Chapter 9

Will you stay?

“How are we going to find someone?” Samantha asked, concern obvious in her voice. She just couldn’t believe her best friend had forgotten such an important detail when buying the tickets.

“We’ve got one week, I can talk to Chanyeol and Sehun. They love that type of music, so I hope it’s going to work.”Hyoyeon said thoughtfully, trying to convince her friend that things weren’t as bad as they sounded.

“What if they don’t want to? And even if they would accept, we’ll still need one more person.”

“Look, everything is going to be fine, okay?”

“I-I don’t know..” Samantha said, turning her back to her friend, not feeling like she was able to smile and pretend as if the whole situation wasn’t bothering her.  The thing was, it was going to be hard finding three people to come with them.

Don’t get her wrong, she was really happy and proud of her best friend for coming up with such an amazing surprise, but she wouldn’t deny that she felt a bit disappointed. The festival lasted for a whole 4 days, and because it wasn’t held in their city, they had to find a place to stay during those 4 days, but it seemed as if her fiend had forgotten about that little unimportant detail.  Now, the only place they could stay at was an apartment that was available for renting. The only problem was that the apartment was for 5 people, and they were only 2 girls, so the only solution was for them to find three other people to go with.

She was so tired, that she felt as if the best thing she could do right now was to go to bed and just sleep. Maybe tomorrow was going to be a better day. Starting with a refreshed mind always helped.



Truly enough, the next day she woke up feeling quite good, though the problem was still at the back of her mind. However, she was more excited about the fact that today she would meet up with Jongin to search for a gift for Baekhyun.

She rolled out of bed, keeping the blanket around her small body, just because she liked walking that way around the house. She found Hyoyeon in the kitchen, drinking coffee while reading some kind of fashion magazine.

“Morning,” she greeted all smiley, but her expression became serious the next second. “You aren’t mad at me anymore, right? “she asked doubtfully, her brows meeting in the middle.

“Morning.” Samantha greeted back, her posture and nerves relaxing after seeing how sorry her friend truly was. “No, I’m not mad at you.” she sighed. “I just hope we’ll find someone soon.”

“We will!” she exclaimed excitedly, happy that things were okay between the two of them. “Hey, what’s with the rush?” she then asked, looking at her friend who seemed to be in a hurry as she searched through the fridge for some breakfast, finding some yogurt and eating it with the speed of light.

“What, me?” Samantha stopped in her movements, looking at her fiend while her cheeks suddenly became rosy. “Well I-“

“What are you doing today?” the blonde girl grinned, closing the space between them like a hungry jaguar.


“Tell mee..”

“Well I…um, I’m going to- would you please stop staring at me like that?” she burst into laughter.

“Sorry.” Hyoyeon cleared funny. “Please, do tell.”

“I’m going to go with Jongin to find a gift for-“

“Awww so it’s like a date?” Hyoyeon didn’t even let her finish, wiggling her brows.

“What?” Samantha asked, trying to keep her expression straight, but failing miserably. It was obvious she was excited. “No, of course not. We’re two friends looking for a gift for another friend. See? We’re all friend here.”

“Oh shut up.” Hyoyeon said, rolling her eyes. “You would so do him.”


“Ah, young love.” She said dreamily. “So pure and innocent.”

“I’m not going to be so pure and innocent when I’m going to cut your throat.” Samantha threatened, trying to sound menacing, but failing miserably again. Her small figure and straight brows weren’t exactly helping her menacing image. “Shut up, will you? I’m already confused..” she admitted, her rosy cheeks back. 

Hyoyeon exited the kitchen, leaving Samantha on her chair, with a dumb smile on her face, but not before wiggling her eyes suggestively.



She left the house with a positive attitude, because even though she didn’t have any good idea for a gift, she thought Jongin would know when seeing so many stores in the same place.

But she was so wrong, because Jongin’s expression when entering the huge mall went from thoughfull to completely panicked.

“Who needs so many stores, for god sake.” He asked rhetorically, looking everywhere.  “How are we going to find something here?” he asked Samantha, his eyes wide.

