
The Elzard

‘’I feel like Katniss from that Hunger Games movie!’’

Chaeyoung laughed lightly watching Lisa act like a real archer, rolling the ground and shooting imaginary arrows event though she already has arrows strapped to her waist.

‘’Lili stop fooling around’’

Jennie walked up towards them, rolling her eyes at Lisa’s silly display ‘’Mom is here so shape up’’

Chaeyoung is curious how Hyuna will teach them since Jisung is quite serious and doesn’t appear to know the word ‘hold back’ so she quite understands why Jenlisa is confident to their strength.

And they’re all just getting stronger even more

She glanced at Jisoo who was struggling a bit at holding the bow

‘’This is heavier than I thought’’ Jisoo unconsciously pouted which cracked a smile to Chaeyoung’s feature

‘’You’re still not used to lifting heavy weapons?’’

Jisoo grunted ‘’You know this is not my choice of weapon’’

Chaeyoung shivered as she imagined fighting Jisoo on her choice of weapon ‘’Yeah…you plus your elements and dagger is a scary combination’’


Chaeyoung sighed, looking defeatedly at the white dog her face right now but a soft smile is on her face

‘’Yes Dalgom, you’re also part of the scary combination’’

Dalgom just barked and walked back towards her owner, sitting obediently by her side.


‘’Hold it like this’’

Chaeyoung could feel her breath quickening when Jennie leaned closer to her, positioning her hands the correct way

‘’Seems like holding the sword really increased your strength’’ Jennie purred on Chaeyoung’s ear in which she shivered

‘’I-I u-uh’’

Christ she’s been like this stuttering mess ever since…

Jennie could only step away a bit to wink at her as she smiled cheekily

‘’No problem…hubby’’






‘’Damn it’’ She whispered and saw Chaeyoung looking at her direction with a narrowed gaze so she quickly walked away before the fast girl could get to her

‘’Is there something the matter hubby?’’

Chaeyoung just gazed at the forest area once again

‘’…Nothing, I just thought I hit someone’’

‘’Welcome back to weapon training everyone!’’

Sandara grinned ‘’Man, I missed you guys!’’

‘’Uhm but Ms. Park…we just saw each other a week ago’’

‘’Oh, I just miss troubling your lives on a daily basis’’

Everyone sweat-dropped at their weird professor as some sighed and chuckled at their professor. It felt good that everything is now slowly going back to normal after that unexpected attack last Halloween.

‘’So, what are we learning today Ms. Park?’’ Joy asked, seemingly curious

‘’Glad you asked Ms. Joy’’ Sandara smiled happily and opened her palm as she slowly started to morph something when her hand began glowing metallic white.

Jisoo’s eyes twinkled in happiness seeing her chosen weapon while Chaeyoung glanced at her and could only chuckle at the excitement on her eyes…

But also, lowkey scared

‘’That’s a…’’ Lisa squinted her eyes and then the light slowly dimmed away revealing its appearance

‘’A dagger’’ Jisoo finished her sentence which made Jennie glance at her sister with curiosity so she asked Chaeyoung

‘’Hey Rosie…’’


Chaeyoung looked at Jennie who asked and was also internally cooing at how cute her Rosie speaking like that

‘’Does Jisoo…’’

‘’Yes’’ Chaeyoung chuckled, as if she read what’s on Jennie’s mind ‘’If my chosen weapon is the sword, and yours is a bow and arrow…’’

Jennie’s heart fluttered a bit that Chaeyoung remembered that

‘’…then Jisoo’s weapon is the dagger’’

‘’If you want to use how to fight with a dagger, you need three things’’ Sandara showed three fingers and gesturing one of each as she said

‘’Stealth, balance, and precision’’

Sandara threw the dagger up and when the handle came down, she used the tip of her finger to balance it before speedily throwing it up again for a bit and then holding the dagger in reverse grip as she threw the dagger to a red target


Jisoo watched in amazement at Sandara’s small grin when she hits the bullseye ‘’she’s definitely an expert of weapons.’’ Jisoo thought

Everyone made an awe look as Sandara continued explaining after creating another dagger in her hand

‘’So, holding the dagger is the easiest; it’s like holding someone’s hand but in this case’’ Some students snickered and rolled their eyes at the example

‘’It’s a dagger’’ Sandara smiled sweetly and called out her favorite student so far


‘’Ms. Chaeyoung’’


Chaeyoung sighed ‘’Of course she would choose me…’’


Sandara has been having way too fun in blackmailing her…well, there’s really nothing to blackmail for now but from Sandara’s glint in her eyes, it appears to be that she knows something…




‘’But what?’’ Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes before standing up, ignoring the love-struck and awe looks on the other students’ faces.


