L To The Rescue

Love and Betrayal


SeeYa - My Heart Is Touched


When the bell rang, students poured out of the school building. You slung your bag on your shoulder and walked out of the gates. There JunHyung was waiting leaning against his motorcycle. He smiled at you and took your bag from you. "Hey babe. How was school?" he asked. "Good, you?" you asked. "Boring." you chuckled and hopped onto the back of his motorcycle. He sped out of the gates.

L passed by and sadly gazed at you as you happily wrapped your arms around his waist. He had wished so many times for you to smile like that for him. He watched you disappear with JunHyung on his motorcycle and sighed. *When will you realize that you're so much more to me than just a friend.*

JunHyung parked the motorcycle in front of the small restaurant and you hopped off. You handed him the motorcycle and he smiled at you. "I wish that it can the be the weekend already. Then we could be together longer." he said. You melted at his sweet words and gently his cheeks. "It's okay, I'll call you later tonight, okay?" you asked and he nodded.

You were about to leave but you noticed a cut and bruise on his upper cheek. You stared at it worriedly. "Oppa, what happened?" you asked. His eyes flickered in surprise. *Crap.* he thought. "Oh, I just bumped into a locker this morning. No big deal." he waved it away. You frowned. "Be more careful. You know I hate it when you get hurt." he smiled at your concern.

"Don't worry, it was just an accident." he kissed your lips. You pulled away and waved. "I better get going. Thanks for dropping me off." he saluted you and drove off. You smiled to yourself and then turned around and walked to the small studio at the side of the building where your home was.

You flicked on the lights and a dim lightbulb lit up the room. You dropped your bags and changed out of your uniform into a white t-shirt and jeans. You tied your hair neatly back into a ponytail and walked inside the resaurant.

You walked to the back where the kitchen was and was greeted warmly by the grandma that owned the shop.

"Annyunghaseoyo." you greeted. She smiled and passed you the apron. "How was school today dear?" she asked. You smiled. "It was good. Your day wasn't too hard either right?" you asked. The grandma shook her head. "It was just fine. Aigoo, you need to stop worrying about me so much and take care of yourself more." she chuckled.

It was true. You worried more about her health than yours. She was like family to you and if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have a place to live or a penny to support yourself. You pulled on the rubber gloves and started to wash the dishes. Once the dishes were all cleared, you headed back out to the counter where the grandma was counting money.

"Halmuhni, go to the kitchen and rest for a while. I'll take it from here." you offered. She smiled and lightly patted your head. "Thank you, I was starting to get tired." she hopped off the stool, "don't work too hard. I'll bring you a snack." she headed into the kitchen and you hopped onto the stool and finished calculating the money. There weren't many people in the restaurant. Just a few adults and students and kids enjoying some simple food.

Suddenly, there was a loud ruckus outside. You looked out the window to see a group of grown men holding a bat over the head of a boy who seemed around nine years old. Your eyes widened in surprise and the customers of the restaurant started to whisper amongst themselves.

The men were yelling at the boy who was just crumpled on the ground. He looked on the verge of crying and anger boiled inside you. *No matter what he did, he doesn't deserve this.* you thought. You grabbed the broom and marched outside the restaurant. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" you demanded.

The men looked up at you and snickered. "This rascal here tried to steal money from us. We're just giving him a lesson or two. Go and mind your own buisiness." they ignored you. You fingers tightened around the broom. *How dare they? Those s!*

"I work here and this is my property so I suggest you leave." you snapped. Annoyed, a tall man with huge muscles walked up to you. He glared at you. "Look, if you know what's good for you, you would leave." you glanced at the boy who was quivering and you felt as if you would explode from anger.

"Pick pocketing isn't something that deserves this kind of punishment. Why don't you just forget about him and leave!" you snapped. The man clenched his fist. No one had dared to speak to him like that. "You're just asking for a punishment, aren't you? I'm not afraid to hit a female." he flexed his large muscles but you weren't a bit scared.

Tightening your grip on the broom, you glowered at him. "And I'm not afraid of a big immature jerk like you!" you raised the broom and smacked him hard on the head. He staggered back a few steps from the impact and then regained his balance. The men stepped up about to tackle you but he held them back. He lightly touched his head but chuckled.

"You think you're so strong just because you have an attitude and an broom, don't you? Well let me show you how rude girls like you should learn their lessons." he grabbed your arm and you tried to pull back but he was way stronger than you. "YAH! Let go of me!" you screamed. They were about to push you into their black car when someone kicked them in the chest.

They immediately let go of you as one of the men fell back. Your eyes widened in surprise as you saw L stand on his feet. "Oppa!" you gasped. He looked at you through his bangs. "Go inside and take the boy with you. I'll take care of them." he nodded towards the restaurant. "What? No! How are you going to take them down?" you shrieked.

He grabbed the broom from you and skillfully smacked two men in the face and kicked a man in the chest. You never seen L fight like this before. *I never knew that he was so good at fighting.* you thought. "GO!" he roared as he punched a man in the face. You snapped back to your senses and helped the little boy to his feet and scurried into the restaurant. The grandma ran up to you and grabbed your arms.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" she asked. You shook your head and looked out the window. Your eyes widened as L easily beat the living daylights out of the men. *When did he learn to fight like this?* you wondered. When all of the men were on the ground groaning and wincing in pain, he bent down to the man that grabbed you. L grabbed his collar and lifted his head. "Mess with her again, and I'll finish what I started here, got it?" the man didn't reply so L just harshly shoved his head back onto the ground.

He dusted his hands and coolly stroded back into the resaurant. Everyone applauded him but you just stood there bewildered. "Oppa-" he cupped your face and gazed at you. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" he worriedly asked. You shook your head. "Oppa, are YOU okay? Those men were really scary!" he smirked.

"I'm fine, I couldn't let them hurt you." you grew touched. "But oppa, when did you learn to fight like that?" you asked. *Crap, I forgot, she doesn't know that I'm one of the best fighters in Seoul.* he shrugged. "I used to do taekwondo." he casually said. You nodded but you still didn't believe him. *There's gotta be more than just a simple martial arts class to be able to fight like that.* you thought.

You snapped out of your daze when you felt someone tap you. The boy looked up at you. "Noona, thank you for saving me." he sheepishly said. You smiled. "It wasn't me that saved you but him." you pointed to L. The boy looked up at L with fascination. L's eyes flickered in surprise when you put your arm around him. "Isn't he cool?" you asked. The boy nodded and L blushed. *I don't look so cool now.* he thought.

"Gomawo hyung!" the boy beamed. L sheepishly looked at him. "It's nothing, just be more careful from now on, alright?" the boy nodded. You took his hand and led him to a small table. "Here, order anything you want. Noona will pay for you alright?" he nodded and looked through the kids menu. You walked back to L.

"Really thank you. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what could've happened." you shuddered at the thought. L smiled and rubbed your arm. "Hey, whenever you're in danger, I'm here for you." you gratefully beamed. *What will I do without you oppa?* you thought.

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Snsd0809956 #1
update soon
PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!! Update this story! I love the detail you put into the story.Please update soon:)
ailisu #4
omg... twist >____<
damnitlrh #5
omg..<br />
Thanks for reading :))))
waaaaaw nice story~~ update soon
dkhanani27 #8
update soon
LPianoKeys #9
Hmm, I wonder how her parents died.<br />
It sounds good! Can't wait to see the lovers getting introduced. >.< Update soon!
lilosuitehart #10