Chapter 13

Will you stay?


pretty angsty chapter coming your waay

PLEASE READ- I needt to know your opinion

I want to know if you girls want me to add some aswell. Well, it's not going to be a full scene, because it's really not my thing, but if you agree, I'm going to make things a bit more detailed when it comes to that part. So please tell me your opinion in the comments :)

Also, emotional Jongin to get you in the mood for this chapter. Hope you like it :)



Jongin stood there, in a corner of Hyoyeon’s  huge, imposing yard, rows of roses and fancy looking bushes the only things to keep him company. It was chilly, the wind softly hitting his skin, yet he felt ready to explode, the air around him thick and hot. He felt like ripping that horrible black suit off of him, throwing it as far away as possible, along with everything he’s seen for the past hour.  

Had he misinterpreted Samantha’s signs? It was possible. He’s got his heart broken before, yet he had been able to see the signs back then. But now, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn’t. Sure, he never told Samantha that he liked her, and the girl didn’t say those things either, yet he felt that everything between them was so obvious and clear. He felt that his feelings for her were on a plate, at her mercy.

Thinking about the party made his stomach twist in anger and anxiety. The way they had danced back then, the way she leaned on him, the way she looked at him when they said goodbye in front of her apartment building.. everything was so clear for him. There wasn’t  trace of doubt  or disgust on her face when he’d kissed her forehead, or when he’d held her hand.

Samantha wasn’t the type to fool around with guys, he was sure about that. She wasn’t the type to play with somebody’s  feelings just for fun.  But how could she behave as if she liked him, and 2 days later kiss another guy? It sounded so stupid, even in his head, just like those stupid teenage dramas.

He wanted to think it was a misunderstanding, but something in his stomach protested when the image of her kissing Sehun popped in his head, so vivid, threatening to destroy and break everything he though he knew about her.


-2 days before –


It all started going downhill from the second he read the message he got from Hyoyeon after leaving the two to rest after Baekhyun’s party. “We need to talk” wasn’t  exactly sounding like the blonde girl would want to hang out with him, drinking tea and eating cookies while discussing the latest news or gossip. It sounded serious, and somehow, the memory of what she’d told him when he visited them a few weeks back came back, making him slightly worried.

“Do you know who she is?”

“No..who is she? Is she the daughter of a star or something?” he joked.

“She’s my best friend, Jongin. You know, the one that left when we were only 6.. But there’s something more to it than just that.”

That conversation was still vivid in his mind. Even though he didn’t bring it up again just because he though Hyoyeon would tell him if something serious was up, he was still a bit curious and concerned. What was it more to it than just the fact that Samantha had been Hyoyeon’s best friend this whole time?  Sure, she sounded serious when she’d told him that, but judging by the fact that she didn’t say anything on the subject ever since, he though things were alright.

Until he read the message. Maybe Hyoyeon finally decided it was time to bring it up, and clarify everything. He replied after helping his best friend get rid of those stinky clothes, typing a short answer.

To: Hyoyeon

“How about we meet tomorrow?”

He thought he was ready for whatever answer the girl would give him, but it took him by surprise though.

“No need for that. Don’t you remember about my parent’s marriage anniversary? You’re officialy invited.”

Jongin blinked a few times, gaping at the screen. Yes, he totally forgot about that, even though it was something that happened every year. The same date, the same location, the same fancy style party where everybody from the upper class was attending, trying to look their best.

It was an event that his parents attended every year with great pleasure, even though they weren’t exactly upper-class, but because they were extremely close with Samantha’s parents they were on the top of the invite list every year.

His parents tried to convince him to join them every year, telling him it was a great honour to go to one of those parties, aswell as a perfect opportunity for him to meet smart, rich people that could help him become something in life. He went when he was little, having no choice of course, but he hadn’t attended their parties for about 5 years now. He was sure nothing changed, anyway.

But now, it seemed the perfect opportunity to finally confess to Samantha. She would sure be there too, since she was Hyoyeon’s best friend, thus a special guest too.  He was sure Samantha hadn’t attended such an event ever, so it would be a first for her. And what better way to confess than while dancing in the middle of a beautiful, tastefully decorated ballroom? Call him too romantic, but it was the best plan he’d ever come up with.

