
The Elzard

"Did you know that your mother was an elementless back in the day?"

A teenage-looking Jisoo looked at Bom in surprise "Huh? My mom is?" She pursued her lips

Chaeyoung crossed her arms angrily "Then why are they treating us like this? Why do they all look like they're disappointed that we don't have elements?"

Bom looked pointedly at Chaeyoung "Jisoo is an elementless, you can't fool me Park Chaeyoung"

 Chaeyoung let out a 'tsk' sound and eyed her warily "I don't even know why we agreed on letting you train us"

Bom smiled "Because I won't judge you for who you are and won't push you like Jisung does...because I was once an elementless myself in your age"

Chaesoo's mouth dropped in shock, Park Bom? The latest council member who was said to be one of the best for being able to access every element even the rarest one?

"B-but...how? You even know how to use the light and dark elements!" Jisoo exclaimed

Bom opened both of her palms to let the different energy of elements revolve around them. Chaeyoung eyed the lightning element as it hovered towards her, seemingly attracted to her.

"You have a strong lightning element Chaeyoung, use that gift to get stronger and never let anger rule you" 

Chaeyoung looked away and swatted the energies swarming around them, going to the other side of the field to train herself.

"I'm sorry about Chaeyoung, she's been...distant ever since the attacks happened to us," Jisoo said sadly

"...which is why I'm here to train you. From what you told me, only one has been attacking you two yet when I met you, there were three of them."

Jisoo looked away, clenching her fist angrily "...you really won't tell my parents about this?"

Bom's eyes softened at them and said "I respect your privacy and decision, just let me help you" 

"Why are you helping us train?"

"Because I know in the future, the elzard world would need people like you"

"Welcome back to another lesson in potion-making!"

Chaeyoung deadpanned "I'm starting to really hate this subject"

"Well, I kind of liked it since you drank my love potion" Jennie smirked and pinched Chaeyoung's cheek "I got to see you being really sweet hubby"

Chaeyoung scrunched her nose and slapped Jennie's hand away from her burning cheek

"Stop teasing her too much Jen" Lisa grumbled 

"So today, we'll be creating a Dream Potion," Seungri said and instructed everyone to get the required materials for this activity.

"So, the usual water thing, some leaves again, and...that's it?" Jennie said in surprise

"I don't even know how you passed all those potion classes" Jisoo snickered hearing Jennie

"If you have noticed, there's only a few of them for today's session." Seungri said, "That's because you'll be needing me for the last crucial component, which is a dark element of energy."

Seungri opened his hand and in his palm, is a small ball of dark energy. Some shivered at the feeling of the energy as it was so cold and just...unsettling.

"Unless someone here also has the dark element?" Seungri asked, eyes scanning the whole crowd; from Irene's bored look to Chaeyoung's stoic one. None of them seemed to have the element.

"Okay looks like all of you will have to go to me after heating the mixture." Seungri reminded them before continuing "So, I'm deciding to use this activity for all of you to experience what it's like to travel in your own dream, or someone else's dream."

"As you all know, dreams can sometimes foresee the future...or even a memory of someone's past. Hence why the dark element is used for this activity as the dark element certainly has the ability to see through the past and future...though very few ones are able to really do it, rare even. Not even I or Bom, both users of the dark element, can do that ability naturally which is why the Dream Potion is used to somehow fabricate the technique."

Seulgi raised her hand "Does that mean whatever you'll see after drinking the Dream Potion may be fake?"

Seungri nodded "Excellent question Ms. Seulgi, and the answer to that is yes; the visions you'll see upon drinking one will either be fake...or real"

"Will we be drinking our own potion or will you mix it up with the others?" Wendy asked

Seungri looked blankly for a while before a devious smile appeared on his face, something that made Chaeyoung feel dread.

"We'll mix it up, of course, all for the sake of fun"

"Okay first up we have Chaeyoung"

"Of course, it would be me..." Chaeyoung, with a stoic face, looked at the potion placed in front of her and just sighed. Wanting to get this over with, she grabbed the potion, looking at it more for a bit before drinking.

Jisoo and the others watched as Chaeyoung stayed still...

What they didn't know is that a few seconds in the real world would mean a lot of time in the dream world.

In the dream world

Chaeyoung opened her eyes and saw that she was in a dark place...it was like some kind of shadow desert but the breeze was so cold that Chaeyoung shivered. 

It was so dark, as if no life passes through here.

