Chapter 2: The amusement parc

Because we are Infinite


The next morning was totally different. The boys were already so excited when they woke up. Dongwoo and Sungyeol were jumping everywhere. They were soon joined by Sungjong and Woohyun. Sunggyu and Hoya tried to calm them down but when Myungsoo started to do it too, they gave up and joined them.

A new amusement parc had just opened near their town and Mr and Ms Lee had decided to let the boys have a day of fun there.


"Okay boys, let's go!!"


Cries of joy and excitement were made and in less than ten minutes, they were all in the car, on their way for the parc.


While Ms Lee was buying the tickets at the desk, Mr Lee and the boys were waiting for her on a bank, not too far from her, and were talking about which attractions they would make.


"We have to go on the small rollercoaster!! My friends told me that it's awesome!!" Dongwoo told them.


"Sur Dino-hyung!! It seems really funny!! I'll come with you!! " Sungyeol added.


"I want to come too." Sungjong said, hugging Dongwoo.


"Oh no, little boy. You're too young." Sunggyu replied.


"But I'm strong!! I'm stronger than Gyu-hyung!!" The youngest answered back, pulling his tongue out.


"You think so?" The oldest asked, smirking.


He then ran to the little boy and started tickling him. The laughter were irrepressible. Only love and happiness were surrounding the seven brothers.


"Boys, are you ready?" Ms Lee interrupted them, showing the new bought tickets.


They all jumped around her and she finally gave each of them an entry. Groups were made and they began their day in the parc.

Dongwoo, Hoya and Sungyeol were ahead. They tried to read the plan in order to find the right direction but without any success. It was Mr Lee who guided them from behind. After the three boys, were following Woohyun, holding Sungjong's hand who was holding into Myungsoo. Sunggyu was holding the other hand of this last one and the four of them were gently making fun of the three boys in the front of them. The parents were following their children, smiling at the sight.


They all finally found the baby parc and started the journey with the carrousel. Then came the boats on the river, the zoo and the paradise of toboggans. They were all so immerged in the fun and the delight. The sun shining bright above them just made everything even better.

Noon arrived quickly and the big family found a quiet place in the green garden for their picnic time. Kimbap, summer rolls and Mandoo had been prepared with love by Ms Lee the morning and everyone enjoyed their meal. After having their stomach filled with delicious food, they all took their time to relax a little bit. Sungjong and Myungsoo took a short nap on their mother's lap. Sunggyu and Woohyun were just laying near their asleep brothers while Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol and Mr. Lee were playing cards in front of them. They all knew that the youngests, especially Myungsoo, needed good rest before going on with their journey in the parc. So they just stayed there, quiet, waiting for the time the two little boys would wake up.

An hour later, they were already on there way for another attraction. The swings tour, a drive circuit and some other magical carousels. They even had the chance to watch a famous puppet show. Around 4pm, they found an ice cream shop to have some refreshments. And then, they were on their way again. The children had so much energy, they just could not stop running from attraction to attraction, enjoying a maximum of their day.

Finally, they reached the small rollercoaster. Dongwoo and Sungyeol were even more excited than the morning. They ran immediately in the line while Woohyun and Hoya followed them. The two parents, Sunggyu, Myungsoo and Sungjong stayed outside, watching the boys enjoying the attraction. They even laughed at the reactions when the four boys were at the highest point of the rollercoaster. It was not really high but with the speed, the thrills were surely given.

When it was over, the four boys jumped out of the train and joined their family outside. Their excitement could not be calm down.


“That was awesome!!! Your friends was right Dino-hyung, this rollercoaster is so cool!!” Sungyeol said, without stopping moving.


“Yeah I know!! Gyu-hyung should come with us for the second round!”


“Come on guys! Let's ask Gyu-hyung!!” Woohyun exclaimed, already running toward the oldest. “Gyu-hyung!! Come with us for another round!! It's so funny!!”


But just before the boys could arrived near their family, a crowd passed in front of them, blocking them. Time seemed endless before they could see the other side again. But they did not expect to only find Sunggyu and their parents there. Where were Myungsoo and Sungjong?


“Where are Myungie and Jongie?” Hoya asked as soon as they reached the three panicked members of their family.


“They were just by my side and suddenly...” Sunggyu did not finish his sentence as he ran in one direction.


“Hyung, wait for us!!” Woohyun cried, following his beloved brother.


They all followed him through the crowd of people. It was hard to keep an eye on the boy. Espacially for the parents who were slowed because of their height.