‘’Hero of the school my ’’ Chaeyoung scowled, still not used to this kind of environment. Everyone’s looking at her with that kind of look except for her friends. It’s a bit unsettling seeing even Irene nodding and giving her a small smile

‘’Here, hold this’’

Chaeyoung grabbed the dagger and mysteriously, it glowed a bit on her hand making her raise an eyebrow to Sandara who is just smiling at her

‘’Hold it in a forward hammer’s grip’’

Chaeyoung easily held it like that; her fingers wrapped completely around the grip, and the blade facing out from her while pointing straight up in the sky. Her thumb is also making sure to secure the dagger around her hand.

‘’Very good’’ Sandara grinned ‘’Do you know how to use the dagger?’’

Chaeyoung shook her head ‘’A bit, I’m mostly average on using this.’’

‘’Everyone, copy Chaeyoung’s grip and get used to it’’

Everyone did just that, with Jisoo’s eyes being more sharpened like she’s in a battle; something that Sandara noticed immediately

‘’Hmmm…I wouldn’t have thought’’ Sandara mused to herself before speaking up again

‘’Now, reverse grip’’

Like a soldier, Chaeyoung and Jisoo quickly reversed their hold with the blade edge pointing back to them.

‘’Interesting…’’ Sandara hummed, watching how some students were bewildered at their quick response.

‘’Whoa easy there Jisoo-unnie’’ Lisa chuckled ‘’We’re in school, not a battle’’

Jisoo cleared and lowered her guard ‘’Ah yeah…sorry about that’’ She mumbled and Chaeyoung probably noticed she was like that too so she lowered her guard down as well to avoid suspicions.


Chaeyoung jumped away and got into battle stance with her dagger in reverse grip, glaring slightly at Sandara

‘’What was that for?’’ She said in irritation


Sandara suddenly said before facing the class ‘’You also need reflexes to make sure you won’t lose the three foundation of fighting with a dagger. If you lose your dagger, it’s all over.’’

Then Sandara grinned evilly

‘’And that will be your assignment for today. Everyone is your opponent except for me’’  She said and immediately, everyone tensed and started backing away from one another

‘’I will be looking to your stealth, reflexes, intelligence, balance, and precision’’ Sandara jumped away and stood at a branch of a tree, taking out a clock

‘’There will be approximately half an hour for you to finish your task. If you manage to return to this training area with your dagger, you pass. The daggers all of you are holding are specifically made by me so that when you lose it and somebody managed to grab it, it will immediately disappear. You can use the whole forest for you to infiltrate others. I will give you five minutes to return here after the timer rang, otherwise you will also fail.’’ Sandara grinned again seeing the students maximizing the wide training area

‘’You can start…. NOW!’’

Jennie closed her eyes, feeling everyone’s steps via the vibrations of the earth but her friends are smart enough to know that that’s what she will do so they’re probably hiding or running using the trees.

Jennie smirked seeing a familiar girl on close to her


Jennie chuckled and walked stealthily towards the younger girl

‘’I swear this is not my choice of weapon ‘’ Yeri growled, feeling the dagger too light for her taste. A step behind her made her flip back to avoid a slash, cat eyes staring at her with an approved look made her roll her eyes

‘’Jennie, I’m your best friend’’ Yeri grinned at her, twirling the dagger quite easily despite complaining a minute ago ‘’You shouldn’t target me, perhaps we should team up and attack let’s say…your sister?’’

Jennie rolled her eyes, knowing full well Yeri’s devilish mind ‘’ No thanks, ‘’ She said, remembering from Chaeyoung that Jisoo’s chosen weapon is a dagger so she better keep her guard up

Yeri raised an eyebrow at her, Jennie is denying to team up against her sister ‘’I wonder why…’’ She thought since normally, Jennie will absolutely agree to that idea to make sure her sister stays down

‘’What changed?’’ Yeri tilted her head questioningly

Jennie clicked her tongue and tapped her feet, trapping Yeri with her earth element ‘’Nothing’’ She shrugged, holding the dagger in reverse form just in case Yeri attacks as she slowly walks towards her.

