They walked down the street and Yukwon asked him "is there anywhere in particular you want to go?"   "No Kwonnie he said "anywhere is fine as long as it's not far because I'm starving".   Yukwon laughed at this "I know" he said "me too, I guess that's what good does to you."    They found a small family owned restaurant a few blocks from the dorm.  Neither one of them had ever gone to it but it looked friendly and clean so they went in and grabbed a table.   They ordered fish pancakes with dipping sauce and steamed eggs along with galbi and chicken kebab.   The waitress poured tea and they sipped it while waiting for their ban chan.  Yukwon took his hand and put it over Minhuyk's which was laying on the table.  Minhyuk turned red and took his hand away.  He looked at Yukwon and told him "I'm sorry I guess I'm not much into public displays of affection."   "That's okay" he said as long as you know last night was not a fluke on my part."  he continued "It might have started as an accident with you being drunk but I had been planning to confess my feelings to you anyway."   Minhyuk looked at him wide eyed "are you serious Kwonnie? do you know how long I struggled with wanting to tell you how I felt?"  he said in astonishment "and when I finally got up the nerve to, having to get drunk I might add you tell me that you've felt the same for awhile too."     Yukwon laughed "I guess truth is indeed stranger than fiction" he said "I actually spent a lot of sleepless nights trying to think of how I would tell you."

The waitress brought over their ban chan which consisted of two types of kimchi, tofu, glazed carrots, pickled cucumbers and some kind of root neither one of them could identify.   Nevertheless they both dug in eating ravenously.     When they were halfway through their meal Minhyuk peeked over his plate at Yukwon asking "what are you going to do about Sunhye?"    Yukwon sighed heavily, this was the million dollar question he had not found a satifactory answer to.  This and the fact that he would also have to deal with his family were not problems he wanted to think about right now..  He wished he could just snap a wand and make them disappear or something because he knew the hardest thing he would probably have do in his life was to deal with these two problems.  No matter how he looked at it there was no successful resolution.    All he knew was he was not going to live his whole life in a lie.   He felt he was a good person who deserved happiness which was why he was now sitting here with Minyuk.    All these thoughts went through his mind and must have showed on his face because Minhyuk reached over taking his hand telling him "try not to worry there is a solution and remember from now on I am with you no matter what."   When Yukwon heard his hyung reassure him like this with the smile he had on his face (he always thought Minnie had the cutest smile in the world) he knew everything would resolve itself.   He squeezed his hand smiling back at him saying "I want to kiss you so badly right now."    He looked Minhyuk square in the face and mouthed to him "I love you." 

In a sudden twist of irony Yukwon's phone rang and it was Sunhye.  He showed Minhyuk who it was then answered it.  She asked him about coming to meet her at the bridal shop the next day as she got fitted for her wedding dress.   He told her that would be fine then said maybe afterwards they could grab a bite to eat because he needed to talk over a few things.   She agreed readily and they made plans to meet the next evening.   Yukwon was glad she didn't ask a lot of questions probably because she was on her way to work.    "What does it matter" he thought "she was going to find everything out soon enough."   Minhyuk looked over at him asking "do you want me to come with you or would you rather do this on your own?"     Yukwon ran his hands though his hair placing his hands on his face he thought a minute.  When he looked up he said "It might be good if you can come with me for support. I just don't know if I can do this on my own. I feel like such a coward."     Minhyuk patted his hand saying "you're not a coward you just don't want to hurt people you care about."    Yukwon nodded and they continued to eat.  As Minhyuk gazed across at him he said "Kwonnie I want to tell you something just so you know."   "Sure baby" he said "you can tell me whatever you want."   He looked at him steadily as he chewed on his kimchi he said "I want you to know you will never have to go through anything alone again. That I will always be there with you and for you.  I will be by your side no matter what."    Yukwon felt himself beginning to tear up.   "Do you believe yesterday at this time I was sitting around losing my mind trying to figure out how I was going to tell you my feelings?" he said "and now I am listening to you tell me this--it almost seems like a miracle."    Minhyuk smiled at him "see what I'm telling you, things can change very quickly"  then he added "the fact that I drank too much soju probably helped a little bit too."   Yukwon laughed "yes, let's definitely give credit where credit is due" he said.  "we'll blame it on the soju. 

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CypherQ #1
I'm sorry if this is random but is sunhye and u kwon really still dating?
MissWoo2000 #2
Chapter 21: chapter 20 poor jaehyo XD
bbombandukwonforever #3
Chapter 17: please update this fanfiction!!! it's amazing and i need to know what happens next!!!!!! eek!!!!!! B BOMB AND YUKWON FOREVER!!!!!! U BOMB IS MY OTP!!!!!!!!!!! SO PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING AGES FOR AN UPDATE!!!!!!!
kimolivo #4
Hi !! im new here!! can i know how to download this ebook??!! please thanks a lot!!!!
Tiredbaby #5
Chapter 1: whew--chapter 1--I had no idea I had fans!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT----I will try to finish this quickly----you guys give me inspiration--u r wonderful
Chapter 1: Update please ❤️❤️❤️❤️