"I've read about the Dream Potion before...dreams can sometimes be pathways to the past...or the future of the maker" She whispered to herself.

Dream potions can be used by fortune tellers, usually dark elzards, to predict the future or even know what happens back in the past. Though it rarely works at all since sometimes the dream potion conjures up things that didn't really happen in the past. 

But for the future?

No one knows, anything can happen in the future after all.

A growl was heard and Chaeyoung swiftly turned left, then she saw...a woman.

She was so graceful that Chaeyoung was entranced by the way she moves. The lightning in her hands and even the sparks of black tendrils wrapping around her body made it seem like she was dancing. 

"Who...is she?"

She quietly gasped when suddenly a horde of shadow monsters appeared all around the woman. Chaeyoung didn't know how the shadow monsters were suddenly conjured up and with her instincts, her hand snapped open and lightning came out of it.

The woman blinked, her face shrouded by the hoodie that she was wearing, and seems to face Chaeyoung. The blank feeling that exudes from the woman makes Chaeyoung feel like she was just a small child, throwing a tantrum at everything that makes her feel angry or in pain.

Like a caged animal.

For some reason, Chaeyoung's lightning suddenly quieted down the moment the woman's hand rose. A stormy dark cloud started to form and soon Chaeyoung heard a chuckle...



Then it turned into a giggle...



Then it turned into a melodic laugh



Before it turned hysterical



Chaeyoung could barely shield herself as she was blown away by the lightning striking down the very earth of the desert. She could not feel any pain because she was in the dream world but the power she felt...

It made fear sprout in her usually hardened heart.

Chaeyoung put away her arms and took a step back when the woman seems to suddenly ignore her; her laughter still there as she continued to kill the shadow monsters that kept coming at her. as if they were just flies Cheyoung didn't even notice how there was suddenly a long sword that the woman is holding. 

'Why was she laughing?' She thought fearfully, incredibly bothered by the way this woman butchered these monsters.

She took another step back when she heard a crunch when the woman stabbed a bigger shadow monster with skeletons in it. Even the bigger and definitely newer shadow monster didn't stand a chance at the ferocity of this crazy woman. 

Chaeyoung suddenly understood what was going on...

And the realization just made the fear inside of her grow

"She's...enjoying having to kill everything" Chaeyoung whispered and as if the wind carried it to the woman, a large amount of bloodlust overtook the area and Chaeyoung had to clutch her heart. The darkness is too much and the fear is now controlling her overall body.

The laughter continued until there were no more shadow monsters; bones and skeletons around the now chuckling woman before facing Chaeyoung at last as if she could see her.

The woman laughed again as if seeing Chaeyoung was a joke then she dashed at a speed that Chaeyoung couldn't even predict with her quick eyes! 

Following her instinct, she rolled to her right, barely avoiding the slash. Chaeyoung can sense the surprise in her form before the woman laughed again. 

A sudden rush of more bloodlust made Chaeyoung fall to her knees, she looked up and her breath caught up to when she was looking at those eyes.



Those eyes...



Looks so...









The chant is getting to her head and the fear is now making Chaeyoung shiver






No, she will not let this stupid dream get the best of her.






That word...



That ing word



Chaeyoung sneered despite her shaking body






Black lightning started sparking on Chaeyoung's hand, her eyes turning a darker brown



"Weak! Weak!"



With a shout of defiance, black lightning exploded around Chaeyoung, blasting the woman away from her and soon...






Back to the real world

It was almost five minutes since Chaeyoung started drinking the dream potion and Seungri looks to be a bit worried but seeing that she was laying still, he decided for others to try their own dream potion. 

Yeri and Seulgi decided to shrug and just get this over with. It was ironic too because they drank each other's dream potion with Yeri looking at Seulgi with eyes that were full of mischief and even sisterly love while Seulgi just rolled her eyes upon knowing Yeri's dream.

"Really? To go to the human world and buy gadgets that they use on TV?" Seulgi deadpanned

"What? It looks fun" Yeri giggled

But even though most of them are done with the activity, Chaeyoung still lay still causing worry to spark in Jisoo and Irene

"Weird...she's taking too long" Irene narrowed her eyes

"You're right...I think I should wake her up" Jisoo said

"What's wrong unnie?" Lisa asked in which Jennie's ears perked up to hear her sister's answer

"Usually a dream potion in the real world only last for a minute, and the latest would be 5 mins," Jisoo said

"Chaeyoung has been in that trance for more than 5 minutes right about now. Something isn't right" Irene added

"Is it wise to disturb someone under the effects of a dream potion?" Wendy asked and both her girlfriend and best friend seems hesitant

"Well..yeah but it's not major of a setback anyway" Jisoo muttered, aside from a major headache that is.

