A Sweet Surprise

Our Love Continues

A few weeks passed since that day and I was now at the high school where I would be teaching. The room that was assignied to me had bare walls and looked dreary. My goal? Fill these walls with posters that taught English! Luckily, I had bought some before I left America and now I was hanging them up before my first class was to arrive.

I finished just as the starting bell rand and I rushed to my desk, a little out of breath. A steady stream of girls and boys flowed through the hallway outside my classroom door. Soon, some students filed in.

"Come in! Sit wherever you like." I greeted cheerily as more and more students filed in.

Once all the seats were filled and attendance was taken, I introduced myself and briefly explained how my class would work. Then I introduced a get to know you game, just to get everyone comfortable with each other and what each student's English level was. That took the entire hour.

Soon, all three of my morning classes were done and I had a forty five lunch break for eating and grading, which I didn't have any to do yet, and getting things ready for my afternoon classes. As I was stacking papers, the thoughts of my kiss with Kyu Jong came flooding back.

After I got home that night after our meeting, my heart was still pounding. I loved him so much. His touch ignited my skin where he touched it. If we didn't stop after the kiss...

I snapped back to the present and shook away the thoughts of where my mind was going. That's when I noticed a flower delivery man at the door to my classroom. I walked towards the manand smiled politely at him.

"Hello, Are you Florianna Jung?" he asked me.

"Yes that's me." I confirmed for him.

He directed meto where I should sign and I did so. The flower bouquet was beautiful, a rainbow assortment of roses and carnations. I smiled and noticed a small note attached to the stems as I walked back to my desk after the delivery man left. I untied it and and held it up to read.

There's beauty in everything you do and everything you are. There is also beauty in the flowers attached to this card that can't compare to yours, my sweet. Your first day may seem like a long one, but I know you're giving it your all like always~. I can't wait wait to hear about it! From the luckiest an alive.

A smile crept onto my face as I knew instantly they were from Kyu Jong. I finished my lunch and my afternoon classes flew by. Before I knew it, I was heading home and calling Kyu Jong immediately as I was in the door to thank him for the flowers. As I put them on the table, we told each other about our days. Soon, it was time for us to crawl into bed and get ready for the coming day.

My dreams were filled with him.


Author's Note: I tried my hardest to make this chapter extra long for you guys~! The love note was written by one of my guy friends since I'm no good at those kekekeke. COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE~!

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Hey guys~. The next chapter is almost done. Life has gotten in the way of writing :(


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sweetaselle #1
Chapter 20: NO, this is not the end
keenie73 #2
Chapter 20: Aww_ to sweet and short. Thank you for final chapter, always wish they would contine on forever.
sweetaselle #3
Chapter 20: Ok *cries* I wish it wasn't ending, but awaiting the last chapter.
sweetaselle #4
Chapter 19: NOOOOOO WHAT??? I'm interested in this still... *breathes, talks to self* Still more chapters, keep reading before spazzing.
sweetaselle #5
Chapter 17: Reading... well, catching up honestly. SPAZZING at the fact that they might go public now. KYUUUUUUUUU <3
keenie73 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for keeping us posted.
keenie73 #7
Chapter 18: Thank you for updating. I hope she doesnt get to much harassment now that they are public. True fans should be happy for them.
bosy8915 #8
Chapter 17: welcome back . long time no see . my bias is kyu so im reading and crying at the same time and of course we reading the story how we can not . Can't wait for the next chapter
sweetaselle #9
Chapter 12: Lovely <3 Just caught myself up on the last two chapters :D Great job, author-nim! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 10: Sorry author-nim for not commenting as much but Kyu Jong oppa is really cute! Keep up the good work FIGHTING