I really like you [itemfire]

The Sinner


Pairing: Erin and Minha (Nine Muses)
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 3290.



The eight girls were currently lying scattered around in the dancing room. It felt like they had just survived WW II after the rough dance practice Erin had led them through – and it wasn’t even over. Sure, dance practices were always hard, or so Sungah thought, but lately, lately they were more exhausting. As if something was bothering Erin.

“Yah, Moon Hyuna!” Sungah called for the oldest woman’s attention, when she sat down next to her.

“A little more respect when you talk to me please. After all, I’m your eonnie.” The woman said, lifting her phone in order to do a proper selfie. Once the selfie was taken and posted onto, presumably, Instagram, Hyuna turned to Sungah with a soft smile on her lips. “What’s bothering you Sungie?”

Sungah had to restrain herself from choking on air when Hyuna addressed her with a nickname. It made her nearly forget why she had come to the woman in front of her. Erin. She was here because of Erin and whatever made her do this hellish dance practices.

“E-Erin. Something’s bothering her. I mean, the, the dance practices are quite exhausting lately, don’t you think?” Sungah inquired, cursing herself for stuttering like this. But how could she not? How could she not turn into a nervous mess, when Hyuna was sitting right on front of her, showing that alluring smile.

“I noticed too. Let’s go talk to her after practice.”




“Erin?” The brunette woman turned around when she heard her name being called. Sungah and Hyuna stood in front of her, both smiling innocently at her. It made her frown.

“What’s up? Something wrong?” She asked, looking around only to realize that they were the only ones remaining in the room. Hyuna was the one who answered her question.

“Is there something bothering you?”

Was there something bothering her? No not really, at least nothing that put the group at risk. Many things bothered her, but it was all private. Things about her non-idol friends’ or family’s behavior. Nothing that was in some way related to work. Except for one thing…

“No, why? Should there be something bothering me?”

Hyuna shifted her gaze to Sungah and nodded discreet.

“Well dance practices are suddenly harsher than usual…”

Erin widened her eyes in surprised. She had let her guard down. She never meant for the group to be the scapegoat, but it seemed that she had been trying too hard and by trying so hard not to let them feel that something was off, she had done the exact opposite.

“I’m sorry, I’ll take it easier on you next time.” Erin tried to give them a strong and sincere smile, but apparently she had failed miserably.

“Are you sure you don’t want to talk to us? We could help you.” Sungah kindly suggested, while Hyuna patted Erin’s arm in a comforting manner.

“I’m sure. Thank you guys.”

No, no one could help her with this one. She was a lost cause.




Minha was sitting on her couch, switching through the channels as she couldn’t decide what to watch. In the end she settled for Music Bank, where their last Hurt Locker performance was being broadcasted. Originally she had wanted to watch herself, reflect on her performance and somehow all her attention was given another member…

A sigh escaped her lips as her eyes where following every movement the woman made. Lee Erin, their fierce and charismatic main rapper. It was about two months ago that Minha realized that she was crushing on the older woman. Hard. It all started with the training for Hurt Locker – Erin’s solo shot to be precise. Every time she saw Erin do her routine, she couldn’t help but stare at the sight folding out in front of her. Ever since then, she started thinking about Erin in a different way and far more frequently than she used to.

But that probably wasn’t the worst. The worst was that she had absolutely no one she could share it with. She didn’t know her members’ opinions on homouality, since they had never talked about that topic and she was certainly not ready to just come out of the closet like this. She wouldn’t dare to, not without a very good reason, like, dating Erin. Not that it was going to happen, no no. Minha simply enjoyed drawing out different scenarios in her head. She’d do it every time before she fell asleep and most of the time, Erin was included in those scenarios.

But no matter how nice those scenarios were, they weren’t real and she really, really needed to get all the weight from off her shoulders. Determined she grabbed her IPhone from the coffee table and opened her contacts list. However her determination grew thinner and thinner as she scrolled through all her contacts. None of them were suited to have the ‘listen-I-like-someone-and-it’s-not-a-boy’ conversation with. She was about to give up when she saw ‘Son Sungah’.