“Well, having in mind that you still don’t know if you want to make this gift funny or cool..” the girl started, looking, just like the tanned male, from side to side, “I don’t really know. I guess we’ll just have to take a look in every store.”

“Do you have any idea how many there are?” he laughed.

“No..”  she admitted shyly. “ How many?”

“I don’t know..” he muttered, his grin a little embarrassed aswell.

They soon found out that it was impossible to even count how many stores there were. The mall had 3 floors, each one with over 100 stores ( at least that’s what Jongin said in the heat of the moment, after 2 hours of searching in vain) . They looked for anything, from books and expressive pens to clothing and perfumes.

However, even though her mind was trying to stay focused on their task, she couldn’t help but think about what Hyoyeon told her this morning, about her being interested in Jongin more than just like a friend. She didn’t like to admit it, maybe because she always thought like she needed time to grow to like someone, and with Jongin things progressed really fast,  but looking at him from a distance, it kind of became obvious to her that she might have  a small crush on him. Not necessarily because he had a really handsome profile, or because his white t-shirt was accentuating his beautifully bronzed skin,  but because he had an effect on her that she couldn’t even understand.  Whenever she would talk to him, or be around him, all she could think about was cute puppies or sunny afternoons on the beach. 

She didn’t know if she should be happy about it, or be a little scared that her feelings seemed to have taken control of her without her consent, but it was a nice feeling.


“I know”, Samantha suddenly said as they were sitting on a bench in the middle of the floor with restaurants and fast food.

“What?” Jongin asked, a smile appearing on his face.

“Why don’t we buy him a video game? You said he played that one he bough for you a lot.” She said, her stomach buzzing with warmth as she saw how wide his grin got.

“Why haven’t  I thought about this earlier? This is the best idea!”

“But what about buying him something  weird and funny? Ditched that idea already?”

“Nah, I don’t want to do that anymore.” The boy said, relaxing his broad shoulders as he leaned back on the bench, looking nowhere in particular. “He’s had a couple rough weeks lately, something about college, and I think a funny gift wouldn’t be fully appreciated at the state he’s in right now, you know.” he said, turning his head to Samantha, making her realize they were a bit too close.

She nodded, before another question popped in her head.

“But what does Baekhyun have to do for college?  Doesn’t he have a summer break, like all of us do?”

“He has.” Jongin said, a frown now etched on his face. “But they have a summer project. Well, kind of. “ he stopped, not knowing what to continue.  “You know what?” he asked.


“This discussion made me really hungry.” he suddenly grinned, looking around at the names of the restaurants, seemingly looking for a store in particular.

“B-but I don’t really have any mo-“the girl started, but was interrupted by Jongin who stood up and grabbed her hand, dragging her with him.

“My treat.”

“Well what about the video game?”

“We have time after that. Come ooon, a friend told me about this place, I want to try it.” he whined.

What a baby, Samantha thought smiling to herself, moving her feet to match his pace. 

They arrived at some kind of coffee shop, but they had plenty of pastries and sandwiches on sale aswell. They all looked mouth-watering, just the looks of it and the smell in the air making Samantha realize that she was a bit hungry too. They stepped in line, waiting for their turn as they both looked in silence at their menu. When they were finally able to order,  Jongin looked at her, a soft smile on his lips as he asked.

“So, what do you want?” he said, his eyes on hers.

The girl gulped, realizing that what they were doing right now seemed pretty much like a date. Not that she wouldn’t like the idea, but his gaze on hers, along with the fact that his cheekbones were  gorgeous from up close, made her stutter on her words.

“I- um..I-I  just want a  muffin. You choose what flavor.” She said.

The boy looked at her with a weird sparkle in his eyes, just a few more seconds before turning his attention to the woman over the counter.

Great, make a fool of yourself, Samantha said in her head, while clearing .

“So, what about Baekhyun’s college?” Samantha continued with her questions as the two of them were seated on a small both, the place not too crowded.

“Why are you so interested in him?” he asked back, his brows raised in an amused expression,

“Well, since I’m coming to his birthday party I might aswell know something about him, don’t you think?” she asked after taking another small bite from her muffin.

