
The Elzard

‘’Why the hell do we have to make this kind of potion?’’


Chaeyoung scrunched her face up ‘’I’m…really not sure about this Jichu?’’


Jisoo looks worried ‘’Are you feeling fine?’’


Chaeyoung held her chest and clutched it ‘’I…yeah, I guess I’m fine.’’ She said unsurely that made Jisoo hug her


‘’We’ll be fine Chaeyoungie’’ Jisoo cupped her cheeks and looked at her in the eyes ‘’We’ll be fine.’’


‘’Can we do this out of the field?’’


Seungri looked surprised and seeing the determined but nervous look of the two made him somewhat curious


‘’Why? Is there something the matter?’’


‘’Please just…let us’’


‘’…Okay then’’


‘’…Jisoo?’’ Chaeyoung said hesitantly and a growl was heard


‘’Lightning Burst!’’


‘’Ice Shield!’’


‘This is getting out of hand’ Chaeyoung thought, her eyes darting to different directions ‘What is going on with you Jichu?’


‘’I-I can’t take it anymore Chaeyoungie!’’ Jisoo shouted but Chaeyoung is a bit scared right now seeing Jisoo like this




‘’Just do it!’’

Sandara froze, looking at two pair of serious eyes which tells her that these two were not joking


But she still decided to voice it out


‘’W-what? Can you repeat it?’’


Lisa looked at Chaeyoung who nodded, if the Sandara is stuttering at that one question; there should be any information that she knows regarding them


‘’Intel about the shadow monsters boss, we need any kind of intel you can give to us.’’


Sandara narrowed her eyes, making the two maknaes nervous at that ‘’Why?’’ She said in a serious tone


‘’We…want to know what killed our parents’’ Lisa answered while Chaeyoung tightened her fist ‘’Our current parents right now won’t let us know more about it…’’


‘’That’s because with your mindset like that, you would have hunted them down by yourself’’ Sandara said calmly in which alerted Chaeyoung and Lisa because of how spot on Sandara's words are. 


‘’I-I no!’’ Lisa denied it ‘’Is it so bad to know what kind of monsters that our parents lost to?!’’


‘’her lying is non-existent’’ Chaeyoung dead-panned and decided to add more reasons to make it more believable


‘’ You know what the council talks about right?”’ Chaeyoung said in a dark tone and Sandara nodded


‘’I have two friends there and they tell me about it since basically I’m one of the strongest elzard as well. I just didn’t want to become a council member because of the paper works but they still tell me what happens in the magic realm so that I could help.’’


‘’…So, you know that the enemy might be possibly be in here longer than you guys thought’’


Sandara looked a bit confused at where this is going but nodded slowly


‘’…Didn’t you think if there was an enemy conjuring those monsters, me or Lisa can be targets for them also.’’ Chaeyoung debated to Sandara in which Lisa wanted to cheer for her but this was a serious situation so she just decided to cheer for her in her head


‘’Go Chaeyoung!’’ A chibi Lisa cheered with pompoms in her hands in her head


‘’ We all don’t know too much about these monsters, heck I don’t think Hyuna or Jisung knows about the possibility me or Lisa could be their targets.’’ Chaeyoung looked straight in Sandara’s eyes ‘’If you don’t know, while Lisa and I were talking in the forest; a shadow monster attacked us and we would have gotten a lot more hurt if Jisung didn’t appear at the right time. First of all, how the hell did a shadow monster just come out at the moment the two of us are together hm?’’


‘’How can you and Lisa be their targets then?’’ Sandara raised her eyebrow


Chaeyoung rolled her eyes ‘’I just told you, didn’t I?’’ She said ‘’Chittip and Marco died because of them, these shadow monsters are possibly being conjured by a mystery enemy that might have been here for a longer time.’’ Chaeyoung then pointed to Lisa and to herself ‘’And we’re the children of Chittip and Marco Manoban. They probably didn’t touch us when we were children because we’re constantly under the watch of the council specifically Jisung and Hyuna. However, now that we’re older and can defend ourselves, it could be their time to strike now that the council’s attention is now away from the daughters of the council head.’’


Sandara looked amazed at how Chaeyoung analyzed all of this ‘’Why…didn’t you tell Jisung and Hyuna about this?’’


Chaeyoung snorted ‘’They said it wasn’t our battle, and that moment took away my trust to them to tell what I observed’’


‘’Even though they lost that right a long time ago when they started focusing to Jennie and Lisa to training…’’ Chaeyoung thought bitterly and took a deep breath


‘’That’s why… we turned to you’’


Sandara looks to be in deep of thought, debating to herself if she could reveal one of the council’s information to these two freshmen…


‘’They seem strong…I know they can take a shadow monster’’ Sandara thought ‘’However, if they encounter hoards of them like we usually take out around the magic realm…there’s a high possibility these two would be overwhelmed’’ Sandara looked at the other two in the stands


‘’Unless they’re complete’’


‘’Does Jennie and Jisoo know about this?’’


