
Those Two Lips That Whispered Love...

We shared almost everything with each other. Our parents used to be poor people. So, we practically live together, to save cost, for years. It just happened one day after I turned 10, my parents had helped out an old lady whose kins were all wealthy.

The whole family were so happy and glad that their old lady made it back home safe and sound. They promised to support us financially for the rest of our lives. My parents wanted to share the news with their friends[Infinite's parents]. My parents used their money to buy a mansion that could fit all 12 of us. 

My parents wanted to send me overseas to study when i was 17. I did not expect my parents to do such a thing, I was confused at that moment.
I was doing fine here at korea, but I could not understand why they did so. I pleaded them not to sent me away, they did not listen to anything I said. They just told me to pack my stuff... Infinite was there when the whole conversation took place. Both Infinite and I were devastated... 

I had never thought of leaving them, being mere strangers when we first met. They named themselves Infinite when they were young, and they enjoyed singing and dancing. Everyone opened up to me early causing no awkwardness, everyone except Myungsoo...

Whenever I'm alone with him, he would not talk, even if he had, he would be speaking in a cold tone. He started to open up to me when I almost had an accident while playing ball with Infinite. He was the one who saved me from the on-coming car from the road. That was the first time I ever heard him talk in a worried tone,
"Are you an Idiot?!?!? You could've been ran over!! Do you know that your life is more important than the ball???"
From then on all seven of us had developed a bond that is stronger than any Blood-Related siblings could ever had.

I knew I'd miss SungGyu and WooHyun's soothing voices, Hoya's sweet voice when he was rapping.
DongWoo and SungYeol's goofy moments.
Myungsoo's protective side and his cookings, SungJong's accompany to dance.
I broke down the moment those thoughts went past my mind, [You're still downstairs when you were reminiscing your past]

I ran upstairs and hid myself in my room.

Worried, Hoya went upstairs to look for me. He found me curled up like a ball, my face burried in between my knees and crying in one corner of my room.

He lifted my head, cupped my chin and said.

"Silly girl, why are you crying ?" He wiped my tears away

"Didn't you hear just now?? Mum and dad are sending me overseas"

"Thats not a bad thing right? You're gonna be smarter than us!!" He joked

"Yah!! You're not very good at cheering people up at all.." I cried even harder

"YunHee... I'm going to bring you to a place" He winked.

"What place?? Where??"

"You'll hafta stop crying and follow me if you wanna find out !!!" He smiled and took off.

Startled... I wiped my tears and ran after him, I chased him everywhere from malls to playgrounds. Just to find out he took one BIG route and came back to the park near our house.

"YAH... Lee Hoya... seriously?? You made me run around after you just to come to the park??" I panted

"Sorry YunHee!!" He panted as well, but not as much as I am.

We looked at each other and started laughing. The sun was down when we were strolling, and the moon soon emerged.

"So... what are we doing here??" I asked

"Shhh.... soften down, you'll scare them away !!" He whispered and chuckled.

"Them who??" I whispered. He didn't reply, but instead he pointed at a direction, that leads to a tree. In a few minutes, I started to see tiny little lights flying in the dark.

"Fireflies" I squealed.

"Aren't they beautiful??"

"Mhmm... They're gorgeous...

*Just like you... I can't believe you're leaving us so suddenly...*

"Ahhh.... they disappeared" I frowned and sighed. Looking back at Hoya, who was staring at me...

"Hoya? HOYA!!" I snapped at him, causing him to come back to his senses.

"Yeah what? Ooh well.... lets go home shall we? There's another surprise in stall for you"

"What kind of surprise stays up so late at night??"

"You'll see in a moment!!" He laughed.


And that was the first chappie!!!
Sooooooooooo..... how did i fare??? 
Is it disappointing?? :(
I think it's incredibly short >_<

I hope I'll do a good job for this fic *Pouts*
Ooh do tell me what i can improve on and remember...
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ItzJaeKay #1
Ahhhh cleaning their dorm seems hard haha
Cleaning the dorm!!! Hehehe can't wait!!
ItzJaeKay #3
Yay infinite cleaning up haha
Oooh and I love your story By the way <3
Ahhhh this is totally cute~
Aigooooooo finally a chapter with myungsoo hohoho ^O^
-kp0pl0ver #7
I can't imagine living in that kind of situation!!! Poor Yunhee<br />
Update soon~
ItzJaeKay #8
Oh I forgot to say that I lve your story<br />
Keep up that awesome work ^^
ItzJaeKay #9
Woah I could never stand living in a house that is mess, even though I'm lazy to clean up as well haha<br />
Hmmm wonder who'll she'll end up it's like ditch those two and go to ljoe haha<br />
But you know that ljoe likes her too hmmm<br />
Only one gets her, which will leave two heartbroken <br />
Choose one or lose them all
Better add more myungsoo, woohyun and sunggyu~~~ xD