Cotton Candy Crush

Choco Strawberry Fudge

Today’s the day, Luhan thought. He’s cousin’s getting married and he can’t get any happier.


Except for one thing.


He has to dress up as a girl.


That’s right, a girl.


To make the story short, it involves the work of Qian and Jongdae. Luhan doesn’t want to remember how it happened but after the celebration, he promises to kill them both.


"Who’s that?"


"Wow, she’s so tall but so pretty!"


"She must be related to the bride, I haven’t seen her before"


"She looks like a doll!"


"Wew, they’re all looking at you Han" Qian draped her arm over her cousin’s shoulders


"Shut the f-- just shut up, Qian" Luhan remembered they’re in the church and the wedding’s just about to begin. "I’m sure I look like a creep, I’m a man for goodness’ sake!"


"Awe Lulu" Qian pinched Luhan’s cheek "can’t you hear them complimenting you? And don’t say that when I’m actually proud of my masterpiece!"


"Bridesmaids are requested to line up!" The wedding organizer called "I’m going to call your names now so please line up according to your partners!"


"... And lastly, Miss Luhan" as the organizer gave him his corsage to put on his wrist.


Miss, ew. As soon as he heard his name, he begrudgingly went to his ’partner’. Too short for a man, he thought. You’re just wearing heels, Han. He awkwardly puts his arm on his partner’s and walked on the aisle.


Wow, he thought. But what really caught his eyes was not something, instead, it’s someone. Luhan can’t help but stare at the Bestman. His facial features and slender form caught Luhan’s attention. Realizing what he’s doing, he immediately erased the thought. He’s just tall and handsome.


He lowered his head upon arriving at the aisle. When he and his partner separated, the flower on his wrist fell. He was about to get the flower back but embarrassment took over and he just stood still before going to the bridesmaids’ chairs with a flustered face.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone called him from behind. As he turned around, he saw the bestman ran after him and handed his flower "Here" the man reached out "It’s yours"


Luhan was awestricken, he was out of words until the realization hit him "T-thank you" was all he could muster before the guy went back to his position at the aisle beside the couple.


Holy fudge. Luhan’s heart was beating so hard he thinks everyone can hear it.



", did Kris Wu just hand you your flower?!"


"Qian, we’re still in the church" Luhan reminded Qian "and who?"


"Kris Wu! He’s bro just married our cousin!" Qian tried to explain.


"Oh" was all Luhan can say "what about him?"


"Well, tell you what, he’s the guy who’s currently-the-hottest-guy-in-Beijing-according-to-the-rankings in-Vogue-China"


"So he’s a model?" Luhan raised his brow at his obvious question.


"He’s just the Bestman who handed you your flower earlier, Han!"


Luhan’s eyes widened at the new discovery, his newly found crush’s name is Kris Wu. No, he’s not crushing on him, just admiration-- nothing else.


"Oh, speak of the devil" Qian beamed.


Luhan turned around and saw Kris smiling and waving at him.


Yep, he’s crushing on him.

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Chapter 11: Love it! Cute and fluffy at the same time❤
Chapter 11: I love thissssss
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww that was super cute .............. i m squealing .....
Chapter 11: waaaaa so coolllll!!
wanna more!!!
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 10: Loved school krishan
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 9: Sassy luhan, loved krishan and Hans fam
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 8: Oh lol. They are so dumb. Is there a chap where lube comes pregnant?
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 7: Weirdo luhan, but somehow sweet
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 6: The family is cool.
Loved Kris
joanna20 #10
Chapter 11: Ty. All the best!