Helpless and Air

The Elzard

‘’W-where am I?’’


‘’You got sick you idiot’’


Chaeyoung looked to her side and saw Jennie looking down in shame that made her heart soften at the sight


‘’What’s got you so down?’’


‘’I was too slow and you protected me…again’’ Jennie felt tears stinging her eyes but prevented it from coming out, letting out a weak chuckle ‘’It seems like you’re right though…I always seem to bring trouble when you’re with me’’


‘’Shut the hell up’’


Jennie head shot up at that and a bit of hurt reflected on her eyes


‘’Shut up…’’ Chaeyoung looked away before saying in a softer tone


‘’You’ve done more than enough…you’re not a burden’’ Chaeyoung finally had the courage to look to Jennie’s eyes


‘’You’re an amazing elzard…you’re my strength’’


Hyuna shouted and ran towards them to hug them. Chaeyoung was too out of it to push her away and just let her be, mindlessly letting go of Jenlisa’s hand and putting Jisoo down.

‘’What happened to you?’’ Jisung said in a serious tone

‘’There was a woman in a black cloak and I think she’s the one who’s been creating those shadow monsters’’ Lisa answered that made their parents tense

‘’Did you engage this woman’’ Jisung said in a low tone that spelt trouble so the four girls stayed quiet

‘’I said, did you engage this woman!?’’ Jisung’s eyes flickered with fire, angrily staring at them

‘’Yes, we did’’ Jisoo was the only one who answered and Jisung’s literally exploded in fire that made Lisa sweat.

‘’Didn’t I tell all of you to not engage in any of the council’s business?!’’

Jennie started retaliating ‘’But- ‘’

‘’But no!’’ Jisung glared at his second daughter that made Jennie duck her head in fear ‘’Look at your condition! This could not have happened if you just didn’t engage the enemy! The four of you are just freshmen for goodness sake!’’ He spat

Chaeyoung growled and glared at Jisung ‘’So what were we supposed to do huh!? Leave those students lying around for them to die?!’’ She scowled angrily and sparks clenched around her as she continued speaking in a strong voice


‘’If it wasn’t for Jisoo, some are already dead from the blast! If it wasn’t for Jennie, some are having even worse injuries than they have now! If it wasn’t for me and Lisa, there won’t be enough time for the others to get away or for Jisoo to heal the ones who have critical conditions!’’


Jisung’s fire started dying down as Chaeyoung spat those words out


‘’You…held the woman off?’’


‘’We did, and we won.’’ Chaeyoung closed her eyes to try and calm down ‘’In fact, she was gone when the professors arrived, so for all I know, she’s dead.’’ 


‘’Chaeyoung dear…’’


Chaeyoung looked sharply at Hyuna who was looking at her worriedly ‘’What?’’


‘’You’re shaking…’’


Chaeyoung’s eyes widened a bit and finally looked at herself…


And indeed, she was shaking a bit


Chaeyoung blinked and tried to control it but the shaking can’t seem to stop. All of them looked at her worriedly which made her feel small and weak so she clenched her fist and shouted




Hyuna, who was walking closer to somehow heal her, stopped on her tracks when Chaeyoung yelled


‘’I don’t need your help’’ Chaeyoung gritted her teeth


Jennie grabbed Chaeyoung’s shoulder


‘’Rosie…you need help’’


Chaeyoung smacked Jennie’s hand away and snapped


‘’I said I’m fine!’’




Jisoo noticed the hurt expression of her sister and can’t help but feel sorry ‘’Jennie is right, you should let us help you’’


‘’Stop…just stop’’


Chaeyoung clenched her jaw and then finally looked at the person who was quiet for a while. She felt a small relief exhaled from her lungs when she saw Lisa looking at her with a determined and knowing expression.

‘’Lisa…Lisa understands me even if we’re torn apart by hatred…she understands what I just felt but…how?’’

A silent communication happened between them until Lisa nodded, walking towards Chaeyoung and whispering something to her

‘’I’ll wait then…’’

Lisa looked up, as if she didn’t whisper something to Chaeyoung ‘’I’m going up if we’re done being scolded for saving the school.’’ Lisa said stoically, looking critically at the father of the family saying a few things before leaving

‘’An elzard’s warrior job is to protect no matter what the cost…as long as it will save the majority especially to the people they cherish.’’

Knock Knock Knock


Lisa wordlessly stood up and opened the door


‘’Chae…come in.’’


Chaeyoung gave a nod of acknowledgement and entered Lisa’s room as Lisa closed the door for privacy and after making sure either of the sisters are not eavesdropping them again.

