Sunhye's reaction to this confession was instantaneous.  She threw down Yukwon's hand that she had been holding looking at it like it was diseased.    Then she looked across from him yelling "is there any truth to what he just said?"  Instead of answering her outright Yukwon kept looking at the ground too ashamed to look her in the eye.   "Well I guess I have my answer" she yelled.   Yukwon put his arm out and tried to grab her when she got up to leave saying "please Sunhye can we talk at least?"   She was standing there staring at him with a look of disgust on her face.  She asked him "Ukwon do your parent's know anything about this?"    He shook his head and was beginning to tear up when he said "I can't imagine how you feel but can you please let me tell them myself?"  She stood there looking back and forth between the two of them saying "I can barely believe this is happening to me why am I in this nightmare?" and she began to cry openly.    She plopped herself on the chair next to Yukwon and he reached out with his arms to comfort her.  They had attracted the attention of nearby diners and for the first time Yukwon thought "maybe this restaurant wasn't a good choice."   Sunhye allowed him to comfort her.  He patted her on the back while saying "now, now everything will work itself out."    

Minhyuk was sitting there just watching everything.  He was starting to think maybe he shouldn't have even come but it was too late now.   He felt awkward sitting there.  Not knowing what else to do he said "Sunhye would you like to order a drink?  maybe it will help calm you down."    Ironically she shook her head agreeing with this so Minhyuk signalled the waiter over and Yukwon ordered drinks for them.   Minhyuk sat there listening to Yukwon comfort her saying things like "I just couldn't hurt you anymore" and "I only want the best for you."  The things he was saying were very tender and loving.  Minhyuk knew he shouldn't feel this way but that big, green monster called jealousy was rearing it's head again.   It was looking straight at him grinning and Minhyuk was getting upset.   He just couldn't stand to see Kwonnie act so loving with anyone else.  It was driving him mad.  He kept telling himself "Yukwon is doing all of this for you can't you understand that?"  Then he would look over and see him embracing her whispering comforting words and the green monster would flare up.    Their drinks arrived and each of them downed them in about one or two gulps then immediately ordered another round.  By this time Sunhye had sat up straight at the table and was dabbing at her face with a kerchief making little sobbing noises.     She told Yukwon "we need to talk more about this if only to straighten things out that need to be cancelled."  Yukwon agreed with her saying "any monies that need to be forfeited will of course come from me."    She nodded saying "I just can't do this right now. Maybe in the next few days I will have recovered enough to face things. Right now I need to go home."  Yukwon stood up saying  "I'll take you home."  He told Minhyuk "take a taxi back to the dorm and I'll see you there."    Minhyuk sat there as they stood up and walked out stopping at the coat check room first.      He had his arm around her back guiding her and that big, green monster was still nipping at the edges of Minhyuk's being.     After they left he ordered a couple more drinks then grabbed a taxi taking it back to the dorm.

Yukwon made sure she got back to her apartment even walking her inside.   He checked her food supply to see if he should go out and get her anything.   Then he made her promise to call him in a few days.  On his way out he couldn't help noticing some pictures they had taken together.  He didn't linger as he knew it would only make him feel worse.      When he got back to the dorm it was early evening and most of the guys had gone out.   Minhyuk's face lit up when he walked in and he ran up hugging him.    Yukwon sat down and  asked him if there any leftovers from dinner.  Minhyuk rummaged around the refrigerator unable to locate anything so they just decided to order pizza.     Neither one of them felt much like going out again.    Minhyuk went to embrace him again and Yukwon held him off at arms length saying "we need to talk."    Yukwon began telling him "I was not happy with the way you acted tonight at all."  For his part Minhyuk glared at him saying "I was not happy with how you acted either."    Yukwon told him "do you understand that I had been that girl's fiancee for five years.  That we had known each other since we were children.   She had made real plans and had expectations with me.  In the matter of hours plans she had made for the rest of her life were thrown in her face." he continued "the least you could do was have a little sympathy for her instead of acting like a jealous, spoiled brat."   Minhyuk was looking at the ground pouting "you didn't have to act so intimate with her. The way you touched her made me feel like a .   I don't want you touching any one but me like that."   Yukwon sighed deeply "I was just comforting her surely you can tell the difference. I didn't think I would have to explain this to you."   Minhyuk knew he had overreacted and he said as much telling Yukwon "I'm sorry I guess I just get too jealous--I couldn't stand to see you with anyone else---it just drives me mad."      They sat in awkward silence waiting for their pizzas and Minhyuk said "Kwonnie we just had our first fight" then he went over and embraced him.  Yukwonn bent him over kissing him passionately nuzzling his ear he whispered "I love you and only you, don't ever doubt it again."  







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CypherQ #1
I'm sorry if this is random but is sunhye and u kwon really still dating?
MissWoo2000 #2
Chapter 21: chapter 20 poor jaehyo XD
bbombandukwonforever #3
Chapter 17: please update this fanfiction!!! it's amazing and i need to know what happens next!!!!!! eek!!!!!! B BOMB AND YUKWON FOREVER!!!!!! U BOMB IS MY OTP!!!!!!!!!!! SO PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING AGES FOR AN UPDATE!!!!!!!
kimolivo #4
Hi !! im new here!! can i know how to download this ebook??!! please thanks a lot!!!!
Tiredbaby #5
Chapter 1: whew--chapter 1--I had no idea I had fans!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT----I will try to finish this quickly----you guys give me inspiration--u r wonderful
Chapter 1: Update please ❤️❤️❤️❤️