Yeri sighed and kicked the earth trap with her leg that was glowing dark brown with a hue of red ‘’Guess I have to make you at least sweat huh’’

Jennie quickly defended herself when Yeri launched at her with her dagger, doing an attempt to slash Jennie with a quick hand.

Jennie easily swayed out of her direction and blew a fireball to Yeri’s face who was a bit unaffected considering she’s a lava elzard

‘’A distraction’’ Yeri quickly thought but was too late because she flinched in pain when Jennie slashed her right hand that was holding the dagger making blood appear. However, her grip on the dagger didn’t loosen for a bit so Yeri jumped back and looked at her with an amused smile

‘’Didn’t know you had it in you’’ She said

Jennie just chuckled and looked at her best friend with a smile ‘’Don’t make me waste too much of my precious time so if you’re really my best friend, why don’t you just give it up and rest back at the training ground.’’

‘’That’s tempting’’ Yeri grinned ‘’But you know I won’t back down without a fight’’

Yeri opened her palm and outstretched it, her hand outlining with a silver like color. Jennie gripped the dagger tightly, sensing it wanting to go towards Yeri

‘’I almost forgot she’s a metal elzard too…’’

Jennie gritted her teeth, sensing the magnetism going stronger as time passes by and by the look on Yeri’s face…

She’s prepared of surprising Jennie with an all-out attack

‘’Not if I get to her first…’’


Yeri yelped when Jennie suddenly crouched her knees and launched towards Yeri; the magnetism of her dagger going to Yeri helping with her speed and successfully surprised the younger girl who didn’t managed to defend quickly enough as Jennie willed the earth to trap Yeri’s feet.

Jennie wrapped an arm around Yeri’s shoulder with her other hand pointing at Yeri’s neck


Yeri sighed knowing she has no escape in this game; though she could easily escape from Jennie’s embrace but the fact that the goal her is the dagger made her lose in this because the moment she will escape, Jennie’s other hand is ready to snatch the dagger at any time.


Jennie grinned and accepted Yeri’s dagger which glowed brightly before shimmering away in sparkles

‘’Thanks’’ Jennie smirked and let go of Yeri, also undoing her spell ‘’You gave me a good fight there’’

Yeri winked ‘’Got to make sure I make you at least sweat oh strongest elzard in our department’’ She said jokingly

Jennie chuckled and looked around the forest seeing some shimmering lights noting that the others are on the move as well

‘’I got to  go and hide then’’ Jennie nodded to Yeri before disappearing in the forest leaving Yeri shaking her head

‘’This is so troublesome…’’

‘’Psst Chae’’


Chaeyoung sighed and said without looking behind her knowing who called her name


‘’What is it, Lisa?’’


‘’I got an idea’’




Lisa pouted, her guard still up just in case Chaeyoung is really competitive ‘’I mean, I have an idea to talk to dad.’’


Chaeyoung remembered their plan and lowered her guard a bit, turning sideways to look at Lisa  ‘’Go on then.’’


‘’Why don’t we call it truce for now?’’ Lisa grinned ‘’I already got at least 3 daggers so I just need to pass some time’’


‘’How about you?’’ Lisa asked her




Chaeyoung was quiet and remembered one specific moment


Chaeyoung spoke out coldly but the girl she’s restraining right now just grinned and gutted her making Chaeyoung hold her gut and jumped away




Chaeyoung grunted


 ‘surprisingly strong’ she thought


‘’Just because I like you Rosie doesn’t mean that I’ll hold back’’


Chaeyoung rolled her eyes but a small grin is playing on her lips ‘’I was expecting you not to, Joy’’


Joy twirled the dagger on her hand and a devious glint is on her face ‘’You looked troubled last party’’


Chaeyoung stiffened before blocking Joy’s quick strike and retaliating with lightning when Joy attacked her with her fire element on point blank range

Smokes enveloped them by their attacks but Joy continued talking

‘’ Are you feeling well?’’

‘’I do, don’t worry about me’’ Chaeyoung said calmly and blocking Joy’s thrown dagger at her, she jumped up to get out of the smoke and tried to find Joy’s dagger only to be met by an already falling Joy with the dagger in her hand.

