Chapter 3: A summer day

Because we are Infinite


Sunggyu: 10 years old

Dongwoo: 9 years old

Woohuyn and Hoya: 8 years old

Sungyeol: 7 years old

Myungsoo: 6 years old

Sungjong: 5 years old





It was a beautiful summer day. The Lee's brothers had decided to go in the little parc near their house where there were a playground, a fountaine and a little forest.

Even if it was a sunny day, there was not a lot of people there because of the vacations. The icecream seller was at his stall as usual. Some teenagers had gathered on a bench, listening to music and talking about their lives. The usual old lady from the little house at the end of the road was there too, on her usual bench with her usual red book. It was just a normal and quiet day.

Mr and Ms Lee totally trusted their district. That was why they allowed the boys to go and play in the parc without them. So here they were, standing in the middle of the forest, deciding who would count while the others would hide.


"I already count last time! It's your turn now Hyunnie!"


"But Gyu-hyung, I counted last time too!"


"I can do it if you..."


"No way, Myungie! I want to show you and Jongie my new secret place, you have to come with us!"


"What are you talking about, Yeollie? We already know every secret place of this parc."


"Nop, Dino-hyung. You will be surprised if you search a little bit more."


"I will count."


A simple statement from Hoya and it was clear. The smiles started to spread on every face and without losing another second, they were all already running to find a hidden place. Hoya stayed there alone with the unstoppable Dongwoo's laughter from afar. He chuckled and started counting.




Dongwoo could not stop laughing. He was just so happy to play hide and seek with his brothers. It was their favorite game to do in the parc. He ran through the forest and headed to the icecream stall. Just behind was a big tree. The perfect place for him to hide. He was in the shadow and maybe could he ask some free icecream while waiting to be found?




Sunggyu and Woohyun ran together to the playground. Their best strategy was to hide near each other and to warn the other if Hoya would come in their direction or not. Inseparable as always. Wooyun climbed on the wooden tour, where he could have a view on almost all of the parc while Sunggyu hide himself just behind the long slide. He would divert Hoya if Woohyun had to slide down.




Sungyeol took his two little brothers hands and pulled them with him through the forest.


"Hyung, where are we going?" Myungsoo asked cutely.


"We are going to my new secret place where we can plan a new prank. " Sungyeol answered, grinning archly.


At the word "prank", Myungsoo and Sungjong's eyes sparkled with joy and expectation. The three of them loved their older brothers. But what they loved the most was the face that the four olders would do when the three of them surprised them. It was too hilarious and they just could not resist doing some prank to the olders.

At the end of the forest, the three of them went to the wall, surrounding all of the parc, and walked along with it. They passed the playground, the icecream stall and even the fountaine. They were now at the opposite of the parc, were a pond and some japanese bridges decorated this part of the parc. Sungyeol rushed to a willow and reached a plastic bag out of nowhere.


What is it, Yeollie-hyung?” Sungjong asked, excited.


This is our prank!” Sungyeol announced proudly, opening the bag and showing what was inside of it to his brothers.


Water ballons?” Myungsoo exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.


Sungyeol nodded, smirking and they started to share the content of the bag. No words were exchanged. They did not need to. By only looking at each other, they already perfectly knew what and how their prank would be made. The three of them were like connected. One eyes contact was all they need to understand each other. Their bond was incredibly strong.




Hoya finally stopped counting and opened his eyes. As expected, no one was around him. He smirked. He exactly knew where Dongwoo was. It was easily predictable. So he headed towards the icecream stall but as he stepped out of the forest a shriek could be heard in all the parc. Hoya immediately recorganised Dongwoo's voice so he ran as fast as he could to where the shout was coming from.

There, just behind the tree, he found his hyung all wet, from head to toe. Myungsoo was behind him, on the ground, laughing so hard. Another yell resounded behind him and he turned around to find Sunggyu, all wet too, chasing a hilarious Sungjong. Woohyun was safe in his tower, laughing to the sight. Lucky one. He was about to laughed too but he suddenly heard a loud splash on his back and here he was, soaked from his brown hair to his new black shoes. Sungyeol appeared beside him with a “got you” and then ran away from him. He could not believe that this brat dared to throw a water ballon on him!

He would make his brother pay for that so he followed the younger one to the other side of the parc, in the japenese garden. But he found himself facing Sunggyu and Dongwoo only. The three youngests had disappeared. They suddenly heard some heavy foosteps behind them and turned around. Woohyun showed himself, soaked.


They pushed me in the fountaine.” He mumbled.