And no one wants to deal with a really bad mood Chaeyoung

Suddenly, Chaeyoung's hand snapped open; lightning slowly sparking around them making everyone in the room tense and some even yelping in pain.

"Chaeyoung?" Seungri asked, "Are you awake now?"

The whole classroom started to stare in shock as Chaeyoung is starting to breathe heavily as if...


as if...


"as if someone is out there to kill her" Jisoo's eyes widened but it shouldn't be possible for Chaeyoung to move when under the effects of the dream potion but she...


"away..from me" 


Lisa started stepping forward "Chae?"




Chaeyoung took a step back, the lightning started flashing even more violently that Lisa has to take a step back


"Okay, Chaeyoung you're scaring everyone now. Open your eyes please" Seungri said, walking towards Chaeyoung. Her lightning stings him a bit but he's a council member so he can take more than that.

"Looks like I have no choice but to wake her up" Seungri thought


The moment Seungri's hand touched Chaeyoung's shoulder, everyone in the class gasped.


It all happened too fast


So fast that they didn't even process how Chaeyoung's eyes snapped open, her pupils dilated in what seemed to be fear as she grabbed Seungri's hand harshly and twisted it making the older man cry out in pain at the unexpected strength.


"Get...away from me" Chaeyoung gritted her teeth and after breaking Seungri's hand, she started flooding it with electricity. 


What shocked the class is that...


The dark violet lightning seems to be turning darker...almost black.


Sensing the danger, Seungri kicked Chaeyoung's stomach as she sailed at the back of the room and smacked against the wall harshly. 


Even Seungri called out in worry though deep inside he was seething in anger. How could a college student, no less a freshman, be able to overpower him with such quick instincts and amazing strength?

Jennie was the only one with the earth element that is close to Chaeyoung so she quickly ran towards her and grabbed Chaeyoung's shoulders

"Rosie, Rosie!" She called out while shaking the younger girl's shoulder in an attempt to make her snap out of it.

Chaeyoung seems to be getting to her senses upon hearing Jennie, her eyes focusing now. Then she felt Jennie's touch on her shoulder and as if she were a caged animal, she raged again.

Chaeyoung unexpectedly grabbed Jennie's neck, turned them both around, and started pinning the earth elzard to the wall while squeezing harshly. Jennie was so shocked that she was unable to defend herself and was now in a very strong chokehold.

"Jennie!" Jisoo yelled in concern seeing the pained look of her sister "Chaeyoung let go of Jennie right now!"

Chaeyoung just growled and Jennie let out a whimper of pain, spots appearing on her eyes.

"R-Rosie" Jennie started croaking out

"Chae snap out of it!" Lisa cried out

"Chaeyoung!" Jisoo gritted her teeth and her eyes turned white

"Luminescence Blast!"

Jisoo let out a blast of white energy which impacted Chaeyoung. She cried out in immense pain and immediately let go of Jennie who sank to her knees, touching her neck delicately with her eyes looking at Chaeyoung with a bit of fear but was more encased in worry. 

Ignoring her fear, Jennie softly cupped Chaeyoung's face and flinched when the younger girl keeps releasing her lightning. 

"Rosie it's fine, you're alright" Jennie whispered soothingly "You're okay..."

Somehow, Chaeyoung heard Jennie's voice and words as she slowly started calming down, her eyes seems to be returning some of their light now and her lightning stopped being snappy to anyone who is near her. 

Chaeyoung could now feel Jennie's small touch on her cheek and at that touch, she knew that she was now back in the real world.

Chaeyoung, albeit a bit shakily, started to grab Jennie's hand as if it was the one who saved her from a nightmare. Jennie smiled at her softly, ignoring how tight the hold was, and whispered "It's okay, you're back now and no one's going to hurt you."

Chaeyoung mumbled, "I...did I hurt you?" Her almond eyes looked at the reddened neck of Kim Jennie

"I'm fine, no need to worry about it"


Both girls seem to snap out of their bubbles, the whole class standing far away from them due to Chaeyoung's lightning going out of control earlier and some were treating Seungri's broken hand. 

Lisa was one of those standing far away but her eyes held a look of envy because her element wouldn't allow her to calm Chaeyoung down. She looked to her right and saw Seulgi and her friends just staring at Chaeyoung with the same shock as everyone else.

