Chapter 4

Will you stay?


Ok, so I thought it would be nice if you lovelies would listen to this song while reading this chapter:

It just really helped me write it, it set the mood and it just made me feel all nice and giddy and just, I don't know.. I really think it suits the chapter. ^.^




‘’So I see you two already get along well. What are you guys doing?” Jongin asked as he dropped his huge backpack on the kitchen table.

“Nothing.” Baekhyun shouted as he tried to hide the mess he created. Haru went to rub her head on Jongin’s ankle, thus distracting him as if she already knew what Baekhyun was trying to do. It seemed to work well, because Jongin bent down to pett her head, then picked her up and played a bit with her.

Samantha didn’t know what she wanted to do better: help the struggling Baekhyun clean what was left to clean, or watch as the tanned male played so wonderfully with his cat. In the end she figured she should stop acting like a lovestruck teenager, and do what was needed to do, so she turned her back at Jongin, asking Baekhyun what did he want her to do.

“Anything, just don’t let him see this. He hates it when this happens.”

“Does this happen often?”  she asked dumbfounded, but amused at the same time.

“Just..just help me, okay?” he said impatiently.

“I’m going to take a shower. I’ll be back quick, okay?” Jongin’s voice boomed through the apartment from somewhere else.

“It looks like you are lucky.” Samantha giggled. Guys could be so silly.

“Just make some coffee and leave me alone.” He joked.



“I’m seriously going to kill you.” Jongin said as he glared at his housemate.

They were all sprawled across the living room, sharing stories from their early childhood years. Surprinsingly, Jongin was almost as talkative as Baekhyun, even though his voice and laugh weren’t so loud. Somehow, Samantha expected him to be more quiet at first, since they didn’t even know each other. That, and also the fact that Baekhyun told her that he wasn’t usually so open with strangers.

Baekhyun alone was hilarious, that was already clear for Samantha, and she soon found out that Baekhyun and Jongin together were even more hilarious, since they both seemed to try to make her laugh (she figured it was because they wanted to make her feel good on her birthday).

She felt extremely welcomed and at ease with the two of them always finding an interesting subject to talk about, but something was bugging her. It wasn’t a big deal, but she couldn’t really tell if she was imagining things or not. She caught the tanned male looking attentively at her a few times. The thing was, he wouldn’t even look the other way when he was caught, he would just keep looking for a few second before turning his gaze back to Baekhyun of Haru.

It was that look again.. The look he had the other day at the park, the look which seemed to stare at her soul, not her appearance. It wasn’t soft, nor harsh, just curious. A pure curiosity that, it seemed, he wanted to fulfill by looking at her the way he did.

She tried not to think too much about it, and just concentrate on the conversation, and since she was pretty good at concentrating on things when she wanted, it wasn’t long before those looks were thrown at the back of her mind.

“Jongin, shut up, I’m about to tell her the best part. So, we were in out senior year when this girl he had a huge crush on came to him and- is that your phone ringing Samantha?” he suddenly said, looking around, pouting because his story was interrupted.

“Yeah, I’ll be right back.” She excused herself.

She hurried to her bag, searching for her phone. She assumed it would be her grandmother, or another friend from the US, but the number that appeared on the screen was unknown.


“Is this Samantha Choi?”

“Yes. It is. I mean I am.” she said politely, not recognizing the male voice.

“We have a package here for you at the post office. It arrived 2 days ago. We were informed that you would come get it yesterday, but you never came so we took the job of calling you.”

She instantly remembered about the gift her mother told her about. Her birthday gift. She was so sad about giving Haru back that she completely forgot about the package. She suddenly felt overly excited. She had always been the curious type.

“I am so sorry. I forgot about it, since I had some..some problems that needed to be taken care of.” she lied shamelessly. “I will come pick it up today, if it is possible.”

“Yes, no problem. It will be waiting for you.”

She ended the phone call, contemplating if she should get going, or stay a bit longer with the 2 guys and Haru. Truth be told, she didn’t know when would she have the chance to meet the 2 again. She had a lot of fun today, and felt that she wanted to see them again as soon as possible, but what if they didn’t feel the same? What if Jongin thought his job had reached it’s end? He had accomplished his job of cheering Samantha on her birthday, so what was there more to ask for, right?

When she  returned to the living room, she found the two arguing about whether that girl Baekhyun was talking about had been beautiful or not.

“She was weird, Jongin. Let’s face it, her hair was way too long and it made her look even smaller than she already was.”

“What’s so wrong about being small? You should know, right?” he teased, smirking.

Baekhyun gasped theatrically.

“How dare you?” he said, faking hurt.

“Guys?” Samantha interfered awkwardly. When she saw two heads turning her way, she continued. “I should leave, I have a package to take from the post office so..”she abruptly stopped, not knowing how to continue. Goodbyes like these were always weird for her. Should she thank them for their kindness? Should she ask if she could see Haru again? See them again? And somewhere inside her head, a voice screamed “See Jongin again?”

