Finding Out

Love and Betrayal 

Girl's Generation - Day by Day


And JunHyung did. Everyday he came extra early and dropped MinSung off at school and picked him up right after. While you worked at the restaurant and flower shop (he was outraged when he found out about your second job but you convinced him to let you keep it), he stayed at your studio with MinSung. It was like he was MinSung's dad.

One sunny Saturday afternoon, JunHyung and you decided to take MinSung out to play. You guys went to the park and walked around holding hands while MinSung ran a few feet ahead. People passing by whispered and smiled at the cute couple and adorable child. JunHyung wrapped his arm around you and pressed his lips against his temple. MinSung scowled when he saw that and JunHyung stuck his tongue out at him.

After a short walk, you sat down at a table. JunHyung bought ice cream and you all ate it. "Is it good?" you asked and MinSung nodded. JunHyung wiped some ice cream from your lips and you gratefully smiled. MinSung felt some jealousy so he held his ice cream out. "Noona, do you want a bite of mine? It's really good!" he beamed. You took a small bite. " is good. Thanks!" you ruffled his hair and he grinned.

JunHyung scowled and MinSung stuck out his tongue smugly. He was about to smack the kid but you turned to him and he immediately pasted a smile on his lips. "Oppa, try this." you held the green tea ice cream to his lips and he took a bite. "Thanks babe." he made a big deal of kissing your cheek and peeped to see MinSung rolling his eyes. *Don't forget she's my girlfriend kiddo.*

After a fun day at the park, you all returned to your studio. You ordered pizza for dinner and while waiting, you had MinSung wash up. While he was in the bathroom, you cuddled into JunHyung's arms. He made circles on your arm with his thumb and you had your neck resting on the crook of his neck.

"So I can tell that you're getting closer to MinSung these days." you said. "Yeah, he's a cool kid." *If he wasn't flirting with you all the time.* You smiled happy that he was getting along with him. "Yeah I think so too, he's really cute." JunHyung flinched.

The doorbell rang and you got up. "It must be the pizza man." you grabbed the money off the table and went over to the door. "Thank y-" your eyes flickered in surprise when you saw L standing in the doorway. "Oh, MyungSoo oppa." JunHyung instantly looked up from his seat. *L? What the hell is he doing here?* he thought.

L smiled and held up a textbook. "You left this in class. Sorry I'm giving this to you now, I was kind of busy today." he handed it to you and you took it. "Thanks, I was wondering where it went." L peeked inside through the doorway. "So what were you doing?"

"" you didn't want to tell him that JunHyung was there or there would be tension but you also didn't want to lie. "Oh, I just hung out with JunHyung oppa." you said. His smile faded a bit. "Oh JunHyung, I see. Well, I haven't hung out with you in a long time. We should get together and eat or something." you nodded. "That sounds fun. Well you should get home, it's getting dark." you peered up at the sun setting.

L tucked his hands into his pocket and flicked his bangs to the side. "Yeah I should, well I'll see you soon. Call me whenever your free." you nodded. "Bye oppa! Get home safely." he turned around to leave but at that moment MinSung came out of the shower.

"Oh? Hey, it's the hyung that saved me!" he smiled and came over. L's eyes flickered in surprise to see him here and JunHyung perked up. *How does he know him?* "What is he doing here?" L asked. You bit your lip nervously. JunHyung came up next to you and L's eyes flickered in surprise.

"It's actually kind of a long story." you put a hand on MinSung's shoulder. Soon - you, MinSung, L, and JunHyung were sitting around the table. You explained to both JunHyung and L what had happened. There was tension in the air between them. You coughed to break the silence. "Sorry that I didn't tell you earlier." you looked at L. He gave you a small smile. "You know I can't ever get mad at you so don't worry." you were glad that he understood.

JunHyung glared at L and took your hand. "Are you okay? Those men didn't hurt you right?" you shook your head and he sighed in relief. The bell rang and you saw the pizza man. "Oh, oppa, do you want to stay for dinner?" you asked as you got up. He shook his head and stood up brushing his pants. "I gotta get going. I'll see you at school okay?" you nodded and led him to the door.

You paid the pizza man and took the pizza inside and went back outside to say goodbye to L. "Get home safely and send me a text when you get there." he chuckled. "I should be the one taking care of you now. Wow, you never fail to amaze me. Two jobs, school, and a little elemtary kid. You're a really cool person." you smiled.

"Thanks oppa. I'll see you on Monday." he surprised you by giving you a brief hug. JunHyung saw through the window and clenched his fist. *Bastard.* He released you and smiled. "Bye." he walked away. *Huh? That was weird.* you shook it off and went inside.

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Snsd0809956 #1
update soon
PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!! Update this story! I love the detail you put into the story.Please update soon:)
ailisu #4
omg... twist >____<
damnitlrh #5
omg..<br />
Thanks for reading :))))
waaaaaw nice story~~ update soon
dkhanani27 #8
update soon
LPianoKeys #9
Hmm, I wonder how her parents died.<br />
It sounds good! Can't wait to see the lovers getting introduced. >.< Update soon!
lilosuitehart #10