He had stripped down to his boxers and was laying in the dark about five minutes when Minhyuk joined him.  He spooned him from the side saying "did you think you were going to come to bed without me?"    Yukwon intertwined his fingers with Minhyuk's telling him "I'm sorry I just feel so worn out today I'm really not myself."  Minhyuk took his free hand moving it lower.  It graced itself over Yukwon's bottom half feeling that his was semi-hard.    "Hhhmmm, I don't know Kwonnie that kind of feels like you" he smirked.     Yukwon cursed himself mad at the same time he was confused.    He had not even been thinking about why did Minnie always have this effect on him?   He turned over on his knees on top of him holding his arms down asking him the same thing "why do you always this effect on me?"    Minhyuk just laughed and Yukwon's abdomen clenched around his heart at the sight of his bright smile.      They kissed passionately and began to jerk each other off.    Yukwon took their pumping them together while they both moaned.     Then he finger ed his hole stretching him out.    Placing Minhyuk doggy style he slid into him slowly.  Five minutes later he was pumping in and out and Minnie was screaming for more.    They came together shuddering in the warmth and delight of their mutual love.

Yukwon woke up in the morning to find that Minhyuk had drooled all over his chest.  He smiled and slid himself out of bed covering Minhyuk whispering "sleep more baby."   He slipped on his jeans and t-shirt then went out to help make breakfast since he was on meal duty this week.     An hour later all the guys gathered around the table to a breakfast of pancakes, bacon and sausages.     He took his place next to Minhyuk asking him "what time are we leaving today?"   "Well" said Minhyuk while chewing on his sausages "they said to be there around one but l figure two o'clock would be about right."    After breakfast Minhyuk helped him clean up and then most of the guys left having various things to accomplish on their free day.   Around one o'clock Yukwon got dressed trying to select his most conservative outfit.   It was his black skinny jeans with a blue button down shirt.   "How do I look?"  he asked Minhyuk who was wearing something similar.     "You look good enough to eat" he said biting him on the neck from behind.   Yukwon swatted him away saying "we don't have time for that, I want to make a good impression."   "Don't worry" said Minhyuk "I just heard that my my cousin and his partner will there too so we won't be breaking new ground."   As they were leaving Yukwon thought that if there was another gay couple there it had to be a good sign.  He certainly hoped so because he could stand a little peace for a change.       The picnic grounds were located in a place called Cheonyang which was about an hour from Seoul.    As they drove through downtown Seoul in Yukwon's car with the convertible top down a couple of fans spotted them and began to follow.     At first he and Minhyuk were waving and smiling at the fans.  They usually didn't get recognized unless they were all out together so it was somewhat of a novelty for them.      About five minutes later the car following them was practically scraping their bumper and Yukwon began to get a little concerned.    He knew that Zico was the one who attracted the saesang fans which was fine with him.   All of a sudden someone from the other car threw something into theirs.  It was some kind of package and it landed on Yukwon's lap with an "oomph" as he was driving.     He threw it on the floor and concentrated on getting them away from the fan's car.    They were stopped at a red light and Yukwon decided to risk a ticket and turned left right before traffic started up.   After that he speeded up essentially driving in a maze so they couldn't be found.   It did the trick and he pulled over when he heard Minhyuk laughing out loud while he held something up.  He turned to see him holding a bunch of lacy lingerie that had been wrapped in a package.    There were several g strings, bras and various other items.   Yukwon just shook his head as Minhyuk asked him "do you want me to save these? maybe you can dress up for me later?"    In response he leaned over grabbing all the lingerie then throwing it out of the car.    Minhyuk was still laughing when he pulled away.

It was two thirty when they reached the picnic grounds.    After parking they walked over to a pavilion where everybody seemed to be gathered.   Sure enough, a short lady with white streaked hair ran up enveloping Minhyuk in a hug.  Yukwon stood by feeling rather awkward when they finally broke their embrace.  Minhyuk had his arm around the lady and introduced her saying "mom I want you to meet my boyfriend Yukwon."    He extended his hand to shake towards her saying "it's nice to meet you. Thank you for inviting us today."    Although she didn't look totally shocked it did take the lady a few seconds to respond to him.   She shook his hand gingerly saying "nice to meet you this is rather  a surprise."     Minhyuk told her "please don't start that because I told you all about things before we came."   The last thing Yukwon wanted was to have an argument right here so he tried to intercede taking Minhyuk's arm and guiding him away.    As if on cue his mother turned and went back to her other guests leaving the two of them.   Minhyuk sat them down at a picnic table telling Yukwon "don't worry that was actually a positive greeting,"  "Well" thought Yukwon "at least I don't have to meet his dad because he knew Minnie's dad had been  deceased for a while.  Minhyuk made up two plates for them of barbecued beef with all kinds of side dishes.   When he came back with the food he had someone else in tow.   Yukwon looked up to see a young man in his twenties wearing round framed glasses.    Minhyuk was pulling him by the arm and he sat him down next to them.  "This is my cousin Siyung" he said "his partner is playing volleyball" he said pointing over to a net with a bunch of people around it.      "Yukwon shook his hand saying "hi it's nice to meet a kindred spirit here."     Siyung laughed saying "don't worry the first time we came to a family event it was so stressful I think we stayed ten minutes before leaving. I know what you're going through."   They spoke while Yukwon and him ate.    The food was delicious and Yukwon even became comfortable enough to go get more.   A bunch of their younger cousins ran towards them screaming "it's Block B" and started talking with them about their concert dates.    This helped break the ice too and pretty soon his cousin Minseo walked over asking them if they wanted to play volleyball.    They both agreed and were placed on different teams.    The winning team got to dunk the other one with water and a good time was had by all.    By this time the picnic was beginning to break up and Yukwon suggested maybe they should start back to Seoul.  Yukwon agreed surprised to admit he had actually enjoyed himself here.  He had gotten Siyungs phone number promising to call him back in Seoul and he told all the younger cousins to come backstage at their concerts to see them.             



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CypherQ #1
I'm sorry if this is random but is sunhye and u kwon really still dating?
MissWoo2000 #2
Chapter 21: chapter 20 poor jaehyo XD
bbombandukwonforever #3
Chapter 17: please update this fanfiction!!! it's amazing and i need to know what happens next!!!!!! eek!!!!!! B BOMB AND YUKWON FOREVER!!!!!! U BOMB IS MY OTP!!!!!!!!!!! SO PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING AGES FOR AN UPDATE!!!!!!!
kimolivo #4
Hi !! im new here!! can i know how to download this ebook??!! please thanks a lot!!!!
Tiredbaby #5
Chapter 1: whew--chapter 1--I had no idea I had fans!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT----I will try to finish this quickly----you guys give me inspiration--u r wonderful
Chapter 1: Update please ❤️❤️❤️❤️