
They're Zombies, We're Survivors
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Poem of the chapter:

Let me kiss your lips

and draw blood till you taste

how much it hurts


Season 2 Chapter 6 



                                                                                                                       Kyungsoo was nervous for some reason. The place radiated such a suspicious and scary aura. His surroundings were dark, abandoned other than the fact that the house had light shining through the bottom of the door. The cabin was lonesome and he tried to find a reason as to why a person would live in a place like this. Kyungsoo fisted his palm and slowly rapped his knuckles against the door, the sound of the impact against the wood sounded loud to him and he snatched his hand back. He waited for three seconds and yet again- nothing. “Someone must not be here.” He whispered to himself, moving the flamed stick around as he tried to see what this place had. A small squeak sounded and Kyungsoo jumped up in surprise just to see that it was a rodent, his eyebrows furrowing as the rat ran across the floor boards in front of the entrance of the cabin.   Kyungsoo stepped down from the front, his eyes curiously looking at the second cabin that, different from the one he was at, had no light at all. It was all darkness and Kyungsoo bit his lips, his feet moving towards the next cabin. If there wasn’t anything in the first cabin, there should at least be something in the second… The boy was about to move to the second cabin, his hands held in front of him as he took a step forward when-   “Take one more step and I’ll blast your head off.” A husky voice sounded from behind him and Kyungsoo froze. A cold piece of metal could be felt against his scalp and Kyungsoo knew that it was a gun. The man had spoken in English, a British accent heavy in his words and Kyungsoo struggled to understand as he spoke. “Who are you, what are you doing here?” The man demanded and Kyungsoo was too afraid to turn back to see the face of this person threatening him. “I…. come find friend.” Kyungsoo managed to say, his left hand rising up beside his head as he kept it there as a sign of surrender. “Please, you see my friend?” “What friend?” Another gruff reply but the weapon was lowered and Kyungsoo gulped, his legs turning just to come face to face with a man with thick hair. The strands of his hair were heavy and disheveled, his eyes were scary and there were marks all over his face.   “You see my friend? Two people…” Kyungsoo took a step backwards and saw the man’s clothes, blood splattered all over the front of his robe. “They very… dark.” For a moment, he thought he saw recognition flash through the eyes of the man but then it was replaced by a bright spark that Kyungsoo could not comprehend what it really was. The man bared his teeth and Kyungsoo chewed on his bottom lip. The man had two fangs like teeth, his stringy hair hung over his face and he pounded the gun against the ground. “Are there more of you?” The man asked Kyungsoo and his question took Kyungsoo by surprise. More of them? Was he asking out of curiosity? Kyungsoo nodded as the man hungrily his lips, his eyes running over Kyungsoo’s body like it was a delicious meatball. “Y-Yes…” Kyungsoo whispered back and the man leaned forward, his eyes glinting. “How many?” “I don’t know.” Kyungsoo answered a little bit too quickly and the man narrowed his eyes on Kyungsoo, a growl leaving his lips and Kyungsoo took another step backwards. “10, I think.”   The stench of the man was too much to bear, his breath was sour and Kyungsoo noticed the blood on his hands. Did he just fight zombies? Why was here? At the amount of people Kyungsoo mentioned, the man chuckled and almost gave a victory dance. A hand reached out and grabbed Kyungsoo’s shoulder. “Where are you guys staying?” Kyungsoo shifted uncomfortably at the guy’ s grip and he held the stick in front of him, using the fire as a weapon in case this man had any funny thoughts. He stuttered under the stare of the man in front of him. “I… Don’t know how explain.” Kyungsoo mumbled as honestly as possible. The man smirked and his grip on Kyungsoo’s shoulder tightened. Kyungsoo felt his knees buckle under the weight of the man’s hand and he struggled a bit. The man leaned forward, his yellow teeth making Kyungsoo shiver. “I’m Tom.”   Tom. His name seemed too normal for someone to be named Tom. Tom cackled at the look on Kyungsoo’s face and the boy held his breath. Tom was watching him, Kyungsoo trying to keep his distance despite the man smiling at him. “I’m happy there are survivors on this island. I have been finding people for such a long long time.” Tom said to him and there was something about his voice that made Kyungsoo uneasy. “You all are thin and need some meat in you. Have you not been eating well? Come in, I’ll serve you food.”   You all?   “It’s okay… I need go back see my friends.” Kyungsoo said, his tongue going out to the bottom of his lip as he tried to protest but the man’s grip was becoming tighter, his eyes pointedly staring at Kyungsoo’s refusal. “Did you just say no?” The man asked, his eyebrow arching up menacingly and Kyungsoo’s back stiffened. He did not want to anger this man. Tom was way taller than him, his body build bigger and as much as he should feel thankful that Tom wasn’t a zombie, he couldn’t help thinking that maybe handling a zombie was better. “M-my friend- I told them I will go back.” “You can go back after you eat a meal.” Tom insisted, his hands sliding down Kyungsoo’s shoulder to tighten his grip around his arm. “Come. I live alone, you don’t have anything to worry about.”   