The Freak and The Rascal

Mr. Boyfriend & Ms. Girlfriend

Youngmin’s P.O.V

What the hell was that?! She kicked my car!! She kicked my PRECIOUS CAR! >:O I parked my car quickly and checked the part she kicked.

“OH MY GOODNESS!!! FOOTPRINTS! Nope, scratch that, SHOEPRINTS!” I shrieked.

“That girl is so gonna get it!” I stomped my feet as I headed to my classroom.

As I entered the class, there she was, sitting with her headphones on. I walked to her desk furiously and slammed it with my fists and that made her jumped slightly due to shock.

“YAH!” I yelled at her and the audience were like O.O

She ignored me while humming to the music she listened to. YES, SHE IGNORED ME AND NO ONE EVER DARE TO IGNORE ME!! I grabbed her wrist tightly and gave her a tense glare as she frowned. She winced in pain. She deserved it, HMMMPPHH!



“Alright class, go back to your seat!” Mr Lee entered the class.

The rest hurried to their seats.

“What are you guys doing? Class will get started shortly” He looked at us.

I let her go, well for now that was it. I mouthed “We are not done yet!” and went to my seat in which was next to that rascal. Yeap, from now on, I would call that rascal a rascal!

Suddenly, a pen was dropped under my desk, it was Hyuna’s. I took it and gave it to her and she thanked me. Fortunately, she was no longer bugging at me. At least one problem was solved… although the other one arrived, SIGHED! =____=

*End of Youngmin’s P.O.V*

“Damn that freak! He almost broke my wrist! So what if I kicked his car? He started it!” I cursed him in my head as I rubbed my red wrist.

“This will leave a mark” I pouted.

I could smell a bad day, ALL THANKS TO THAT BLONDE FREAK! I gave him a death glare as he did the same.

“Err class… We have a new student, the one who couldn’t come yesterday” Mr Lee announced.

“You may come in” a girl entered.

She turned around as all eyes were glued at her. She had a pretty face with long shining hair.

“I think I’ve seen her before” I thought and looked at the freak who was literally smiling at the girl.

“What a flirt! OH WAIT!! THAT’S IT! She was..the girl..with the freak last night?!” I recalled.

“Annyeonghaseyo yeoreobun, jeoneun Victoria-imnida” She gave a 90-degree bow as she introduced herself optimistically.

“Okay Victoria, you may sit at that empty seat” Mr Lee pointed to the seat in front of me.

“Ne~” She bowed at him and walked to her seat. I saw her looking at the freak and smiled at me afterwards. I gave a weak smiled in return.

“I’m Victoria, please befriend with me”

“Ah ne..I’m.. I’m Heera” I stammered.

Well, I did not expect that to happen and soon the lesson started.


The sitting arrangements : -

                                    Mr Lee Teuk

Jo Minyoung                       Woo Kevin                             ImYoona

Song Victoria                    Kim Jonghyun                          Jung Jessica

Woo Heera          Jo Youngmin             Kim Hyuna                No Minwoo

(Sorry I don’t know how to upload picture so yeah.. :C)


*Minwoo’s P.O.V*

I was focused on my PSP when suddenly I heard a slammed which made me startled. I looked up and saw it was Youngmin hyung..and a girl. Wait! Wasn’t that Heera? I knew we went to the same school but I did not realise I’m in the same class as her! :O Oh boy, most of my time was occupied by my PSP also I wasn’t the type who really aware of his surrounding =_=

Anyway, back to the story. What were they doing? Fighting? But why? I supposed Heera must had done something that really made Hyung irritated cause Hyung wasn’t the type who would lost his temper. Well, he was but not to the girls at least. I knew him since… okay I was bad at counting so I would just pass the not-really-a question.

Youngmin hyung grabbed her wrist tightly as she winced in pain. I was about to stop them when Mr Lee arrived. Oh saviour! I couldn’t stand to see Heera-ah in pain :’C

“I better approach her later” I mumbled worriedly.

*End of Minwoo’s P.O.V*

*Victoria’s P.O.V*

Not long after Kwangmin oppa left, Mr Lee and I finally done with the school matters. We walked to class in a hurry because the first lesson had just started since 5 minutes ago.

After I introduced myself, I saw Youngmin oppa sitting at the very back smiling at me. I was happy to know that we were in the same class although I wish Kwangmin oppa was here too =C

Before I took a seat, I smiled at the girl behind me and introduced ourselves. She looked nice and she was the nearest girl to my seat.

“I wanted to make friend with her” I thought.

*End of Victoria’s P.O.V*


A/N : Annyeong readers, sorry for the long wait. I just finished working on this chapter last night >.< Anyway, enjoy reading! :) Do comments and subscribes! ^^, Gamsahamnida~

ppyong! <3

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Chapter 12: Update soon
hotqian #2
Chapter 12: victoria <3 kwangmin
wooheera16 #3
안녕 my treasured readers! Just wanna inform that i'm re-doing this fic cause i wanna make this fic to be more better,more events and read-able (Oh well,i hope) ^^, it's going to take a while for me to redo everything though but i think it'll worth,check it out! :) Mr. Boyfriend & Ms. Girlfriend (Renewed version) do comment and subscribe! ^^, 감사합니다~ <3 뿅!
wooheera16 #4
minwoo_addiction : thanks for your endless support! :') anyway i'm thinking of renew-ing this fic to make it more read-able but then you have to read it again from the beginning =| idk what should i do cause i wanna make this fic to meet my expectation and satisfaction.
minwoo_addiction #5
yay me! done reading chapter 12 and i sooooo love minwoo!!! he is such a nice guy!! update soon please!
minwoo_addiction #6
<<<<chapter 11>>>>>>><br />
i love youngmin!! he's so arrogant and so mean yet i love him? hehe... anyways, cant wait to read the next chappie! hehe<br />
wooheera16 #7
u-kisslovergirl4ever : thanks for subscribing and commenting! ^^, glad you like it :'D hehe
Kyaaa~ ! I love this fanfics ! >.< Update soon ! Honestly I hate Youngmin's attitude in this fanfics =='' hahahah XDDD
wooheera16 #9
hello guys, i have something to tell you.i might not be able to update this fic for the meantime cause i'm stress with so many works but i'll do update when i feel free.the more the subscribers and the comments,the more i feel encourage to finish the story and update more,do comments and subscribes this fic if you think the story line is good so far :') gamsahamnida and sorry for the inconvenience =|
wooheera16 #10
haha i love youngmin! :D he's cool just like that haha ^^, might update new chp tomorrow :)