Jisoo, who was the one who popped their bubble, could feel herself getting inferior. She saw how Jennie was able to calm Chaeoung down from whatever trance she was in while she was there staring in shock at what the heck is happening to her beloved.

"Jisoo-unnie..." Chaeyoung whispered and quickly glanced at everyone before putting her attention back to Jisoo "What...happened?"

"You lashed out," Jisoo said softly kneeling beside Chaeyoung "We need to talk later in our room okay?"


Seeing now that Chaeyoung is calm, Seungri stood up and spoke "Ms. Chaeyoung, are you all right? You really gave us quite a scare."

"I'm fine." Chaeyoung looked at the somewhat broken hand of Seungri and felt herself tense "Did...I do that?"

What happened in that dream world...it was like her past all over again but the power of that woman was too much.

She was...too much.

"Well, seeing that Chaeyoung is back in the real world, we're almost done with the dream potion activity." 

The crowded students slowly started to get back to their own seats with uncertainty; the fear that Chaeyoung instilled in the students could be felt all over. Jennie narrowed her eyes at the sudden hostility but said nothing, opting to stand up along with Chaeyoung and put a comforting hand on her back. 

Chaeyoung slightly looked at Jennie and could feel another pang of guilt seeing the reddened neck. "How can I still be so weak that I succumbed to the fear inside of me?" 

What kind of elzard warrior is she?

"It's fine Rosie, please don't punch yourself about it"

"You don't understand Jennie." 

Jennie looked at Chaeyoung firmly "Then make me understand."

They stared at each other for a while until Jisoo decided to burst their bubble again by grabbing Chaeyoung's hand and pulling her 

"Come on Chaeyoung, you should take a rest."

Chaeyoung nodded slowly before following her unnie and sitting beside her. Jennie sighed inwardly before proceeding to her own dream potion where Seungri placed it.

"It's finally your turn Ms. Jennie" Seungri smiled "Now remember, let the potion take control of you so that you won't feel any drawbacks like a painful headache okay?"

Jennie nodded before drinking the whole potion and closing her eyes before staying still as if in a trance. 

In the dream world

She is in some kind of warehouse...a very dark one too.

"Can I use my element here?" Jennie thought out loud. She summoned her fire and was surprised to see it work, giving her light to the surroundings. 

The warehouse was kind of empty except for the torches in the walls. Even with the fire in her hand, the darkness felt like it could still overpower the light on her hand and the coldness was unsettling.

Jennie looked around and can sense danger when she walked further.

Suddenly, the torches lit up and Jennie, thru her instincts, put out her fire and hid behind a large crater. A painful groan was heard, as if the person who let out that sound was getting beaten up.

"Your mind is much stronger than I thought it would be"

That voice...it sound so familiar.

The one who let out that painful groan started to chuckle before sneering loudly for all of them to hear, including Jennie

"Your mind games won't work on me."

Jennie's eyes widened

That voice.


Jennie immediately went out of her hiding spot which would have alerted the people inside the warehouse but for some reason, she seems like a ghost. Jennie let out a gasp seeing Chaeyoung's state.

She was tied up painfully by some kind of metal hoops. There were slashes, scarring, and even burnt marks all around her body. Her face was the least damaged of them all but Jennie could still see the broken and bleeding lip and swollen cheeks.


She growled angrily, Jennie's emotion an all-time high, and a huge wave of fire went towards the attackers but Jennie watched in shock seeing her element dissipate in front of her very eyes.

She forgot she was in the dream world.

"This can't be happening"

A shadow crept up and started strangling Chaeyoung who started gasping for air

"Give up Park Chaeyoung, you have no one else to turn to."

"S-Shut up!"

Jennie could feel tears starting to gather in her eyes seeing her loved one slowly losing air

"Stop..." Jennie whispered


"You're too weak! You can't protect them!"


"Please stop..." 


"I don't need your help..."




Jennie shouted from the top of her lunchs and her surroundings changed back to darkness






"Please don't hurt us..."

A voice said with a whimper and Jennie turned around to see five young girls beaten up, shivering from fear 

"What do you want from us?!" One of the little girls shouted

Jennie's eyes widened "That face...it looks so much like Joy!" She gasped and her cat eyes scanned the five girls, seeing the resemblance to her five other friends back in the real world.

