When he asked him this he was a bit taken aback.   "Well to be honest" he started "I really haven't thought much about it."   "Don't you want them to know we're a couple?" asked Yukwon looking a bit hurt.  "Yes" said Minhyuk "of course but there just didn't seem like there was the same urgency as in your case."   Yukwon shook his head and continued eating.   "I can tell you one thing though" he said "I don't think it will be as difficult in my case."  'Why do you say that" asked Yukwon.   "Well" Minhyuk began "my cousin came out as gay a couple of years ago and now my family pretty much accepts him."   'What was it like when he came out?" asked Yukwon  "At the time" he said "it was a huge deal. Of course we had always suspected he was different somehow. But it's only recently gotten to the point where he and his partner are invited to family gatherings."  Yukwon was finishing up his food "Well" he said "at least you wouldn't be the first in your family. We'd better get back. We all have a busy day tomorrow."   On their way back they talked about how happy they were to both be part of Bastarz.  "I was afraid they were going to separate us" said Minhyuk.   Yukwon reached over and shoved him up against a tree saying "no one will ever take you away from me Minnie" and he kissed him deeply.   "Kwonnie when I decide to tell my family about us will you come with me?"  he asked.  "Of course" said Yukwon "hopefully if this blows over I want you to meet my family too."   Minhyuk hugged him saying "it will blow over Kwonnie you just need to give it some time."   Yukwon took his hand saying "come on we need to go in now."

They walked in to see that most of the guys had already retired to their rooms.  Only Jaehyo was in the kitchen trying to rustle up a snack.   "Good luck with that"  Yukwon told him "I had to go out for anything to eat."   They got undressed for bed and Yukwon lay on his side spooning Minhyuk.    "Goodnight sweet cheeks" he told him as he massaged the very object he was referring to.   "Go to sleep baby--goodnight" said Minhyuk.    Yukwon tried--he really, really tried but it seemed when he got around his Minnie there was no such a thing as control.  His just had a mind of it's own.  It started off with him playing with his   "God" he thought "he had the iest in the world. Who could resist this when it was actually shoved up against them."   He parted his two buttcheeks sticking a finger in.   "Yukwon" he whined "stop it."   But he couldn't stop and  soon had two fingers in his moving them in and out. Of course by this time Minhyuk's was hard.    Yukwon thought "if I could just lube him up I could slide my in exactly the way we are laying here.  He reached over to get the lube  saying "relax baby I'm just going to put my in you very slowly."  He took the bottle lubing himself up then scooted back a few inches holding his to place it right in his hole.    He felt the tip going in and thought "bingo" I'm right on target. It began to slide in a little bit at a time.    By the time it was filling up his channel Minhyuk had begun to moan and Yukwon whispered "are you okay?"   "Yes baby it feels good" he said.  He held Minhyuk around his midsection and established a rhythm of pumping in and out.   After a couple of minutes they began to moan moving against each other.   Minhyuk let out a loud moan "aaahhh I'm " and Yukwon moved a bit quicker against his back grabbing his as they both shuddered together.   After that they were silent until Minhyuk spoke saying " are you sleeping?"    "Almost baby" he whispered.   "That was nice Kwonnie. I love you."   Yukwon pulled the blanket around them saying "goodnight baby sweet dreams."   

The next morning started off business as usual.   They all had breakfast and their usual practice together.  They were leaving for their European tour in three weeks and needed to get all their sets perfected.   After this Ubomb which was now the way they referred to themselves met up with their choreographer Curtis who told them "there are two dance moves I need you guys to have down for your tour."  He showed them the first one which was a combination of a fast walk with a twirl at the end.   "I want you guys to practice this one right now" he said "it is the easiest one so you should have it down in a couple of days."  They spent about an hour on the move and Curtis observed them the entire time.   At the end he said "okay I think you guys are good on that. Tomorrow we start on the next one."   After this they had practice with P.O for Bastarz.    They walked over to where P.O and Jiho were standing looking over the song.    He gave both of them copies telling them to practice their parts.   As he read it over Yukwon saw that P.O did have the most lines.   He liked the rhythm of the song.  It wasn't a rap but he thought the lyrics suited P.O's low, gravelly voice especially well.    He had to admit whatever else he thought of Jiho he was a talented songwriter.    Jiho had recorded background music to go along with their voices so the three of them sang a rough version of the song.    Curtis and Saemin their other choreographer were watching them the entire time because they would be choreographing the dance to go along with the song.     Of course they had all been warned not to reveal anything about Bastarz until it was ready to debut.   To this end they all had to sign non-disclosure agreements.   It was almost five o'clock when they all broke for the day and headed back to the dorm. 

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CypherQ #1
I'm sorry if this is random but is sunhye and u kwon really still dating?
MissWoo2000 #2
Chapter 21: chapter 20 poor jaehyo XD
bbombandukwonforever #3
Chapter 17: please update this fanfiction!!! it's amazing and i need to know what happens next!!!!!! eek!!!!!! B BOMB AND YUKWON FOREVER!!!!!! U BOMB IS MY OTP!!!!!!!!!!! SO PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING AGES FOR AN UPDATE!!!!!!!
kimolivo #4
Hi !! im new here!! can i know how to download this ebook??!! please thanks a lot!!!!
Tiredbaby #5
Chapter 1: whew--chapter 1--I had no idea I had fans!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT----I will try to finish this quickly----you guys give me inspiration--u r wonderful
Chapter 1: Update please ❤️❤️❤️❤️