The next few days were very busy for all of them which was probably a good thing for Yukwon since it left him with little chance to dwell on things.   On Thursday he got a message from Sunhye asking him to call her back.   He waited until he got to the dorm after practice then went in their room to call her.   He dialed her number and she answered almost immediately.    "Sunhye" he said "how are you?"  "I'm fine Kwonnie I wanted to get back to you because I was able to speak to your parents."   "First of all" he told her "whatever happened I want to thank you for doing this.  "It's okay" she said "unfortunately I don't have a lot to report but what I've heard sounds encouraging."  "Really" he asked pleasantly surprised "please tell me everything."  She started at the beginning about how she told them it was a joint effort between the two of them to cancel their wedding.    "They were surprised I knew you had a boyfriend" she said .   "I told them that was not why we cancelled the wedding and they shouldn't judge you on that."     "I told them we would always be good friends and then your mother asked me if I was upset that you were gay."   she continued "I told her I wasn't and they shouldn't be either. .Anyway they said they needed time to accept this but would not disown you."     This was actually better news than Yukwonn had expected and he thanked Sunhye again.  "Oh one more thing you might like to know" she said.   "I have decided to take that honeymoon trip to the U.S. I'll be leaving in a couple weeks."  Yukwon laughed "that's wonderful I'm so happy for you. Can we please see each other before you go?" he asked her "I might want you to bring me back a souvenir."   With that the two of them said goodbye.  

Later that evening he told Minhyuk all about what had happened. and he replied "well it all sounds better than we had thought. now I'd like to ask you something.  'Sure babe" said Yukwon "ask away."  "My family is having a barbecue this weekend and I want you to come as my date" he said.     "Of course I will" said Yukwon but do you think they are ready to accept us?"    "You know what?" said Minhyuk "they were asking me if I had a girlfriend and I mentioned that I did have someone special. So I think it's  time for them to meet that someone." he said. "I honestly don't think they will accept us immediately but I have to start somewhere  I want to get all these things out of the way so we can be a real couple."  Yukwon embraced him saying "I'm in of course you know that."  They kissed goodnight and rolled over.  Minhyuk hugged his back and complained  "am I not attractive to you anymore?"   Yukwon sat up surprised saying "Minnie just the other day you were complaining that I only wanted you for . . believe me I'm for you all the time but I didn't want you to think that's all I wanted."    Minhyuk rolled over to look at him.  "Too bad" he said "because all I want you for is " and he stuck his tongue out at him.    Yukwon rolled on top of him saying "well we might as well get to it then" as he began ravishing various parts of his body.  Minhyuk responded enthusiastically and they engaged in a vigorous round of lovemaking for the next hour.    When they were finished  and laid with each waiting for slumber Minhyuk whispered to him "remember you'll thank me when we're  both seventy and taking viagara."      Yukwon kissed his cheek saying saying "I know baby sweet dreams."

The remainder of the week flew by with all the various practices they were required to attend.       Friday afternoon all the guys were finishing up practice for their new comeback video.   It was a bit odd having all of them together as lately they all had various solo projects plus Bastarz to practice.  They had just finished their tenth time doing the song and dance.   Jiho was wiping himself down with a towel with Kyung sitting next to him.  Suddenly, the studio doors flew open and what can only be described as a madman came running in around 60 miles per hour..   It happened so fast no one even had time to react before the lunatic had lunged himself straight at Kyung and begun beating him to a pulp.   If you paused to look at this man he was dressed conservatively but his face bore the look of an insane person with his hair flying in all directions and the things he was screaming making no sense.    The first of them to react was Yukwon who screamed "Namjoon stop it!"    He couldn't believe his older brother was doing this and he ran over trying to restrain him.    Poor Kyung was on the floor with Namjoon on top of him his fists pounding into him.    Jiho reacted next and jumped behind Namjoon grabbing his arms and holding them back.   Yukwon helped Kyung sit up.  All the while Namjoon was screaming gibberish about "his family's honor."     Yukwon looked at him saying "what do you think you're doing?"   Namjoon glared at him through eyes glazed over with rage yelling  "I am avenging the dishonor this one (he indicated Kyung) has brought on you and our family."   "First of all" yelled Yukwon "Kyung is not my boyfriend so if that's what you thought you are wrong" he continued as he pulled Minhyuk to his side  saying "Minhyuk is my partner and you will not be laying a finger on him."      Namjoon was struggling trying to break free from Jiho's grip. "Did anyone call the police?" Jiho yelled.    In answer to that  question a police car came to a stop outside the door and two officers walked in.   They took statements from everyone and called for an ambulance to take Kyung to the hospital.   Even though he protested he didn't need it they insisted it was standard protocol in cases like theirs.     Jiho piped up declaring 'I'm going with him."  Yukwon had noticed that all this time he had been staying close to Kyung.  A twinge of a suspicion niggled at the back of his head but he brushed it away.    Talking to the officers he found out Namjoon was going to be arrested and booked for assault and would have to post bail if he wanted to get out of jail before his trial date which would be months away. 

After Namjoon and Kyung were taken away he sat there with Minhyuk looking up reaching his arms into the sky shouting "why do I have all these problems God!!!!  All I want to do is be with the person I love!!!!" and he pounded his fists on the studio walls in frustration.    Minhyuk sat next to him hugging him and trying to reassure him that this too would pass.    "You'll see" he said 'five years from now we'll be looking back at this laughing."    Yukwon didn't know about five years from now but right now he stood up to go make a call to his parents.


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CypherQ #1
I'm sorry if this is random but is sunhye and u kwon really still dating?
MissWoo2000 #2
Chapter 21: chapter 20 poor jaehyo XD
bbombandukwonforever #3
Chapter 17: please update this fanfiction!!! it's amazing and i need to know what happens next!!!!!! eek!!!!!! B BOMB AND YUKWON FOREVER!!!!!! U BOMB IS MY OTP!!!!!!!!!!! SO PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING AGES FOR AN UPDATE!!!!!!!
kimolivo #4
Hi !! im new here!! can i know how to download this ebook??!! please thanks a lot!!!!
Tiredbaby #5
Chapter 1: whew--chapter 1--I had no idea I had fans!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT----I will try to finish this quickly----you guys give me inspiration--u r wonderful
Chapter 1: Update please ❤️❤️❤️❤️