Blood Lust [PepeJustYou]

The Sinner


Word count: 1516
Genre:  Vampire!au
Rating: PG
Couple: KryToria (Krystal/Victoria)


The one where Krystal is bad at controlling her thirst and Victoria can't stay mad at her.



Krystal was the youngest of their pack, the last to have turned. Or the last to have been bitten. She was the last and therefore the youngest, which led to the other members of her pack pampering her and fulfilling her every wish. Everyone had a soft spot for her, especially their leader.

Victoria Song.

“I know you’re thirsty, but we have rules to follow and those rules apply to you as well.” Victoria said with a sigh, taking out her cellphone to look if Amber and Luna had already returned home from their hunting trip.

Krystal tilted her head at the older woman, puckering her lips in a soft pout and giving Victoria her best puppy-eyes, accompanied by a small frown, hoping to get Victoria to change her mind, but alas, when it came to rules, Victoria became very strict, even with her.

“I’m sorry baby,” She leaned over to place a soft kiss on Krystal’s lips, “I know controlling your thirst is still hard for you.”

Krystal shook her head, she didn’t want to speak, or else she’d start breathing and then…there was no way she’d be able to control herself anymore. Vampires, unlike humans, needed only little amount of air to survive, however, the laws of biology still applied to them while talking.

Finally their bus arrived and they could drive home. Krystal playing with her ring during the whole trip, nervously looking out of the window. She didn’t like public transports, there were too many people and all of them were so close to each other. She had always disliked them, disliked the close proximity of other people, her becoming a vampire had only strengthened those feelings.

“We’re here.” Victoria whispered, tugging at Krystal’s wrist to get her going. Their house was at the edge of the city, a little further off from civilization, so that they could peacefully hunt at night. The head of vampires, Kwon BoA, had set up strict rules about the co-existence of vampires and humans, the first being not to hunt down humans. At least not in broad daylight. And only once a month.

“You keep drifting off.” Victoria noted, startling Krystal who whipped her head up, looking at the older woman with her eyes wide open, an alarmed expression on her face.

She took a few breaths, looked around, only to realize that they were already in the house and then looked at their leader with an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”  She said softly.

Victoria shook her head and sat down on the couch, looking at her watch, just when the door of their house banged open, revealing Amber and Luna, both of them holding a bunch of dead animals. Well, they held a stag. Krystal’s eyes widened at the scent of the dead animal, the red in them intensifying as she eyed the animal’s body like she eyed her prey.

“You’re back.” Victoria spoke, sporting a smile as she came to stand next to Krystal, one hand one the younger’s shoulder, in order to calm her down.

“Yeah, sorry it took us so long.” Amber laughed a little, directing her apology at Krystal, whose eyes were fixated on the animal.

“Just ten more minutes.” Luna spoke, fixating Krystal with a soft gaze, before Amber and she walked to the basement. In order to avoid a messy feast, vampires had a machine which they used to drain the blood out of their preys, then it got filled into different plastic bags, similar as to how blood was conserved in hospitals, and then they stocked the blood in their fridge.

Ten minutes later, Luna and Amber came back, Amber holding a bag filled with blood and Krystal felt water. When they made eye-contact, the older vampire shot her another apologetic gaze.

“You don’t get any.” She simply stated, only to have Krystal growl at her.

“Why?” She hissed, baring her teeth and displaying her fangs in anger.

Victoria sighed and answered the question. “Because you’re going hunting with me.”

Krystal tilted her head to the side, confused and less aggressive as she stared at their leader. “Then why did you make me wait so long?”

“You need to learn how to control yourself.”

Krystal huffed and didn’t say anything, she just stared at the blood in the bag. She really just wanted to drink something. Badly.

Victoria pulled her out of the house, before she could start sulking any more. She led the girl by the hand, walking through the forest and stopping after about ten minutes.

“Okay, let’s start hunting and remember, no humans.” Victoria advised and when Krystal had nodded, she gave the signal for them to start.