“True.” he said. “ It’s not a big deal, but he’s really stressed. He’s going to be in the welcoming committee next year. You know, he’s going to be the one that’s going to help the new students that join the singing department. There aren’t a lot of things to do really, but there’s some paper work to do, and he’s stressed that he might not be able to do it well. He’s a perfectionist.”  Jongin sighed, all attention on Samantha since he already finished his food.

“What’s wrong with being a perfectionist?” she asked curiously.

“There’s nothing wrong about it, since I’m kind of a perfectionist myself.” he admitted. “But just not like him. I feel like he’s worrying too much over something that didn’t even happen.”

The girl just nodded, feeling like whatever she would say next wouldn’t be neither helpful nor interesting, so she just munched on her muffin that seemed to grow bigger by the second,  while looking at the people that entered and exited the small coffee shop.

She didn’t notice the way the boy was studying her, looking at her with that gaze again, that was almost impossible to describe. They were staying in utmost silence, but it didn’t seem to bother neither of them. Jongin was especially happy, because creating a comfortable silence with someone was something hard to achieve, the only person he ever achieved it with being Baekhyun. Because of that, he almost felt like smiling to himself, but restrained from doing so just so he could talk to her.

“Let’s play something.” His voice suddenly got her out of her trail of thoughts.

“You’re kidding.” she laughed. ”How old are we, eight?” she teased.

“Well I was eight when my sister told me about it, but that’s not the point..”

“Ok, tell me.” She said, the muffin completely losing her interest.

“So,” he started,  his tone eager. “ We have to pick someone from the people around us. Someone that we can study carefully.”

“What?” she asked, trying to keep her giggling in control. “Why?”

“Just do it.” he said, blinking at her.

“Fine”, she muttered, looking around her. There weren’t many people in the coffee shop, which limited the amount of people she could choose from.  “ I choose ..”she started, but nobody seemed to catch her attention. Just then,  she remembered the game one of her former classmates had taught her.  “Wait, I have a better idea.”

“But my game was really cool..” he pouted.

Samantha tried to ignore his cute, contagious pout, telling him about the game instead.

“Look, I’m going to lead you, ok? But you have to concentrate.” She said, her index finger pointing at his forehead. The boy nodded, his eyes focused on hers, as she started explaining.

“So, you are in a dessert. There’s a cube in front of you. Describe it.”

“Why would I find a cube in a dessert?” he laughed, doing that thing again where he leans back and relaxes his shoulders, the movement catching the girl’s attention for a moment.

“ Just picture it in your head.”  She said a bit too harsh, but her smile brightening her expression.

“Ok, fine. Jeez, these girls.” he sighed teasingly, closing his eyes, before speaking. “’s made out of glass and it’s transparent.” He said.

The girl seemed to think for a few seconds, before asking “Ok, how far is it from you?”

“It’s..not too far but not too close. Let’s say..two meters?”  he said, his eyes still closed.

“Interesting” Samantha said, looking at his pretty features before continuing. “Next, you find a ladder. What does the ladder look like?”

“What’s this all about?”Jongin laughed, opening his eyes to look at her. “Are you laughing of me?” his eyes made a weird movement,  faking a threat.

“I’m going to tell you  at the end of the game.” The boy sighed, closing his eyes again.

“The ladder is..really tall, made out of steel. It’s one of the latest designs.” he grinned, making Samantha giggle.

“Ok, now a small  fairy appears. What does she look like?”

“A fairy? She’s..purple.”

“Come on, Jongin.” Samantha  said, rolling her eyes. “Be a bit more creative.”

“Okay, well..”he said, contemplating what to say for a few moments. “ She has really pretty wings, but one of them is broken so she comes to me for help. She’s really pretty, like the ones you see in movies, but in reality she’s sad and needs help. That’s why she needs me.”

Samantha blinked a few times, not knowing what to say. For the ones that didn’t know the game, the things Jongin said were nothing, but for Samantha the answer was mindblowing.  “Oh..” it was all she could say.

“Was my answer too cool?” Jongin  said, a cheeky smile on his lips.

 “I’m going to ask you one more question before asking you who lied to you when telling you you’re cool.”

“Hey, that was rude.” He pouted again.

“Why do you always pout like that?”

“It makes me look cute.”