Chaeyoung stiffened and wasn’t able to answer that, instead


Lisa did


‘’Yeah, they know don’t worry. That’s why they’re at the stands even up to now to make sure no one is listening’’


‘’I take it back; you have good lying skills Lisa’’ Chaeyoung thought in relief


‘’Okay,’’ Sandara then put down her clipboard to look at them with steel eyes ‘’ I’ll tell you everything I know so you two better listen carefully’’


Chaelisa nodded and listened attentively


‘’The shadow monster usually attacks by hordes, so what you said earlier about a shadow monster, which is only one, attacked the two of you in which I do find it strange. Nevertheless, there are still cases like that but mostly they are by hordes.’’ Sandara started ‘’They are mostly black blobs but with different kind of weapons in disposal.’’


‘’Wait, it’s not just arrows?”’ Lisa asked


Sandara shook her head ‘’No, some use swords, katana, throwing daggers and spears, and many more kinds of attacks you could think off. They cannot do elemental spells but they make it up by their strength, speed, and defense. Some have higher defense. Some are speedier, and some even hit like a truck.’’


‘’How do we know which is which?’’ Chaeyoung this time asked


‘’…you don’t’’ Sandara looked into two shocked eyes ‘’ They have different forms every time, the only similarity they have are just their black coloring and glowing eyes. You can only know which is which by launching attacks at them and seeing how they react.’’


Chaeyoung puffed out a breath, this is more troublesome than she thought. And they come in hordes? Chaeyoung doesn’t know how long will she have to hide her element to Lisa now…especially since she almost saw it when they battled that one shadow monster long ago.


‘’They appear to the late afternoon until it’s night…night time is the most dangerous because since they’re possibly been the dark element itself, they get stronger at that time.’’


‘’So that’s why Hyuna and Jisung are mostly away at night…’’ Chaeyoung murmured


‘’And why Mama Chittip and Daddy Marco died…they were probably be outnumbered if I remember how many growls I heard that night’’ Lisa closed her eyes and let a lone tear escaped her eyes that made Sandara’s demeanor soften seeing her favorite player being vulnerable like this.


Chaeyoung’s heart ached for the younger girl who is now letting out streams of tears; they were both been raised by them since they were babies and being taken away at such an early age…


Chaeyoung knows that feeling quite well


Which is why she pulled Lisa to a warm hug; not knowing her actions shocked two unnies on the other side of the stadium.


‘’Everything will be okay’’ Chaeyoung soothed her; she didn’t know why she’s being like this to the younger girl despite all the hardships she faced because of her…


But she couldn’t deny the hurt that she felt, like her soul is connecting with Lisa’s and they could feel every emotion that they are experiencing right now.


‘’You two have been through so much huh’’ Sandara whispered and looked away ‘’That’s all I know…I hope I was able to help a bit.’’


Chaeyoung shook her head in thanks, continued holding Lisa as she said ‘’Can you please don’t tell anyone, especially the council, about what you told to us?’’


Sandara nodded in understanding ‘’You got my word, just like your other one also.’’


Chaeyoung looked at her gratefully for the first time in her life and whispered ‘’Thank you…’’ She looked at the maknae who was still crying silently on her neck; she didn’t know how the hell she’s going to comfort the younger girl because of so many years being apart from her so she just kept on hugging her.


‘’I’ll guess…I’ll leave you two alone’’


When Lisa heard Sandara walk away, that’s the moment she decided to talk ‘’T-they…they didn’t know what they were facing…and it was night time at that time too…’’ She sniffed

Chaeyoung tightened her hug to Lisa, what she’s saying right now is also affecting her as her mind started going back to that moment as well


It was truly a traumatizing night for the both of them


‘’There was s-so m-many of them’’ Lisa cried ‘’I-I’ve heard growling at every corner of the house a-and things in our house getting destroyed as daddy protected us with his wood element…’’

‘’We’re going to get them Lisa…’’ Chaeyoung let go of the hug and is face level with Lisa right now, looking at her in the eyes

‘’We’re going to be stronger and defeat all of them’’ Chaeyoung said firmly, holding Lisa’s shoulders ‘’We’re going to be elzard warriors, right? We’ll defeat this mystery enemy and finally avenge the death of Chittip and Marco’’

Lisa’s heart is touched at Chaeyoung’s confident marks and nodded, the determination replacing the sadness in her eyes slowly ‘’Yeah…the strongest elzard warrior there is’’ Lisa whispered and watch Chaeyoung nodded with a small smile on her face to encourage her

‘’Your… goal is also to become an elzard warrior?’’ She asked in which Chaeyoung stiffened a bit

‘’I…yeah’’ Chaeyoung averted her eyes away from Lisa’s penetrating gaze ‘’Chittip…wanted me to and of course I also want to…’’

‘’Why?’’ Lisa said softly and leaned closer to her but Chaeyoung didn’t notice it because her eyes are not looking at Lisa

‘’Because I wanted to…’’ Chaeyoung’s breath was caught away feeling Lisa’s forehead touching hers that made her look back and definitely Lisa’s eyes are closer than ever; Their faces so near towards one another and once again, the butterflies inside Chaeyoung started fluttering like crazy

‘’t-to protect…the people important to me’’ She whispered but didn’t know why she couldn’t pull away like she used to…




Lisa exhaled and eyes closing a bit, heart beating fast as eyes are darting downwards to Chaeyoung’s slightly shocked open mouth


‘’L-lisa’’ Chaeyoung stuttered uncharacteristically of her, and before any of them could move


The two of them were harshly pulled apart from each other and they each looked at the perpetrator at the action






Chaeyoung flinched feeling Jisoo’s tightening grip on her arm ‘’I-I we’re done, I’ve talked to Sandara about something…’’ She suddenly said because the air really got cold the moment they were pulled apart.