‘’How did you escape Jisoo-unnie?’’ Lisa asked, sitting next to Chaeyoung who was lying down on her bed, looking at the bright moon presented in Lisa’s window.

‘’…I kind of told her I’m sleeping over here.’’

Lisa seems surprise ‘’And…she’s okay with it?’’

Chaeyoung grunted ‘’Not really…but we both knew we’re both too tired to argue about it so she just let me be.’’ She said softly

‘’You’re doing what now?’’

Chaeyoung restrained a groan when Jisoo turned around after finishing changing her clothes, looking at her with bewilderment

‘’I’m going to sleep over to Lisa’s room.’’

Jisoo stared intensely at her ‘’Why?’’ She asked

‘’…I just want to’’ Chaeyoung looked away for her not to notice the confusion in Jisoo’s eyes ‘’ I kind of need to talk to her, especially about what she said earlier to Jisung.’’

‘’You mean about being an elzard warrior?’’

Chaeyoung nodded a bit ‘’Yeah, and more. There’s something different about how she said it so I’m going over to find out.’’ She lied a bit when all Chaeyoung needs is someone not to look at her like she’s in need of serious help.

She's strong, not weak

Jisoo bit her lip and sighed tiredly, she was so not in the mood to argue Chaeyoung to not go to Lisa’s room. Who knows what the two will talk about after so many years of the two of them hating each other and now they’re suddenly sleeping over?

‘How long would it take for you to tell me everything Chaeyoungie?’ Jisoo thought sadly before going to her own bed and cuddling to her blankets, feeling a bit cold to herself.

As this will be the first time she won’t feel Chaeyoung’s presence sleeping, even if they’re on separate beds.

‘’Go on then…am I going to assume that you’re going with her to school too?’’ Jisoo didn’t mean for it to sound a bit bitter but her heart sagged in relief hearing Chaeyoung spoke out

‘’No…I’ll still come with you to school, together.’’ Chaeyoung said softly that made Jisoo smile a bit

‘’Okay then…good night Chaeyoungie’’

‘’Good night Jichu’’

‘’That doesn’t sound so bad’’ Lisa commented after hearing Chaeyoung’s side of the story ‘’Is she really that upset?’’

Chaeyoung shook her head ‘’Nah, Jisoo is the most understanding person I know…I know she’s not that upset’’

‘’I hope so…’’ Chaeyoung thought to herself, remembering Jisoo’s recent actions to her; how she seems to be agitated whenever people are getting closer to her or even gossiping about her, and how she tends to get overprotective that even a minor scratch that Chaeyoung could heal herself, Jisoo did it all.


Don’t get her wrong, she’s absolutely thankful that Jisoo has been there for her in every way but lately it’s been…




‘’Hmmm…is that so’’ Lisa hummed, also looking at the moon missing Chaeyoung’s subtle glance at her


‘’Who would have thought after years of hating each other, we would get to the point of this’’ Chaeyoung mused but a question in her head popped up


Did she really hate Lisa?


Chaeyoung observed Lisa’s side profile and now looking at it without the usual sneer on her face whenever she sees Chaeyoung…


Lisa is absolutely gorgeous, cute even; the kind of girl that can mix hot and cute together that can leave you wanting for more of her personality.


‘’Are you still the same Lisa that I know years ago?’’ Chaeyoung muttered…


And unfortunately for her, Lisa heard it


‘’Are you still the same Chaeyoung that I know years ago?’’ Lisa gave the question back, finally staring back at Chaeyoung who didn’t seem to mind that Lisa caught her staring.


Chaeyoung snorted, the same snort kid Lisa elicit from kid Chaeyoung whenever they’re having fun, that made Lisa giggle at that…


The same giggle kid Chaeyoung heard from kid Lisa whenever they’re together


‘’Maybe?’’ Chaeyoung simpered, looking back at the moon, her simper quirking down a bit and eyes darkening as she remembers bits of bits of her life


‘’Some circumstances…changed me.’’


‘’Yeah,’’ Lisa said critically ‘’Like how you shouldn’t be shaking after a battle with that cloaked woman since you’re such a headstrong person.’’

Chaeyoung flinched hearing that ‘’…is it bad that I hate feeling helpless?’’ She said in a vulnerable tone but her actions said so otherwise, her hands clenching in anger.


