Chapter 45


"I-I will." Taeyeon answered and Baekhyun gave one last bow before making his way out of the place and onto his car. 

"He's such a sweet boy." Baekhyun's mother said as she watched her son driving out of the lot. "I know, too bad. He has changed so much." Her husband added and they can only sigh. 

"Umma?" Junsu called as Taeyeon listened. "Yes?" His mother asked. "Did something happened to Baekhyun? I noticed he changed drastically." Junsu said with a frown and Taeyeon can only mentally agree with him. 

She saw how lifeless his eyes became, how thin he looked and how pale his face grew. 

It wasn't the same young man she knew and once loved. 

"We don't. He never told us anything, right on the day of his graduation was the last time we saw him smiling so genuinely and right at that very night the Baekhyun we once knew somehow.. vanished." His mother said and Junsu furrowed his brows in confusion. 

"What happened?" Junsu asked as Taeyeon blamed herself. 

It was because of me, she thought. I did this to him. 

"It was right after the ceremony when he just left the house without any words and when he came back, he was beaten inside out. His face was barely even recognizable, it swelled too much and was covered with blood, Kai said he started some thug war because he's drunk but we never knew the reason why he did such a thing like that." His motjer explained and Taeyeon, upon hearing it can only clench her fists and prevent herself from breaking down.

"I'm going to talk to him." Junsu said right after hearing his parent's story. "No, don't. Whatever happened to your brother before is now in the past, don't male him remember it again." It was his father that said. 

"But how-"

"Junsu, I think your parents are right. Don't open up your younger brother's scar, who knows? It might hurt him. Do you want that?" Taeyeon asked and Junsu went silent, pondering about his decision. 

"No." He slowly answered and Taeyeon sighed. "Then don't make him remember." Taeyeon said and Junsu nodded his head. 

"Alright." He answered. 



I don't want to go home yet. 

That was the first thing that came into Baekhyun's mind as soon as he noticed that the skies are growing darker. He had been at the beach for hours already and luckily he saw his phone the moment he came and searched for it.

But then the moment he thought of going back home, it felt like something inside him stirred up and prevented him from doing so. 

Heaving out a sigh, Baekhyun opened his phone and stared at Taeyeon's photos. From the first day to their last, everything was kept safely there in his phone. 

Feeling something, running down his cheeks, Baekhyun wiped it away as he heaved out a sigh. 

It pained him. 

It pained him knowing that the moment she loves will now marry someone else and what's worse? 

It was Junsu. 

His brother. 

Thinking of it now, how would he be able to take it seeing Taeyeon walking down the aisle? No, he's not being selfish but he somehow expected that he would be the man that would wait for her at the end of that aisle but no. 

It would be his brother, the man he respects, the man he trusts, the man whom he thought will never dare to hurt him. 

Looking up, Baekhyun sigbed as he shook his head and wiped his tears away. 

Guess Taeyeon's not really the one meant for him. 

Shaking his head and was about to stand up, Baekhyun spun around only to see Taeyeon standing a few steps away from him. 

And there, he felt like all the air inside of him had been out, it delt like all his blood had been drained out. 

His heart felt like it stopped beating.

His mind stopped registering what has happening. 

"What.. are you.. doing here?" 

It was the first thing that came out of his mouth as his eyes were only focused on Taeyeon and Taeyeon only. 

"I.. felt like needing to breathe some fresh air so I went here." Taeyeon answered, her eyes never his and Baekhyun nodded his head. 

Awkward silence wrapped around them.

Taeyeon cleared , she cannot stand the silence that was accompanying them. 

They weren't like this before. 

 "What about you? What are you doing here?" She asked, silently observing his tear stained face, and there she felt guilt. 

She had done that to him.

"I.. the same." Baekhyun answered not knowing what else to say and Taeyeon, on the othee hand, nodded her head not knowing what else to do. Thinking that there's no use of staying there anymore, Taeyeon let out a sigh as she decided to turn her back around and leave. 


When she heard Baekhyun's voice calling her, Taeyeon stopped her pace yet didn't say anything. 

She waa afraid, afraid that when she looked at and onto his eyes, she would break down and cry. 

And maybe even come back to him but no, her mind kept telling her that she will get married soon enough. 

And that is to Baekhyun's brother, Junsu. 

Now the least thing she could do is respect him, respect her fianceè.

"Taeyeon, wait." Baekhyun said when he saw Taeyeon hesitating to take a step forward. 

"Listen to me please." Baekhyun said, it has reduced to begging now but he doesn't care. 

"W-What? What is it that you want?" Taeyeon asked, her back still facing him. 

"We need to talk." 



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Sorry it took a while to update. I forgot how to add a new chapter. I know, I'm dumb. 😭💀


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Jailence #1
Chapter 56: Heyyyy we’re still alive!!! Haha! I hope you’re okay now! Then when youre completely fine, you can update more! Hehehehhe
LunarFlower #2
Chapter 55: Oh Man!!! This is like a drug I lost 8 hours of sleep to read ir fully, it's so good canct wait for an update. <3
bellagrabel #3
Chapter 55: Omgg you're updated!!!
Jailence #4
Chapter 54: Updateeee plzzzzz u still have lots pf supporters
maizatul_97 #5
already at 1 years i wait u to update chapter 54 ??
Chapter 53: Just take him back take him bacckkk taeyeon aaaaaaahhh
Chapter 53: Can I PLEASE slap Chanyeol?? Bish, she hurt your bestfriend, why the hell do u want them to be back together?? I'm sorry but it's a big fat NO from me.

I'm happy that U'VE update, update more often please <3
_sullifanpage_ #8
Chapter 53: OMG YESSSSS
Chapter 53: Omg CHANYEEEEEEOL!!!!!! NO PLEAAAASE!!!! OMGBXKSNDJSJZ this is the very first time I'm disagreeing right now. Kckskkxjw that girl already hurt your bestfriend why pushing it again hxnwknxnab pks no no no!!!!

Ojah mmxkskxn author nim this is great story thank u I've been waiting for this for such a long time ;;-;;