Home at last...

Those Two Lips That Whispered Love...

"MOMMY!!! DADDY!!! AUNT!!! UNCLE!!!" I squealed and ran towards them.
I hugged them tightly, broke the hug and hit my parents on the shoulders.

"I'm still mad that you guys sent me overseas and seperated me from the boys." I pouted.

"Ooh... speaking of which... where are they?"

"There they are!!" Aunt pointed.

"Guys!!!!" I shouted.

SungGyu looked around and found their parents and...

"Hey boys... Isn't that YunHee?" His jaw dropped and everyone looked towards me.

"YUNHEE!!!" They shouted and ran towards me.

"Group hug!!!" SungYeol shouted

"Guys!!GUYS!! I can't breathe" I gasped for air and wriggled my whole body.

They all released me and scratched their heads.

"Yah Pabo!! Do you know how much we missed you?" MyungSoo folded his arms.

"How much?" I probed

"THIS MUCH~" Hoya said stretching his hands as wide as he could. [Like YooGeunnie did in Hello Baby]

"Yah.. I'm back now aren't I?" I folded my arms and pouted.

"She's Back~" They all sanged in harmony.

"Oh.My.Gyu!! AHHHH That was you guys? YAH!! Why didn't you tell me you guys debuted?" I shouted

"Uhmm you didn't recognize us?" WooHyun tilted his head

"Pfft... The group was called Infinite... I thought that it was just a coincidence that other company used your name!!! A-A-AND YOU GUYS WERE WEARING MAKE-UP!! Of course I didn't recognize any of you." I blabbered

The boys just laughed and ruffled my hair.
While the boys were happily and busy chatting with their parents and mine, I noticed a few pair of eyes were staring at me. I suppose they're their fans, but they looked fierce and scary to me.
I turned to the boys...

"Guys... I think you should greet you fans?" I squinted and Infinite turned back to face their fans,
And I saw the scariest thing... The fans who looked angry and jealous at me changed their face in a second,literally.
Now they were all screaming, acting cute and swooning over the boys and waving their hands at them.

I pulled SungGyu and WooHyun back.

"Your fans are scary..." I whispered

"What?" WooHyun said and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What did they do?" SungGyu asked

"They gave me death stares when you were talking with your parents." I said.

"Pardon them... they're just jealous that you are with us." SungGyu tapped my shoulders.

*I think I'll just have to get use to that...*

"Ahhh! My ring!! You're wearing it!!!" Woohyun exclaimed.

"My bracelet too!!!" SungGyu poked my arm.

"Yeah~ I never took them off... well except when I'm in the toilet." I laughed and placed a hand over my mouth.

"Well... Let's head home shall we?" My parents said

I dragged my luggage and followed my parents to the car. I placed my luggage at the trunk of the car.
I went in the car. SungJong quickly told me to move to the rear and he sat beside me, MyungSoo eyed SungJong.

"Yah SungJong-ah I was supposed to sit beside YunHee!!" He then pouted.

"Too bad I came first~" He shrugged.

"You're soooo getting it from me later.." His voice trailed off.

"Kim-Myung-Soo" I said and folded my arms.
"If I hear SungJonggie complain to me that you bullied him, I'll whack your !! Got it??" I said hugging SungJong tightly.

"Arasso.. Arasso.." He frowned

We drove back to the mansion, opened the gate. Dad was parking the car, SungJong and I were busy talking, I scanned the mansion and sighed.

*Wow... I sure do miss home alot... I WANNA GET SOME SLEEP ON MY BED!!!*

I got out of the car, I looked back at the gate and saw the same girls from the airport...

"Infinite... your fans followed us all the way here... doesn't that bother you?" I asked

"I wouldn't mind as long as they don't do anything bad to you or us." Hoya shrugged.
They all nodded and helped me with my luggage.

"Well I'm all sweaty and sticky... I'm going to take a bath first."

"Make sure you take a nice and long one, so that I can eat the Caramelised Strawberry 4 Tier Cake MyungSoo made earlier before we went to the airport." Hoya teased.

"Huuuu... then I'll make sure I take a fast one before you could even touch it!!" I dropped my luggage and ran upstairs to my room.

"Aish... that girl.." Hoya laughed and picked up my luggage

I had a really quick bath and dried myself fast. I ran downstairs to the kitchen to check...
It was there... lying on the counter near the sink...

Whooooo~ another update!!!
*Throws Confetti around*
*Cries* TT3TT
Will be updating soon 

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ItzJaeKay #1
Ahhhh cleaning their dorm seems hard haha
Cleaning the dorm!!! Hehehe can't wait!!
ItzJaeKay #3
Yay infinite cleaning up haha
Oooh and I love your story By the way <3
Ahhhh this is totally cute~
Aigooooooo finally a chapter with myungsoo hohoho ^O^
-kp0pl0ver #7
I can't imagine living in that kind of situation!!! Poor Yunhee<br />
Update soon~
ItzJaeKay #8
Oh I forgot to say that I lve your story<br />
Keep up that awesome work ^^
ItzJaeKay #9
Woah I could never stand living in a house that is mess, even though I'm lazy to clean up as well haha<br />
Hmmm wonder who'll she'll end up with...lol it's like ditch those two and go to ljoe haha<br />
But you know that ljoe likes her too hmmm<br />
Only one gets her, which will leave two heartbroken <br />
Choose one or lose them all
Better add more myungsoo, woohyun and sunggyu~~~ xD