‘’No…it’s not’’


Lisa also looked back at the moon, closing her eyes


‘’Because it’s how I felt when our parents fought those monsters and died’’


Chaeyoung stopped clenching her fists and looked at Lisa with wide eyes as Lisa continued speaking, chuckling a bit bitterly


‘’I hated that feeling ever since…looking at your mom fighting those monsters on her own and the harsh sound of water hitting those motherers’’ Lisa said mindlessly


‘’It was traumatizing’’


‘’Seeing your own mother get hurt and also realizing that your father is all alone in the house that’s clothed in darkness, probably finding a way out without getting hurt since he used himself as a bait for us to escape…’’ Lisa let a tear escape her eye

‘’They were fighting to protect us. I wanted to help so much after knowing that I have two elements at my 7th birthday b-but then…’’ Lisa choked out a sob and looked at Chaeyoung with hurt in her eyes ‘’Y-you were pulling me away’’

Chaeyoung’s heard constricted in a painful way, not realizing that kid Lisa were thinking these thoughts and has only herself to confide these feelings to…. unlike her who has Jisoo. Jennie might have known some snippets but from what Lisa is showing to her?

This is probably the first time she opened up these thoughts and out of all people who should know, it was her…the one who probably made Lisa feel that way


‘’I-I felt helpless’’


And she was right


‘’And I hated you for that’’ Lisa cried, her head falling to Chaeyoung’s shoulder who was not moving at all, just letting Lisa release her hidden emotions.


‘’As we get farther away from mom and dad…as I see our mom get hurt but you were just running away…we were running away.’’


‘’Ever since then, I never wanted to feel helpless again.’’ Lisa whispered ‘’I grew stronger…but I also cut off my feelings to everyone, especially you.’’

Chaeyoung finally had the courage to put a hand to Lisa’s back, immediately soothing her and Lisa continued speaking

‘’Sure, our current mom and dad were there to train me and Jennie-unnie, but other than that, I never really had that feeling of…family again so I kept all of this to myself.’’

‘’Then why are you telling me all of this?’’ Chaeyoung finally spoke out and Lisa pulled back to look at Chaeyoung’s face, memorizing once again every inch of her face

‘’Because…’’ Lisa whispered, raising her hand to caress Chaeyoung’s cheek tenderly

‘’I’ve been a selfish fool’’ Lisa smiled sadly ‘’Mom and dad would have been so disappointed to me after every bad thing I did to you and Jisoo…and I want to change that. I want to be a better person and I want to start now.’’

‘’To be honest, I’m still confused and I still don’t know much right now….’’ Lisa averted her eyes away from Chaeyoung’s intense stare, blushing a bit

‘’Two things are for sure though’’ Lisa cleared and gave her a dazzling smile that the breath out of Chaeyoung

‘’I will be here for you in every step of the way; I won’t look at you like you’re a damsel in mistress because I know you’re stronger than that. You. Are. Strong.’’ Lisa said with conviction that Chaeyoung fully relaxed to her touch and eyes softening once again that made Lisa see the old Chaeyoung resurfacing back before she became cold.


Chaeyoung could feel tears going up, her eyes getting glassy but she didn’t want to let them down…not right now. It feels utterly good for someone else especially her arch nemesis, or formerly it seems, to recognize your strength and believes in your strength to get back up.

‘’You idiot’’ Chaeyoung chuckled, pushing her away a bit jokingly, her eyes still soft ‘’You said that story for you to cheer me up? You’re such a unique girl’’ She giggled that made Lisa smile dorkily at her

‘’I am, aren’t I?’’ Lisa winked, the both of them laughing a bit and staring at each other softly

‘’So,’’ Chaeyoung said with a small smile, the light of the moon enveloping their faces as if they’re the only people in the world ‘’What’s the other thing?’’

Lisa just gave her a beautiful smile as she spoke with such adoration and confidence that made Chaeyoung’s heart beat erratically

‘’I want you back…I want you back in my life more than ever. More than anything in the world, and this time, I will do my absolute best to make sure we won’t fall apart again.’’

‘’Good morning Jennie’’

Jennie looked up to give her mother a small smile, yawning a bit even after having a bath to start the day.

‘’Morning mom’’

She looked at the table and saw her original family, the other two adopted girls are still not here it seems. Jennie raised an eyebrow to Jisoo who answered the lingering question on her head

‘’She’s at Lisa’s room, slept over there last night,’’

Jennie tensed a bit ‘’Should…we call them or what?’’ She asked a bit awkwardly; this is the first time for a while since her family is whole at the dining table without the adopted girls.

Jisung cleared his throat ‘’Yeah…you should.’’ He gave a tired smile ‘’I think I need to formally apologize to them since what I’ve said last night seems sensitive especially after the four of you had a grueling battle.’’