Sungah, being born overseas and having quite the experience of the world was probed to be more open-minded than the rest of her members, but was she open minded enough to accept homouality? Or biuality? Because Minha had absolutely no idea if she was gay, or bi, or something else, she just knew that she liked Erin, a lot. But it was Sungah and she was pretty sure that the woman had a terrible crush on their group mate, Moon Hyuna. Heck, she was even about 90% sure that Sungah once, when drunk, had talked to her about Hyuna and how much she adored the woman. With a deep intake of breath, she dialed Sungah’s number.




Sungah was sitting on Hyuna’s bed, which she had no idea how she ended up on, when she received a call from Minha. Since she was alone in the room, she decided to just take the call here.


“Sungah-eonnie. Can we talk?”

“Sure. Do you want to talk over the phone, or should I come over?” Sungah asked, sensing the discomfort in Minha’s voice.

“Over the phone is just fine.”

Sungah nodded, although no one could see her and it took Minha a few seconds before she started talking.

“I need some advice. It’s for a friend of mine.”


“Okay… Well, uhm… Ah, haha, I don’t know how to phrase it.” Minha admitted bashfully.

“Take your time.”

“Okay. So that friend of mine, you know, she always considered herself straight. But lately, there is this girl she finds very attractive. She actually has a crush on her.”

“But that’s not a bad thing, is it?” Sungah had an idea of where this conversation was leading to, she just hoped that this ‘crush’, was the right person.

“No, no! Not at all, not at all. It’s just…It’s the first time this happened and I’m confused and scared and I’ve no one to talk to about this. God, Sungah I, I don’t know what to do!”

And before she knew it, Minha had started crying. She could here loud sobs from her phone, making the older woman worry.

“Stay put, I’ll come over.”

With that she ended the call and went to grab her coat. Before she left though, she knocked on the bathroom door. Sungah heard how Hyunah turned the tap off and the sound of streaming water stopped. Then, the door opened, revealing Hyuna with wet hair and water droplets running down her neck and a white, fluffy towel wrapped around her body. Sungah had to swallow hard at the sight in front of her.

“I’m going over to Minha’s. I’ll see you tonight at dinner?”


Confused, the brunette left the apartment. When she said that she’s go over to Minha’s, she saw a certain look flash over the blonde’s face. Was it hurt? Or possibly jealousy? Nah, there was no way Hyuna would be jealous. Why should she? It didn’t matter how much Sungah wanted that look to be jealousy.




When the door to Minha’s apartment opened, Sungah was met with a bone crushing hug as well as loud sobs. A sigh escaped her and she led the crying girl back to the living room, closing the door behind her. Once Minha was sitting on the couch, she gave her some tissues and then sat down next to her.

“Okay, I’m here now. Why are you scared? There’s nothing to be scared of. Having a crush is great.” Sungah tried to soothe Minha, softly rubbing her back.

“But she’s a girl. I’m crushing on another girl!”

“That’s no reason to be scared. Loving someone of the same gender is really nice.”

“But it’s a sin!”

“No it’s not. People say it’s a sin because they’re scared of it. They don’t know what it is like to love the same gender, therefore they are scared.”


“Of course! Now, who’s the lucky girl? Do I know her?”

A blush spread over Minha’s cheek as she averted her gaze from Sungah to the floor.

“You do… But it’s not important. I mean, no matter how much I want it, it’s not like she’ll like me back.”

Sungah chuckled lightly. “Oh don’t say this.”

“No seriously, the chances of Erin liking me back are like -10%. She is totally out of my league.”

And it took Minha a moment and a huge smirk from Sungah to realize what she said.

“Oh darn. I didn’t. I didn’t want you to find out. Does this make things between us awkward now?”

“Nope. And if you want I can help you win her over.”

“You’d do this?”

“Sure I would. But now, go get dressed. We have dinner to attend – at Erin’s.”

Sungah would never hesitate to help a friend. Not if what she got in return was her friend’s eyes lighting up in joy, just like Minha’s did.