‘’What were you guys doing?’’ Jisoo hissed and locked her barely restrained angry eyes to Lisa ‘’Why’d you guys took so long to talk to your coach huh?!’’ Chaeyoung flinched once again at the louder voice Jisoo is having right now

‘’Chae,’’ Lisa called out, ignoring how painful Jennie’s earthly grip on her and Jisoo's anger ‘’I…’’

‘’Shut up!’’ Jennie growled, her fire element blazing up hearing this new nickname Lisa created ‘’What is up with the two of you?!’’ Then Jennie’s blazing eyes zoomed to Chaeyoung

‘’Why did you join the Thief club huh?!’’ She sneered ‘’To join Lisa?!’’

Jisoo’s lips pursued in a frown; she didn’t think of that…if Chaeyoung did join the Thief club, she would probably hang out with Lisa more now since they’re in the same team. Jisoo knows the real reason why Chaeyoung decided the club so she focused on that…


But what will happen now that Chaeyoung and Lisa have a really high chance to pass the tryouts…


‘’It’s none of your business.’’ Chaeyoung’s walls are now back up now that she senses tension brewing around them once again. Jennie was about to attack that answer but her sister beat her to it

‘’…did you cry?”’ Jisoo asked Lisa with narrowed eyes

‘’i-it’s none of your business!’’ Lisa also said with crossed arms ‘’Why are you guys here anyway?! You should have gone home when we were done!’’

‘’I’m waiting for Chaeyoung here,’’ Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung with an unknown emotion in her eyes ‘’…but looks like she’s busy with whatever the three of you talked about’’ She said coldly that Chaeyoung gulped in nervousness

‘’I uh…’’ Chaeyoung gently pry Jisoo’s tight grip on her arm and replaced it with her own to calm down the raging emotions ‘’We better go.’’

Chaeyoung nodded to Lisa in acknowledgement and stared to Jennie’s angry eyes but when she looked closer…


There was a hint of sadness and envy within them


They stared each other for a while until Jisoo tugged her away and together, they walked away from the stadium…


Leaving behind a quiet Lisa, and a fuming Jennie.

‘’What was that Chaeyoung?’’ Jisoo immediately cornered her the moment they closed the door of their room


‘’I only made sure Sandara will keep her promise…’’ Chaeyoung lied


Jisoo narrowed her eyes ‘’ Why did you take so long?’’


‘’Because Lisa suddenly arrived and Sandara complemented us about our…’’ Chaeyoung hesitated, she can’t believe she’s saying this because she and Lisa have mutual hate to each other ever since that night…




‘’I commend the teamwork that you two have despite of your differences…’’ Jisoo said lowly ‘’ But one thing I was definitely shock is that, you hugged her like you initiated that hug.’’ Jisoo stepped closer to Chaeyoung’s personal space, her hair hiding her expressive eyes that made Chaeyoung nervous


‘’How long am I going to keep lying about our partnership…?’’


‘’Tell me…why?’’


‘’Sandara she…’’ Chaeyoung whispered since Jisoo is that close to her right now ‘’ she mentioned how our parents would be so proud especially Chittip and Marco since we’re practically raised by them, and it made Lisa cry and remember the night they…’’


Jisoo felt slightly relieved that Chaeyoung’s warm heart is the reason why she hugged Lisa, her mortal nemesis, but the latter part is what is still bothering her…


‘’Were you two about to…’’ Jisoo hesitated but the flash of Lisa’s closing eyes and leaning face entered her mind once again, tightening her hold to Chaeyoung’s waist as she was now hugging her. Due to Chaeyoung’s tall structure, Jisoo’s head is tucked in Chaeyoung’s neck.


‘’About to what?’’ Chaeyoung asked, a bit confused




Chaeyoung froze at that and didn’t mean to push Jisoo away in shock, her eyes wide and a blush blossoming on her face 


‘’What the do you mean by that?!’’ Chaeyoung shouted in shock that Jisoo snorted


‘’You tell me! You’re the one who’s about to almost smack faces with her!’’ the older girl glared; she couldn’t deny the fear that she felt when she saw the two were being too close to each other. Heck she didn’t even know how she and Jennie managed to get to them so fast!


‘’I-I did not!’’


‘’Deny all you want Park Chaeyoung but what I saw is different’’


Chaeyoung growled and poked Jisoo’s chest ‘’No you listen to me! Lisa and I hate each other! Sure, we tolerate each other’s presence nowadays but that’s not a big enough reason for us to kiss like what the hell Jisoo?!’’


Jisoo clenched her jaw ‘’You shouldn’t let her be so close to you then!’’


‘’What do you want me to do?! Suddenly grow spikes to that she won’t come closer to me?!’’