Hyuna let out a small teasing smile ‘’If it wasn’t for my amazing reasoning, you wouldn’t apologize with that stupid pride of yours’’

‘’Honey not now…’’

Jensoo chuckled at the funny dynamic their parents have when they’re just being a family and all, Jennie decided to be the one to call the maknae line

‘’I’ll call them out then.’’

‘’I’ll come with you’’

Jennie seems surprised Jisoo wanted to come with her when she was just calling the maknae, but it seems like she’s been waiting for this moment from the way she immediately stood up.

It’s as if she needs someone to keep her grounded.


Jennie whispered before going back up to the house, not noticing the smiles on Hyuna and Jisung’s faces after seeing them next to each other

‘’They really look like sisters’’ Jisung commented making Hyuna roll her eyes and flick a finger to her husband.

‘’Pabo, they are sisters.’’

‘’I meant,’’ Jisung chuckled, rubbing the flicked area on his arm ‘’They’re getting closer again like when they were children…’’

‘’Living in this world has its downsides too huh’’ Hyuna smiled sadly before brightening up ‘’But the pros totally outcast the cons, and the comeback of their bonds as sisters are proof of that.’’

‘’Yeah…even Chaeyoung and Lisa seems to be getting their bond back.’’

‘’They’re inspirable when they children, Chittip and Marco raised them well.’’


Inspirable indeed, as Jensoo heard laughter from Lisa’s room, stopping a bit to listen for a while.

‘’Stop Lisa! I do not want to be awaken this way!’’ Chaeyoung’s playful growl was heard before laughter once again consumed the room

‘’I knew it! This is still your ticklish spot after all these years huh Chaeyoung-ah!’’ Lisa’s elated voice entered the ears of the Kim sisters who could only felt dread as they continue to listen

‘’Shut up you!’’

A yelp was heard and this time, it was Lisa’s turn to laugh like crazy

‘’Y-yah! T-that’s u-unfair!’’ Lisa kept talking as she laughed with Chaeyoung tickling her sides with an amused smirk on her face

‘’oh, so you think tickling me to wake me up is fair?!’’

‘’It’s better than being splashed by water!’’

‘’That’s not a good enough reason!’’

They continued bickering while laughing and Jennie seems to not take it anymore, grabbing the door knob and easily destroying it as she opened the door.

Jisoo felt numb; seeing the sunlight illuminating Chaeyoung and Lisa’s position right now as if encasing them and proudly showing off how close they are right now.

Chaeyoung is on top of Lisa, straddling her long legs to make sure she won’t take charge and her hands are on Lisa’s sides and frozen after looking at Jensoo who entered the room. The smiles on their faces frozen in shock at the sudden appearance of the two sisters. Lisa’s hands were on Chaeyoung’s shoulders in an attempt to push her off because she was tickling her but it seems to be frozen as well as the maknae looked at the two sisters with slight irritation but mostly confusion.


Chaeyoung cleared and was the first one to move, removing her hands to Lisa’s body and standing up, a bit awkwardly.

‘’What’s up?’’ Lisa decided to ask since Chaeyoung seems to be on mute right now as she was being drilled by the eyes of the Kim sisters.

‘’What’s up is that breakfast is starting soon’’ Jennie spat out ‘’Get your up Manoban, stop fooling around.’’

Lisa scoffed and knew clearly that Jennie is being a jealous mandu again but listened anyways. Her stomach growling in hunger seems to make its presence so she stood up and grabbed Chaeyoung’s arms like a little kid

‘’Let’s go eat Chae, I bet you’re hungry as well’’ She teased making Chaeyoung blush a bit

‘’Y-yeah I do feel hungry.’’

‘’More like always’’

Chaeyoung glared at Lisa ‘’not now’’ She threatened but Lisa is unaffected and just chuckled, hauling Chaeyoung out of her room leaving behind the two sisters.

‘’You,’’ Jisoo looked at the fuming Jennie ‘’You just let them be?’’


‘’Why?’’ Jennie demanded after getting a quiet answer from her sister

‘’I-I…’’ Jisoo stuttered ‘’I don’t know, I just felt…numb I guess.’’ She hugged herself and rubbed her arms, feeling a bit cold

‘’Chaeyoung and Lisa…’’ Jisoo said stoically, her fists clenching and Jennie feared the words that will come out from her sister’s mouth

‘’They still have that special bond it seems…’’

‘’I would like to apologize for my behavior last night’’

Jisung started speaking after they ate their breakfast. Both he and Hyuna were pleasantly surprised when Lisa sat next to Chaeyoung making Jisoo grumble and sat next to Jennie while being in front of Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung also seems to not flinch when Lisa did that and just let it be.

Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’It’s fine, we were all high on emotions last night.’’ Lisa nodded and spoke her own thoughts as well

‘’Yeah, it’s nothing dad’’ Lisa gave a small smile which seems to make Jisung finally relax and smile back.

‘’All of you have gotten stronger…’’ Jisung looked at his four daughters and smiled proudly ‘’I’m proud of you all and I know you will achieve your dreams when you graduate.’’ Then he looked at his true daughters and wondered what they wanted to be when they graduate since Chaelisa made it pretty clear last night on what they wanted to be.

‘’Jisoo, Jennie, what do you want to do in the future?’’

Jennie thought about it for a while, what did she want to be in the future? She really has no long-term goals and pretty much focused on the present and just getting stronger.

So, she decided to be honest.

‘’I really don’t know’’ Jennie shrugged ‘’I’ll just do what I want while I’m still at freshmen. We’re still in the general part of our academics before we choose our specialization. Right now, I just want to train and enjoy my life.’’

Hyuna giggled at that, typical Jennie being an adventurous girl she is. It takes time to fully choose on what you want to specialize so she fully respects her daughter’s decision. Then she looked at the eldest and asked her

‘’How about you Jisoo?’’

‘’I want to become an elzard doctor’’

That seems to surprise the whole table except Chaeyoung of course. She knew about this and just decided to keep on eating as they talk.

‘’Wow, an elzard doctor’’ Hyuna grinned happily ‘’Did you know that that was my first dream when I was a child but decided to lean into politics and here I am, a member of the council.’’

‘’Yeah…’’ Jisoo said awkwardly ‘’Good thing I got the light element huh, it makes things easier’’ she joked to lighten up the atmosphere and it somehow worked as everyone minus Chaeyoung started talking about their dreams.

Chaeyoung just watch them all talk and observed Jisoo who was nodding and responding with a small smile on her face, making a small smile of her own to appear.

Having this family doesn’t seem so bad anymore

‘’So, you and Rosie’’

Lisa rolled her eyes and decided to just bear this questioning ‘’What of it?’’ She asked hastily, looking ahead at the talking Chaesoo. Before Lisa could grab Chaeyoung, the older girl by a month seems to already stick next to the eldest so Lisa has no choice but to walk with Jennie.

‘’You two seems close.’’

‘’…that’s good right?’’ Lisa said ‘’I’m finally letting go of my hatred to her and moving on well.’’

‘’But…’’ Jennie hesitated, that is a good thing if you’re looking at it in a normal perspective.

Lisa would be changing for the better.

‘’but what?’’ Lisa raised an eyebrow and her eyes softened seeing the vulnerable Jennie Kim.

She hasn’t seen that for a while especially since they’ve been having this feud…

‘’Maybe it’s time to fix things…’’


Jennie’s ears perk up at that and looked at Lisa with wonder, it’s been a while since Lisa called her that…

‘’What is it Lili?’’ She whispered softly

‘’Don’t feel threaten of me.’’ Lisa whispered ‘’It’s glaringly obvious that you like Chaeyoung, you shouldn’t worry about me since I’m more on focused on getting her back in my life.’’

Jennie bit her lip ‘’You’re just saying that now…you don’t know how you look at Rosie…’’

‘’And also, I want to say sorry for the taunting things I’ve said to you’’ Lisa rubbed the back of her head ‘’ I know we’ve been having this feud but let’s stop it and just be adults. Besides,’’ She chuckled

‘’Seulgi, Irene, and Yeri can’t seem to talk properly because from what Seulgi told me, you’re releasing quite an icy aura despite being a fire elzard’’ She joked

Jennie chuckled at that, picturing an awkward Seulgi, Irene, and Yeri when she and Lisa didn’t talk to each other for days.

‘’Yeah, you’re right’’ Jennie let out a bright smile when Lisa grabbed her shoulders to give her a comforting smile

‘’I’ll…believe you’’ Jennie said, she decided to just trust what Lisa is saying even though her guts are screaming otherwise but she suppressed it because she also missed bonding with Lisa and her other friends.

‘’I’m sorry also.’’

Lisa nodded and smiled before looking on ahead, seeing the school on their sight now.

It’s time to start another day it seems.

With Chaesoo at the same time while Jenlisa was also talking

‘’So, you and Lisa’’ Jisoo started speaking after finally having Chaeyoung to herself after Lisa sat next to her during breakfast which irked Jensoo and surprised their parents as well.