Hyuna was the first on to arrive at Erin’s apartment. Since she was early, she decided to help the other woman out with the cooking and all the other preparations they had to do. To make sure they bonded regularly, the group had decided to host a dinner every Tuesday. With each week the host would change. Today was Erin’s turn.

“What’s with that scowl?” Erin asked with a light chuckle, when she handed Hyuna the plates.

“I’m not scowling.”

“Yes you are.” Erin expectantly rose one eyebrow as she stared at Hyuna in anticipation. “I’m waiting.”

Hyuna rolled her eyes before she answered, “I guess it’s just some insecurity.”

THE Moon Hyuna is insecure? Darling, all men and an incredible high amount of women want to date you.”

“But not the one I want to date…” Hyuna just whispered back, hoping that Erin wouldn’t catch on, but she did.

Erin snorted. “So you’re jealous.”

“What do you know about jealousy?”

“A lot.” Now, Erin just really felt insulted. Why would she not know how it felt to be jealous? She wasn’t some kind of emotionless monster. No, she knew very much about how it felt to be jealous.

“Oh yeah? Is there someone you like or what?”

“There is indeed someone I like.”

‘Jackpot!’ Hyuna thought and she had a hard time suppressing her smirk. “Really? Who’s the lucky one?”

Erin sighed and shot a glance at the clock on her wall. 1830. They still had time before the rest of the girls were to arrive. So she grabbed ahold of Hyuna’s arm and pulled her over to the couch, where they sat down, facing each other.

“I’m going to come clean to you now okay? I trust you.” Erin said with a frown and anyone could see how nervous she was. “Lately I feel like I’ve been crushing on someone. But this someone is totally oblivious of my feelings and there’s no way they’d ever like me back…”

Hyuna frowned. Why did her fried have to think this negatively? “How can you say that? You don’t know for sure.”

“I appreciate your efforts to make me feel better Hyuna, but they’re way out of my league…” Erin spoke with a soft voice, sporting a sad smile on her face.

“Erin! Have you seen yourself? There’s no way you’re out of her league!”

“I didn’t tell you that it was a girl…” A frown appeared on Erin’s soft features as she looked up to Hyuna, who just shrugged in response.

“Well, you’re not quite subtle when it comes to admiring her… But I wasn’t sure until now. You like Minha don’t you?”

Erin nodded.

“Then I’ll help you win her over.”




Minha and Sungah were the last ones to arrive at Erin’s house. They greeted Kyungri, who had opened the door, with a bright smile and chirpy ‘hello’ before they went to the living room where the rest of the group was. However, when Hyuna saw Sungah she shot her a glare and then stood up, walking towards the younger woman.

“We need to talk.” She simply said, then walked ahead into Erin’s bedroom, Sungah following her after a few seconds, leaving the rest of the group behind them in confusion.

“Hyuna? What did you want to talk about?” Sungah asked with care, not knowing why the other woman was mad at her.

“I talked to Erin.”

“That’s good. What did she say?” Sungah was trying very hard to ignore the tension between them, but Hyuna’s glare was quite scary.

“She likes Minha.”

Sungah nodded. This was good, very good. “I talked to Minha. She likes Erin as well, but she thinks Erin’s way out of her league.”

Now it was Hyuna’s turn to nod. “Well Erin thinks the exact same thing. But how are we gonna get them toegether?”

Sungah was quick to suggest, ‘drunk them and lock them in a room’, only to have Hyuna slap her arm.

“Can’t you be serious about this?” The blonde muttered under her breath and then walked to the door. “We’ll figure something out. Now come on, the others are waiting for us.”

Hyuna, once again, showed Sungah that alluring smile of hers as she left Sungah in Erin’s bedroom, starstruck.




It was no coincidence that Erin and Minha were seated next to each other during the dinner, as well as before dinner, when they were sitting in the living room, drinking wine and enjoying each other’s company and now, after dinner, playing a game of truth or dare with their empty wine bottle.

Maybe it was coincidence that the bottle, which Hyuna had spun, landed on her on the 20th or so turn, but Erin still cursed her older friend, who just gazed up on her with a smug look. Oh how she was going to make her pay…

“So Erin-ah. Truth or dare?”

