Going Further

Our Love Continues

I woke up from my nap around dinner time. I stretched and walked to the kitchen, digging out some noodles and sauce to make myself some spaghetti. I had just put some water on the stove to boil when my phone dinged. I smiled when I saw it was Kyu Jong texting me.

-I'm free tonight, so, you, me, and dinner?-

-I'm making spaghetti so come on over-

A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door and I let Kyu Jong inside. He pecked me in greeting and we went back to the kitchen. I added noodles to the now boiling water and then joined him at the table. 

"So how did your day with Nicole go?" Kyu Jong asked. 

"It went really well. We went to the spa." I said. 

"I see that." he said, looking at my freshly done French tipped nails.

We chatted while I cooked. The spaghetti finished and I served it up. We ate in silence, finishing a bit later. I did the dishes quick and he helped me put them away. We went to the living room and I a random movie, snuggling into the curve of Kyu Jong's side. Throughout the movie, he placed little kisses on my forehead.

It wasn't long before we were kissing. Kyu Jong pulled me onto his lap for better access to my mouth and I rested my hands on his chest. His hands came to rest on my hips. The kiss grew rougher, almost eager, and I felt his hands slip under my shirt, rubbing circles on my skin. Slowly, they inched upwards, stopping just below my bra. That's when I pulled back in surprise. 

"Did I go too far jagiya?" Kyu Jong asked, his voice husky and keeping his hands where they were.

"N-no. I just...don't know what to do." I admitted, blushing red.

Kyu Jong chuckled. "You've never been felt up before?"

I shook my head. "I didn't date after you guys left."

Kyu Jong smiled and took my lips again. His hands never went above my bra and I was happy with that. It proved that he had respect for my body and was willing to wait for me to be completely ready before we moved any further in our relationship.

Kyu Jong left just before midnight as I let out a yawn. I quickly showered, sent a Kyu Jong a good night text, and crawled into bed. I stayed awake though, thinking about Kyu Jong's attempt to feel me up. Was I really ready to go to the next base?


Author's Note: Hey look its an update~. Sorry, I've been sick :(. It . WHERE ARE MY COMMENTERS~? Anyways, Pain. OH MY ING GOD! I ING LOVED IT! COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE~!

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Hey guys~. The next chapter is almost done. Life has gotten in the way of writing :(


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sweetaselle #1
Chapter 20: NO, this is not the end
keenie73 #2
Chapter 20: Aww_ to sweet and short. Thank you for final chapter, always wish they would contine on forever.
sweetaselle #3
Chapter 20: Ok *cries* I wish it wasn't ending, but awaiting the last chapter.
sweetaselle #4
Chapter 19: NOOOOOO WHAT??? I'm interested in this still... *breathes, talks to self* Still more chapters, keep reading before spazzing.
sweetaselle #5
Chapter 17: Reading... well, catching up honestly. SPAZZING at the fact that they might go public now. KYUUUUUUUUU <3
keenie73 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for keeping us posted.
keenie73 #7
Chapter 18: Thank you for updating. I hope she doesnt get to much harassment now that they are public. True fans should be happy for them.
bosy8915 #8
Chapter 17: welcome back . long time no see . my bias is kyu so im reading and crying at the same time and of course we reading the story how we can not . Can't wait for the next chapter
sweetaselle #9
Chapter 12: Lovely <3 Just caught myself up on the last two chapters :D Great job, author-nim! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 10: Sorry author-nim for not commenting as much but Kyu Jong oppa is really cute! Keep up the good work FIGHTING