The three brothers could not resist to the laughter escaping their month. Woohyun joined them soon and they only let themselves being immerged in their joy. When they heard another instoppable laughter, they calmed down and looked at each other.


Those brats are gonna pay for that.” Sunggyu said, smirking and his eyes sparkling with mischief.


Oh yeah.” Hoya agreed.


I won't let them go easily this time.” Dongwoo approuved.


Our revenge will be terrible.” Woohyun added.


The four of them ran towards the laughter and found the three youngest behind a tree with a plastic bad full of water balloon.

When Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong saw their brothers above them, they shouted and started running, far from the olders. The seven of them chased each other through the parc. Passing by the old lady, tourning all around the fountaine, hiding in the playground, they were in their own world, full of thrill, of excitement and happiness. They screamed, shouted and laughed as if there was no one around them, as if they were alone on this earth.


Dongwoo finally caught Sungjong and started tickling him. The uncontrolable laughter resounded in all the parc. Woohyun joined in and soon the seven of them were on the ground, tickling and rolling in the grass. Sungyeol and Myungsoo did their best to save the maknae but they were trapped in the middle of the four older. They fought, or maybe they let the olders win but they all, at the end, layed down beside each other and starred at the blue sky. Catching their breath back, the sweet silence embraced them.

Myungsoo was in the middle of all of them. Maybe it was an irony but even if he had a heart disease, he was their heart. He was their infinite heart. Always smiling and loving, he was their reason to wake up every morning and to go home every night.

Sungjong and Sungyeol were next to him, as always. They were his shield against the world. With them by his side, he felt safe.

Then Woohyun, next to Sungyeol and Dongwoo, next to Sungjong. The two mood makers of the group. Even if the two boys were different on a lot of points, both of them were able to light up their mind when things were tough. Dongwoo was their sunshine, brighting their day and giving them the energy while Woohyun was their moonlight, enlighting their night and keeping them safe from the darkness.

And finally, at the two end, were Sunggyu and Hoya. The pillars of their brotherhood. Both stronger than the other, they always made sur to keep all of them out of the danger. They were both ready to protect their brothers at any cost.


They layed there, quietly, enjoying the warm summer breeze. They did not notice that time had flown so fast. The sun set had already started.


We should go home soon, it's gonna be late.” Woohyun said, breaking the sweet silence.


You're right Hyunnie. Let's go guys!” Sunggyu agreed with his brother.


The moment they all got up, a flock of birds passed just above their head, through the clear orange sky. They all looked up at the sight and Sungjong did not hold his amazement back.


Wouah!! It's so fantastic!!”


The six brothers smiled at their cute maknae and when the birds all disappeared in the horizon, the seven boys headed to their house. On their way back home, Sungjong still had stars in his eyes, because of the beautiful view they were just witnesses.


I want to be a bird!” He exclaimed suddenly.


Why so suddenly? Do you want to fly away from us, Jongie?” Dongwoo asked, chuckling.


No! Never! We said that we will always be the seven of us, remember? I want to be a bird then I will be able to fly and going wherever I want with all you.”


Hahaha, you mean that we would fly all together like the flock of birds just before?” Woohyun asked, laughing at the idea.


Yeah! Why not? Gyu-hyung would be ahead, then there would be Hyunnie-hyung and Myungie-hyung, behind them would be Yeollie-hyung and me and at the end, Dino-hyung and Hoya-hyung.”


Why this order?” Myungsoo demanded, curious about his brother's thought.


Because it's a logical order, hyung. Gyu-hyung is the oldest and he always guides us so he has to be ahead. Then Hyunnie-hyung and you always follow him then you would be just behind. Yeollie-hyung and me are always watching your back, so of course that we would be behind you. And Dino-hyung and Hoya-hyung are the most trusted by Gyu-hyung then they would watch all of our back!”


That's interresting!” Sunggyu reflected, chuckling at the idea. “But you're wrong on one thing, Jongie.”


What is it, hyung?” The youngest asked.


Dino and Hoya are not the one that I trust the most. I trust all of you at the same level. Dino, Hyunnie and Hoya are just older then I let them take care of the three of you because I know that they will do it well but Yeollie and you are doing a great job with Myungie too.”


Sungjong's smile reached his eyes and he hugged protectively Myungsoo.


All of you always protect me but I don't have anyone to protect.” Myungsoo protested, pouting.


Aigoo, Myungie-ah. You're our heart remember? So protect it well!” Sungyeol exclaimed, comforting the younger.


Protect your heart and you will protect all of us.” Hoya said quietly, ruffling his brother's hair.