Of course. Him living alone was even more scarier.   “No… I don’t think-“ “I said come!” Tom yelled, not taking no for an answer as he began to tug Kyungsoo forcefully towards the first cabin, Kyungsoo dragging his feet on the ground. His heart was beating in his chest and Kyungsoo swung the stick around, holding the flame close to Tom’s arm. The flame had the man’s skin and Tom automatically let go, his face convulsed in sudden pain. He whipped around and Kyungsoo was flung forward onto the ground, the stick falling onto the ground and diminishing the fire.   “What… did you just… do?” Tom spat onto the ground, advancing towards Kyungsoo who hastily tried to stand up. “Come here-“   “Kyungsoo-ah!”   The sound of Kyungsoo’s name called was heaven to the short boy’s ears as both of them whipped their heads to the side just to see Suho and Chen emerging from the thick vines. Both of them were holding up flamed branches and Kyungsoo breathed a sigh of relief, taking the opportunity to stand up and rush towards the two that were headed towards his direction like a child who had found his mommy after hours of being lost.   Suho had his eyes on Tom, his eyes narrowing into slits as he tried to take in the cabins that were in front of him. Suho had already taken a defensive stance and Tom’s eyes were glistening with sudden hungriness. Suho swallowed his fear, his hands began to tremble as Tom began to walk towards them one step at a time. “More survivors!” Tom said, smiling at them. “Today seems like a good day.” “I… sorry.” Suho began and he waved the flame in front of him. “We have to go back.”   Suho had felt the dark aura coming from this man, his tongue nervously running over the bottom on his lip as Tom managed to grab Suho on the shoulder. Suho tried to moved his body, Kyungsoo and Chen behind him as they made sure to keep close. Tom grinned that evil grin and Suho leaned backwards making sure that the branch was in front of him so that the heat kept Tom away but-   “I was just asking your friend to come for dinner with me.” Tom gave a dry chuckle, pulling Suho towards him easily due to the Asian’s man smaller structure. “Turns out its going to be a bigger party.” Tom pressed Suho’s shoulder down and Kyungsoo who was watching the pain that flashed through Suho’s facial features decided that this was not right. The hobbit boy had prepared himself, stepping forward as Suho tried to wretch himself away from Tom’s grip.   Smack   “Run!”   Kyungsoo had lifted his leg and kicked Tom between the legs with all his might, the man double over with the sudden impact of Kyungsoo’s feet and all three of them began to run back towards the vines when they hears Tom scream. They were sure he wasn’t normal, he wasn’t sane- and they were right about that.   Suho was a step too late, the banging sound echoed through the forest and Suho felt a bullet sink into his leg, a gasp leaving his lips as he tried to stand.  Chen ran to Suho, grabbing the older boy by the arm and dragged him towards the vines, trying to bring to safety as another bullet hit the ground beside him. “Why is he shooting us?” Suho asked, finally throwing himself back into the forest, and Chen lunging him onto his back, Kyungsoo taking off his shirt to tie it around Suho’s calf.   “I have no idea. But it’s obvious that he’s bad news.”   __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The three had gone back to the huts safely, Suho bleeding a ton at the bullet that had ripped his leg muscle. In less than ten minutes everyone was gathered in the main hut once again, Suho screaming out in pain as he removed the bullet from his own leg because no one knew how to do it. The researcher was drenched in sweat and everyone listened to Chen explain.   “We both saw Kyungsoo leave but after he didn’t come back, we decided to follow him together.” Chen said, Xiumin grabbing his own shirt wiping Chen’s forehead with it. Chen passed him a thankful smile. “He was grabbing me and almost forcing me into his hut. I don’t think he’s sane.” Kyungsoo continued. He was worried and Kai and Tao’s disappearance was making it worse.   “We have to be careful. Never go anywhere alone. First we have zombies, and then some cracked man who shot on Suho just because he didn’t want to eat dinner with him.” Baekyoung muttered. “He might just be lonely?” Luhan suggested. “Does loneliness turn people into nutcases?” Sehun asked back, frowning at his boyfriend and Luhan turned red, whipping his head to Sehun. Sehun smiled at the corner of his mouth and stuck out his tongue at Luhan. Everyone who saw that turned away, turning their backs onto the lovers that were passively aggressive in their flirting.   “Let’s just go to sleep, we’ll think of something tomorrow.” Kris began. “Go back to your huts. I’ll stay here since I’m not yet sleepy. We don’t know, that man may have followed you both back.” “Do you want me with you?” Baekyoung asked his hut-mate and Kris shook his head, patting Baekyoung on the shoulder. “Go and rest. All of you.”   Everyone seemed reluctant but they followed Kris’ orders, standing up slowly. Chen and Kyungsoo helped Suho who still couldn’t walk and carried him out. Yixing had a look in his eyes no one noticed. As everyone piled out of the hut, Kris turned his back against the door sighing heavily. He had not been able to get alone time recently and it had taken a toll on him. He thought he was alone, but when he turned- he saw Yixing standing by the door, looking down onto the ground. “What are you doing here?”   Yixing was silent for a moment, the shorter man walking to the table and taking a seat again.   