“I’ll come with you.” a voice said.


Baekhyun smiled knowingly, which made Samantha frown.

“We..we should buy some food, you idiot.”Jongin muttered to his friend, almost as an explanation.

“Right. Food. I want ramen.”

“We always have ramen. What else?”Jongin asked, checking his wallet.

“Eggs?” Baekhyun asked innocently, making Samantha burst into laughter all of the sudden. The two started giggling along, with a dumbfounded Jongin between them.

“Ok..eggs then. Anything else?”

“Nope, that’s it.”

“Shall we go then?” the tanned male asked, looking at Samantha as he stuffed his wallet in his back pocket.

The girl nodded, waving Baekhyun goodbye, not before giving Haru a few good rubs on her tummy and back. The kitten purred softly, stretching in delight.

“She seems like she really likes you.” Baekhyun noticed.

Samantha only smiled. She didn’t know if that meant she could see her again sometime, so she didn’t give it much thought.

“Bye Samantha, it was really nice meeting you.”Baekhyun shouted from the door, as the two of them found themselves outside Jongin’s apartment.

The weather was really nice, just like Samantha liked it. The sky was crystal clear, but the temperature wasn’t too high, perfect for taking a walk.

Moreover, taking a walk with Jongin.

“So, shall we go to the supermarket first? I can find my way to the post office afterwards.” she cleared , not knowing how else to start the conversation.

He seemed to contemplate on the idea for a bit, before speaking.

“No. I’ll just walk you to the post office.”

“Is it that you are polite in general, or are you interested in finding out what my gift is?” she asked teasingly.

“You have a gift to pick up?” he said half curious, half amused by her question.

Oh, right. He didn’t know, she thought.

“Don’t act like you don’t know.” she elbowed him in his side.

“What can I say?” he grinned as if he got caught.

They laughed along, then Samantha turned around to head to the post office.

“Um, Samantha?” he asked softly, stopping her by placing his hand on her elbow.

“What?” she turned around, suddenly a bit too aware that it was the first time he was touching her.

“The post office is in the opposite direction.” he grinned.

“Right. I knew that.”



“So tell me, why did you say you just moved to Seoul? Not that I’m an expert or anything, but you seem 100% korean to me.” He asked curiously as they strolled through the busy streets. They decided it would be useless to take a taxi since the weather was perfect for walking.

“Oh, that.” she started. She never really told anyone about her whole moving-from-Korea experience, so it was something new, so naturally she didn’t know how to say it so that she wouldn’t sound too sad. She didn’t want to spoil the mood. “I lived in Korea my first 6 years of life, but afterwards my dad got a great job opportunity in the US, and because living there had always been his dream, he thought moving there was the best thing that could have happened to our family. He thought I would enjoy it” she said as she played with the hem of her top.

“And how did it turn out to be?”Jongin frowned.

“It was okay.” She said shortly, not wanting to start babbling about nonsense. He probably didn’t even care that much. He went quiet though, so when she turned her head to look at him she was met with a pair of deep brown eyes looking attentively at her.

Again that look.

It didn’t bother her too much earlier when they were the three of them together, but now the way he looked at her almost forced her to continue, and say what she actually wanted and needed to say.

“It was awful. Even though I was so little, I instantly realized things were never going to be the same. Moving from the only place that I called home, needing to forget my best friend, the kids from the kindergarten, my own language being replaced with something that I couldn’t even comprehend, or want to learn. I lived my teenage years wishing to turn 18 and be able to come back here on my own. It was my one and only goal.”

“I’m sorry.” He said, quickly understanding she spoke from her heart. “And how are you feeling now? You know, that you finally made your dream come true.”

She inhaled loudly, suddenly all emotions surging through her.

 She had feared at first. Feared that she wouldn’t be able to feel at home in her own country after so many years being away.

She was insecure. Insecure because she didn’t know if she would be able to fully live on her own in such a bit city.

But mostly, she was happy. She was finally back home, and she no longer felt like a stranger. She was overly happy that she would soon live with her best friend. But there was one thing that popped in her head.

“Honestly?” she said reluctantly. She didn’t know if she actually wanted to say it.


“I’m glad I found Haru that day. I really needed someone to keep me company during my first few days in the new apartment. And I hope you won’t find in weird, but I’m glad I met you and Baekhyun, or else I would have spent my birthday watching TV and eating sweets. It wouldn’t have been really fun. So thank you.” she said genuinely.

There, she said it. It wasn’t usual for her to say things like such, since she was pretty shy when it came to talking to attractive guys. Though she didn’t seem to have that problem with Jongin. He was attractive, but it was something about him that made her feel extremely at ease. She just couldn’t put her finger on it.