Instantly Krystal dashed off, running through the forest at an incredible speed, following her instincts. She must have been running for about twenty minutes when she did a full stop, alarmed by the smell of blood. She followed the smell, which grew stronger and stronger, until she arrived at a big oak tree with an injured man lying beneath it. He was groaning in pain, holding his ankle, which was, by the looks of it, broken and his arms and legs bore many cuts.

She stepped forward, showing herself to the man, who hadn’t noticed her, for he was too in pain. The leaves rustled and finally the man looked up. He was handsome, quite young, probably 26 and sported a relieved expression at the sight of Krystal.

“H-hello.” He stuttered. “Could you help me? My ankle’s broken, I can’t move it… My name’s Kim Jonghyun, if you could call the ambulance I’d be really thankful to you.”

Krystal didn’t answer, she simply walked forward and let herself fall onto her knees in front of him, her eyes fixated on his wounds.

“W-what are you d-doing?” He asked when she ran a finger along one of the cuts, then took it to to the blood off it.

“Sorry.” Krystal smirked at the boy’s panicked gaze, clamped one hand over his mouth and started kissing his neck. Once she found a comfortable spot, she grew her fangs and bit him, draining him out of all his blood. The boy’s body tensed, but relaxed again after a few seconds, he had tried to scream, but it only came out as a muffled moan.

When she was done, she stepped back, gazing down at the human, whose body was lifelessly slumped against the trunk of the tree. It made her feel oddly proud when she saw that his lifeless state was caused by her. She her heels and walked back towards their house, her thirst quenched for a few days now. After five minutes of walking, she stopped dead in her tracks. Victoria stood in front of her. Glaring at her.

“Victoria.” She said, mustering a small smile, but the elder didn’t return it.

“You broke the rules, Krystal.” Her voice was cold and menacing. Krystal didn’t say anything, she just let her head hang down, feeling a little ashamed that she had disobeyed their leader. “I know that you’re still young and that you still have troubles controlling your urges, but you still disobeyed me.”

Krystal still didn’t talk, she felt like earth could swallow her whole.

“I’m a little disappointed I must say.”

Krystal felt tears dwelling up in her eyes, the fact that she had disappointed Victoria hurt her so incredibly much. She hated herself for it.

“I’m sorry.” She croaked out, still not lifting her head. There was no way she could look Victoria in the eyes.

Suddenly, Krystal felt a pair of hands cup her cheeks. They were cold, but to her they felt warm, they felt like security and protection. Slowly her face got pushed up by Victoria, who met her teary eyes with a concerned gaze.

“Don’t cry, baby. I don’t like to see you cry. I’m sorry if I hurt you.” Victoria’s voice was soft.

“I’m sorry for disappointing you.” Krystal replied, crashing into Victoria’s body, who laced her arms around Kyrstal, hugging her tightly. Krystal nuzzled her face into the crook of her girlfriend’s neck, deeply inhaling the familiar scent. “I’m sorry.” She repeated, “It won’t happen again.”

Victoria let a soft smile grace her lips. “I know. Now let’s go home. You must be tired.”

She broke the entrance and gave Krystal one last smile, before she turned around and crouched down in front of the younger vampire.

“Why are you crouching?”

“Come on, I’ll carry you home.”

Krystal ignored the rising heat settling on her cheeks and hopped on Victoria’s back, letting her girlfriend carry her to their house in silence.

“Thank you.”

Victoria smiled at the younger and shrugged. “No problem, now let’s join Amber and Luna.”

Just before she had grabbed the doorknob, Krystal had reached for her wrist, pulling her back.

“Krystal?” Victoria asked confused, turning to the vampire with a frown. Her frown, however, instantly disappeared when she felt Krystal’s lips on her own.

“I love you.” The blonde smiled after parting from the kiss.

“I love you too.” 