“You’re not cute at all.”

“Well all the other girls told me I am.” He said, sticking his tongue out.

“You’re such a baby.” She laughed, her head lolling backwards.

“But I’m a cool one at least.”

“You’re not cool.”


“You’re not.”


“..Maybe a little..” she admitted, but it was as far as she went.

“Yeah’re really dense. And you’re not pretty either. And not even funny.”

“Oh yeah?” she teased. “Then why did you ask me to help you, and even pay for my food?” she chalenged.

“There wasn’t anyone that wanted to come with me here, and I don’t like shopping alone. And I was a gentleman, paying for you.”

“You’re so bad at lying.” Samantha said, a hand dramatically resting on Jongin’s shoulder. “But it’s okay, I accept you just the way you are. Besides, it was my idea to buy him a video game, so you owe me.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“True..” he said, his shoulders hunching in defeat. “I guess you won this time.So, the game.”

“What?” she asked, almost forgetting about the game. “Right. Well, everything that you saw and that you described meant something.”

“What do you mean?”

“The cube represented your ego. “

“Oh, so when I said that it was made out of glass and transparent..” he started.

“It means you don’t really care too much about your ego. Or, by judging the glass part, it’s easily breakable.” she finished, studying his reaction. He didn’t seem shocked, just a bit amazed by how well it suited himself.

“ What about the fairy then?” he asked, curiosity and amazement etched in his voice.

“You forgot about the ladder, which represented your friends. You seem to really put a lot of trust in your friends. You also seem to choose them really carefully, so that they’re going to last, and really be there for you.”

Jongin just nodded, concentrated on her words.

“And the fairy represented your future love.” she started, her stomach fluttering again as the boy raised his brows. “She’s going to be pretty, but..broken?” she asked him, not quite sure about how to interpret his description.

“Yeah, well..” he rubbed the back of his neck, quite shyly. “If I would have known what those things meant from the start, it would have been different. Though the ladder and the cube sound pretty much just like the way I am, I don’t know what to say about that fairy.” He said thoughtfully, avoiding her gaze for a few seconds.

“What would you have said then? If you would have known about the meaning of those things?” she asked, her voice wavering at the end, because she wasn’t sure if she was walking on safe ground anymore. She didn’t know if it was obvious, or if she was subtle enough, but she really wanted to hear his answer. She wanted to know how he pictured his perfect girl.

“Well..I don’t know. I guess she would be.. pretty, yes, but not because she’s flawless or because she is physically beautiful, but because I would see her as beautiful. Because she would be the one for me, right?”

Hearing him talk like that, she felt as if someone had forced her to jump off of a cliff. And she was falling so, so hard. She just hoped he would be there to catch her.




Yaaay a brand new chapter for you cuties ^.^

I don't know why, but I noticed you girls dont really comment anymore, which is kind of sad, but it won't stop me from trying my best to make this story beautiful.

I hope you liked this chapter, take care ♥

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LeBonheur #1
Chapter 14: Samantha is so feels like the character has their reasons or different pov's like samantha's childhood, reasons behind Sehun's kiss and hyoyeon's deliberate plan of making Jongin see the kiss, will effect the aftermath?'s so ambiguous. It's breaking my heart and kai's into pieces..i root kai. ..please be gentle with .
LeBonheur #2
Chapter 13: so is girl talk!
BeautifulDistraction #3
Chapter 12: Awe.. ^^ this was adorable. (: I'll try to stop being a silent reader.
LeBonheur #4
Chapter 7: He's talking riddles and she's going to be sherlock holmes trying to figure it out. Build the character I guess like peeling the layers of an onion...not rushed and not too long.
Chapter 7: The first paragraph really struck me as something meaningful. :)
LeBonheur #6
Chapter 6: Adorable fetuses! >•>
jessiiwho1 #7
Chapter 6: I love it so far and that picture is so adorable^^^ :) keep up the good work :)
taecmars #8
Chapter 6: You too have a great week :)
LeBonheur #9
Chapter 5: Oooh! Thats interesting! How can Samantha have a great impact on Jongin that he was able to remember her from when he was six years old...Ahhh i can conclude this in so many ways but I will wait. >•>