First Day

Those Two Lips That Whispered Love...

I woke up early in the morning with the sun greeting me, by hitting it's warm rays on my face.
I scrunched my eyes and nose and blocked the rays with my hands.
Sighing to myself *Well... today is the day... Here I come school !!*
I faked a smile and heard WooHyun's voice.

I still had the earpiece on my ears, and WooHyun's song was on replay throughout the whole night.
I fumbled for my phone, unlocked it, looked at the time <7.00 a.m> and turned off the music.

I yawned and shot myself out of bed. Walked to the wardrobe and grabbed my clothes.
Before heading for the showers, I washed my face and brushed my teeth, the knob and let the water wash away my fatigue.

I turned off the knob, dried my whole body, headed towards the mirror, cleaned the fogged mirror and dried my hair with the hairdryer. Tying my hair sideways with a ponytail, applying light make-up consisting of BB cream with light pink blush on my cheeks.
*This should be acceptable... right?*
I put on my clothes and exited the toilet.

I grabbed my books and slot them into my bag, slid my watch onto my hands, double checking my stuffs.
Taking a last look at myself through the mirror before closing the door, I skipped towards the lift, pressed it and went downstairs to the ground level.

I saw ByungHun waiting outside of the hotel when I stepped out of the lift. My face lit up almost immediately and walked toward the door.
 The bellboy opened the door, I bowed slightly and thanked him before walking out.

"Hello ByungHun... uhmm... what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you of course" He smiled

"Why are you waiting for me?" I tilt my head

"Hmm.... Lets just say I hate going to school alone and I needed to show you the way to the principal's office later?"

"Ooh yeah I almost forgot that I'm a new transfer student." I giggled

"Uhmmm.... and how long have you been waiting out here?" I asked

"Well... say... 7.30 a.m?" He looked at his watch.

*I looked at mine... 7.45 a.m*

"15 minutes isn't long!! so not to worry~" He sang

We chatted for quite some time and I told him I was nervous, since it's my first day, before we know it, we were infront of the school already.

"You ready?"

I took a deep breath and let it out.

"Yeap!!! NO WAIT... maybe I'm not that ready yet!!" I turned around, ready to go back but he stopped me

"Come on we're here already... just... follow me okay?" He smiled and it always makes me happy because he reminds me of SungGyu.

I nodded and followed him, I see people whispering and mumbling to one another.

"What is she doing with L.Joe?"
"I hope she's not that kind of ty two-faced like you-know-who."

When we reached the principal office, he ushered me inside and told me that he'll be waiting outside. I nodded and went inside...

"Come in."

"Uhmm... good morning principal? I'm the new transfer studen-"

"Yeah I know, I've been expecting you. Go to the lady over there and she'll pass you your timetable and stuff." He pointed at the lady, Head Mistress of the school.

"H-head Mistress I'm here for my timetable.."

"Here you go... I'm expecting alot from you so don't disappoint me."

"Y-yes ma'am"

I walked out of the office, and ByungHun was still standing outside waiting for me.

"That was scary..."

"What classes do you have now? Can I take a look at your timetable?"

I handed over my timetable to him.

"Soooo... okay... you have the same classes as I have!!" He beamed

"Okay... We have Biology class right now... would you like to lead the way?" I smiled

"Yeah~ This way!!" He grabbed my hand and walked toward the classroom.

"H-hey!! Not too hard..." I whimpered.

When we reached the front door of the classroom...

"I'll be going in first!! Good luck~"

Byunghun entered the classroom and I swear I heard squeals and saw girls swooning over him before the door closes.
I placed my hands on the doorknob and twisted it, and went in.

"Okay class!! Settle down!! We have a new student with us. She's from Korea, please treat her well okay?"

"N-nice to meet you... My name is YunHee~ please take care of me well" I bowed 90 degrees and smiled

"Okay.... you could sit at...." The teacher scratched his chin..
"Ohh behind ByungHun" He pointed.

I nodded and went to the seat behind ByungHun. He winked at me when I was passing by him...
I placed my bag on the floor and took out my biology textbook. [I'm too lazy to write the whole day soooo imma skip to after school!!]

I kept my books and stationary in my bag and walked out of the classroom.
ByungHun was running towards me after talking to his friends.

"Heyy~ wanna go grab some lunch?"

"Sure~ but where do you wanna go?"

"There's a Japanese Restaurant just a few blocks away from here... Their Sushi is awesome, wanna get some sushi?"

"Hmm... sure~ why not?" I beamed

We reached the restaurant and started making our orders. Our food came and we digged in.

"Heyy ByungHun... Who's L.Joe?" I asked

He laughed meekly and looked at his sushi.

"I'm L.Joe!!" He said while chewing his sushi

"Why'd you ask?" He raised an eyebrow

"Well... I heard people whispering.... why was I with L.Joe and stuff."

"Don't pay too much attention on them okay?" He smiled 

I gave a O.o face while nodding...

After eating and talking about loads of crap... ByungHun sent me back to the hotel.
Happily waving goodbye to me as I walked into the hotel.

I pressed the lift, and went to the 11th floor [Where my room is located]
Walked through the hallway... unlocked the door with the key and went in.
Threw my bag on the floor, grabbed my PJ's from the wardrobe and then heading to the bathroom. 
Washed up and wore my clothes, I lazily dragged myself to bed,popped my earpiece and listened to WooHyun's song... it became a necessity for me as it was my lullaby...

Yay!!! Updated again~ Huuuuu TT3TT 
I hope I don't disappoint you readers ;3
I'll be updating again soon and.....


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ItzJaeKay #1
Ahhhh cleaning their dorm seems hard haha
Cleaning the dorm!!! Hehehe can't wait!!
ItzJaeKay #3
Yay infinite cleaning up haha
Oooh and I love your story By the way <3
Ahhhh this is totally cute~
Aigooooooo finally a chapter with myungsoo hohoho ^O^
-kp0pl0ver #7
I can't imagine living in that kind of situation!!! Poor Yunhee<br />
Update soon~
ItzJaeKay #8
Oh I forgot to say that I lve your story<br />
Keep up that awesome work ^^
ItzJaeKay #9
Woah I could never stand living in a house that is mess, even though I'm lazy to clean up as well haha<br />
Hmmm wonder who'll she'll end up it's like ditch those two and go to ljoe haha<br />
But you know that ljoe likes her too hmmm<br />
Only one gets her, which will leave two heartbroken <br />
Choose one or lose them all
Better add more myungsoo, woohyun and sunggyu~~~ xD