His parents were right, after all. It would be a great opportunity for him, but not to meet people, but finally talk to the girl he though so much about. It was indeed a weird twist to what he’d expected Hyoyeon would tell him. Really surprising.



The rest of the night had been surprising for Samantha aswell, but not for the same reasons as Jongin. She would have expected Hyoyeon to jump on her the next second she entered their shared apartment, asking her tons of guestions about her and Jongin. But she didn’t. She just smiled weakly to her, after telling her she would go shower and then right to bed.

“By the way, I’ve told you about my mom’s and dad’s marriage anniversary, right?”  the blonde girl asked weakly.

“Yeah, you did.” Samantha nodded as she hanged her sweather on the hanger, stretching her back and arms like a cat.

“Okay.” Hyoyeon muttered, giving her a small hug. ”Good night.”

Samantha frowned softly. Who was that girl and what had she done to her best friend? Where were all the questions? All the teasing? All the laughs?

Maybe she was just tired, that’s all.

However, thing got from weird to weirder the next morning.

Well, if you can call 1 PM morning.

“Has Sehun called you yet?” Samantha asked after adding some sugar to both their coffees, stirring it with a teaspoon.

“Why would he call me?”  the girl asked in confusion.

“Well, I don’t want to ruin the surprise for him. I’m sure he’ll call any minute.” The blonde girl elbowed her, a teasing smile on her lips.

Ok, this was plain weird. It sometimes looked as if Hyoyeon wanted to encourage Samantha to date both Jongin and Sehun.  The jokes about Jongin were less often, but Sehun became Hyoyeon’s favourite method to tease Samantha with. Whenever they would all hang out together, along with Chanyeol, Sulli and Krystal, Hyoyeon would do anything to make Samantha spend as much time with Sehun as possible, and then at home about everything.

It was confusing, as well as a bit irritating. Samantha never told Hyoyeon how much these jokes actually annoyed her, simply because Sehun was a nice guy. He wasn’t her type or anything, but he was nice. And she didn’t want to be mean, so she let it slide everytime.

It wasn’t as if Sehun actually made a move on her or anything.

However, he did call her, asking her for a so called favour.

“Could you be my date tomorrow night, at the party Hyoyeon’s parents throw?” he asked sweetly, sounding shy and somehow embarrassed.

Samantha felt a lump in , suddenly remembering the move he made in the car. He just helped her, but he was close. Too close, that she felt uncomfortable. And now he was asking her to be his date?

“Um..I..” she stuttered, awkwardly clearing .

No, I really don’t want to. I’d rather go with J-

“I wouldn’t have asked you to if it wasn’t really important. I’m actually quite embarrassed, but..” he started, playing shy again. It’s really complicated. What I need you to know is that there’s this girl I really like, but she really seems off limits to me. Right now at least. I really don’t know how to approach her, or how to make her like me. So I thought that if I appear with another girl then she might notice me. I’m so sorry,  it was stupid of me to ask you that.”


Samantha contemplated what to answer. Well, if that’s how things were, it was okay. She would only help a friend after all, right?

“Oh, it’s okay. If you need me, I’ll help you. We’re friends, right? “she said, smiling.

“Really?” she shouted over the phone, his voice excited. “Yeah, thank you so much. It really means a lot to me.”

“No problem. So, meet you tomorrow night?”



To say that Jongin was excited was an understatement. He was overly excited, if he had a tail it would probably wiggle all over the place. He even agreed to wore a bowtie (after his mother begged an hour), which he actually hated, but it was fine, because it was all going to worth it.

He didn’t talk too much with Samantha, just a few overly sweet messages, and small talk about how will the party be. He was right when he though it would be a first to her.

As soon as he stepped inside the huge ballroom along with his parents, he realised just how much time had passed since he’d attended one of these parties. Everything seemed much more expensive, the music better, and the amount of people at least doubled. He was so impressed, he didn’t realise his parents dragged him all over to where Hyoyeon’s parents were.

“Oh, there they are!” they exclaimed upon seeing Mr. and Mrs. Kim along with Jongin approaching them. Hyoyeon was there too, flashing a big smile Jongin’s way.