‘’Not like that you idiot!’’ Jisoo growled ‘’Just not close enough to a kissing distance!’’


‘’Well, the two of us are always close like that so does that mean you get to kiss me?!’’


They both panted harshly for yelling too much and it’s a miracle no one is knocking at their door right now


Jisoo’s eyes swiftly look down to Chaeyoung’s tempting lips and blushed furiously, turning around to hide it and calm herself down


‘’…whatever’’ Jisoo whispered that made Chaeyoung felt a bit guilty for saying the last line with a mocking tone


‘’don’t you dare sleep on my bed Park Chaeyoung, your cuddle technique won’t work this time.’’ Jisoo said stoically ‘’Whatever is it you’re hiding that involves Lisa, tell me when you’re ready then. I won’t bother you too much from now on.’’




Jisoo ignored her, changed her clothes (with Chaeyoung closing her eyes in alert because of the sudden action once again), and went to her bed, her back facing Chaeyoung.


‘’I’ll…just go get some fresh air then.’’ Chaeyoung whispered before going out of the room while Jisoo was left with her own thoughts


‘’You better make sure you’re not having feelings to her Chaeyoungie…’’ Jisoo clutched her pillow tightly


‘’Especially since I’m the one who’s been with you the longest…’’

‘’What the hell Lalisa?!’’ Jennie hissed at her, the moment Chaesoo left the stadium; Jennie immediately attacked Lisa with that question


‘’Were you just about to kiss her?!’’


‘’No!’’ Lisa’s eyes were wide at that, her heart beating fast because if Jennie didn’t pull her away…


Lisa’s sure she would have fainted by what could possibly happen


Jennie sneered ‘’Stop lying! I-we clearly saw what you guys were about to do!’’


Lisa snorted ‘’I am not having this especially after my tiring match’’ She glared at Jennie and harshly pull her arm away from Jennie ‘’ Believe all you want, I’m going home.’’ She said and started walking away but not before leaving some taunting parting words to Jennie.


Lisa looked back at the fuming Jennie and sent her a smirk


‘’Don’t be so jealous now that your Rosie and I are spending more time together especially since we aced the tryouts’’ She said smugly ‘’Hope you keep your head cool unnie’’


‘’Fire Blast!’’


Lisa chuckled and easily countered that


‘’Aqua Stream!’’


Jennie gritted her teeth as mist started to cover the whole arena at their wide-area attack and when it cleared…


Lisa is nowhere to be found


‘’I swear I’ll squeeze every bit of information about what you two talked about’’ Jennie whispered before finally slugging her shoulders down in…almost defeat


‘’I need some fresh air…’’



Chaeyoung looked beside her and saw Jennie, looking at her with surprised eyes; she was in the rooftop of the house, just laying down and staring at the night sky


‘’Oh, it’s you’’ Chaeyoung said tiredly ‘’Can you please not yell at me right now? I already got enough earlier from your sister.’’


Jennie chuckled ‘’Jisoo yelled at you? What you two fought?’’ She said with a bit of a joking tone however Chaeyoung shrugged at that


‘’…you could say that’’


‘’Wait, you two really fought?’’  Jennie said in surprise ‘’I guess they do fight from time to time…’’


‘’Yeah, she even banned me from cuddling with her so it means it’s that bad of a fight.’’ Chaeyoung said bluntly and Jennie could feel the spike of envy once again hearing that but before she could speak, Chaeyoung continued talking

‘’I sometimes use the cuddle technique so that she could forgive me’’ Chaeyoung chuckled ‘’ I’ll let her cool off for now and later on, I’ll apologize since I said something that I think hurt her.’’

Jennie nodded and laid down beside Chaeyoung, enjoying the stillness and quietness of the night as well as the cold air accompanied with it. She scooted closer to Chaeyoung since she’s quite warm and seeing Chaeyoung not doing anything to push her away; Jennie stayed close to her


‘’Have you ever liked someone?’’


Chaeyoung glanced at Jennie for a bit before looking back up


‘’…I think so.’’


Jennie’s heart skipped a beat at that ‘’Who?’’


‘’…just someone.’’ Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’ I think it was just a small crush though, like admiration.’’


‘’Is it someone I know?’’


‘’What is this? 20 questions?’’ Chaeyoung said mockingly ‘’Why are you asking me this? You do know I’m the coldest person in the academy, right?’’


This time, it was Jennie’s turn to shrug ‘’Not to me.’’


Somehow, that made Chaeyoung feel a bit warm in the inside as she said nothing


‘’You know, I have someone I like’’ Jennie suddenly said, and even if Chaeyoung is not looking at her, she knows she’s listening judging by her ears perking up


‘’ But that someone sometimes felt so far away…like I couldn’t reach her’’


‘’You like…a girl?’’


Jennie suddenly became alarmed ‘’I-I yeah is that a problem?’’ She said it like she’s a small girl who broke her mother’s vase


Chaeyoung softened her features and whispered ‘’No, it’s fine. You could love who you want to, as long as it’s genuine and not toxic’’ She shot Jennie an understanding look and asked ‘’You’re one of the most charismatic persons in school, and the strongest in our department so what seems to be the problem?’’


