Returning "home"

Those Two Lips That Whispered Love...

That day has finally come...

I was up early to pack my stuff.
All my clothes were dumped into the luggage... so are my cosmetics and other accessories.

The sun had just risen...
I checked out of the hotel and hailed a taxi and headed straight to the airport.

I had to leave early, I didn't want my friends to send me off...
I know I'd cry like a mad person in the plane if they did.

I walked to the counter where I had to check in my luggage and buy my ticket back to Korea.
I looked around... I saw a familiar silhouette walking towards me. The sun's ray made it hard to tell who it was.
But then the silhouette

"How could you leave without telling me? Is this the right way to treat your friend who has helped you throughout this year?"

"ByungHun... Mianhae"

He hugged me tightly and shushed me

"Can we just stay like this for awhile?"

I hugged him back... and literally it was for AWHILE....

"Passengers who are on the flight of SK0328 to Korea please board the plane now... Thank you"

ByungHun released me from his grip...

"I guess this is good-bye..." I frowned and a tear escaped my eyes

"No... I'll see you soon" he smiled and wiped the tear away from my face.

I didn't know what he meant but I just smiled and head to the departures.
I went in and looked back to see ByungHun waving to me and signed "Go now.... Don't look back!!"
I waved back and went ahead without looking back.

I boarded the plane and once again my seat was at near the window. I heaved a sigh and placed my luggage on top.
I sank down on my seat and took a long nap. I had to skip the food the plane provides, cause I kinda dislike it.

I was waked up by the slight turbulence the plane gave,and it was just the plane landing.
The plane had made a safe landing. I unbuckled the seat belt, took my luggage and alighted the plane.

*Wow.... I'm fianlly back....*
I heaved a sigh of relief and continued walking to the arrivals.

I had went through all the checking and stuff. I grabbed my luggage with me,
went through the automatic doors and there they were...


Sorry x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
*Bows and Bows 90 degrees*
I've been busy spazzing about Infinite that I forgot i had a story..... (EPIC FAIL)
I cannot be any more prouder!!!

I'd love to see readers comment on my story Sooooooooooo COMMENT NOW NOW NOW!!! 

                                 INSPIRIT FOREVER 

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ItzJaeKay #1
Ahhhh cleaning their dorm seems hard haha
Cleaning the dorm!!! Hehehe can't wait!!
ItzJaeKay #3
Yay infinite cleaning up haha
Oooh and I love your story By the way <3
Ahhhh this is totally cute~
Aigooooooo finally a chapter with myungsoo hohoho ^O^
-kp0pl0ver #7
I can't imagine living in that kind of situation!!! Poor Yunhee<br />
Update soon~
ItzJaeKay #8
Oh I forgot to say that I lve your story<br />
Keep up that awesome work ^^
ItzJaeKay #9
Woah I could never stand living in a house that is mess, even though I'm lazy to clean up as well haha<br />
Hmmm wonder who'll she'll end up it's like ditch those two and go to ljoe haha<br />
But you know that ljoe likes her too hmmm<br />
Only one gets her, which will leave two heartbroken <br />
Choose one or lose them all
Better add more myungsoo, woohyun and sunggyu~~~ xD