He smiled.

“Actually” he started, bypassing an old lady. ”I should be the one thanking you. I don’t think there would have been anyone to take better care of Haru than you. I’m also glad we met, you’re actually really cool. And you laugh at Baekhyun’s jokes, so you must have a great sense of humor.”he remarked, chuckling softly.

When they arrived at the post office, she quickly went to talk to one of those women that were working there as he waited for her. She didn’t know why, but her idea of the package was different from how it actually looked. She somehow thought it would be bigger, with her parents and the man that called her making such a fuss out of it. But it was really small, almost the size of a regular soap. It was also had the weight of a feather.

Her first thought was that her parents had sent her money, but the thought was quickly shaken out of her head, since her parents hated the idea of giving someone money as a birthday gift.  Returning back to Jongin, she found him reading something on his phone with a concentrated look on his face.

How can someone look so good even when frowning?

“Ready.” she said.

He looked up from his phone,his eyes following the path to the small package  she was holding.

“So what is it?” he smiled.

“I told you you used me to fulfill your curiosity.” she laughed softly. ”I don’t know yet. I have to open it.”

“Oh.” he said, and in that poor light that the post office provided it almost seemed as if she pouted.

As they made their way out, Samantha was surprised to see that it was almost fully dark outside, only a few traces of warm light fighting their way against the darkness that was soon to be taking control of everything.

“Well, thank you for coming with me.” she smiled, turning to face him.

He looked at her amused and surprised at the same time, then voiced out something she didn’t expect.

“What, are you kidding me? You think I’ll let you walk alone, when it’s almost night?” he laughed.

“Such gentlemens , these Koreans.” she teased.

The rest of the walk consisted of them talking about everything and nothing. She was too curious to resist asking him about dancing, and she soon found that, out of all the smiles and looks she had seen on Jongin, the look he had when he was speaking about his passion for dancing was the most beautiful. His eyes sparkled, his lips were forming a beautiful smile and his voice was full of passion. She was amazed to find out that he had been dancing ever since he was 4, switching from ballet to jazz, then trying other genres like hip hop and electro. Even though he was speaking like a professional dancer, he never used that word to describe himself, which was something she liked a lot about him.

She found herself in front of her apartment way to soon. The walk seemed so short, she almost wanted to go back 2 hours ago and start it all over again. Talk with him all over again. It was nice and calm, just like she liked someone to be.  He had such a soothing, calming voice, she wanted to hear him talk all day.

Why was she suddenly thinking about things like these? She only met him yesterday. It was way to soon to think like that.

“So this is where you live.” he grinned.

” What is it with that evil smile?” she laughed, surprised by his change of temper. This second he is all dreamy and serious, talking in a low tone about things that go through his mind, and the next second he’s all grinning and making jokes.

“I’ll keep the address in mind, so that I can come during the night to steal your gift.”

“You would really do that, wouldn’t you?”

“It depends what it is.”

“What if I don’t want to tell you?”

“I would call you.” he said, his voice suddenly a bit softer, his eyes searching for hers from under his bangs.

“Would you?” she said, her voice softer, just like his.

“Would you answer?”


“Okay.” he smiled at her, his eyes softly crinkling around the edges.

“Good night then. Thanks again.”

He only smiled warmly, a bit shy too, as he watched her disappear behind the huge metal door.



I'ts me again hehe

I had so much fun writing this, it's my fave chapter so fav, hope you liked it aswell ( and that gorgeous song i linked )

Don't forget to comment, it makes my day so much better! ♥

Take care of yourselves!

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LeBonheur #1
Chapter 14: Samantha is so feels like the character has their reasons or different pov's like samantha's childhood, reasons behind Sehun's kiss and hyoyeon's deliberate plan of making Jongin see the kiss, will effect the aftermath?'s so ambiguous. It's breaking my heart and kai's into pieces..i root kai. ..please be gentle with .
LeBonheur #2
Chapter 13: so is girl talk!
BeautifulDistraction #3
Chapter 12: Awe.. ^^ this was adorable. (: I'll try to stop being a silent reader.
LeBonheur #4
Chapter 7: He's talking riddles and she's going to be sherlock holmes trying to figure it out. Build the character I guess like peeling the layers of an onion...not rushed and not too long.
Chapter 7: The first paragraph really struck me as something meaningful. :)
LeBonheur #6
Chapter 6: Adorable fetuses! >•>
jessiiwho1 #7
Chapter 6: I love it so far and that picture is so adorable^^^ :) keep up the good work :)
taecmars #8
Chapter 6: You too have a great week :)
LeBonheur #9
Chapter 5: Oooh! Thats interesting! How can Samantha have a great impact on Jongin that he was able to remember her from when he was six years old...Ahhh i can conclude this in so many ways but I will wait. >•>