Jennie couldn’t stop the growing smile on her face and she continued talking ‘’ Well, she doesn’t care about any of that…but there were times that she really shows that she cares for me that it made me fall for her slowly…’’


Chaeyoung hummed; she didn’t know Jennie that much so she’s not sure who is the one Jennie is talking about, but she wasn’t going to focus on who is this mystery girl since she has a lot on her plate right now.


And love is not on her top tier list


‘’ Well that just means she probably focus on the inside of a person not just by their appearance and strength.’’


‘’You mean like the inside of my pants?’’


Chaeyoung let out a huge blush at that ‘’Yah! Not in that way you idiot!’’ She glared at Jennie who laughed at the way Chaeyoung is looking at her right now; a cold glare but the blush is making her so cute ‘’I meant the character!’’


‘’I know, I’m not stupid you know.’’


‘’Then why would you say that?!’’


‘’It’s a joke duh.’’


Chaeyoung sighed ‘’You two really are sisters yet the both of you infuriate me in different ways’’ She whispered to herself


A moment of silence took over them until Jennie’s soft voice spoke out


‘’Do you think…I should still continue pursuing her?’’


‘’What do you mean by that? You just said that she cares for you too?’’


‘’I know’’ Jennie smiled sadly ‘’But not most of the time…there are also other people close to her, heck even closer than me…’’


Jennie looked at Chaeyoung ‘’what do you think I should do?’’


Chaeyoung hummed and stared back to Jennie ‘’ Just follow what your heart wants; if you really love this girl then go after her. Love takes time, and it’s a process not just the outcome itself. If you just show her how much you’re willing to go just to earn her love, then maybe she’ll reciprocate it.’’


‘’Wow…are you some love guru?’’ Jennie chuckled that made Chaeyoung laugh a bit


‘’Thank the movies for that.’’


Jennie can feel herself smile stupidly; hearing Chaeyoung melodious laugh and sensing whatever trouble she’s been carrying all alone seems to be lifting away, as well as her warm presence. Not to mention how the moon shine on Chaeyoung’s face that made her look so majestically beautiful

‘’You know?”’ Jennie surprised Chaeyoung by laying on top of her and snuggling, sighing in contentment at the flood of warmth that entered her despite the younger girl stiffening at the contact

‘’You’re really beautiful…Rosie’’

Chaeyoung’s nose is invaded by Jennie’s scent and if it was possible, she could feel her body relax sensing this is no trick or attack towards her, Jennie’s body heat right now is just...perfect so she just put her hand on Jennie’s hair in an effort to comfort her awkwardly

‘’Yeah…thank you’’ Chaeyoung blushed at the compliment and just continued looking at the bright full moon and then sneaked a glance to a slowly napping Jennie Kim…

‘’You are too…’’

Chaeyoung opened her eyes and groaned, she could feel a weight on top of her ‘’I…fell asleep?’’ She looked at the sky and saw that it’s getting lighter that made her eyes wide awake in alert

‘’I slept in the rooftop?! How the hell did I not catch a cold?!’’ She thought in alert and started to fidget a bit but a groan on top of her made Chaeyoung stop and looked at the source, mouth dropping in surprise seeing Jennie peacefully sleeping on top of her, her chin on Chaeyoung’s chest so Chaeyoung could clearly see the older girl’s face

‘’Oh yeah…she’s a fire elzard so maybe that’s why I stayed warm’’ Chaeyoung whispered, but she better returns to her room, and soon.


She’s still not made up with the other Kim


Chaeyoung hugged Jennie, and slowly, she began to stand up while hugging the older girl tightly to make sure she won’t be disturbed


She may be a cold person, but she sure as hell knows the feeling of having a peaceful sleep being suddenly cut off in a not so gentle manner


And she’s not ready to face a grumpy Jennie Kim early in the morning


Chaeyoung slowly positioned Jennie in bridal style for easier carriage and jumped back down starting from the roof to the ground. She did it quite easily and quietly, entering the Kim’s house and maneuvering her way to the dark house since the sun is just rising a bit so the luminescence in the house is not that visible yet.

‘’Almost there…’’ Chaeyoung whispered and struggled a bit opening Jennie’s room but successfully turned the knob. She opened the door and was quite mesmerized at Jennie’s cool but clean room; black walls and some scrolls on her study table. There’s a bow and arrow at the side of it as well as a body length mirror next to her closet. Her own private bathroom and not to mention some dog plushies on her bed which was also black in bedding but her pillows are white and her blanket is gray.

‘’Not bad…’’ Chaeyoung whispered before entering and gently laying Jennie on the bed. When Chaeyoung is about to let her go, Jennie wouldn’t budge and instead snuggled closer to Chaeyoung

‘’Come on Kim, I still need to make up with your sister’’ Chaeyoung cursed and eyed the brown dog plushie, she reached for it and gave it to Jennie by placing Jennie’s arms around it.

Jennie sighed in contentment and hugged the brown dog plushie, finally letting Chaeyoung move and stretch for a bit. She chuckled a bit and commented

‘’What a big baby…’’

Chaeyoung stared at Jennie for a bit more before finally going out of her room, slowly closing the door as she did so.