Kris knew that Yixing had something on his mind. It was obvious on how Yixing’s eyes were unfocused, how he was sighing like the world was on his shoulders. “I’m sorry.” Yixing said softly, his eyes on the table. “I shouldn’t have suggested something so stupid and ended us over here.” “What are you talking about?” “You all being here is my fault.” Yixing countered, a hand going up to rub his head. “I should have thought it through. We woudn’t be on this island with no way out.”   Kris listened to his friend, shaking his head in disagreement. “If you weren’t here, Chanyeol wouldn’t be with his sister. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” “You don’t understand. I know there are good reasons why we are here but I feel so useless despite the fact that I brought you all here in the first place.” “…..” Kris kept quiet, and both of them stayed silent for a good few minutes until Yixing mumbled softly.   “I’ll get you all out of here.” “It’s not your fault, Yixing.” “I’ll get you all out of here, Yifan.” Yixing said again, his hand grabbing Kris’ and squeezing it tightly. “I believe you.” Kris answered, holding Yixing’s hand, trying to comfort his friend’s heavy heart. “I do. We’ll all walk together, you’re not alone.” “And out of everyone in the world, you were always the only one who believed in me.” Yixing concluded, a smile playing on his lips.   Kris was a longtime friend of his and even if they did not talk daily, did not see each other daily, they knew when to talk things out and reconnected whenever they did. They would sit in silence doing nothing, and yet it would mean something. “Go to sleep.” Kris said to Yixing. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”   Kris watched as Yixing’s slumped shoulders exited the hut and he was once again left alone. He leaned against the chair his mind bringing him back to the past as flashes of his daughter made his heart pain. Kris’ bottom lip trembled and he took a deep breath, holding it in. Who would know how he felt- he was tired. Tired of the running, tired of the tension, and tired of going forward without any promise if tomorrow was going to be better. His eyes closed.   “Papa!” Meixing, his daughter, ran towards him as the school bell rang marking the end of the day. Kris had his suit on and he wore a proud smile. If was the end of the school year and his beautiful daughter had received three awards. He knew she would ask him to laminate it or frame it and post it up on his wall like she did every year since she started school.   “Papa, did you see me on stage?” She asked, giving him a toothless smile. Her front teeth had fell the night before when she was with her mother and she called Kris with excitement. She wanted to ask him when the tooth fairy would come. “I did.” Kris answered, scooping her up in his arms and nuzzling her nose, Meixing screeching with delight. “Are you proud of me?” Kris kissed his daughters cheek.   “Always.”   Kris felt his eyes water as he leaned forward at how uncomfortable he was feeling. He didn’t want to remember, he didn’t want to feel. “Why…” Kris muttered to himself, a hand reaching up to wipe his eyes, remembering the last day he saw her.   “Do I have to go? Can’t I stay with you?” Meixing asked and Kris looked down to see her pouting. He shook his head, her small hands wrapped around his fingers. “I don’t like it when Omma goes out and leaves me with a baby sitter.” “Papa has work, baby.” Kris told her. He hated how Meixing’s mother handled Meixing. She was always so non-caring, so ignorant to his daughters needs. “Can’t I go to work with you?” She asked
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lilnugget #1
Chapter 29: I havent been in here in YEARS but i cant believe this is completed now! I will have to restart obviously but im so excited
RE-reading this again! Was hoping that you let us read it offline but it seems like you disable the airplane mode ;(
Redlocks #3
Chapter 1: Rereading this again :33
Also just a suggestion, adding the zombie / zombies tag would make the story more easy to search for.
Chapter 4: you know, baekyoung is such a nice brotherrrr. seriously....if he doesnt make it, i might cry T_T
Chapter 2: ive finally started reading this and......i really should have started it earlier. its so cool. i really do love zombies even if the horror movies can sometimes scare me i still enjoy watching and reading them. im looking forward to the rest!!!
Chapter 37: Finished reading the second part today and loved it!! I'm a er for stories with plot twists and action, so I really enjoyed this.
Thank you for writing and sharing. <3
Chapter 22: Hi! I havent read the entire story yet, but I wanted to leave a comment regardless since I really like it so far! <3
I love reading zombie aus and they are pretty rare on this website, so I'm glad I found yours. :3
Looking forward to the next chapters now~
Iminthezone #8
Chapter 37: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/955370/37'>Epilogue</a></span>
This fic had everything: action, suspense, mystery, horror, gore, comedy, romance... even some plot twists. Although the story took a long time to complete, i feel a little empty as it has come to an end. The ending was rushed though.

Can't wait to read your next apocalypse fic.
Chapter 37: This was a really good story❤ I had to take a 5 hour break before starting the second season lol. The plot twists were awesome. I kept yelling and squirming everytime an action scene happened. Now I'll go and read The Rise Of The Mages :)
Iminthezone #10
Chapter 18: Poor ten ;-; you were a hero ;-;
Also how did suho manage to be the only one left in the research building? With zero zombies? Like where did his fellow researchers go hmm