Chaeyoung twisted her body out of the range and her fist sparked lightning as she said with a small smirk


‘’You should worry about yourself!’’


‘’Lightning Fist!’’




Joy grunted in pain and chuckled albeit a bit painfully ‘’You and lightning are so annoying’’ She grimaced at the lightning dancing around her body

Chaeyoung walked towards her and touched Joy’s dagger, watching it disappear and sprinkle into white sparks.

‘’Brutal as always Rosie…’’

Chaeyoung looked at Joy who was staring at her with a deadly smirk

‘’I like it when you go all out, when you use your true strength’’

‘’Even when you’re the target?’’ Chaeyoung raised her eyebrow and took on a look of surprise when after a few moments, Joy stood up as if the lightning has died down in her. The taller girl walked closed to her and placed a hand on Chaeyoung’s shoulder seductively and whispered

‘’I don’t care…I like it, and it really turns me on’’

Chaeyoung shook her head to get rid of that moment; sure, she felt pride at releasing her strength and having someone admire it despite her element being dangerous, but somehow, she felt weird when Joy whispered that to her.

‘’Hello? Earth to chipmunk?’’

‘’I got a couple, plus Joy’s’’ Chaeyoung answered as if she’s not relieving her moment with Joy moments ago.

‘’So, what’s your plan?’’ She asked

Lisa grinned ‘’Dad’s weapon is a dagger; we can ask him to train us since this is our topic for today and who knows? Maybe we’ll have another test tomorrow so it’s better to be prepared.’’

Chaeyoung thought about it, it’s like killing two birds in one stone. Having a council head training them at his main weapon is very appealing, plus the info they could get about the well will help her and Lisa plan their next course of action.

With that, the older girl nodded ‘’Sure, let’s ask him later when we get home. The earlier we get home, the faster we’ll get that information.’’

‘’Let’s do it’’ Lisa smiled cheerfully and an attack was heard that made them tense up

‘’Vine Wrap!’’

Vines were wrapped around Chaeyoung’s body who raised an eyebrow at the attacker, who was grinning at Lisa and winking at her

‘’Hey Lis! How about we team up?’’


Lisa wanted to snicker but also felt a bit sorry for her best friend. She must have thought that they were battling and decided to help Lisa

‘’Sorry Seul,’’ Lisa sighed which made Seulgi looked confused

‘’Huh? What’s wrong Lisa?’’

Chaeyoung chuckled a bit, she had to admit; Seulgi is a bit cute looking like a confused bear to Lisa and could only smile inwardly at how much she’s willing to help the maknae.

‘’She found a good friend…’’ Chaeyoung thought and easily burned the vines with her lightning element, stepping forward to Seulgi at the same time with Lisa, whose hands are now growing green also.

‘’Too bad we’re having a truce right now’’

Seulgi finally realized what was going on and could only slap herself on the forehead as she was now facing the two sisters…again


And from what she experienced at the tryouts has developed,


She is toast.




Seulgi chuckled nervously, now floating a bit for a chance to escape


‘’I-I guess I’ll run away then’’


‘’Vine Wall!’’




Yup, they have definitely developed their teamwork

Jisoo was sweating


Like the nervous kind of sweating


Because how the hell would she knew that Irene, Jennie’s best friend, would be really good using the dagger?


‘’Lightning Strike!’’


And a lightning element too, just like what Wendy said


Jisoo rolled on her right side to dodge the attack and her eyes turned sharp while the wind on her not occupied hand started swirling


‘’You got to do better than that’’ Irene smirked before her eyes turned cold that made Jisoo shiver


‘’Or you’ll lose’’


Jisoo said nothing and willed the wind to smack Irene’s dagger out from her reach. Irene, who was expecting it, let it be and used that moment to dash at Jisoo with impressive speed.

However, her eyes widened when she felt something prick her right cheek making blood run down noting how Jisoo anticipated her move and ran towards Irene’s floating dagger courtesy of her air element.

‘’Too bad’’ Jisoo smirked and was now an arm’s reach towards Irene’s dagger ‘’I win this one’’


‘’As I’ve said,’’


Jisoo felt herself got struck by lightning and she bit her lip in pain feeling the tree’s bark hurting her back


‘’You have to do better than that’’ Irene lazily put out Jisoo’s air spell and grabbed her dagger while at the same time, creating lightning daggers around her space, all pointing towards Jisoo.

