1 Year 8 Months

Those Two Lips That Whispered Love...

listen to this while reading~
1 year 8 months has passed ever since the first day I arrived in America...
It was time for me to leave America and head back to Korea.

I received a text from ByungHun

From: ByungHun :)
To: Yunhee :)

- Heyy~ I have an emergency!!! Come to my house now!!!

From: Yunhee :)
To: ByungHun :)

- OMGyu!!! What happened?!? NVM that!!! I'll be there soon!!!

A smile was forming on his face as soon as he received my text.
I ran out of KeldoHotel and hailed a taxi, I boarded the taxi and...
"Can you bring me to ********* ASAP it's an emergency!!!"
The driver nodded and stepped on the accelerator.

I reached ByungHun's house in a couple of minutes. I paid the taxi driver and ran into the appartment and took the lift up to the 8th floor.
I ran to his door and knocked continuously like a mad person.

ByungHun opened the door slowly, and once it was opened all the way, He hugged me tightly.

"B-ByungHun what's the matter?" Still shocked by the sudden gesture he gave.


"Me?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah.. you're leaving soon right?"

"How'd you know..." My voice tailing off.

"I'm L.Joe!! I'll know it one way or another" He tightened the hug.

"Oof.. ByungHun... I- C-can't - Breathe" I said while struggling.

"Mianhae!!" He lets go and raises both of his hands.

Then another voice could be heard.

"Yahh!! what's taking you so long!!! Bringing her in takes you 5 minutes?"

I could tell that person's voice anywhere...


"Yunhee!!!" She squealed and hugged me.

"Come in quickly!!" She grabbed my hands and dragged me inside and shot a glare at ByungHun before we were heading to his living room...

"Surprise!!!!" Minwoo[From Boyfriend], Taemin and Hara shouted.

"OMGyu!!" You guys prepared this?" I said while covering my mouth and looking at the surroundings

They all shook their heads and pointed at ByungHun who had just entered.

"He prepared all of this and called us. And I cannot believe you didn't tell us!!" Hara said.

"Maybe it's only you she didn't tell!!" Suzy said and laughed.

"Really!?!? Unfair!!" Hara pouted.

"Sorry Hara... but you weren't at school that day, plus it was the last day of school." I frowned.

"Ohhh.... Then it's my fault then" She laughed meekly.

Then we partied all night playing games and drinking.
Yes... I got drunk, In fact everyone was drunk except for ByungHun and Taemin.
Taemin said he'd sent Hara and Minwoo back since they all lived close to ByungHun.
Suzy said she'll go back on her own since she was just living above ByungHun.

Everyone parted ways.
ByungHun was stumbling while carrying the half-dead me.

When we reached the hotel, he pressed the lift and carried me bridal-style.
Upon reaching, he fumbled my bag for the keys and inserted it into the keyhole.
He laid me down on my bed, grabbed some water and aspirin from the kitchen and set it on my sidetable.

"You know... you look so helpless right now... I thought you'd stay here forever..." He voice tailing off.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead. He helped me pull the blankets so that I don't get a cold the next morning.

I woke up late the next morning. It was around 11 a.m, I seriously have a hangover and a slight headache.
I saw water and aspirin on my sidetable...
"ByungHun..." I mumbled and picked up the water, swallowed the aspirin tablet along with some water.

Strangely my day went past too quickly today... I only had time to go out and shop for some groceries and clothes.
By then it was already night when I finished shopping. I cooked dinner and baked muffins, and of course they contain strawberries~

After eating the muffins I brushed my teeth and went to bed. Tossing and turning around, there was so many things on my head right now.

*What will happen to ByungHun after I leave?*

*What is ByungHun doing now?*

*What is Infinite doing now?*

*During this 1 year and 8 months did Infinite change?*

*What is Hoya doing now?*

*What is MyungSoo doing now?*

*Is SungJong still fighting with SungGyu?*


Then I remembered WooHyun's lullaby, I took my phone and popped my earpiece...
His lullaby always makes me calm and lets me forget my troubles for a while.
In a matter of seconds, my eyes were starting to close and my mind starting to wonder off to Dreamland.

Whoooo~ another update!!!
MAMA Awards today~
It's sad that Infinite didn't go >:
Or are they still in Japan O_O
At least they were nominated <3
*Fighting Infinite*
I might throw in another update after MAMA? *laughs*

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ItzJaeKay #1
Ahhhh cleaning their dorm seems hard haha
Cleaning the dorm!!! Hehehe can't wait!!
ItzJaeKay #3
Yay infinite cleaning up haha
Oooh and I love your story By the way <3
Ahhhh this is totally cute~
Aigooooooo finally a chapter with myungsoo hohoho ^O^
-kp0pl0ver #7
I can't imagine living in that kind of situation!!! Poor Yunhee<br />
Update soon~
ItzJaeKay #8
Oh I forgot to say that I lve your story<br />
Keep up that awesome work ^^
ItzJaeKay #9
Woah I could never stand living in a house that is mess, even though I'm lazy to clean up as well haha<br />
Hmmm wonder who'll she'll end up with...lol it's like ditch those two and go to ljoe haha<br />
But you know that ljoe likes her too hmmm<br />
Only one gets her, which will leave two heartbroken <br />
Choose one or lose them all
Better add more myungsoo, woohyun and sunggyu~~~ xD