Sunggyu saw him. He saw Myungsoo passing in the corner of his eyes. He had to find him quickly. If the younger started to panic, it would be really bad for his heart and his life. Sunggyu only thought about his young and sick brother right now. Pushing and slipping through people and legs, he was determined to find Myungsoo.

Just behind him, Woohyun was closed. He did not know why the oldest suddenly ran away without saying anything but all he knew was that he would follow him wherever he would go. He still kept an eye on his back, making sur that Hoya, Dongwoo and Sungyeol would still be there with them. And Indeed, Hoya was not far behind with Dongwoo, who was holding onto Sungyeol's hand, by his side.

Sunggyu could feel him near. He was breathless by running so fast and so long but it did not matter because he had to find his brother. Passing near an alley, he suddenly heard irregular sobs and painful whimpers. Stepping in the dark path, he immediately recorganised Myungsoo, sitting with his head on his knees and crying because of a panic attack. Afraid for him, the oldest was instantly by his little brother's sides.


“It's okay, Myungie. I'm right here with you, breath with me.” He instructed gently, his brother's back.


“G... Gyu...-hy...hyung.” Myungsoo whispered painfully, looking at Sunggyu.


“I'm right here with you, Myungie. Gyu-hyung is here. It's gonna be alright. You're going to be fine. Just breath with me.”


Sunggyu took Myungsoo's face in his hands and breath calmly. Inhaling and exhaling slowly, he only looked into his brother's eyes. Even if he heard the others behind him, he never let the younger go.

Myungsoo felt the peaceful aura around the oldest. He felt the comforting warm from his brother's hands on his cheeks. He saw the beautiful love in Sunggyu's eyes. And he did not even realise that his panic attack was already gone. He was breathing normally again and his tears had stopped falling long ago.


“It's over, you're alright now, Myungie.” Sunggyu said tenderly, hugging the youger one.


Myungsoo nodded in his brother's chest and he stayed there, in this loving embrace. In Myungsoo's point of view, Sunggyu was awesome. He was his model. The oldest always did what was right and had this incredible power to calm anyone down. Each one of his move was filled with confidence, his eyes with love and devotion and his voice was like an angel's gift. No wonder that all of those things gave Sunggyu this skill to bring peace when the storm was raging.


“How do you feel, Myungie?” Sunggyu asked, bringing the other back to reality.


“I'm fine now. Sorry.”


“Why do you apologize? It's not your fault.” Dongwoo said, ruffling the boy's hair.


“Don't worry, Myungie. I'm here.” Sungyeol murmured, hugging his brother.


“I'm glad that you're fine now, Myungie.” Woohyun said quietly, wiping the remains of tears.


“Climb on my back, Myungie. I will carried you. Let's find Jongie now.” Hoya stated, kneeling in front of the younger.


They all agreed with him and they stepped out of the dark alley.


“We lost Daddy and Mommy too.” Sungyeol noticed.


“It's okay. Let's find Jongie first. We will go back to Mom and Dad after that, the seven of us.” Sunggyu declared, taking Sungyeol's hand.


All of them nodded and started walking but they did not know where to go. Where could the youngest one go? So they just walked, looking carefully around them. But there was no sign of Sungjong and that scared the boys a little bit more with each second passing by.

They decided, after some time walking randomly in the amusement parc, to head to the garden where they had eaten the afterrnoon. And indeed, they saw the little boy, standing on a bench and looking for a familiar face. As soon as they made eyes contact, the group of brothers ran to the little boy.


“Sungjong! Why did you disappear like that?! You scared all of us!!” Sunggyu said, hugging his brother tightly.


“Wish stone!” The little boy exclaimed, ignoring what the oldest just said and opening his tiny hands to reveal a beautiful pale green stone.


“Where did you find this?” Woohyun asked, eyes opened wide.


“There!” The little boy point proudly to the lac, a big smile on his face.


“How...?” Dongwoo wanted to demand but could not finish his sentence.


Sungjong giggled in front of his brothers face and handed the stone to Myungsoo.


“Myungie-hyung wish!”


“I... me?”


The youngest nodded and stood there, waiting for his brother's wish.

They were all so surprised of Sungjong's discover, they did not know what to do. How could he find such a wonderful stone? How did he do to get it? They all perfectly knew that their pirate's story was just a fiction. They never expected to find a stone that can make wishes come true. But the sparkles in Sungjong's eyes was so bright and hopeful. And they all wondered if maybe, just maybe, if they believed in this stone enough, can their wish come true?