‘’And I think this is it for you’’ Irene smirked with a glint on her eyes and with that, the lightning daggers started heading towards Jisoo who was about to retaliate but a surprising voice saved her

‘’Earth Wall!’’

Jisoo has dropped open seeing Jennie, her sister, just save her from Irene’s attack. Heck even the girl’s best friend has her eyebrows raised in surprise

‘’I wasn’t expecting you to protect your own sister’’ Irene said bluntly ‘’You’ve been hiding since we’ve been fighting…and here I thought you were just waiting for your sister to let her guard down for you to get it from her.’’

‘’Whatever,’’ Jennie mumbled and stole a glance to the still surprised Jisoo ‘’My body just moved on its own.’’

Irene snickered ‘’And that’s helping her?’’ She mocked

‘’Shut up’’ Jennie glared; this is one of those moments she dislikes Irene’s attitude, she just really knows how to push her buttons.

‘’Lightning Stream!’’

In an attempt to paralyze the two, Irene started releasing an all-out wide range of lightning out from her body. The attack was so fast that it got to Jennie which made her grunt in pain but thankfully her earth element helped in minimizing the damage


‘’Luminescence Beam!’’


Irene cried out in pain when a large beam of white energy struck her whole being. She wasn’t expecting Jisoo charging light energy and when she opened her eyes, she saw that where Jisoo was placed…


She was under the ray of the sun which means…


It gave her much energy to charge quickly.


Irene gritted her teeth and launched at Jisoo with amazing speed who calmly blocked Irene’s strike at her with her dagger. They started exchanging blows after blows with Irene sometimes letting out burst of energy with Jisoo gracefully swerving around with her air element as she started floating.

Jennie watched as Irene started using the tree branches to jump and attack Jisoo, gaining her a grunt of pain when she successfully slashed Jisoo’s thigh that made her flying wobble a bit. Jennie’s eyes strained a bit from watching Irene move…

‘’I’ve never seen her move this fast before…even if I knew she was a lightning element’’

Jennie is in a tight spot right now; she doesn’t know who to help right now especially the fight is getting intense and that time is ticking but soon…

She saw who is now gaining an advantage


Irene grunted each word each time her strikes are blocked or dodged by Jisoo’s dagger or her air element

‘’I’ve never seen you this aggressive before’’ Jisoo answered her ‘’And it helped me win this’’

Irene growled at Jisoo, taking her sentence as a statement of arrogance ‘’Just because you revealed your element doesn’t mean you’re all that strong!’’

Jisoo smirked and spun out of Irene’s way

‘’Wind Smash!’’

As Irene was still on air, she was slammed down hard by Jisoo’s air element as if it was choking her and soon, Jisoo was on top of her, holding her dagger at Irene’s throat dangerously


Sparks started to get out from Irene’s hand but Jisoo’s element started also smashing her hands down which made her scrunch her face in pain.

Irene sighed and nodded as she muttered grumpily

‘’Fine, I yield.’’

Jisoo grabbed Irene’s dagger and it shimmered away in white sparks. Irene looked at her indifferently as if she wasn’t aggressive moments ago.

‘’You’re dangerous with the dagger and your newly revealed element Kim Jisoo’’ Irene stated as Jisoo stood up and undid her spell.

Jisoo narrowed her eyes ‘’You are as well.’’ She commended the older girl

Irene smiled a bit and nodded approvingly….


And that was the time Jennie finally decided to strike


‘’Now’s my chance’’ Jennie said, her hands burning fire as this spell will give a bad burn to what or who she touches and this time…


She’s targeting her sister’s hand that was holding her dagger




‘’Really impressive…’’ Irene whispered, her eyes widening a bit seeing Jisoo throwing her dagger with dangerous precision; hitting Jennie’s shirt and with scary strength too as Jennie is now pinned at the tree with her eyes wide in shock at her sister’s quick action, said sister looking at Jennie with amusement in her eyes as if saying to her that no one could get her guard down at this battle.


Her battle


And that was the time the timer finally rang.

‘’Amazing work everyone’’ Sandara smiled happily ‘’Just so you know, I’m watching how you all move and for that…you all pass!’’