 The rapper growled lightly at the teasing tone, before answering a defeated, “truth.”

“Okay, we’re old enough to turn this innocent game into a rated one. Erin, don’t you agree that Minha looks absolutely splendid tonight?”  And when Erin nodded, Hyuna continued. “Would you, if given the consent and opportunity go down on her?”

“Yes.” And all Erin could see after she answered were Minha’s flaming red cheeks as she looked down to the carpet. She didn’t know where she suddenly got the courage to answer this question truthfully, but she did. And she might just regret it.

It was her turn to spin the bottle and honestly she couldn’t be more pleased with the result. When she had sworn to herself that she’d get revenge on Hyuna, she hadn’t expected it to be this soon.

“Moon, truth or dare?”


Erin smirked – wickedly. “I dare you to make out with Sungah.”

Hyuna shot Erin a glare, then turned to Sungah, ignoring the other members’ teasing grins.

“Are you okay with this?” She asked Sungah, and the younger one just nodded, though she moved a bit to the back when Hyuna moved forward.

Their lips met and they didn’t budge at first, then after some seconds, Sungah finally reciprocated the kiss, pressing against Hyuna. When she felt Hyuna’s tongue poke her lips, which Sungah gladly parted, she moved her hands to Hyuna’s face, cupping her cheeks and pulling her closer. The blonde’s arm laced themselves around Sungah’s neck, as she leaned back, her eyes closing when her back came in contact with the floor. Sungah’s hand had moved from Hyuna’s face to the floor, supporting her weight while she and Hyuna were making out, having shut the rest of Nine Muses out. Completely.

It took a loud ‘hey’ from Kyungri and Hyemi for the two women on the floor to come back to reality, both quite disappointed at the sudden end of their occupation.

“I see you were enjoying yourselves.” Erin smirked, sipping her wine with an expression that screamed smug.

“Definitely. Too bad you haven’t had the chance yet. Guys, you up for 7 minutes in heaven?” Sungah asked, sitting closer to Hyuna than before.

“Sure”, Kyungri answered, “but Erin is going in first.”

The girls shared a few ‘telepathic’ looks and decided that Minha would be the one accompanying her.

“See you later guys.” Kyungri laughed when the door closed. The girls then bid each other good bye and left the apartment.




Erin was staring at Minha with an unreadable expression and Minha felt like she was going to die. Of embarrassment, but still. The fact that Erin was wearing short shorts and a muscle shirt with the logo of a band she didn’t know – which probably didn’t help her in her current situation. Because every time Minha’d avert her gaze from Erin’s face it would land on Erin’s thighs or her cleavage and Minha couldn’t help but to blush at the thoughts that ran through her mind whenever she laid her eyes on that milky white, alluring skin.

“Y-you know we’re supposed to kiss and do stuff like this…”

Erin shot her a curious look. “You look uncomfortable. We don’t need to do this…” 

Minha didn’t answer and Erin just let her gaze wander to the floor. She tried her best not to let it show, but this situation was making her nervous as hell. It didn’t help that Minha looked incredibly beautiful tonight. She was wearing a white dress which stopped at mid-thigh and sported a red ribbon on her lower back.  Her hair was falling around her shoulders in soft waves, the red color shining under the lighting.

“You look beautiful.” Erin blurted out, quickly clamping one hand over when she realized what she had just said. Her eyes widening in embarrassment.

“Thank you. You look great as well.” Minha looked genuinely happy at Erin’s compliment and that’s probably where the older one took the courage to ask her if she wanted to kiss from.

“Do you want to kiss?”


“Do you want us to kiss?”


Erin moved forward, placing on hand on Minha’s lower back as she pulled the girl close to her. Shortly before their lips met, Erin inclined her head a little and her lips in anticipation. When she felt the flesh of Minha’s lips on her own, Erin closed her eyes with a sigh. They shared a passionate yet gentle kiss, not rushing the moment as they let their tongues dance together. Feeling a sudden, but strong need for oxygen, they parted. Erin’s hand was still on Minha’s lower back, while one of Minha’s hands was still on Erin’s nape, drawing small circles on the pale skin.