“Oh, how tall and handsome you’ve become! I haven’t seen you in a while, have I?” Hyoyeon’s mother asked him in a motherly tone, her hands cupping the tanned male’s cheeks. “I’m so happy to see you, dear.”

“Thank you so much!” Jongin said, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. Mrs. Choi always used to pinch his cheeks,  telling him how cute he was. “ Years have passed, yet you two haven’t changed at all. You still look as beautiful and young as ever, Mrs. Choi.” Jongin said, finally released from her gentle grip, taking the woman’s hand and kissing it.

The woman just giggled, then added.

“I’m sure Hyoyeon here is so happy that you’ve finally joined us on this occasion. She always complained about how boring it was.” Mr. Choi added, taking his wife by the waist. They were such a nice couple, like the ones you see on TV. The ones that, no matter how old they get, they still love each other like it is the first day.

Hyoyeon just nodded, though the look she and Jongin exchanged wasn’t exactly one that screamed  “I’m so happy to see you here.”.

After a few minutes Jongin excused himself, because all he wanted was to look for the girl, no matter how many people there were. He was a bit surprised that Samantha wasn’t with Hyoyeon, or vice versa, but he didn’t give it much thought. 



“Samantha, can I have your phone for a bit?”Hyoyeon asked after minutes of trying to find the girl. It seemed Sehun knew so many people, that he kept walking around and greeting everyone, dragging Samantha along with him.

“What for?”  Samantha asked, finally taking a break from smiling too much when greeting everyone. Not that she didn’t enjoy Sehun’s company, but it was a bit too much for her. All those people were from another world, just like Sehun was. He was nice, but the whole evening they did nothing but talk to other people. Well, Sehun did mostly.

“I forgot mine at home. I have to call someone.”  Hyoyeon sheepishly admitted, using the puppy-eye method.

“Fine, just give it back when you’re done.”

“Got it. By they way, how’s everything going with Sehun? Is he great or what?”

“I suppose he is. Yeah. Has Jongin arrived yet?” Samantha couldn’t help but ask.  She couldn’t help but think that, if it were Jongin she would have to accompany tonight, everything would have been so much fun.

“I don’t know. I have to go, I’ll find you and give your phone back, okay?”

“Take your time.”

Another half an hour later,  she and Sehun seemed to have greeted everyone that was there, one by one. Sehun was still fresh, his hair swept to the side just like when he arrived,  his smile never leaving.

“Do you want something to drink? I heard they have great cocktails.” He whispered in her ear, his arm holding hers in a gentlemanly way. Samantha just nodded, too tired to say anything else. So many people and so much talking gave her a slight headache, so drinks seemed a great idea. When they finally arrived at the table with the drinks, Sehun looked around before closing the space between them and circling her waist.

Before she got to ask just what on earth he though he was doing, he said.

“You know I told you about that girl, right?”Sehun said softly, not letting go of her.

Samantha nodded.

“Do you think you can do me another favour?” he quickly said, his stance alert.

She tensed, not knowing what to do or say.  His demeanor changed in a second from being relaxed to tense and hectic. Something seemed wrong, but the lump in seemed to grow larger and larger, preventing her from saying anything.  She just nodded.

“Do you think I can kiss you?”


“Please. I, I want her to see.” he replied in a hurry.

“B-but I don’t see anyone.”

“Please.  I need you to help me.” He begged.

How did she end up in this situation? How did she end up in the arms of a boy she didn’t like, forced to choose between helping someone, or risking her own happiness? Jongin could be anywhere. What if he saw them kissing, and got the wrong idea?  She liked him so much , she didn’t want to screw everything up.

But Jongin wasn’t there. And Sehun needed her help. Sehun was her friend. And she wasn’t one to say no to a friend.

So she did it.

She leaned forward, looking him in the eyes. She took a few seconds to inhale, before throwing her arms around his neck, gently pulling him closer. When he closed the distance, the first thing she thought was that she was doing the right thing for a friend, but the feeling she was expecting wasn’t there. She was expecting to feel good about herself. To feel good about helping a friend.

