A Winter Miracle?

Lost to Memories
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Friday came and I was nervous. My mind was racing. Would Jaejoong come? Should I fire him? Would I have to cancel tonight’s show? Will I have to stop Friday’s performances from now on?

            I looked up to see the crowded room and customers chattering wildly amongst themselves. No, I couldn’t do that. I have built a reputation around here for having this kind of event, I couldn’t just stop because…because of some kind of stupid thing between Jaejoong and I. But still, I couldn’t pick up my phone and give him a call. I haven’t seen him for days and I dreaded today where I may or may not see him. Not knowing was killing me.

            Either way, I didn’t want to disappoint the customers. I didn’t want to tell them that there was going to be no show until I find a replacement artist. But even then, I couldn’t move to make a speech to the excited audience. Jaejoong had clearly built himself a fandom. I was frozen behind the counter where I had always retreated for safety.

            “Where’s Jaejoong?” Yoochun said as he approached me, handing his mug for me to refill. I twitched at the mentioning of his name.

            “Uh,” I nervously said. I slowly took his cup and poured in plain black coffee, avoiding his eyes as I did so. “I don’t know.”

            Yoochun’s eyebrows furrowed. “You don’t know?”

            I tried to say something back, but the words were stuck at the back of my brain and throat. I ended up giving him an anxious shrug and a shy smile.

            His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You haven’t talked to him have you?”

            “I have,” I immediately replied and then retracted everything a step back. “I mean, I was going to.”

            “But?” he urged me on.

            Before I could reply, Junsu popped up next to Yoochun. “Where’s Jaejoong? He’s kind of late. He’s never late.” He slapped a bill on the counter.

            I passed Yoochun his cup and took Junsu’s money. He didn’t need to say anything, I knew what he wanted. I bent down to get a blueberry muffin when Yoochun replied to Junsu saying, “I’m not sure if he will even show up.”

            “He will!” I said a little too quickly as I jerked up straight. I gave Junsu his muffin. “I mean, I think he will.”

            “Did you,” Junsu said. “Fire him?”

            I couldn’t even retort, because Yoochun had jumped in and said, “How could she fire him? She hasn’t even been able to get used to hearing his name yet.”

            “Hey,” I said weakly, trying to defend myself, but Yuri appeared.

            She slid down the counter and bumped next to Junsu. She took a lollipop from my large cup on the desk and started to unwrap it. “If you ever need a new performer, I know this amazing violinist that goes to the same university as I do,” she said and shoved the candy into as she dropped its rolled up paper on the counter.

            I picked it up and threw it away in the trashcan behind me.

            Yoochun replied to her sarcastically. “Wow, Ms. Antisocial actually knows people?”

            Yuri popped the lollipop out of . “Oh shut up, Yoochun.”

            “Guys, not now,” Junsu said, lucky to have been in the middle of the two. “The problem right now, is how to address these lovely people that—“

            “What’s going on?” a voice broke into our conversation. We all turned to the door just as it closed behind a shivering Jaejoong. “I’m cold,” he raised his lips into a small smile.

            Junsu cleared his throat after we stared at him for a good minute. “The show has arrived,” he finished his previous statement.

“Here, get warmed up,” Yoochun handed him his own cup of coffee before patting his shoulder and walking back to his seat. Junsu gave Jaejoong a nod and also departed. Yuri just slithered away with her lollipop back into .

            Jaejoong came towards the counter and stopped in front of me awkwardly. I wanted to say something. Anything. But my mind was blank. Instead, goose bumps appeared on my skin and I slightly cringed at my inner coldness.

            He lightly chuckled. “Winter is finally here.”

            I smiled. At least I think I did. “Yeah,” I breathed out.

            He gulped down the rest

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Chapter 21: Re-read this today!!!

Not sure if I commented before but this is just precious!!!

Hayaley #2
Chapter 21: Sorry to hear that you retired. Writing is definitely time consuming. But it's also such a stress reliever. I hope you'll come back some day. I enjoyed this story and all the characters. Thank you for writing it.
Hayaley #3
Chapter 13: Chap 13: so sad. I cried with her.
Keahun #4
unique and nice story, always love kjj stories please make more, thanks.
Aawww.. One of the nicest story here in AFF. But sad to know that you're retiring huhu.. Thank you for sharing your talent authornim. Fighting!
Chapter 21: thank so much for ur other great story dear^^
u never disappointed me:*
i'm so sad that u r retiring from writing here..:(
but remember that i always love ur stories, same like others..({})
thanks so much,,love the epilogue...:)
chunnea #7
Chapter 21: Just finished the epilogue~thank you for sharing your talent with us..not only this story but also the others..i remember last year summer holiday i was waiting for thursday night update..and this year its this one..haha..who knows next year you might come up with another one..^^until then...
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Awwwww! This story was beautiful! It was just so bittersweet T__T but the ending <3

Also... Byeeee. It was great reading your stories. They were great and most likely will reread them! Wish you all the best in the future!
Chapter 21: Woahhhhhhhh this story was great! All of stories you have made are always amazing!!!! And it is kind sad to that you left AFF :( however I wish you all the greatest in the world ^___^

And if life got too , you may come here and write one shot story!!! :)

Until then :*