"Even Seulgi is here...what the heck is going on"

"Leave us alone already!" This time, it was Irene who yelled fiercely

"You're too important to let go" Another familiar voice but it was way deeper meaning that it was a man.

Without any warning, Jennie was overcome with intense darkness and she out

Back in the real world

Jennie gasped, and her eyes snapped open. She was panting and the tears in her eyes drying up. She could feel her sister's concerned eyes as well as Lisa's. Chaeyoung was also looking at her with narrowed eyes and a protective gaze.

"Jennie, are you okay?" Irene asked and Jennie just looked at her as if she's seen a ghost.

"Who...are they? Were they together as early as their childhood?"


Seungri finally spoke up and put a hand on her shoulder "Are you okay?'

Jennie took a deep breath and nodded "Yes...I'm fine."

Jennie then looked at Joy who narrowed her eyes at her

"Just had a startling dream."

"Unnie...are you sure you're okay?"

Lisa asked her unnie who seems to be in deep thought

"Yeah Jisoo, you seem...out of it earlier" Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes in concern, her hand twitching to hug her unnie but she can't because she's with the others.

Jisoo just stayed quiet, eyes down while shivering a bit

"Geez...this dream potion thing knocked all of us up" Lisa whispered. First, it was Chaeyoung losing control, then Jennie who seems to have gone quiet and was as if she was...crying?

"And then..."

Jisoo was the last one to try the Dream Potion; she drank hers and after a few minutes...

She suddenly crashed to her knees, lips quivering and eyes wide as if her very nightmare took over her. 

"Jisoo," Chaeyoung called out in concern, and with a speed that not everyone thought Jisoo could have, she suddenly hugged Chaeyoung so tight that the younger girl couldn't breath

"E-easy unnie" Chaeyoung started blushing at the sudden blatant show of affection but she calmed down when she felt her unnie shaking...in fear? hurt? as if her heart was broken?

"You're alive..." 

That was the only thing that Jisoo uttered since then

"Uhm...we better get going as well," Irene told the gang, eyes looking in concern with the three girls 

"Take care of them, Lisa, they seemed really out of it" Seulgi whispered to Lisa who just nodded slowly 

"Yeah...I will" Lisa answered back quietly, the mood of the three clearly affecting her as well.

"Bye Rosie" Joy tried to lighten up the mood which somehow worked as Chaeyoung scoffed and easily dodged Joy's attempt at a kiss. 

"Can you stop?" Chaeyoung said irritatingly 

Joy chuckled and said with a mischievous gleam "Never!"

"Let's go home, Rosie"

Jennie finally started talking and everyone quieted down; somehow Jennie seems to be distant throughout the day and mostly stayed close to Chaeyoung as if she was her anchor but she was not being clingy or anything but rather...

It was as if she was watching the younger girl.

But from what?

Joy narrowed her eyes, not liking the feeling in her gut as if Jennie knows something but stayed quiet...surprisingly.

"Take care you guys" Wendy whispered to Chaesoo who nodded at her in response

"See you tomorrow then" Yeri smiled at them with a hint of softness and with that, the 5 group of friends started walking in the opposite direction of our precious 4 girls.

They decided to not use Chaeyoung's element this time and just walk towards their home. It was a walk of silence and Lisa doesn't even know how to break the silence. She felt that this was probably the best and that everyone needed rest from what they have seen in the dream potion class.

"Damn, that professor for causing all mayhem that's been happening in the class" Lisa bit her lip; she never did like Seungri because of the vibes she's been getting from him. At first, she chalked it up to maybe having the dark element just naturally made you feel like that.

But Ms. Bom seems to have such a caring aura despite having the dark element so that crosses her theory out. 

Though then again, she doesn't know much about dark elzards anyways except that the council seems to value them so much due to their ability to predict the future. 

"We're home" Lisa whispered and she just watched as Jennie went inside her own room while Jisoo quickly grabbed Chaeyoung's hand and locked themselves in their room.

"What the heck is happening..." Lisa clenched her fist and swears she will get to the bottom of this...


I'm back from the dead but the dead is pulling me back in the dust. I'll try my best to update from time to time huhuhu I appreciate everyone who has been patiently waiting and even messaging me to update!

Don't worry! I'm back, still alive, but just extremely busy. I've been trying to find some part-time jobs that could help me financially but so far I have none. Hence why I've been so busy. With that, please bear with me more as I am still busy job hunting. When all has calmed down, rest assured that I will come back to the days I regularly update. 

Once again, thank you for all your support! 




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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