‘’What do you mean unnie?’’ Chaeyoung asked as they walk casually towards school with Jenlisa also talking hushed behind them

‘’You two seems to be getting closer…if what we saw earlier is any indication.’’

Chaeyoung sighed, this is what she meant when Jisoo is getting a bit suffocating, interrogating her but she can’t blame her since she’s hiding her partnership with Lisa to her.

‘’We kind of had a heart-to-heart talk last night’’ Chaeyoung whispered but Jisoo heard it clearly

‘’oh?’’ Jisoo tried to make it seem like she wasn’t bothered by it ‘’what did you tell her?’’

‘’…that I hate feeling helpless’’

Jisoo stared at Chaeyoung and finally realized what this is all about after years of knowing the younger girl

‘’Chaeyoungie…you know that’s not what I meant last night’’ Jisoo said with a bit of hurt in her voice

‘’I-I know it’s just’’ Chaeyoung closed her eyes ‘’The look in all your eyes’…it’s all the same but only Lisa looked at me differently. That’s why I slept over in her room.’’ She opened her eyes and looked at Jisoo with pure intentions

‘’Don’t get me wrong Jichu, I trust you and all but last night was just too much for me…’’ Chaeyoung said ‘’And don’t you said it before that you want to mend our broken bond with them? I was totally against that but here I am trying my best because it’s not only for me, but for you as well. I don’t want you to carry that responsibility yourself just because you’re the eldest…’’

‘’Yeah…but it seems like it’s backfiring at me since it seems like I’m not the only person you confide to with, that not even Wendy knows…’’ Jisoo bit her lip and shook her head, she needs to be mature for this. So, what if Chaelisa’s bond are slowly repairing itself? Or if Jennie seems to be changing her ways too especially to Chaeyoung?

She’s Kim Jisoo, the one who was there with Chaeyoung through ups and downs and knew her deepest darkest secrets. Her goals in life, and even her cues on what she’s feeling.

She knows it all

But she can’t help but also feel threaten to the other two girls but Jisoo knows to herself that she’s still the closest person in Chaeyoung’s life, Chaeyoung said so herself.

With that thought, Jisoo visibly relaxed and gave small smile to Chaeyoung

‘’Thank you for thinking about me’’ She hugged Chaeyoung who immediately hugged back and relished the comfort. Jisoo felt herself sagged in relief feeling the tight hug that immediately comforted her conflicted thoughts

‘’You’re such a good person you know?’’ Jisoo whispered which made Chaeyoung chuckle

‘’Oh, unnie…we both know that you’re the better person between us’’ Chaeyoung pulled back from the hug to smile at the eldest

‘’Now, let’s get on with the day…together.’’

‘’So today we’re going to learn an air element, an attack called Air Slash’’ Bom smiled happily, the normal atmosphere of the school finally placed back.

What’s normal though is that; Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa seemed to be hailed as heroes for what they have done on fending off the enemy last Halloween Party. They were supposed to cut off classes for today so that everyone can rest however Seungri suggested to continue the schooling to make sure everyone is being eyed by the professors this time to make sure none are being targeted. Most of the students that were hurt were either healed by Jisoo or Wendy, or were given a day off if they can’t take it with an elzard warrior guarding them.

That would show the enemy that they’re strong and standing so here they are having a regular class after an eventful Halloween Party.

‘’You have been quite the talk today Ms. Jisoo’’ Bom smiled happily at her former student now that another of her element is revealed to the whole world

‘’Since you have shown the school your Air element it seems, why don’t you tell us what the air element is all about?’’

Jisoo stood up and can only flinch a bit when some students cheered at her instead of the usual insults making Chaeyoung roll her eyes at that and scoff.

‘’I knew this would happen’’ Chaeyoung thought a bit angrily but remained calm.

‘’Air element is easy to be honest’’ Jisoo said ‘’It’s like transferring your elzard energy to the oxygen within you and controlling it, making it as if it’s your own to control.’’ She demonstrated by opening her palm and the wind started swirling around her hand

‘’With that, you can also easily control the air outside your body and anybody around you depending on how far your radius is. When you’re not an elzard of the air element, your radius is in a respectable distance as big as this room but when you’re an elzard of this element, the possibility is endless when you keep on training.’’

‘’How far is your radius then Ms. Jisoo?’’ Bom asked but Jisoo knew that she’s asking for updates about that

‘’That would be classified for now’’ Jisoo just smiled and sat down signaling she’s done updating.

Bom chuckled and shook her head, they’re still adamant on keeping their true strength in secret but she knows it won’t be long until the whole school witness it especially in the upcoming activities.