“Hyung!! Make the wish!!” Sungjong whimpered, loosing his patience.


They all came back to reality and at the view of the youngest, believing so much that it was the wish stone that they were looking for, they only melt and complied to his request.

Myungsoo smiled and extanded his hand, with the stone on it, in the middle of the circle, making by the seven of them.


“Let's make the wish all together then.” He said, looking at each one of them.


They all nodded and put their hand on Myungsoo's. Closing their eyes, they smiled. And with all of their heart, all of their soul, they did it.


Because we are Infinite, let us be together, the seven of us, forever.”


Opening their eyes again, they were still smiling. Yes, maybe, if they believed in it strong enough, it would come true.


“Let's keep the stone. It will be the proof that we are Infinite.” Sunggyu suggested.


And they all agreed. But for the oldest, it was not just a proof. It was a promise. The one to always love his six brothers until forever, no matter what and at any cost. And this stone would remind him of that.


“Where is mommy and daddy?” Sungjong asked innocently.


“Right! We have to find them!” Sungyeol exclaimed, strating to panic.


“It's okay Yeollie. We will find them. Just trust me okay?” Sunggyu said calmly, taking Sungyeol's face between his hands.


The young boy calmed down and nodded.


“Dino-ah, Hoya, you two will take care of Yeollie, okay?”




“Yes, hyung.”


“Hyunnie, you take Jongie.”


The boy nodded and took the youngest's hand.


“Myungie, you're alright now?”


“Yes, hyung. I'm fine.”


“Good. Let's go guys!” Sunggyu shouted, smiling back at his brothers.


He had to comfort them, to give them some strength and courage. He had to keep smiling for them. Because if not, then who would be their pillar?

So he imagined that they were some super-heroes, searching for their loved ones. And he told them about the story. Seven boys with powers had made a super team and had to save their family members from some evil octopus. And they believed him. They smiled again, having more courage now, they were not scared in the middle of this huge amusement parc alone.

They left the garden and were again in the streets, with people everywhere. Only strangers surrounded them. It was staggering and scary. The strength that the youngers had found in the parc was now gone. There were too many unfamiliar faces. Sunggyu could feel that they were all afraid. Hands and legs shacking, tears ready to fall. He saw it all. So he stopped in his track and turned to face the six of them.


“Hey guys, it's gonna be fine. You trust me right?”


“But hyung, there is so many people. How will we find mom and dad?” Woohyun asked, worried and tightened his grip on Sungjong's hand.


“Just believe in your captain! I can feel them near. We just have go through this moving legs forest and we will find them. Stay close behind me okay?”


They were all in their adventure story again and nodded vigorously. And here they were, going through this magical moving forest. Sungjong even laughed when Woohyun almost fell because of a foot. And when they were finally on the other side of the crowd, they could see the sunset above the hill.


“What can we do now to find them?” Sungyeol asked, looking expectantly at the oldest.


Sunggyu looked around him for a while before asking Hoya:


“Hoya, can you climb on this bench and take Sungjong on your back? Sungjong, like on the boat yesterday, can you find mommy and daddy in the middle of all of those people?”


“Sur!!” The youngest replied, already pulling Hoya to the bench.


They all stayed on this bench for some times, scanning their surroundings. They were at the entrance of the baby parc then Sunggyu knew that their parents would come by here.

The sun had completely disappear behind the horizon when Sungjong finally shouted:


“There!! Mommy! Daddy!”


They all turned to the direction pointed by the little boy and indeed, their parents were running to them.


“Oh my boys!! Are you alright? Where were you? You scared us so much!” Ms Lee cried, hugging her sons tightly.


“Sorry for running away, mom. I saw Myungsoo then I just followed him.” Sunggyu apologized in his mother's arms.


“It's okay, my big boy. You took good care of your brothers as I can see. I'm proud of you” Mr Lee said, joining the family embrace.


“Do we still have to save them from the evil octopus?” Sungjong asked, releasing himself from the hug.


“Well, the only way to save them is with a lot of lovely hugs!” Sunggyu declared, laughing at his own idea.


The boys shouted happily and jumped on the two adults, showing their loves. The Lee's family was after all reunited and happy again.


On their way back to the car, Mr Lee demanded, curious, about this octupus story and Sunggyu laughed before giving an answer.


“I needed them to be strong and brave then I just told them that we had powers and had to save mom and you from an evil octopus.”


