Don't be sorry

Ex-Boyfriend Club
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Jimin came and visited you as soon as the filming ended, he was so worried about you and you just found it funny. He was all lost by himself, trying to figure out how can he help you to make you feel better. If he could, he would wanted to suffer instead of you, you were the one hurting but it felt like Jimin was even more hurt seeing you like that.


It broke his heart every time he saw you got hurt, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. He just fed you food and all, even though you didn't feel like eating, he forced you to eat. You didn't have a choice but to obey what he told you to. You didn't get annoyed by his overly caring self, instead you felt like you were very lucky to have known someone like Park Jimin.


"Jimin-ah... I can't eat anymore." You told him, pouting and gave him those pleading eyes. And once again, Jimin's heart was beating faster at the sight of you looking at him like that. He wanted to hate you for doing that to him but he knew that he wouldn't be able to hate you, he loved you too much to even dislike something about you, so hating you was kind of impossible.


"Then just sleep." He ordered you again and you just smiled at him and nodded as he helped you laid down properly. He just sat there next to you, waiting for you to fall asleep. And it didn't take you long to fall asleep as you were pretty tired. You were dealing with Taehyung's nag all day, it would be no doubt that you were tired.


While you were sleeping peacefully, Jimin just sat still and gazed at you worriedly yet lovingly. He wanted to tell you how much he was worried about you and how much he wanted to protect you and stayed by your side forever but he was afraid. He was afraid that you were going to say that word once again. The word 'sorry', he hated to hear that from you.


He knew he was hurting by keeping you by his side but there was nothing else he could do. There was no way he could let go of you, so staying by your side like that, even if he was nothing more than just a friend to you, he was more than just satisfied. Because he knew exactly that without you he would be lost, he wanted to keep on having you close to him.


"Kang Jin Ae..." He whispered your name softly and stared at your peacefully sleeping face. He examined your face for a while because he knew that he wouldn't be able to do that if you were awake. When you slept, that was the only time when he could look at you the way he wanted. The way he felt, he could only showed you that side of him completely when you weren't aware.


"I love you." He whispered once again and kissed your temple before leaving the hospital. He wished you would hear those words but at the same time, he didn't. Just the fact that you knew his heart was already good enough, he didn't ask more from you, at least at that moment. But he knew exactly that in the end, he would do whatever it takes to make you happy.


Jimin walked away from you with a heavy heart as he was still worried but at least after seeing you, he felt a bit relief. He was kind of disappointed in himself as he always told himself that he would take care of you so you wouldn't get hurt but whenever you were in danger, he was never there by your side. He knew that you didn't blame him or anything but he blamed himself for not being able to protect the love of his life.





But there was another person at the hospital, he was waiting outside since forever because he didn't know how to face you. He felt bad to see you got hurt like that, he felt like he was the cause of your injury yet again. Jungkook came to the hospital even before Jimin but he could only stared at you from the outside, he couldn't face you yet.


Jungkook waited there for a while waiting for Jimin to come out and for you to fall asleep before going in. He walked toward you slowly and carefully not wanting to make any noise. And he just sat down next to you. He looked at you for a while and saw that you were hurt quite bad. Jungkook just sighed and thought about the old time when you t

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Chapter 16: I'm re reading this story and I'm loving it again
Boyinluvfire97 #2
Chapter 16: Aweeeee <3 <3 <3
The cheesiness is on POINTT
Chapter 16: This is so cute *sobs*
Such a noce story <3
TheDeersBFF #4
Chapter 16: kyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!Yoongi you bias wrecker you...authornim this story us sooooooooo cheeeeeeeessssyyyyy...I lurve it!!!!!
Sugardreamx #5
Chapter 16: I love yoongi and this fic makes me love him more ♥
Sugardreamx #6

Mydearxing #7
Chapter 16: Loved it ♡♡♡♡♡ Min Yoongi you make me heart melt!
dundun #8
Chapter 16: OMG!!!!!I love this story....u did a very good story authornim....I love Min Yoongi moreeeee than before now >.<
Seorinnn #9
Chapter 16: Ohmygoddd my yoongi feeeeeeels he aint even my bias
Bless your soul author-nim for writing this fanfic. What makes it better is that you wrote the characters personality based on their real life personality so its easier to imagine the plot and it really seems like what they would do/act in real life if they have this kind of situation.
Best bts fic, period.