‘’Ms. Jisoo is right, let’s practice for everyone to channel air energy before we go outside for demonstration of the technique’’

Everyone nodded and started getting to work

Surprisingly, Jisoo was right as air really was easy to access. Everyone managed to get ahold of the energy and soon they were outside.

‘’So, for this technique, you will be imagining something sharp’’ Bom stared instructing ‘’From the name itself, this technique is used for offensive and can severely damage your opponent depending on how strong your air energy is. Some can even cut off body parts’’ She chuckled seeing the horror-stricken faces of some of her students

‘’There will be no body cutting on this class don’t worry’’ Bom joked and made multiple logs emerge

‘’Wow…she can even do a wood element despite being not a master of it…’’ Lisa mumbled in amazement.

‘’You will all be slashing this log like this’’

Bom stretched her hand and created a half-eclipse made out of air as she launched it towards the log, easily cutting it into half rather cleanly and diagonally.

‘’Easy as cake, right?’’ Bom said cheerfully and clapped her hands ‘’Now let’s get started! Since this is an easy spell for you, I will be starting grading right now. I want to test your intelligence and skills without much practice.’’

Everybody lined up with our four girls lined up near at the end of the line

‘’So, how does it feel to be a famous person now?’’ Lisa asked Chaeyoung and Jisoo with a mocking smile ‘’feels great huh?’’

Chaeyoung and Jisoo groaned in irritation

‘’More like annoying’’ Chaeyoung grumbled

‘’It will definitely take some time for us to get used to’’ Jisoo answered

Jennie chuckled ‘’But hey, the free stuffs we get are awesome.’’

Jisoo laughed ‘’Yeah, some gave me rare books that I just had to accept. Chaeyoungie here seems doubtful from the foods that are given to her and just rejected all of them bluntly’’

‘’Of course, I would reject it!’’ Chaeyoung scowled ‘’Not after Joy’s fiasco with her fire cake.’’

‘’Isn’t it red velvet though?’’

‘’Shut up! I don’t ing care but that cake is from hell I’m telling you!’’

The three girls laughed at the whining Chaeyoung and speaking of Joy though…

‘’Look Rosie! I aced my assessment without practice!’’

Joy waved happily to the girl she likes who just groaned and face-palmed, ignoring the taller girl

‘’Seriously? Even after all of that she won’t stop annoying me’’ Chaeyoung sighed ‘’If she wasn’t Wendy’s friend, I would have probably placed a restraining order to her.’’

‘’That’s kind of overreacting Chae’’ Lisa chuckled ‘’Besides, I’m sure Joy is just doing it for fun. Who wouldn’t have fun annoying you’’ Lisa said with a smirk

‘’Thanks for that Lis’’ Chaeyoung said snarkily, the nickname slipping of her tongue unknowingly that made Lisa smile happily

‘’Ms. Jennie it’s your turn’’

Jennie ignored the bothering feeling when she saw how Chaeyoung and Lisa seems to be getting closer and shook her head

‘’I need to get focused…I still need to find out what they’re hiding since this change is still too sudden for me even if Lisa told me that she’s moving on from her hatred…’’

Jennie took a deep breath and blew it with her hand outstretched, creating a quite big sharp edge shaped like an arrow. She launched it and it has cut through the log quite easily and even almost cutting of the tree far from it.

Bom whistled ‘’That’s quite a technique Ms. Jennie. You get extra points for that’’

Chaeyoung blinked in amazement at what just Jennie did and how she did it so effortlessly ‘’Amazing…’’

‘’Ms. Lisa, your turn’’

Lisa nodded and just stretched her hand, creating a half eclipse like what Bom just did earlier and launched it, also getting the same result.

Bom smiled and checked her progress with a satisfied nod. She turned to Chaeyoung and nodded, giving her the go signal.

Chaeyoung seems curious though, she glanced at Jennie who along with everyone is watching her.


Heck why not?

She should just try it.

Chaeyoung closed her eyes and took a deep breath, circulating the air energy inside her and releasing it like Jennie, also strengthening the revolving air in front of her with her outstretched hand and slowly shaping it like a half eclipse. She struggled for a while in the sudden increase of power so she released it immediately.

She almost didn’t hit the log but the power behind it managed to slash it dangerously and also struck the tree behind it, almost making it fall as well.

‘’Great power but you need to work on your aim’’ Bom criticized ‘’Though if you didn’t power it up, you would have probably hit that log so I’ll give you a perfect score for that.’’