Everyone sweat-dropped at that; and here they thought they need to win and hide no matter what to not get their dagger stolen by their classmate.

Turns out they all passed

Seulgi grumbled about unfairness, her form covered with leaves and some charred ones too with Yeri laughing at her form and story

‘’I saw how all of you handled your dagger very well and for that, we won’t have any more additional trainings for the dagger. Take the rest of the week off for weapons training’’

Everyone cheered at that which made Sandara give them an icy smile

‘’Unless you want more?’’

Quietness immediately entered the field

‘’Oh, and also’’ Sandara looked at Chaeyoung and Lisa ‘’Tomorrow we will have training for an upcoming Thief’s match. Prepare to get drilled in training after school.’’

Lisa smiled excitedly while Chaeyoung nodded

‘’Okay then! Again, nice work everyone and we’ll be learning the bow and arrow by the next weapons training.’’

A group of girls are now walking towards home as they chatted quietly about today’s happening…well except for the two girls who just happened to walk the same way, and same time along with them.

‘’Really?’’ Jisoo said in amusement ‘’You got yours snatched by Yeri just 5 minutes when we started?’’

Wendy grumbled ‘’It’s not my fault she’s acting like she’s hurt from an attack and I decided to heal her!’’ She glared at the grinning Yeri beside Jennie before looking pleadingly to Irene

‘’I swear love! She’s the devil spawn!’’

Irene looked sharply at Wendy despite the growing blush on her face at the endearment ‘’Don’t call my daughter like that’’ Then she glared at Joy and pointed to her

‘’Call her that’’

Joy pouted ‘’Oh come on unnie! I already said I’m sorry!’’

‘’And made me and Wendy miss a day of class?’’

‘’It’s just one day mom!’’

‘’You’re not my daughter!’’

Chaeyoung sighed ‘’Is this how they hang out every day? They’re so noisy…’’ Then she saw Jennie sulking and shooting Jisoo some small glares which made her raise an eyebrow at that.

‘’What’s with her?’’ Chaeyoung asked Lisa seeing that Jennie was ranting to Lisa about something earlier even if she returned with her dagger on hand.

Lisa laughed ‘’Oh, it’s just that Jisoo-unnie made her a child dangling on the tree with the help of her dagger’’

‘’Lalisa! How dare you say that with everyone in here?!”’ Jennie growled and threw a meaningless fire ball at her. Lisa just took it and shrugged it off

‘’What? It’s funny!’’

Joy laughed out loud at that ‘’Aww princess Jennie just got punished by her own dear sister boohoo’’

Chaeyoung suppressed a snort of laughter at Joy’s comment, an image of Jennie dangling at the tree with her dumpling cheeks blowing in frustration at her grinning sister.

Jisoo chuckled and her eyes twinkled looking at Jennie ‘’You really need to work on your stealth’’

Jennie scoffed and ignored everyone’s laughter as they started trading stories and talks while walking home.

It was a good moment for all of them that even Chaeyoung participated in talking


‘’I gave Rosie a hard time with me’’ Joy flaunted which made Chaeyoung scoff


‘’As if, I was hardly breaking a sweat’’ She smirked


‘’I was totally challenging you’’


‘’Yeah, keep on dreaming’’


‘’And stop right there because God the tension between the two of you is getting intense lately’’ Yeri said jokingly

Joy giggled and snuggled to Chaeyoung’s arm much to the chagrin of the other three girls

‘’I think we’re getting along really well lately, right Rosie?’’

To everyone’s surprise, Chaeyoung chuckled and just let out a small smirk, not giving her a worded reply.


Soon the five other girls started bidding farewell to the four girls


‘’Bye Jen!’’ Irene smiled at her and waved

‘’Please let me team up with the two of you in tomorrow’s training’’ Seulgi said enthusiastically which made Chaelisa chuckle at her

‘’It was rather fun hanging out with the four of you’’ Yeri mused, pointedly looking at Chaesoo and giving them a friendly smile and wave.

‘’Bye my Rosie~’’ Joy grinned and cheekily gave Chaeyoung a smooth kiss on the cheek.

Chaeyoung sighed and waved at Joy while wiping her kiss on the cheek. Jennie rolled her eyes at Joy’s gesture while Lisa is irked at the action. Jisoo was giving Joy a warning look on her face before finally grabbing Chaeyoung’s hand and walking away with Jenlisa quickly following them.

