Death and Blessing

Love and Betrayal 

Park HyoShin - Snow Flower


You on a lollipop as you walked home from school. You looked at your art painting in your hands and giggled. It was a portrait of you and your parents. You had worked so hard on it and were excited to show it to them.

You skipped to your house and entered. "Umma! I'm home!" you hollered. It was quiet and a shiver ran up your spine but you just waved it away. *Probaby just went out for a moment.* You finished homework, read a bit, and played on the computer. It was almost 8 PM but neither of your parents had showed up yet. *Where are they? They would normally call if they were going to be out late.* you wondered.

The phone rang and broke your thoughts. You quickly answered. "Yoboseoyo?" a unfamiliar voice spoke through the other end and your eyes widened in horror. You dropped the phone and your hands trembled. "Andwae. That couldn't happen. They have the wrong number." you gasped.

Soon, you were at the hospital. You bawled as your parents dead bodies lied in front of you. *How did this happen?* you wondered. The docters had to drag you out of the room. You crumpled into a ball on the floor and sobbed. "This can't be true! How can this happen all of a sudden? They were here this morning! Everything was perfect today." you sobbed.


On a gloomy Saturday morning, you and many others were by your parents grave. Tears silently rolled down your cheek as you gazed at their happy smiling faces in the picture frame. Many others were crying too, but no one felt as cold and lonely as you did. When the ceremony ended, people went along their own ways.

A few men in suits stepped in your way. "Are you Park ~~~~~~?" they asked. You nodded. One man bent down in front of you and warmly smiled. He held out a hand. "Annyong, I was your dad's business partner." you slowly put your tiny hand in his and shook it. He released your hand. "How have you been?" he asked. You didn't answer. It was silent until you asked a question.

"H-How did my parents die?" you quietly asked. His eyes flickered in surprise but he calmed down. *You can't let her know, it was her father's wish that she never knew.* he cleared his throat. "They got into a serious car accident." your eyes watered. He sincerely gazed at you and he felt a bit pitiful. *Poor girl. She had such a happy life with her parents. What did she do to deserve this?*

"Do you happen to know your uncle?" he asked. You shook your head. The man nodded in understanding. "Well you see, your parents left your uncle to take care of you. Why don't I help you get to him huh?" he asked. You nodded and slowly followed him to his car.

In a week, you were under the custody of your uncle. He lived in a ragged old house in the country. He gave you a tiny bedroom with just a small bed and desk. He never smiled at you and smelled awful. He had messy gray hair, a pot belly, and always wore dirty wife beaters and sweats. He never took care of you. He only gave you twenty dollars a week and that was it. You had to supply for yourself for everything.

From time to time, when he was drunk, he would randomly storm into your room and beat you. By the end of the month, you had bruises and cuts on your face, legs, and arms. Life continued like that for about half a year until you couldn't take it anymore. When he broke the picture of your parents rudely, you packed up your belongings, snatched some money, and ran out of the house without a second look.

Soon, you were back in Seoul. You had managed to meet a nice old lady that owned a small retaraunt. There was a small studio at the side of it and that's where she let you stay for cheap rent. Ever since then, you managed to go back to school and fund for yourself by working several jobs, including at the resteraunt.

Along the way, you met Kim MyungSoo, your best friend, and Yong JunHyung, your first love and boyfriend. You believed that they were your blessings in life and that God sent them to you so that you won't feel lonely when your parents weren't there. They never got along well with each other, but they both have one thing in common, their deep love for you.

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Snsd0809956 #1
update soon
PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!! Update this story! I love the detail you put into the story.Please update soon:)
ailisu #4
omg... twist >____<
damnitlrh #5
omg..<br />
Thanks for reading :))))
waaaaaw nice story~~ update soon
dkhanani27 #8
update soon
LPianoKeys #9
Hmm, I wonder how her parents died.<br />
It sounds good! Can't wait to see the lovers getting introduced. >.< Update soon!
lilosuitehart #10