Chapter 44



He whispered to no one. 

"Baekhyun! I'm glad you're here, I though you'll ditch us." Junsu said with a big smile on his face, too shocked, Baekhyun didn't even managed to return back the hug Junsu's giving him. His eyes are only fixed on her. 

On Taeyeon.  

What is she doing here? 

That was the first thing that entered his mind.

"You look like you just woke up." Junsu said making Baekhyun snap back to reality. "Y-Yeah, sorry. The meeting finished late last night so I kind of overslept." Baekhyun lied with a fake smile and Junsu chuckled as he patted his brother's shoulder, oblivious to the letter's lies. 

"It's alright, let's go." Junsu said as he hang his arms around Baekhyun's shoulders and walked him towards the table. 

"Oh, I forgot. Taeyeon, remember my younger brother I kept telling you about? It's him. Baekhyun." Junsu said as soon as Baekhyun managed to find his seat on the table, which was infront of Taeyeon. 

"H-Hi." Taeyeon greeted trying to clear all the awkwardness between her and Baekhyun.

"And Baekhyun, this is Taeyeon noona. My girlfriend, soon to be wife." Junsu said surprising everyone on the table as he gave Baekhyun a smile and Baekhyun can only swallow the invisible lump blocking his throat as he felt his heart breaking. 

Marriage, huh. He thought. 

"N-Nice to meet you noona." Baekhyun said with a small smjle and Taeyeon can only look away as soon as her eyes met his. 

She was afraid of his stare, it was filled with a mix of anger, longingness. 

And love.

"Now, now. Tell us how you two met." Baekhyun's mother said and Junsu glanced at Taeyeon before grinning like a fool. 

"She's my life-saver umma. She came right the moment I needed someone the most. Remember when I told you that I got involved with some thugs? She's the one who helped me get out of that dark place. That was when I met her, she helped me in paying my debts and she stood with me when I thought I wouldn't be able to do it anymore. I'm even surprised that she's not afraid to be with me even when she knows I owe some thugs." Junsu said and Taeyeon smiled back at him. Baekhyun can only look away, he cannot stand it.

"Really? Then Taeyeon, what did you find in our son that you fell for him? After all, all I heard was that my son caused you trouble " Baekhyun's father teased and Taeyeon faked a chuckle, too intimidated by Baekhyun's presence.

"He's a nice man, appa. He treated me like a very good man would and, I cannot just reject someone in trouble. After all, everyone makes mistakes and that's Junsu's. I've learned to accept him, appa and that's what made me stay. " Taeyeon said and the parents muttered words of support for the two. Even praising Taeyeon for being the right woman for Junsu.

Am I not the best man for you?  Baekhyun thought as his lips twitched down forming a frown. 

"Baekhyun." Junsu called making Baekhyun break away from his train of thoughts. 

"Yes, hyung?" Baekhyun asked. "You've been staring at Taeyeon. Is something wrong?" Junsu asked in concern and Baekhyun shook his head. 

"Actually.." Baekhyun trailed and Taeyeon can only look at him with a worried expression on. And Baekhyun knew why, Taeyeon is scared that he might spill the truth about and everything between them. 

"Actually?" Junsu asked. 

"Taeyeon noona looked familiar." Baekhyun said while still staring at Taeyeon. The old and heartbroken look from him was long gone and was now replaced with a mischievous one, that one with an intimidating stare. 

The one with the eyes filled with questions and pain.

"She does?" Junsu asked, oblivious to the fact of what Baekhyun was hinting. "Yeah, I think I've seen her somewhere before." Baekhyun said and mentally cheered himself when he saw Taeyeon fidget on her seat. 

"Taeyeon-ah, you know my brother?" Junsu asked and Taeyeon slowly shook her head, acting like she doesn't know him. "N-No, it was my first time seeing him." Taeyeon said, removing her eyes from Baekhyun and now looking back at Junsu. Who, on the other hand kissed her forehead.

Right then, Baekhyun came back to his senses and realized that it wasn't him acting before. It was his anger, his anger towards her for leaving him just like that. 

Like nothing happened. 

"Maybe it was another person." Junsu said turning his attention back to his brother and Baekhyun nodded his head. 

The talk between Taeyeon, Junsu and the parents went smooth. But each minute that passes makes Baekhyun feel like he's about to go crazy, he cannot stand how Taeyeon would hold Junsu's hand. 

He cannot stand how they would look at each other. Because he and Taeyeon used to do that. 

She was mine first, Baekhyun thought while looking at them with eyes full of envy.

About to take his phone out to make  an excuse out of something, Baekhyun kept searching on his pockets as he shook his head. 

Now his phone's lost, how is he going to make an excuse? 

Right then, an idea came up on his mind. His phone's missing and he has to look for it. 

"Hyung." Baekhyun called gaining the attention from the people on the table again.

"What is it? You need something?" Junsu asked and Baekhyun glanced at Taeyeon before shaking his head. "No, my phone's actually lost. I need to leave now." Baekhyun said as he stood up. 

"Already?" It was his mother that asked. 

"Yes, umma. I need to look for my phone, I'll visit you back at home." He said and was about to leave when he stopped and faced the younger couple. 

"Taeyeon noona." He called and Taeyeon  felt her breath hitch. "It was nice meeting you." He said as he gave her a bow. 


"Please take good care of my brother. Please don't break his heart." 

Like you did with me.


A/N: Sudden change of plans! It will be finished on Chapter 50.

And no, I didn't change the plot or anything. I just expanded it since the chapter's flow would be 'abnormal'

Thank you for reading!

P.S - I'm trying all the best I could to make it up to you. So.. yeah. 

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Sorry it took a while to update. I forgot how to add a new chapter. I know, I'm dumb. 😭💀


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Jailence #1
Chapter 56: Heyyyy we’re still alive!!! Haha! I hope you’re okay now! Then when youre completely fine, you can update more! Hehehehhe
LunarFlower #2
Chapter 55: Oh Man!!! This is like a drug I lost 8 hours of sleep to read ir fully, it's so good canct wait for an update. <3
bellagrabel #3
Chapter 55: Omgg you're updated!!!
Jailence #4
Chapter 54: Updateeee plzzzzz u still have lots pf supporters
maizatul_97 #5
already at 1 years i wait u to update chapter 54 ??
Chapter 53: Just take him back take him bacckkk taeyeon aaaaaaahhh
Chapter 53: Can I PLEASE slap Chanyeol?? Bish, she hurt your bestfriend, why the hell do u want them to be back together?? I'm sorry but it's a big fat NO from me.

I'm happy that U'VE update, update more often please <3
_sullifanpage_ #8
Chapter 53: OMG YESSSSS
Chapter 53: Omg CHANYEEEEEEOL!!!!!! NO PLEAAAASE!!!! OMGBXKSNDJSJZ this is the very first time I'm disagreeing right now. Kckskkxjw that girl already hurt your bestfriend why pushing it again hxnwknxnab pks no no no!!!!

Ojah mmxkskxn author nim this is great story thank u I've been waiting for this for such a long time ;;-;;