Coincidences Indeed

Lost to Memories
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You’re curious. About why Jaejoong couldn’t get the girl of his dreams and what was keeping him away. It’s simple, really, but at the same time it was absolutely nerve wracking and heart cracking.

            Sticking to the contract, Jaejoong had begun to build the stage of where he’ll shine. Of course it wasn’t really big, considering the size of my café, but he was determined to finish the job. That’s what I had always admired about Jaejoong, his ambition. And it’s sad to say that you don’t get to see much of it anymore in the present.

            “So where is this guy who’s willing to help you with your labor work?” I asked after a week, seeing no other person but Jaejoong hammering down nails and suffering under the weights of heavy wooden boards.

            “He’s a busy guy,” Jaejoong replied. “And he’ll show up for sure, I know it.”

            “How do you know?” I asked, crouching down in front of him as he started to measure a long board.

            “Because he owes me,” he shrugged nonchalantly. “I caught a guy on the run once for him.”

            I raised my eyebrows in astonishment. “Oh? And when did this happen?”

            Jaejoong looked up at me with a mischievous smile. “I’m glad you asked,” he set aside the measuring tape and sat in a more comfortable position on the floor. “It was last week, the same day you offered me this,” he raised his hands up to do air quotes, “job.” He rolled his eyes like a girl. “But call it coincidence, because then I wouldn’t be doing this alone,” he winked.

            I wasn’t fazed by his actions. “So what exactly did you do again?”

            Jaejoong popped a stick of gum into his mouth. “He’s a cop,” I nodded for him to go on. “And as I was making my way here, a dangerous criminal escaped from prison and was on the loose in the city. He was chasing the guy down and as everyone avoided their way, I, as amazing as I was, decided to help. After all, they were heading in my direction. I coolly stuck out my foot at the right time and tripped the sociopath as he came in and handcuffed him. If it wasn’t for me, he would have never out run the prisoner.”

            I blankly stare at Jaejoong, not impressed. “Knowing you, I’m sure you just weren’t paying attention to where you were going with earphones in your ears again and bumped into the guy.”

            “What! No,” he denied me strongly. “I decided to be charitable to the world and held down the huge criminal as the cop slowly arrived to take him away.”

            I smiled knowingly and nodded. “Okay, we’ll go with that story if it makes you happy. But I think we both know what really happened.”

            “How do you know?” He said, clearly offended. “You weren’t there.”

            “Jaejoong, I don’t need to b—“

            “Hello,” the door chimed opened as a tall and handsome man came in. He looked around for a bit before spotting us at

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Chapter 21: Re-read this today!!!

Not sure if I commented before but this is just precious!!!

Hayaley #2
Chapter 21: Sorry to hear that you retired. Writing is definitely time consuming. But it's also such a stress reliever. I hope you'll come back some day. I enjoyed this story and all the characters. Thank you for writing it.
Hayaley #3
Chapter 13: Chap 13: so sad. I cried with her.
Keahun #4
unique and nice story, always love kjj stories please make more, thanks.
Aawww.. One of the nicest story here in AFF. But sad to know that you're retiring huhu.. Thank you for sharing your talent authornim. Fighting!
Chapter 21: thank so much for ur other great story dear^^
u never disappointed me:*
i'm so sad that u r retiring from writing here..:(
but remember that i always love ur stories, same like others..({})
thanks so much,,love the epilogue...:)
chunnea #7
Chapter 21: Just finished the epilogue~thank you for sharing your talent with us..not only this story but also the others..i remember last year summer holiday i was waiting for thursday night update..and this year its this one..haha..who knows next year you might come up with another one..^^until then...
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Awwwww! This story was beautiful! It was just so bittersweet T__T but the ending <3

Also... Byeeee. It was great reading your stories. They were great and most likely will reread them! Wish you all the best in the future!
Chapter 21: Woahhhhhhhh this story was great! All of stories you have made are always amazing!!!! And it is kind sad to that you left AFF :( however I wish you all the greatest in the world ^___^

And if life got too , you may come here and write one shot story!!! :)

Until then :*