my own that I would like to share with you.’’ Then Seungri looked at the four girls across him

‘’Can they stay? I’m sure they won’t babble about what will be spoken about the Halloween Party since they seem to keep quiet about the shadow monsters well’’

The four girls, especially Chaeyoung and Lisa, tense hearing the shadow monsters

‘’Seungri…not now’’ Jisung gave him a tight smile ‘’And yes, I’m sure they don’t mind since they’re not finish with their dinner anyways''

Seungri chuckled ‘’I understand, I apologize for bringing up a serious topic’’

‘’So, I was thinking to still continue the tradition of Halloween costumes and also, some fun potions for everyone to drink!’’ He continued ‘’There will be random potions in which they will drink and it has different effects, don’t worry though, the effects are totally safe since they’re made by me’’

‘’What’s the catch with the potions?’’ Hyuna asked

‘’For fun!’’ Seungri grinned ‘’Some of them makes people burp out glitters’’ He chuckled making Hyuna and Jisung laugh lightly at that, imagining that scene

‘’That will be really interesting and maybe increase today’s generation’s interest in potion. How about a potion-making contest?’’ Jisung suggested

Seungri clapped ‘’I was totally going to suggest that!’’ He grinned before shooting Jisoo an excited glint ‘’Especially since your eldest daughter has quite the talent for it.’’

Jisoo gripped Chaeyoung’s hand tightly under the table as Jisung and Hyuna looked at Jisoo with surprised but amazed eyes

‘’I really commend her on entering this potion-making contest this coming Halloween Party, the prizes are to die for’’ Seungri joked but the room suddenly grew chilling that made some shiver

‘’W-wow you’re knowledgeable on potion dear?’’ Hyuna asked Jisoo who just nodded and looked down to continue eating

‘’Did it get really cold here?’’ Jisung whispered, he’s a fire elzard so it’s quite weird for him to feel cold… and then he noticed Chaeyoung glaring quite hard on Seungri ‘’Chaeyoung, stop glaring to our visitor. It’s disrespectful.’’

Seungri suddenly had a devious plan and decided to test it out as he smirked ‘’ I was wondering why I felt like there are bullet holes in my head’’ He joked before saying in a light but condescending tone

‘’Who knew the daughter of Mason and Clare would be a total polar opposite of her parents’’

‘’Don’t call them that’’ Chaeyoung gritted her teeth, she could feel her anger growing the longer Seungri stayed in their space. Jisoo, Jennie, and Lisa looked at each other worriedly as Chaeyoung looked like she’s about to punch the living daylights out of Seungri while Hyuna and Jisung tensed and was about to change the topic but Seungri continued

‘’ Mason was my fellow dark elzard, we get along quite well if I remember correctly while I was training under Yang ‘’ He ignored the growing tension around the house as well as Jisung’s warning look to not continue mentioning them

‘’Did I ask?’’ Chaeyoung glared at him

‘’Chaeyoung!’’ Hyuna gasped ‘’Stop this attitude! He’s a fellow council member and your professor!’’

Chaeyoung snorted ‘’ I can act the way I like, and I don’t like you’’ She shot Seungri a pointed look

‘’Oh, and why is that Ms. Chaeyoung?’’ Seungri grinned, not really affected by what the younger girl said. In fact, he’s quite enjoying messing around the only daughter of parents he killed years ago.


Seeing her expressions and having a mystery that pique his interest really made him feel like it’s a right decision to keep her alive years ago.


Not like they know about that anyways


Chaeyoung kept quiet and just continued on glaring at him with hate in her eyes that made Seungri chuckle a bit


‘’Hmmm, I think I do remember you once without your parents…’’ Seungri’s eyes then switched to Lisa


‘’but with the Manoban family’’


Lisa stiffened at hearing her family while Chaeyoung clenched her fist


‘’You guys were so happy; you really were taking care of little Lisa back then’’ Seungri smiled knowingly but it irritated Chaeyoung and even made Lisa uncomfortable seeing it


‘’It’s sad they have to go away so early in your lives again…’’


Chaeyoung was starting to shake in anger


‘’I really am sorry for your losses by the way, especially you Ms. Chaeyoung’’ Seungri’s face began to show pity at the hateful girl in front of him, but deep inside, he’s enjoying the rage party he’s seeing in the younger girl’s face as he said one more sentence that broke the thread of calmness.


‘’Especially since you lost both your families’’




Everyone except Seungri jumped a bit at the loud resonating slam of hands to the table, caused by none other than Seungri’s target as of the moment

Chaeyoung exhaled strongly through her nose, her hair blocking her eyes as she looked down while her clenched fist is at the table, cracking at her pressure.


‘’I’m done.’’


Chaeyoung looked at Seungri with no emotions before turning around and walking away, ignoring the way how the three girls look at her with worry while Hyuna and Jisung looked at each other, not knowing how to handle the situation.

Everyone was quiet as Chaeyoung left, only Seungri’s words was only heard around the dining area


‘’Well, that was interesting.’’




Chaeyoung growled and charged her next attack ‘’That stupid arrogant council member!’’


Another burst of energy flew off of her as a good 5-meter area around her turned charred black


‘’Who does he thinks he is!? I’ll wipe that ing smile off of his face!’’


Her shaking hands started sparkling dark violet as she roared out and punched the large tree in front of her while charging. Her anger was so high and affected her energy as the trees behind the tree she just punched, slowly fell down as well from her force.


‘’What is he trying to point out huh?!’’ Chaeyoung gritted her teeth as she remembered Seungri’s earlier words


Slowly, Chaeyoung’s form started to glow dark violet


‘’That I’m weak?! I’ll show him who’s weak…’’


She started to glow bright…


‘’That I’m strong…’’


And brighter…


‘’That I’m someone…’’


Chaeyoung snapped her eyes open and yelled out


‘’Someone who can be the strongest elzard warrior!’’


And then…




Chaeyoung panted harshly, crashing into one knee as the field around her has turned charred black, leaving falling black leaves at its wake, causing quite a ruckus if she was in a neighborhood and if people were looking above, there was a black hole at the middle of a very green forest.


''I'll make sure nobody will hurt my family...never again'' She murmured with determination ''I'll make sure of that''


Chaeyoung looked around and cursed ‘’, I hope the authorities won’t investigate this too much’’ She slowly got up, and took a deep breath.


‘’I better get home’’ She whispered to herself, now calmer than ever as the night sky watches her gather herself and started to leave the field…


Until a voice made the color in Chaeyoung’s face drain quickly


‘’Well, well, well’’ A playful voice entered Chaeyoung’s ear


Chaeyoung quickly whipped her head and her eyes slowly widened seeing Sandara sitting at a tree branch casually as if she’s been there much earlier


‘’M-Ms. Sandara’’


Sandara jumped down and walked closer to Chaeyoung, a playful (but devilish for Chaeyoung) smile on her face as she crossed her arms while raising an eyebrow


‘’So…’’ Sandara’s eyes circled around the ruined field and at Chaeyoung’s fading dark violet glow on her form, as well as the growing dread on Chaeyoung’s face.


‘’…Lightning huh’’

Congratulations for everyone who got Chaeyoung's element right! I'm also currently writing the next chapter after this especially since I will kind of feel the hype of everyone reading this now that Chaeyoung's element is revealed. What will happen next then? Stay tuned for the next chapter! Have a blessed 2021 everyone! love you all!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