World Tour Day One: Arrival




Namjoon-hyung put us in trios for the seats, and put himself alone. I was with Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin grabbed my hand excitedly and dragged me over to the entrance to the airplane entrance, and we quickly took out seats. I was in the middle, and Taehyung was on the window seat. Jimin kept playing with my hair, and Taehyung was asleep in my shoulder. He was so cute when he slept. I smiled , and jimin grabbed my face.

"Jungkookie-ah, do you want to share a room with me at the hotels?"

To be honest I didn't. But I was too nice to say that.


Jimin smiled happily, but then Rapmon interrupted. 

"Jungkook, you're already in a room with Taehyung. Somebody made a request of the rooms."

Jimin looked disappointed. 

"Hyung who do I go with then??"

"You can choose, just not Jungkook or Taehyung." 

Jimin looked over behind him to see who else. J-hope overheard and jumped out of his seat.

"Me! Jimin!! Room with me!!"

Jimin quickly looked over at rapmon.

"I'll take Jin-Hyung!" 

"Jimin-ah" J-hope said disappointedly.

"Fine then. J-hope?" Rapmon asked J-Hope with eyebrows raised. J-hope looked over at Suga who was fast asleep. 

"I'll room with you, Namjoon."

All this disappointment was making me sleepy. I rested my head on Taehyung's and fell into a deep slumber. 




I opened my eyes. I was at the beach. I glanced over across the sand and saw a figure running towards me. I sainted my eyes and made out a face. It was Taehyung. I stood up, and Taehyung ran into my arms. 

"Jungkook! I've been looking for you everywhere! You're bleeding!"

I looked down at my hands. He was right, I was bleeding. My head ached. I felt faint. I sat down, trying to do the dizziness. Taehyung sat down as well and hugged me.

"I was so worried about you." He said, sobbing. I lifted up his face and wiped away his tests.


He interrupted me with a kiss. It was a deep, loving kiss. I kissed him back. It felt so magical. What even happened? Why was I here? Where even is here? It didn't matter. I was kissing Taehyung. Taehyung. This was amazing. Then Taehyung raised his hand and slapped me. 




I jerked awake. That was just a dream. But it felt so real. Why would I have a dream like that? I mean, I've had dreams like that. Where Taehyung would kiss me, but that one felt so real. 

"Let's go, Jungkook! I've been shaking you around for like ten minutes!"

Jimin caught my attention and I shaked my head

You don't have to slap me to wake me up. I thought, irritated. I shook Taehyung and he woke up easily. We made our way to the exit of the plane. I smelled the fresh Canadian air. To be moe specific, the fresh Toronto air. Finally. We're here.

"Let's go!"

Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the airplane. I quickly grabbed Taehyung so that he would stay by my side.


We arrived at the hotel shortly after, and we all seperated into our rooms. The room was so big and it had a huge window looking over the city.  We had a perfect view of the CN tower from our room, and a great body of water was just in sight if you sat in the right angle. Taehyung called the bed closest to the window so I took the one closest to the door. We got a call so I answered the phone and all I heard was giggling, and Jin's voice.

"Stop being so immature"

I could hear Jin's mature but muffled voice from the other line. Then came J-Hope's.



"I'm your hope."

He bursted out laughing and hung up on me. I smiled, and shook my head

What an immature Hyung.

I thought to myself.


Taehyung came up behind me and hugged me. I started blushing. He started laughing.

"Jungkook, let's go get something to eat."

He said with a perky smile.

"Should I get the others?"

"No, it's just you and me, it'll be our first day dinner date."

I blushed. Dinner date?

"Ah, I mean first day dinner celebration. If the others come it'll just be annoying. Let's go." He corrected himself. Then he grabbed my hand and lead me to the elevator. Dinner date. He said dinner date. No matter what, I'm going think of this as a dinner date. We got to the restaurant in the hotel and the lady sat us down in a nice, fancy booth. The lights were dim, so it was pretty dark. I looked through the menu, and everything seemed so good. Then I looked at the prices.

"Ah, hyung! I forgot to convert my money to canadian money!"

"Ah, silly Jungkookie. It's ok, I'll pay, but I only have enough for a spaghetti for us to share."

He looked through his wallet, and pulled out a $10 bill and a few toonies.

"It's ok, hyung, i'm not that hungry."

I didn't want him to spend all his money on me. Especially since he seemed so hungry before.

"Nonsense! I want to share with you!"                                         

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Chapter 8: Update soon plz~~~~~~~
Jeonsjungkook #2
Chapter 8: update soon~
Chapter 5: Update soon! Kookie! Dont die yet. It is so sad Tae have to leave the group. :(
Chapter 5: Kookieeee T.T. Tae please save him.
I'm curious why does that guy want my baby tae out of the group. Fighting
Jeonsjungkook #5
Chapter 3: omg this is so good