
Those Two Lips That Whispered Love...

Everyone had their meals quietly, I know I have to tell my parents about living outside one day...

"Mommy, Daddy... I wanna move out. I'm going to start my own business."

My Parents were stunned, Mom placed her chopsticks down and manages to speak up

"I wish you all the best... I respect your decision and I hope this decision you made isn't in the heat of the moment" She smiles and continued eating.

"What kind of business will you be doing?" Dad asked

"Well... I didn't just spend the 2 years in America studying, I've learned how to make coffee..."

"What are the kinds of coffee have you made before?" Dad debated 

"Uhmm.. Cappuccino, Macchiato, Mocha, Frappuccino,  Latte, Espresso, Americano..." [Americano!! Jowa~ Jowa~ Jowa~]

"Fine, how much do you need to set up this?" He asked with an eyebrow raised

"I'm short of... 170000 for furnitures" I played with my fingers

"I'll transfer the money into your account tomorrow. By the way when will you officially start?"

"I'll start after buying the furnitures since I had already paid the owner while studying..." My voice trailing off

"Well then.. Good luck" Dad resumed eating

"Ooh!! Where will you be staying?" Mom asked 

"Uhmm... with the boys in their dorm since the cafe is nearby their company" I said

"Make sure you guys behave and take good care of her, is that understood?" Uncle said

"Yes sir!" Infinite replied

With that... everyone was done with dinner, I helped mom and aunt clear the dining table and wash the dishes.

"We'll be moving out as well" Mom sighed

"To where?"

"We bought another house just down town, a small one, since Infinite debuted and wasn't staying with us frequently." Mom sighed again

"Whatever happens, just remember that health always comes first okay?" I hugged mom

"You're such a worrywort and you sure are more naggy then I am" Mom swayed

"I'll visit you all whenever I'm free okay?"

"I bet you won't have time at all" Mom wiped dry the dishes

"I'll visit on my day-offs" I reassured her, then leaving the kitchen

"You're the worrywort here!! You know her the best that she excells in whatever she's determined in" Aunt hit mom's arm

"I know... but still... she doesn't have much contact with the outside world" Mom rubbed her arm

While making my way up I heard music, apperently they're practicing their debut song and follow up song, for their upcoming event. I tiptoed to the door and leaned on it, hearing each of their amazing vocals, I squirmed my head to hear them more clearer.

But the door was opened unexpectly by MyungSoo halfway through the song, I crashed onto him, MyungSoo wasn't strong enough to root himself to the floor, so both of us ended up on the floor, with me ontop of him.

The others stopped whatever they were doing and all of them looked at me with a ' O.o ' face. I got and and pulled MyungSoo up.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm lucky that you aren't that heavy to cause any harm to me." He joked, with that he got a punch on the arm from me.

I looked up, face flushed in red, I turned around quickly and headed to my room.
I shut the door and leaned against it, that was the first time I saw WooHyun topless, revealing his washboard abs, Hoya as well, he didn't have abs but he had a well maintained body.

I shook my head "Dirty thoughts go away.. Dirty thoughts go away.."
Just then, my phone beeped,

                                                                                    1 New Message 
              Hoya :)

- Hey... Sorry for letting you see what you shouldn't..

                                                                                    1 New Message
                                                                                       YunHee <3

- Don't worry... besides I forgot about it so don't remind me ^^

My phone beeped again

                                                                                    1 New Message

                                                                                           Hoya :)

- Do you need any help?                                        

1 New Message
                                                                                        Yunhee <3

- If you want to... you can help me get my dessert :)

Just within minutes after my last text message, he was at my door already.. *Knock Knock Knock*

"Dessert for the pretty lady." He said acting like a waiter.

"Mymy... thank you handsome waiter" I giggled.

Hoya left my room soon after I had finished my dessert.
I stayed up late to pack my stuff. I knew it was very late at night since I have been yawning for the past 10 minutes.
I look at the clock, 3.05 a.m, I still hear music coming from the room.

* I should make supper for the boys, they've been practicing non-stop *
I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. Dugged the refridgerator for things to cook. The ingredients I found were just enough for me to make Kimchi Stew and Bulgogi, and rice of couse.

I wasted no time and had them all done within 20 minutes, I brought the food up with a tray.
I wanted to knock the door with my hands but they were used and knowing myself being a lazy person, I just 'knocked' the door with my legs.
And SungGyu opened the door...

I don't know whether I can continue with this story.... >:
I'm not getting the motivation to do so... ------> [ COMMENTS ]
Maybe I should go on haitus O.o
Readers!! Do your job!!! <\3
I'm losing my motivation TT3TT

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ItzJaeKay #1
Ahhhh cleaning their dorm seems hard haha
Cleaning the dorm!!! Hehehe can't wait!!
ItzJaeKay #3
Yay infinite cleaning up haha
Oooh and I love your story By the way <3
Ahhhh this is totally cute~
Aigooooooo finally a chapter with myungsoo hohoho ^O^
-kp0pl0ver #7
I can't imagine living in that kind of situation!!! Poor Yunhee<br />
Update soon~
ItzJaeKay #8
Oh I forgot to say that I lve your story<br />
Keep up that awesome work ^^
ItzJaeKay #9
Woah I could never stand living in a house that is mess, even though I'm lazy to clean up as well haha<br />
Hmmm wonder who'll she'll end up with...lol it's like ditch those two and go to ljoe haha<br />
But you know that ljoe likes her too hmmm<br />
Only one gets her, which will leave two heartbroken <br />
Choose one or lose them all
Better add more myungsoo, woohyun and sunggyu~~~ xD