Going Public

Our Love Continues

It was now eight months since Kyu Jong and I started dating. I was folding laundry and listening to the news, my couple ring sitting comfortably on my left ring finger. The entertainment portion came on and I tensed. Kyu Jong had texted me earlier that mornig that a fan leaked pictures of our New Year's Eve date on the Internet a few days ago. Today, he was going to confirm our relationship.I turned up the volume and paused mid fold.

"These pictures are of SS501's Kyu Jong with an unidentified female, supposedly on a date." the reporter said as the pictures were shown.

I tensed up even more. Sure enough the pictures were of our date. There was one of our faces close together, obviously an intimate conversation. Another picture was of us kissing. The last one was Kyu Jong dropping me off at my apartment. Thankfully, only Kyu Jong was distinguishable as they had blurred out my face.

"The company's statement reads: "Hello, this is B2M Entertainment. After checking with Kyu Jong, we can now confirm that he is indeed in a relationship for eight months. The girl is a non celebrity and five years his junior. Please watch over this couple warmly." the reporter read.

Just then, my phone dinged with a text. I opened it and it was Kyu Jong, as I expected.

Kyu Jong: -Did you see the news?-

Me: -Yeah. I'm nervous for you. For us.-

Kyu Jong: -I love you. We'll make it. I'm always here babe.-

Me: -I love you too and I know.-

He didn't respond after that. I finished my laundry and gathered up my shower things. After my shower, I crawled into bed, but couldn't sleep. I knew that, starting tomorrow, my life would be in the public eye. I knew that Kyu jong would be getting slammed with hate comments and recieve tons of bashing. He said that we would make it...but could we?


Author's Note: Two more chapters and this will be done. I'm sad everyone lost interest in this though...

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Hey guys~. The next chapter is almost done. Life has gotten in the way of writing :(


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sweetaselle #1
Chapter 20: NO, this is not the end
keenie73 #2
Chapter 20: Aww_ to sweet and short. Thank you for final chapter, always wish they would contine on forever.
sweetaselle #3
Chapter 20: Ok *cries* I wish it wasn't ending, but awaiting the last chapter.
sweetaselle #4
Chapter 19: NOOOOOO WHAT??? I'm interested in this still... *breathes, talks to self* Still more chapters, keep reading before spazzing.
sweetaselle #5
Chapter 17: Reading... well, catching up honestly. SPAZZING at the fact that they might go public now. KYUUUUUUUUU <3
keenie73 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for keeping us posted.
keenie73 #7
Chapter 18: Thank you for updating. I hope she doesnt get to much harassment now that they are public. True fans should be happy for them.
bosy8915 #8
Chapter 17: welcome back . long time no see . my bias is kyu so im reading and crying at the same time and of course we reading the story how we can not . Can't wait for the next chapter
sweetaselle #9
Chapter 12: Lovely <3 Just caught myself up on the last two chapters :D Great job, author-nim! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 10: Sorry author-nim for not commenting as much but Kyu Jong oppa is really cute! Keep up the good work FIGHTING