‘’Good…now for the other Kim’’

Chaeyoung suddenly shivered at the cold air and her head whipped around only to see Jisoo, staring at her with intense eyes


Chaeyoung would have screamed if she didn’t know Jisoo


Who wouldn’t when Jisoo is wearing white clothes that she might as well come out of the television by crawling…


Jokes aside, Chaeyoung could feel panic inside her as she sputtered out ‘’W-wait Jichu! I-it’s not what you think!’’


Jisoo’s stoic face is really making Chaeyoung feel nervous so she stopped blubbering because it felt like every word she says is really not entering the older girl’s ear


‘’What the hell? Why do I feel like I’ve been caught cheating?!’’


Jisoo continued staring Chaeyoung down who just jutted out her bottom lip to give Jisoo that puppy dog look


‘’…Please work’’ Chaeyoung hoped as she continued looking like a kicked puppy to Jisoo


However, it didn’t work as Jisoo entered their room once again and closed it…loudly


‘’Well…’’ Chaeyoung could feel an incoming headache ‘’’’


Chaeyoung sighed, she wasn’t even entering the school yet and here’s the tall giant ready to attack her already ruined day ‘’What is it this time Joy?’’ She said tiredly; her morning felt like it was winter as Jisoo left her while she was just taking a bath. She went to school first without waiting for Chaeyoung which is a first so Chaeyoung knew she needs help from another person that’s close to her…


‘’I didn’t know you tried the Thief Club! Why didn’t you tell me?!’’ Joy pouted and immediately clung to Chaeyoung’s arms ‘’I would have watched you!’’


‘’How the hell did you know that?’’


‘’Oh, Rosie rosie rosie’’ Joy shook her head and giggled ‘’It’s the talk of the academy right now; an elementless acing the tryouts of the Thief’s club and a freshman too’’ She trailed her hand to Chaeyoung’s cheek and cupped it

‘’You’re famous now my Rosie’’ She purred

Chaeyoung swat Joy’s hand away from her face ‘’I don’t have time for that and you know I don’t ing care about what the school talks about me. Now tell me,’’ She scowled

‘’Where’s Wendy?’’

Joy raised an eyebrow at that ‘’Why?’’

‘’ I just need to talk to her.’’

‘’Hmm did you fight with Ms. Protector?’’ Joy said with twinkling eyes ‘’Is that why you’re looking for Wendy-unnie hm?’’

‘’W-wha?!’’ Chaeyoung sputtered out in shock ‘’H-how the hell…’’ She shook her head and put on her scowl ‘’Just tell me already!’’

Joy laughed ‘’Aww the coldest person of the academy fighting with her only protector’’ She mocked ‘’How sad’’

Chaeyoung’s fingers were starting to spark ‘’Joy…if you don’t tell me just get the hell out of my space’’ She glared at her

‘’Right. Now’’

Joy snickered, not at all affected by the threat ‘’Don’t be such a kill joy, and sadly for you’’ Joy smirked ‘’Wendy-unnie is not here; she’s sick for the day so Irene-unnie is also absent to take care of her.’’

Chaeyoung looked unsure at that ‘’What? Wendy’s sick? But she’s a light elzard’’

‘’And that doesn’t mean they don’t get sick my dear Rosie’’ Joy said to her before leading Chaeyoung towards her own locker

‘’Oh and, ignore what people says’’

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes ‘’I always do, what’s the difference now?’’

‘’I told you, you’re famous now’’ Joy and her entered the school and immediately Chaeyoung was met by awe looks and even respectful nods and smirks at her


‘’What the…hell?’’


These weren’t the usual sneering looks of her peers and even some of the higher classmen…


These were faces of people who felt like they finally met their idol up close and finally had a chance to get close to them


Joy grinned as she spoke out to answer Chaeyoung’s freezing form at the sudden eyes of everyone on her.


‘’Because you just passed the tryouts with flying colors’’

‘’Why am I here?’’ Chaeyoung asked in irritation; they were now in Chaeyoung’s locker but Chaeyoung has nothing to get to it anyways

‘’To give you my gift!’’ Joy said excitedly and everyone’s ears perk up at that and they only thought one thing, including Chaeyoung

‘’Another prank…’’

‘’I don’t have time for this’’ Chaeyoung turned around to walk away but was strongly pulled back to Joy

‘’That isn’t a nice thing to say especially when I worked hard in making this hm Rosie?’’ Joy smiled sweetly at her and leaned closer to whisper on her ears

‘’Just listen to me…’’

Chaeyoung blinked and could feel herself surrendering ‘’Fine…’’ She grumbled and faced Joy once again who was smirking at her happily as she opened the locker and spoke


Chaeyoung stared at the red velvet cake with a blank look ‘’A…cake?’’

‘’Yeah!’’ Joy brightened up the whole hallway by just her excitement ‘’ A red velvet flavored one! I made it and added a bit of…’’ Her eyes twinkled again in mischief


Chaeyoung looked doubtful at this cake, it somehow looks good but she has a bad feeling about this ‘’You…made this?’’