The father could not hold his laughter back and when he calmed himself down, he ruffled his oldest son's hair.


“You did well Sunggyu.”


The boy smiled to his dad just when they reached their car.

But as they were ready to leave, a whiz could be heard and then, an gold explosion in the night sky light up the parc. Fireworks. White, red, blue, green, purple and yellow sparkles could be seen in the vast black sky. The air was filled with magic and enchantment. They all gathered outside and watched with amazement the unexpectable sight.

As they were all focus on the light show, Myungsoo slipped silently near Sunggyu and took his hand to have his attention.


“Myungie? You're alright?”


“Yes hyung. It's beautiful.”


“Yes, it is.” Sunggyu breathed, looking back at the colorful stars.


“Hyung, can you sing a song?” Myungsoo asked quietly.


Sunggyu smiled without looking away from the fireworks. He took a deep breath, tightened his grip on his brother's hand and started singing with his mesmerizing voice.


Some day, we'll reach that place

With the same heart, just like always


We'll be looking at each other with a smile

As I dream of that day, I'm looking at one place”


Surprised by the sudden song, everyone turned their attention to the oldest son. And they smiled. His cristal clear voice was rythmed by the sound of their hearts drumming in their chest. The colorful stars were like spotlights on him, lighting up his face, his smile, his unconditional love.


When I think about you, tears fall

Because I'm thankful for you for always staying by my side


When I look at you, my heart races

Because I see the bright light that shines in front of me”


And suddenly, a voice raised, joining Sunggyu in the beautiful song. Woohyun's voice, smooth and sweet. He followed his brother, as always. Supporting him and loyal to him.


A precious person, a person who is my everything

Nothing in the world can replace you

Only when you call it, my name has breath in it

You filled my useless heart up with light”


The two boys smiled even more when Dongwoo started to sing along with them with his voice filled with energy and life.


When I think of you, a smile spreads

Because you're cozy like the warm sunlight


When I look at you, I'm filled up inside

Because I see you, who will always be on my side”


And then Hoya joined them too with his strong and comforting voice. The three youngest were not focus on the fireworks anymore. There was something much more beautiful to watch. Their four beloved brothers singing together under the bright night sky.


A person who is with me, a person who will keep being with me

I don't want to lose you until the world ends

I can only dream as long as you're here

Because the world I draw out starts with you”


Sungyeol finally let himself go in the melody and sang with the older. His vitality mixing with the other voices. Now the full moon, associated to the fireworks, light them up as bright as ever.


Can you see my heart ? Can you hear my heart ?

Will you always be with me ?

My heart is yours, my dreams are yours

We're forever in the same place”


And at the end, Myungsoo and Sungjong started singing too with their tender and cute voices. Even if they did not really know the lyrics, they still hummed the familiar melody with their brothers. A melody filled with love and a promise.


A precious person, a person who is my everything

Nothing in the world can replace you

Only when you call it, my name has breath in it

You filled my useless heart up with light

A person who is with me, a person who will keep being with me

I don't want to lose you until the world ends

I can only dream as long as you're here

Because the world I draw out starts with you”


The promise to be all together. The promise to be Infinite.



An update for celebrating Inspirits 4th Birthday!!! Happy Inspirits Day to all of you!!! 
Thank you for all the subscribing, comments and support!! I'm so glad to meet you all and hope that our friendship will last until forever <3 

I don't know when I will be able to update here again but expect an update for Special Division Infinite soon ;D 

Love you all~




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Chapter 10: hello~ are you gonna update this story?
no rushing but juzt wanna say i miss it so much :( the story is really good
Inspiritwer_11 #2
Chapter 10: Uwaaaahhh...another update please....
yellowtulip123 #3
Chapter 10: Wow this update made me realize how much i miss infinite T.T . Welcoma backk and thank u for this update ♡♡
yuzukitami #4
Chapter 10: Welcome back!!! Really miss this story aaaa hope their misery will end
Inspiritwer_11 #5
Chapter 8: I read this over and over so if you don' t mind can you please update as soon as possible...please...
This is one of the best Infinite fics I've ever read!
Pls update soon!
yuzukitami #8
Can you please update this story :)
i re-read again your fic from the first chapter and i still cried a mess even i already knew the plot asdhdhfjfff. omggg i just miss this fic so muuchh. its okay, i'll waiting for thie next chapter! jope you gain your writing mood and continue this story asap ♡♡♡