Chaeyoung nodded and sneaked a glance to Jennie who gave her a wink and thumbs-up. She blushed a bit and nodded in acknowledgement.

‘’Lastly, Ms. Jisoo’’ Bom smiled at her in encouragement, looking at her as if to tell her that she doesn’t need to hold back.

Jisoo looked back at her former mentor and then to the rest of the class; Chaeyoung looking at her expectantly, Jenlisa anticipating her strength, Joy frowning at her, and then Wendy giving her a wide smile.

Jisoo nodded to herself and opened her palm, aiming it at the log. Her eyes turning sharp and Bom was blown back a bit at the air energy Jisoo is releasing, her arms covering up her face a bit because the current was strong.

Everyone watched in shock and amazement as Jisoo created a big half eclipse air and when I say big…


It’s bigger than Jisoo herself


Chaeyoung seems to want to protest at this show of power but remained mum seeing the determined look at Jisoo’s face. She sighed and just let it be


There’s no reason to hold back after all


Jisoo remained calm even if the wind she’s creating is causing the other students to skid except her sisters; the air energy on her hand feels amazing, refreshing even as she finally let out her powers and whispered


‘’Air Slash’’


With that, Jisoo released the attack and it completely diminishes the log and cut a long line of trees before finally disappearing in the air.


Everyone looked on amazement at the slashed grass on the ground, the pieces of bits of the log and all the way to the forest part of the academy as they whispered


‘’Amazing…she has this power all along?’’


‘’Wow…I knew the council head’s daughters are something’’


‘’That’s scary…a human would have definitely been hurt severely at that attack’’


‘’Unless you’re an earth elzard, anybody can counter it.’’


‘’But that kind of Air Slash? I wouldn’t want to face her at this kind of match up’’


Jennie could only drop in shock, her sister was this strong? She didn’t even power up the technique with her own air inside of her! What more if…

Jennie shivered at the damage output of that and was only glad that she’s an earth elzard. The feeling of inferiority is still there but now…

There’s also a tingle of excitement on how will she surpass Jisoo in terms of strength and with that, she’s determined to train even harder and counter Jisoo’s attacks when they battle in the future.

Lisa let out an ‘oooh’ sound when Jisoo released the technique and like Jennie without the inferiority, she was also determined to get to know the two and possibly get stronger together, especially with her chipmunk. Her respect just went high at the same time her shame became more evident because after all the years of torment they gave to the two, they were actually on par with the strongest elzards in the academy, which includes her and Jennie.

She looked at Chaeyoung who just sighed and shake her head, but a proud smile was on her face. Lisa hoped one day she would be able to elicit that kind of smile from Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung walked towards the not-so winded Jisoo who was just looking at her progress with a small smile on her face, not hearing Bom’s words of ‘you passed amazingly! I’m proud of you’

Bom smiled knowingly when Chaeyoung whispered something to Jisoo and hugged her tightly, not minding the whole school is watching them.

‘’You’re amazing Kim Jisoo…’’ Chaeyoung whispered and hugged her as if to say that they made it to this point.

Jisoo let out a bright smile and hugged her back tightly while blushing a bit, pulling back to look at Chaeyoung’s eyes with also a proud emotion in it as she spoke

‘’We both are…and we’re going to get better together’’

Bom chuckled and could only muse out ‘’Teenagers…how it’s so fun back in the days’’ She looked at the long line of slashed nature


‘’Looks like Jinyoung would be busy again.’’


The day finished with Kim Jisoo once again being the talk of the academy…


Not knowing some people were frowning at the news, definitely not liking the update.


At all.

I have been able to swim back to writing but academics are pulling me away right now to write more chapters but hey!


Here's an update for everyone :)


I was supposed to put the first scene of this chapter to the last chapter but I felt like the last scene from the last chapter is a good enough end to it. (Lol did that make sense?) So, I hoped you all liked Lisa's character development but more will come in the future chapters. I don't know if I already told you all but the sketch and plot of the whole story is now done. I just need to bring it back to life and I think...


We will probably reach 50-80 chapters and that's including the ending. Yup, it's that long. I'm also contemplating if I should create a book two of this series but it depends on how the plot goes on. I'm not depending on the number of readers reading this because I'm actually quite content of just somebody reading it. Suggestions are also accepted from you guys so there's also a chance that what all of you are commenting can be part of the story, or I could create a filler chapter of it. 


That's all everyone! Stay safe and thank you all so much for the patience and love for this story. I read some of your comments that some are re-reading it while waiting for me to update and also to might pick up some hints I drop from each chapter. I truly appreciate you all! Thank you once again and have a blessed life!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