Chaeyoung could feel a bit of happiness and touched that Joy really made her a cake despite not watching her play…

‘’Here try it!’’ Joy offered her a slice of the cake and Chaeyoung accepted it

‘’Fine…’’ Chaeyoung sighed and was about to eat it herself but Joy pulled it away

‘’Nope, I’ll be feeding you’’ Joy winked at her and said ‘’Say ah~’’

Chaeyoung scowled ‘’Fine! Just to get this over with already!’’


She opened …and she could also hear very fast footsteps coming to them


Joy watched in excitement as Chaeyoung took a bite at the same time someone yelled


‘’Joy don’t’!’’


Joy hissed feeling a smack on her hand making the cake fly away from her hands ‘’What the hell Yeri?!’’ She yelled, her form flickering fire right now


‘’You idiot!’’ Yeri shouted and soon Seulgi, Jennie, Lisa, and some of the students started to form a crowd around them


‘’What did I do?!’’ Joy glared at the maknae


Chaeyoung however couldn’t process what the hell was happening because the moment she swallowed the cake, she immediately started coughing uncontrollably and her eyes started to water from how some kind of fire spread all over her body


Not the good kind of fire


But the burning ones




Chaeyoung shouted in pain and crashed to one knee while punching her chest ‘’It…burns!’’ She grunted to herself


‘’R-rosie?!’’ Joy shouted seeing her suddenly crashing in one knee


‘’Wendy-unnie is sick today because of the cake you two made!’’ Yeri scolded her and immediately went launched an attack to vaporize the cake Joy made


‘’W-what?!’’ Joy’s eyes widened at that ‘’B-but how?!’’


‘’Because of the fire powder you’ve put’’ Seulgi answered for her and looked worried for Chaeyoung ‘’Apparently, you’ve put too much and caused a really bad reaction once eaten. Wendy decided to try it earlier because she was hungry and you know what happened…’’


‘’Oh ’’ Joy whispered and started to touch Chaeyoung to carry her to the infirmary ‘’Here let me help’’


‘’ don’t!’’ Chaeyoung screamed in pain as Joy touched her, because the touch just made the fire inside her burn stronger ‘’Don’t you dare ing touch me!’’ She painfully glared at Joy and coughed again


‘’Don’t touch her!’’ Jennie pushed Joy away ‘’What the hell is your trick huh?!’’


‘’I’m just trying to congratulate her’’ Joy snorted ‘’And you’re defending her? I’ve been with Chaeyoung on her days while you bully her’’


‘’As if you don’t hurt her as well’’ Jennie mocked ‘’You annoy the hell out of her that I’m surprised you still have the guts to get closer to her’’


‘’At least she doesn’t push me away’’ Joy smirked ‘’unlike you.’’


‘’You bitc-!’’


‘’Stop fighting!’’ Lisa shouted ‘’This is not the time for fighting!’’ She looked at one student and pointed to him ‘’You! Go to the infirmary and tell the nurse to come here! Tell her she can’t move that’s why the nurse has to come on her own’’ She said with an authorative tone and the guy nodded immediately and went away


‘’Hey,’’ Lisa whispered and swirled water for Chaeyoung to drink on ‘’Try drinking this’’


‘’Okay okay just don’t touch me’’ Chaeyoung let out an inaudible whimper and opened slightly for the water to enter


Chaeyoung coughed and could feel her whole body sweating now ‘’I-I can’t s-swalllow!’’ Chaeyoung gasped


Joy finally looked a bit guilty seeing Chaeyoung shaking in pain by what she made and could feel herself get impatient because the nurse is taking too long




Lisa looked at the guy she just ordered who was frowning which made her feel that it’s bad news


‘’The nurse…she’s not in the infirmary’’


‘’...’’ Joy whispered and started pacing around ‘’What do we do?! Wendy-unnie is not here and the nurse is not also available?!’’

‘’This is all your fault!’’ Lisa stood up and pushed Joy by her shoulders, eyes glowing blue ‘’’If it wasn’t for your stupid infatuation with her, this wouldn’t have happened!’’

‘’Don’t fight me Lalisa’’ Joy growled ‘’you may be a water elzard but I could defeat you with a hand tied behind my back’’

‘’Hey,’’ Jennie growled ‘’ Don’t talk to my sister like that, and she’s right’’ Jennie threw a fireball at Joy who dodged it as the lockers took full brunt of Jennie’s attack

‘’This is your fault!’’

That started a fight between the three that the commotion caught the attention of another person


Chaeyoung shouted again in pain and breathed hard ‘’…I can’t…. control….’’

‘’What is going on?!’’

A shout was heard, a very familiar one to Chaeyoung as she tried to open her eyes but could only see blurry things because of all the pain she’s feeling right now


A few moments earlier

‘’Stupid Chaeyoungie…’’ Jisoo murmured while walking at the hallways, she may have gone to school first but she didn’t go inside…instead she went to the well to calm down for a while before entering the said school when it’s almost time for classes.