But his lips moved too fast. And they weren’t as plump as she for a second thought they would be. Instead, he just pressed himself flush against her, moving his wet lips against hers, nudging his head every once in a while to bump their noses.

He was about to deepen the kiss, his tongue tracing her lower lip when she felt like too much was too much. She did her job, so she felt no trace of remorse as she gently pushed him away, her hands resting on his chest.

They gasped for air, Sehun looking around while Samantha simply stared blankly. Good thing Jongin wasn’t there.

Little did she knew Jongin had been there the whole time. And he saw everything.


And now here he was, in the middle of a garden at 10 PM, all alone with his thoughts. All alone with the image of the girl he liked so much kissing somebody that wasn’t him. What was this all about?

Why did Samantha send him a text asking him to meet her at the drinks table, only to come with Sehun and start making out with him. Was this her way or subtly telling him she didn’t like him back? Was this a game?

 He felt like punching someone, but steps behind him made him flinch, looking behind.



“I’m really not in the mood for anything right now.” He hissed.

“I know. But you have to listen to me. I sent that text.” She said, her expression blank, yet her eyes somehow confident.


“You have to listen to me before things get out of control, you understand? Don’t make this more complicated than it already is.”

“Why are you like this? Talking in riddles like this is all some kind of sick game.” He said frustrated, running a hand through his hair, messing whatever hairstyle his mother tried to do. “You’ve told me to listen to you carefully the last time aswell, yet you haven’t told me anything ever since. And now here you are, sending me texts from Samantha’s phone to go see her and Sehun kissing? Do you realise how sick this is?”


“If she doesn’t like me, fine.  I can deal with that. But I don’t like the fact that you interfere, almost like you’re the one who controls us. Like we’re some kind of puppets.” Jongin continued, too fed up with the way Hyoyeon acted. All his emotions were so strong, that he didn’t even feel like trying to keep them under control.

“I’m not like that, for god sake.” Hyoyeon almost shouted. “Stop being so dramatic.”

Jongin exhaled.

“Yes, I wanted you to see Samantha and Sehun kiss. I planned everything. She doesn’t know yet.”

Jongin blinked a few times, Hyoyeon’s words seeming another language.

“Why would you do that?” he asked, so tired already.

“You don’t know why she left the country back when she was 6, Jongin. You don’t know her parents. You don’t know her story, and that’s why I don’t expect you to know the things she needs right now.” She said, her gaze not so unwavering anymore, her stance not so proud and secure. While saying those words, she looked.. affected by all of it.

“So what? Are you going to tell me Sehun is what she needs right now?” he shouted angrily.

“Actually, yes. I don’t expect you to understand.”

He stood quiet for a few seconds, his eyes closed shut, his stomach tightening painfully.

“Does she at least like Sehun? “he asked weakly, not feeling it in himself to shout anymore. Hyoyeon stood do powerful on her ground, her gaze unwavering that it made him feel powerless. Just like a puppet.

“Not yet. But she will soon.”





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LeBonheur #1
Chapter 14: Samantha is so feels like the character has their reasons or different pov's like samantha's childhood, reasons behind Sehun's kiss and hyoyeon's deliberate plan of making Jongin see the kiss, will effect the aftermath?'s so ambiguous. It's breaking my heart and kai's into pieces..i root kai. ..please be gentle with .
LeBonheur #2
Chapter 13: so is girl talk!
BeautifulDistraction #3
Chapter 12: Awe.. ^^ this was adorable. (: I'll try to stop being a silent reader.
LeBonheur #4
Chapter 7: He's talking riddles and she's going to be sherlock holmes trying to figure it out. Build the character I guess like peeling the layers of an onion...not rushed and not too long.
Chapter 7: The first paragraph really struck me as something meaningful. :)
LeBonheur #6
Chapter 6: Adorable fetuses! >•>
jessiiwho1 #7
Chapter 6: I love it so far and that picture is so adorable^^^ :) keep up the good work :)
taecmars #8
Chapter 6: You too have a great week :)
LeBonheur #9
Chapter 5: Oooh! Thats interesting! How can Samantha have a great impact on Jongin that he was able to remember her from when he was six years old...Ahhh i can conclude this in so many ways but I will wait. >•>