Hello, long time no see. 
Here is a KryToria Vampire!au, Pepe I hope you enjoyed it ^^
If you're wondering how come that the vampires could walk around under the sun w\out trning to ashes,
it's because they have special jewlery that protects them (the ring Krystal was wearing).




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rv will very probs be out later tonight


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Chapter 9: Dawwww, I'm glad you ended it on a happy note :D Who wouldn't feel jealous if Kyungri wa their girlfriend tbh? I'd always feel like she deserved better too.
Anyway, moral of the story; always communicate with eachother kids! :D
Thank you for writing another 9Muses story ^^ (As you can see I have been going on a reading spree. Sorry about the comment spam ._. )
Chapter 7: Oh wow, I almost skipped this chapter because I thought it was a genderbender when I started reading :x It wasn't though yay! It was a really cute chapter ^^ It makes me wonder how Hyuna looked though for Minha to think she was a guy hahah :D ANyway, I really enjoyed it ^^ Thank you for writing ♥
Chapter 2: Daww I loved this chapter! I love how Hyuna knew that Erin was talking about Minha even before she said so XD pshhh, not subtle enough, Erin! I liked how you included 2 intertwined love stories ^^ thank you for writing <3
Chapter 12: Chapter 1: Omg that moment when Minha totally slipped out Erin's name while trying not to tell Sungah who the lucky girl is and omg she played the "well my friend.." card!
Hyuna being jealous was so cute, but it's okay we know Sungah is yours plus that evil couple set it all up! But thanks to them Minha and Erin got together <3

Chapter 5: Omg this was seriously so adorable! Seeing Sowon get all shy and flustered by Eunha so cuteee! And props to Sowon for grabbing some courage and asking her out and then Eunha also wanted it to be a date. AGGHH TO MUCH FLUFF FOR ME!

Chapter 6: OMG WHO WOULD DARE TO CHEAT ON MINHA OMF THE WORLD IS A MESS! All your relationships have been ed up, it's a sign Minha... you're gay... lol jk jk omg Hyuna wasn't even fully introduced in the beginning but I still fangirled so hard. (Sigh Hyuna biased life is amazing) omg the misunderstanding though. Lol Minha's message to Hyuna vs Hyemi's :')
I loved it! This was such a refreshing fic. I haven't read many Zoo Au fics.

Chapter 8: No lie but Kyungri's visuals scream player alert/flirt master lol (I swear the woman is too hot for the world!) it had a bit of angst to it but I enjoyed it and glad that they ended on a good note. For a second I thought there would be some reverse jealously going on (between Minha and Hyemi) but that would just cause more trouble lol "just being playful with my friends" sigh poor thing can't help it. Imaging her pouting makes me want to hug her so badly lol Thanks for writing so many 9Muses shots :')

Chapter 11: Youngest member Krystal can't control herself poor thing lol she's glad she's cute and Victoria loves her or else she would've had some serious punishments! Nice vampire Au btw. I really enjoyed reading this one shot collection. I didn't want to fully spam you with comments so I decided to type it all out together <3
Chapter 3: Chapter 2: oh god this is so angsty yet sooooo nice
Minha x Sojin please
Omg omg omg. The Minha and Hyuna is cute af. Like asdghkll. I really love ot. Can you olease make Moon Hyuna x Kyungri. Pleasepleasenplessse. Its mean a lot to me
Chapter 7: MOOOOOOONHA<3 oh my gawd i love this couple so much, and it's so long O.O
thank you sooo much<3 could you please write more about them?
thank youuuuuuu:3<3
aexta- #10
Chapter 11: CUUUUUTE THATS SO CUTE AHHH THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS ㅠㅠ i feel so happy right now ahahahaha and that twist at the end!!! honestly i stopped halfway and went straight to the end bc i cant resist it and i'm like oh XD imagine if nana really endorsed b&e though i wonder how people will react. now i'm craving more nana and jessica fanfics lol XD again, thanks for writing this! you made me really happy!!