“I really really really really really really like you.” Minha confessed.

“I really really really really really really like you too.”

Erin laughed as she pulled Minha closer and pressed another kiss on her lips.


Moral of the story: Sometimes you gotta be bold and just rock the world… Booyah!
Nah, I'm kidding xD
@itemfire I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it's close to what you wanted
Up next is JeTi angst.




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rv will very probs be out later tonight


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Chapter 9: Dawwww, I'm glad you ended it on a happy note :D Who wouldn't feel jealous if Kyungri wa their girlfriend tbh? I'd always feel like she deserved better too.
Anyway, moral of the story; always communicate with eachother kids! :D
Thank you for writing another 9Muses story ^^ (As you can see I have been going on a reading spree. Sorry about the comment spam ._. )
Chapter 7: Oh wow, I almost skipped this chapter because I thought it was a genderbender when I started reading :x It wasn't though yay! It was a really cute chapter ^^ It makes me wonder how Hyuna looked though for Minha to think she was a guy hahah :D ANyway, I really enjoyed it ^^ Thank you for writing ♥
Chapter 2: Daww I loved this chapter! I love how Hyuna knew that Erin was talking about Minha even before she said so XD pshhh, not subtle enough, Erin! I liked how you included 2 intertwined love stories ^^ thank you for writing <3
Chapter 12: Chapter 1: Omg that moment when Minha totally slipped out Erin's name while trying not to tell Sungah who the lucky girl is and omg she played the "well my friend.." card!
Hyuna being jealous was so cute, but it's okay we know Sungah is yours plus that evil couple set it all up! But thanks to them Minha and Erin got together <3

Chapter 5: Omg this was seriously so adorable! Seeing Sowon get all shy and flustered by Eunha so cuteee! And props to Sowon for grabbing some courage and asking her out and then Eunha also wanted it to be a date. AGGHH TO MUCH FLUFF FOR ME!

Chapter 6: OMG WHO WOULD DARE TO CHEAT ON MINHA OMF THE WORLD IS A MESS! All your relationships have been ed up, it's a sign Minha... you're gay... lol jk jk omg Hyuna wasn't even fully introduced in the beginning but I still fangirled so hard. (Sigh Hyuna biased life is amazing) omg the misunderstanding though. Lol Minha's message to Hyuna vs Hyemi's :')
I loved it! This was such a refreshing fic. I haven't read many Zoo Au fics.

Chapter 8: No lie but Kyungri's visuals scream player alert/flirt master lol (I swear the woman is too hot for the world!) it had a bit of angst to it but I enjoyed it and glad that they ended on a good note. For a second I thought there would be some reverse jealously going on (between Minha and Hyemi) but that would just cause more trouble lol "just being playful with my friends" sigh poor thing can't help it. Imaging her pouting makes me want to hug her so badly lol Thanks for writing so many 9Muses shots :')

Chapter 11: Youngest member Krystal can't control herself poor thing lol she's glad she's cute and Victoria loves her or else she would've had some serious punishments! Nice vampire Au btw. I really enjoyed reading this one shot collection. I didn't want to fully spam you with comments so I decided to type it all out together <3
Chapter 3: Chapter 2: oh god this is so angsty yet sooooo nice
Minha x Sojin please
Omg omg omg. The Minha and Hyuna is cute af. Like asdghkll. I really love ot. Can you olease make Moon Hyuna x Kyungri. Pleasepleasenplessse. Its mean a lot to me
Chapter 7: MOOOOOOONHA<3 oh my gawd i love this couple so much, and it's so long O.O
thank you sooo much<3 could you please write more about them?
thank youuuuuuu:3<3
aexta- #10
Chapter 11: CUUUUUTE THATS SO CUTE AHHH THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS ㅠㅠ i feel so happy right now ahahahaha and that twist at the end!!! honestly i stopped halfway and went straight to the end bc i cant resist it and i'm like oh XD imagine if nana really endorsed b&e though i wonder how people will react. now i'm craving more nana and jessica fanfics lol XD again, thanks for writing this! you made me really happy!!