Myungsoo's smile got bigger. He was comforted by his hyungs words. They were right. He had to fight for his health, he had to survive for his brothers.

When the seven of them finally reached the door of their house, they all stopped in their tracks.


Mommy won't be happy to see you all wet.” Sungyeol said with a little voice, already afraid of the reaction of their mother.


Don't worry, Yeollie! Mom won't shout on me and Dino-hyung. We will explain to her.” Woohyun said, confident.


But as soon as Ms Lee saw the four older boys with their wet clothes, she shouted so much that the youngests were so scared. They felt so sorry and even cried, apologizing to their brothers. They were all send to the bathroom for a hot bath.

In the water room, the three youngests were still sniffing because of their previous sobs. Sunggyu felt bad for them. He knew that they only wanted to have fun. They did not think that their mother would be so angry.


Yeollie, Myungie, Jongie, come here.” The oldest said gently.


The three boys came near their brother, their head hanging low.


I'm so sorry that Mommy shouted on you, hyung.” Sungyeol mumbled.


It's okay guys. I know you only wanted to have fun. Mom was just worried about our health, that's why she shouted. She just didn't want us to be sick, do you understand?” Sunggyu explain tenderly.


The three boys nodded, their eyes still on the floor. Sunggyu smiled and took them in a big hug.


Stop blaming yourself. We had fun right? It's the most important.”


Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong, looked up at him and finally smiled. They wiped their tears and hug their brother back tightly.

After taking their hot bath, stepping out of the bathroom, they found their mother just in front of them.


I'm so sorry for shouting earlier, boys. I was so scared that you would be sick, wet as you were.” She said softly, kneeling in front of them.


Please, don't blame hyungs, mommy. I was the one who made the prank. If you have to shout on someone, it should be me.” Sungyeol confessed shyly.


I'm a accomplice.” Myungsoo admited, standing beside his brother.


Me too.” Sungjong joined them.


They were sad and afraid at the same time of what their mother would do now that she knew that it was them. Ms Lee could see that. But she was so proud of them. They were the youngests but they took the resposability of their actions. They were already so mature for their ages.


It's okay boys.” She said, taking them in her arms. “I'm not mad but please, when the seven of you have fun, just don't hurt yourself or be sick after it, okay?”


The seven brothers nodded and Dongwoo, the mood maker as he was, exclaimed proudly:


You know what mom? One day we would be birds, the seven of us!!”


Ms Lee starred at her second son, surprised but then laughed at the thought.


Okay, let's go eat. You will have to explain to me this idea.”


And they all headed to the kitchen. Mr Lee would come home late tonight so it was just the eight of them.


Dongwoo, Woohyun and Sungjong explained ardently this birds idea while Sungyeol, Myungsoo and their mom laughed at the explanation. Hoya was quiet, as always but he was enjoying the time, smiling or even chuckling at the sight of his so living family.

Sunggyu was watching them from his place. He felt a little bit tired. Maybe was he a little bit sick? But it did not matter. Because his brothers were smiling and laughing. They made beautiful memories today and that was the most important for the oldest. Even if he would be sick the day after, seeing his brothers happy was all he needed to be happy.



And HAPPY SUNGJONG DAY!!!! Our Sungjongie grows up as a real man now and ... He is reallyyyy awesome *0* 

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, it was shorter than the others but things would be more interesting soon ;) 
I will try to update as soon as possible here, wait for it please^^ 

Thank you so so much for all the people that had subscribed and commented!!!! I never thought that this story would bring so much readers, thank you!!!! You all made my day and I will work hard on this story for all of you^^ 

See you soon~
Love you all~~


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Chapter 10: hello~ are you gonna update this story?
no rushing but juzt wanna say i miss it so much :( the story is really good
Inspiritwer_11 #2
Chapter 10: Uwaaaahhh...another update please....
yellowtulip123 #3
Chapter 10: Wow this update made me realize how much i miss infinite T.T . Welcoma backk and thank u for this update ♡♡
yuzukitami #4
Chapter 10: Welcome back!!! Really miss this story aaaa hope their misery will end
Inspiritwer_11 #5
Chapter 8: I read this over and over so if you don' t mind can you please update as soon as possible...please...
This is one of the best Infinite fics I've ever read!
Pls update soon!
yuzukitami #8
Can you please update this story :)
i re-read again your fic from the first chapter and i still cried a mess even i already knew the plot asdhdhfjfff. omggg i just miss this fic so muuchh. its okay, i'll waiting for thie next chapter! jope you gain your writing mood and continue this story asap ♡♡♡