Going Through This Together

Love and Betrayal


SS501 - Making A Lover


Weeks passed by and you were busier than ever. Between taking care of MinSung, schoolwork, and your job at the restaurant, you had no time for yourself. JunHyung and L stood by and wished that they could do something to help but whenever they even offered anything, you always politely rejected.

Neither L nor JunHyung knew about MinSung. You had him attend elemtary school and made sure that he got the education he needed. You knew that you needed another job to support both you and MinSung so soon, you even had to handle a part time job at a flower shop on your hands.

One night, the grandma and owner of the flower shop closed early, giving you some free time. You arrived at home to find MinSung quietly reading. You smiled. "MinSung, I'm home." he looked up and smiled. "Noona! Look at this." he gestured you to come over. You bent down and looked at the book he was reading. "My teacher told me to read this. She said that since I'm a good reader, she'll lend me lots of books." he beamed proudly and you his hair. "Good job, I'm proud of you; do you want some dinner?"


JunHyung lied on the beated bed of the apartment that he shared with B2ST. He looked at the pictures of you through his phone. *I haven't hang out with her in a while. I hope she's alright. I'm afraid she's going to collapse of stress any moment.* he thought. Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. He looked at the time and smiled. *Perfect.*

JunHyung was outside of your studio with a bag of food and flower bouquet in his hands. *Can't wait to see her face.* he thought excitedly. He knocked on your door. You opened it and your eyes flickered in surprise. "Oppa, what are you doing here?" you asked. He smiled and held out the flower bouquet. "I thought that you need some rest time. I'm here to spend it with you." you felt touched by his concern and took the bouquet. You smelt it and sweetly smiled.

"Noona ~, who is that?" a voice asked from inside. JunHyung wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion and your eyes widened. *Oh shoot - I forgot about MinSung.* You bit your lip and glanced at MinSung. JunHyung took a step forward. "Who is that?" he asked. You immediately reacted and put your hands in front of you. "I-It's no one." you stuttered.

"Noona?" MinSung called again. JunHyung pushed you aside and stormed inside the studio. He was getting ready to fight the that was in his girlfriend's house but was surprised to see a little elemtery kid sitting on the couch. You followed behind him to see his confused face.

Soon, JunHyung and MinSung were sitting side by side at the small table. JunHyung had a cup of coffee and MinSung a cup of hot cocoa. They awkwardly glanced at each other as they took sips from their cups. You were cutting fruits at the tiny kitchen in the corner. You brought the plate over and beamed at the two. "Here, eat up." you jabbed a fork in a piece of apple and handed it to MinSung. He smiled and was about to put it in his mouth but at the last second, JunHyung snatched it away and popped it into his own mouth when you weren't looking. *She's only allowed to do that for me.* he thought as he chewed.

MinSung glared at JunHyung from the corner of his eye and then beamed at you. "Noona, eat too." he held up a piece of peach to your mouth and you ate it. "Thanks." you sat down. JunHyung snorted and you looked at him. "Is something wrong?" you asked. He shook his head.

It was silent and awkward as everyone ate silently. Only the sounds of glass clinking, slurping, and chewing was made. JunHyung finally broke the silence. "So, who is he?" he asked. MinSung looked up from the plate of fruits with his round eyes. You faked a laugh. "Oh him? Oh...haha, it's actually kind of a funny story." you coughed and JunHyung raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I found him ... and I decided that I'm going to take care of him." you sternly responded. His eyes darted between you and MinSung. He stood up. "Talk with me outside for a second." he walked outside. You gave a quick smile at MinSung and followed JunHyung outside. You shut the door. JunHyung suddenly spun around.

"Are you crazy?" he threw his arms up, "you can barely support yourself. How are you going to support a little kid?" he shouted. You cupped your hand over his mouth. "Shush! The neighbors will hear!" you hissed. He pulled your hand away. "I don't care if freaking Obama hears me okay? This is important. You know I don't want you to stress yourself out. You already have enough on your hands. How do you think you can take care of him?" he pointed to the door.

"Oppa, MinSung's just like me. He has no one to go to and he's been living inside a bush at the park. At least when I was his age, I had a roof over my head and loving parents. He's on his own, I want to be there for him like how you and MyungSoo oppa have been there for me!" you argued. JunHyung softened. He rubbed your arms.

"I know, you always take care of someone else before yourself. But it's you that I'm worrying about here. I'm so scared that you're going to collapse any moment from stress. I just don't want there to be more for you to handle." you smiled. "Oppa, I'll be fine - I promise. He's really sweet and obedient. The only thing he needs right now is someone to take care of him properly. I was lucky that I met you, he needs me."

JunHyung thought for a moment. "Okay, I've made up my mind." you furrowed your eyebrows. "What do you mean?" he smiled. "I'll drop him off and pick him up from school. That is, he DOES go to school right?" you nodded, "I'll watch him at your studio and make sure he gets his homework done, gets fed, and stuff."

"Oppa, no - I don't want you to get involved-" "No, I WANT to get involved and there's no way that you're stopping me. If you're going through this, so will I."

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Snsd0809956 #1
update soon
PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!! Update this story! I love the detail you put into the story.Please update soon:)
ailisu #4
omg... twist >____<
damnitlrh #5
omg..<br />
Thanks for reading :))))
waaaaaw nice story~~ update soon
dkhanani27 #8
update soon
LPianoKeys #9
Hmm, I wonder how her parents died.<br />
It sounds good! Can't wait to see the lovers getting introduced. >.< Update soon!
lilosuitehart #10