She could hear the murmurs of the school even while she’s at the back of the it…


That Chaeyoung passed the tryouts with flying colors


‘’Great now she’ll have less more time with me…’’ Jisoo murmured and continued walking with thoughts all over her head


‘’Maybe I was just too paranoid…I mean Chaeyoung wouldn’t kiss anyone, heck I bet she doesn’t even have her first kiss yet’’ Jisoo chuckled ‘’It’s definitely my fault…if I just let it be last night, then maybe Chaeyoung wouldn’t cuddle with the other Kim which is my sister’’ She said bitterly


Even though she didn’t know the whole story on why the hell was Chaeyoung coming out of Jennie’s room with messy bed hair, she still knew that maybe they did cuddle…she just can’t shake the feeling off.


Then…she heard shouts


Shouts of pain


Of her Chaeyoung!


Jisoo became alert immediately and sprinted towards, and as she was getting closer, she could hear shouts and panic from the crowd of students




Jisoo gritted her teeth because she couldn’t get past this tall guy and when she heard Chaeyoung shout in pain like that, she used all her strength to push people out of her way


‘’Get the …out of my…way!’’


Jisoo finally reached the center of the commotion; there she saw Chaeyoung shaking in pain with squinted eyes and sweating body, Seulgi and Yeri looking at each other worriedly, while Joy, Jennie, and Lisa were shouting at each other as well as some poor lockers burnt to charcoal.


‘’What is going on?!’’


Everyone flinched and suddenly quieted down hearing Kim Jisoo yelling with so much anger that they all stopped what they were doing


‘’I said,’’ Jisoo growled and the atmosphere grew cold


‘’What. Is. Going. On’’


Jennie gulped; she once saw Jisoo like this when they were really young and doesn’t have her elements yet…


And it was not a good sight, and she also can't believe she's a bit affected to it even right now.


Yeri was the one who got the courage to speak despite Jisoo being an elementless that immediately caused fear to people around by just her words and aura


‘’J-Joy gave Chaeyoung a cake that has too much fire powder…’’ Yeri answered ‘’And now, her body is probably been burning from the inside out and can’t be touched by anyone because one touch could really hurt her…’’


Jisoo exhaled through her nose and glared at Joy with so much hate and anger that the tall girl flinched and looked away from her




Jisoo took a deep breath and walked closer to Chaeyoung, kneeling beside her


‘’Where’s Wendy?’’


‘’…in the same position as Chaeyoung right now so she’s absent. Irene-unnie is taking care of her back home.’’ Seulgi said


Jisoo clicked her tongue at that ‘’The school’s nurse?’’


‘’Not in her office’’


Jisoo looked at the burning Chaeyoung as she softly touched her while giving out elzard energy


Chaeyoung felt slight relief at that but at the same time felt fear and she whimpered to her




‘’Solar Flare!’’


A bright light enveloped the whole hallway as everyone closed their eyes from the bright light suddenly appearing in front of their eyes. Some even yelled in pain when they tried to open their eyes so everyone closed it


Chaeyoung could feel a warm and soft hand being put to and the warm cold sensation once again is within her and her breathing slowed down as the fire powder present in the cake slowly went up to the hand that’s on .


‘’Almost…there’’ Jisoo whispered, her eyebrows scrunched up as she tried to pulled away the fire components in the cake which is not an easy feat because it’s in Chaeyoung’s digestive system so it’s taking quite a while to get it out.


‘’…come on be faster’’ Jisoo thought, sweat rolling down the side of her head and she could feel the bright light slowly dwindling down


‘’J-Jichu’’ Chaeyoung choked out, hands shakily going to grab Jisoo’s wrist to stop healing her ‘’Stop please…’’


‘’Shut up, will you?’’ Jisoo whispered ‘’It needs be taken out now or else it’ll go back down’’


Chaeyoung kept mum but she’s really nervous because she could feel the bright light slowly going down


‘’Come on…’’ Chaeyoung can feel herself succumb to the world of unconsciousness ‘’Please…don’t…let them…find out…’’ She could only let out a few words before finally entering the world of darkness


‘’I’m…sorry about…last night.’’


Jisoo’s eyes softened when she saw Chaeyoung fell asleep due to fatigue, she stared at the red spices on her glowing white hand ‘’…you really attract the most annoying admirers huh’’ Jisoo whispered and cupped Chaeyoung’s cheek with her other hand


‘’You’re so infuriating’’


Jisoo sighed and watched the white glow on her hand slowly disappear ‘’There…no one should find ou-‘’




Jisoo froze ‘’Oh no…oh ing no no no!’’ She thought in panic and slowly turned around to see everyone including Jennie and Lisa looking at her with shocked eyes


Why you ask?


Because everyone caught the last wisp of white energy on Jisoo’s hands when they felt they could open their eyes and they only knew one thing…as Jennie shakily pointed out and said in the quietest hallway right now


‘’Y-you’re’’ Jennie stuttered and looking at Jisoo’s anxious face


‘’Y-you’re a l-light elzard…’’

Finaly I was able to post these! Some complete moments of Chaeyoung's ships in this story!  And alsoo...


Surprise!!! Congrats to everyone who guessed Jisoo's element right! I won't be taking long for this author note so please wait for my next chapter! I hope I was able to compensate my long absence through this long chapter. Have a great day guys and please stay safe!

P.S Posted in celebration of Chaeyoung's F I N A L L Y long awaited solo!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