What A Night!

Mr. Boyfriend & Ms. Girlfriend

*Victoria’s P.O.V”

I was awake due to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the screen. It was a phone call from Youngmin.

“Yeobeoseoyo, Youngmin oppa?” I answered.

“Eo, Victoria-ah, are you here in Seoul right now?” he asked.

“Ne~” I smiled although I knew he couldn’t see me =_=’’

“Eo jinjja? Waaa.. I really miss you!”

“I miss you too!” I chuckled ^^,

“Have you eaten your dinner yet?”

“Hmm.. Aniyo” I looked at the clock on the wall, it was 7pm and I just realised I was in my room.

I wondered where Kwangmin oppa was. I bet he already went home since we would have our school tomorrow.

“I haven’t had mine too. I’ll pick you up in one hour. We are having our dinner out tonight” He invited.

“Ne, see you later”

“See ya~” I hung up the phone.

Alright, time to get ready! :D

*End of Victoria’s P.O.V”

*Youngmin’s P.O.V*

One hour later…

I was right in front of Victoria’s apartment. I was wearing my favourite white suit. She must had become even more pretty. I blushed at the thought.

“Oppa, how long have you been out here”  I spun around.

There she was wearing a knee-length pink dress with her long dark brown hair fell to her shoulders. She looked so pretty beautiful! I could feel my heart skipped a beat.

“Oppa, is there something wrong?” I was speechless.

“Aniyo, it’s just… you’ve become prettier” I pulled her into a hug.

“I really miss you, welcome back!”


“Anyway, let’s go now. I’m hungry already” I rubbed my tummy while putting on my puppy eyes.

“Aigoo~ Kyeopda!” she pinched my cheek.

My puppy eyes worked! Hihi <3

“Alright, let’s go!”

I grabbed her hand, led her to the car and opened the door for her. I put on her seatbelt and drove safely.

*End of Youngmin’s P.O.V*


*Heera’s P.O.V*

I was walking on the street while on my ice-cream. If only I had a boyfriend, I wouldn’t feel this lonely. He would walk me home while holding my hand and did all those sweet stuffs in the drama. I sighed.

Suddenly, I heard a loud noise coming from behind me. As I turned around, somebody accidentally bumped into me and we fell on the ground with a loud thud.

Mwoya! People kept on bumping into me this lately. Am I that invisible?! T_T

“Ouch!” I felt a sharp pain in my ankle.

“I’m so sorry” He panicked while helping me to get up.

“I think I’ve twisted my ankle” I hissed.

“That’s him! Come one! We must get him!” A bunch of men holding weapons were running after us.

“Aishhh!!” He grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with him.

“Yah! Yah!” I was clueless.

Seriously, what was going on? :’O

“I’ll explain this later but we have to hide for now!”  we were running away.

I couldn’t help but to follow him although my ankle was hurting. What a night!

We stopped for a while and he saw a good place to hide.

“Here!” he pulled me closer to him.

We remained silent as the sound of heavy footsteps getting louder.

“AISSHHH!!! WE MISSED HIM!!” said a man with a scary voice as he kicked the nearby bin.

 I gasped and the ‘very kind guy who dragged me along into this’ closed my mouth to prevent any further sound going out.

Eventually, they left the place and we slowly came out from our hiding place.

“Urghh..”  The pain came again.

“Sorry about that. Does it still hurt?” He took a look at my ankle.

He did something to my ankle until a knuckling sound could be heard. I moaned in pain but sooner the pain gone.

“Does it feel much better now” He looked at me worriedly.

“Ah..ne” I nodded.

He smiled and took a sit next to me.

“About what happened just now..” he started.

“I had a dance battle against the guys who were chasing after us and I won”

“So, they’re after you just because of that?” I asked.

“Think so~” He shrugged.

“After all, I heard they are excelled in dancing but I won the competition. I guess they aren't pleased with the result” He laughed.

I put a -____- face. How could this guy laughed after almost being attacked by crazy punks?

“And being a dancer, I always twisted my ankle, went to pharmacy and learned how to heal the injuries and that’s what I did to your ankle” he added.

I feel more comfortable with the guy.

“You’re lucky” he looked at me with a confused face.

“I mean, you’re good in dancing. I always wanted to be a singer and a dancer but I guess it’s just a dream” I let out a faint sigh.

“Instead of sighing, why don’t you go for your dream?” he frowned.

“I can’t! I have no confident! I have no one to share my dream with. Nobody even wants to befriend me at school!” I stood up.

He turned me around and patted my shoulders.

“We can be friends right?” He looked at me in the eyes.

“Well, let’s get started from the beginning. I’m …




Minwoo, No Minwoo”

He gave me a heartwarming smile :)


A/N : Annyeong~ :D Haven't updated this fic for awhile already. I feel bad for you guys =l Mian~ Anyway, how's it? :)

<3 PPYONG!! ^^,

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Chapter 12: Update soon
hotqian #2
Chapter 12: victoria <3 kwangmin
wooheera16 #3
안녕 my treasured readers! Just wanna inform that i'm re-doing this fic cause i wanna make this fic to be more better,more events and read-able (Oh well,i hope) ^^, it's going to take a while for me to redo everything though but i think it'll worth it.so,check it out! :) Mr. Boyfriend & Ms. Girlfriend (Renewed version) do comment and subscribe! ^^, 감사합니다~ <3 뿅!
wooheera16 #4
minwoo_addiction : thanks for your endless support! :') anyway i'm thinking of renew-ing this fic to make it more read-able but then you have to read it again from the beginning =| idk what should i do cause i wanna make this fic to meet my expectation and satisfaction.
minwoo_addiction #5
yay me! done reading chapter 12 and i sooooo love minwoo!!! he is such a nice guy!! update soon please!
minwoo_addiction #6
<<<<chapter 11>>>>>>><br />
i love youngmin!! he's so arrogant and so mean yet i love him? hehe... anyways, cant wait to read the next chappie! hehe<br />
wooheera16 #7
u-kisslovergirl4ever : thanks for subscribing and commenting! ^^, glad you like it :'D hehe
Kyaaa~ ! I love this fanfics ! >.< Update soon ! Honestly I hate Youngmin's attitude in this fanfics =='' hahahah XDDD
wooheera16 #9
hello guys, i have something to tell you.i might not be able to update this fic for the meantime cause i'm stress with so many works but i'll do update when i feel free.the more the subscribers and the comments,the more i feel encourage to finish the story and update more chapters.so,do comments and subscribes this fic if you think the story line is good so far :') gamsahamnida and sorry for the inconvenience =|
wooheera16 #10
haha i love youngmin! :D he's cool just like that haha ^^, might update new chp tomorrow :)