‘’You really want to rile them up like that huh’’ Wendy chuckled as the five of them started walking back their own home.

Joy just grinned deviously

‘’It’s really fun and exhilarating…especially seems Rosie is getting comfortable with me’’

Irene finally let out a small smile to her and patted Joy’s back

‘’Good for you then’’

‘’Hey Chae, you know…’’

Lisa grabbed Chaeyoung’s other hand to gain her attention. Soon, almond eyes met hers and they began to communicate about their upcoming plan.

Chaeyoung nodded and mouthed

‘You do it’

Lisa pouted and Chaeyoung’s gaze seems unwavering from the cute display even though her heart is melting at witnessing the child within Lisa

Chaeyoung sighed and gave her a small smile, patting her head to encourage her

‘’You know what to do.’’

Jensoo looked at the two maknae and did not like how Chaelisa’s bond are getting stronger as each day passes. Not to mention how they encountered another shadow monster at the back of their school…

Only meant that they have been hanging out lately more than ever

Jisoo bit her lip ‘’Just how long am I going to wait until I find out what’s gotten between the two of you?’’

Lisa just grinned happily at the action, feeling all the lovable feelings she felt in her childhood with Chaeyoung coming back strongly right now especially since Chaeyoung seems to be in a better mood, well at least around them.

She still shoots angered and cold glares to the students back in school, probably because of the sudden attention and admiration given to them despite years of torment and bullying.

But ever since this partnership started, Lisa was able to quickly put down Chaeyoung’s walls as long as she just let out her feelings, minus the hatred she’s been harboring the past decade to the older girl.

She’s now slowly moving on with that especially with the revelation of the shadow monsters and its creator.

‘’With Chaeyoung,’’ Lisa gripped Chaeyoung’s hand tightly ‘’I know we can handle everything.’’

Soon, it was dinner time; the family is complete and Lisa finally thought of a way to bring the plan into action.

‘’Hey dad’’ Lisa grinned while stealing glances to Jisoo who looked at her questioningly

‘’What is it, Lisa?’’ Jisung asked

‘’Did you know Jisoo-unnie is amazing at using the dagger? She apparently got the highest grade among all of us earlier at the assessment’’

Jisung couldn’t stop the giddy smile on his face; it was rare for someone to take interest on using the dagger since it seems disposable but mastering it takes guts. Stealth is also important and to know that his eldest, the one he’s been wanting to reconnect to, is using it rejuvenated his energy immediately.

He could use this to finally repent for his mistakes

His surprised but happy eyes turned to his eldest who just looked away, still overwhelmed that her family is starting to look at her in a different light.


Jisoo just nodded and Hyuna could only just smile happily now that Jisung has a reason to get closer to his daughter.

‘’Now why don’t we have a training session tomorrow morning?’’ Jisung grinned ‘’This could be a bonding session to all of us and I have a special place in mind for training with daggers just near us.’’

Lisa looked alarmed at the idea of the whole family gathering in one place since she and Chaeyoung were only planning to ask Jisung to train just the two of them.

Now how are they going to ask Jisung without the prying ears of others?

Lisa looked at Chaeyoung for support and received an ‘it’s okay’ look. She visibly relaxed at that and just let out a small smile and nodded.


These whole set of actions didn’t go unnoticed by a certain cat-eyed girl


Jennie frowned at their suspicious interactions during dinner and could only think of one thing


‘’Looks like tomorrow’s training session will be a mission for me…’’


Jennie looked at her sister who seems to not have noticed and could only stay quiet at a running thought on her head


‘’or maybe not just for me…but for her as well’’


One thing’s for sure, there are missions that needed to be accomplished after tomorrow’s training.


The question is…


Will they succeed or will there be some drawbacks?

Hi I'm back...


And I'm sorry for the very late update :(( I was super busy with my academics and I could barely write at all because I use my free time to rest up. I was supposed to finish writing a chapter for my other story so that I could also update it however it's going to take a few more writings and I decided a month is too long for you guys to wait especially in a fantasy story like this. So here it is! 

Good news though is that my term is finally ending and I can already smell the sweet aroma of vacation. Hopefully I could come back to weekly updates so cross fingers at that. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you all to the next one! Thank you for your support and stay safe everyone!


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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