The Unexpected Verdict


Soyeon was going home alone since Qri was busy with her programming club. Soyeon had been different. She was happier when she was with Qri. She would've thought that Areum would love her but it turned out to be the one who was even there for her the whole time. Areum struck her mind this time. She never thought she and Qri would care for each other. What was worse in her thoughts was that she never realized that Qri was a caring person. She cared for her and Areum, stood up against Jiyeon and trusted then made friends with Boram despite of the accusation. She walked some more to gaze at the sunset. She held her hand with her ring and was reminded of her undying love for Qri. She vowed to herself and to Areum that she will be there for her, no matter what.


She arrived at her home. She expected her parent to be there, smiling. But today, they wrre sitting at the living room as if they're waiting for her.

"Eomma? Appa? I'm home." Soyeon greeted.

"Injung-ah, we need to talk." Her Appa said to her.

"Come. Sit down." Her Eomma said, patting an empty space next to her.

Soyeon obeyed and sat next to her mother. Soyeon asked them why but they had grim looks on their faces.

"We heard of what happened to Areum-ssi's death." Soyeon's eyes widened of what she heard from her father.

"And the fact that you're being stalked and got a death threat." Her Eomma added.

"So what? I'm fine. It's all behind us, Eomma. Jihyun-ah protected me..." Soyeon reasoned with her parents.

"We know...and we're grateful for Jihyun-ssi to save you, also for your friends. However..." Her Appa said, holding his daughter's hand.

"What do you mean 'however'?" Soyeon asked anxiously.

"'s dangerous for you at your school, even in this place." He finished.

"So we decided to move to another place-" Before her mother could speak, Soyeon stood up.

"No. It's just one accident, Eomma. And besides, our lives are life is here." Soyeon pointed their home.

"It's dangerous here, Injung-ah. even if it's just one accident, what if something terrible will happen to you in the future? Or worse?!" Her Appa tried to convince her.

"No...what about your jobs? My school? My friends? Jihyun-ah?" She said everything yet whispered Qri's name.

"We all have our jbs settled at the new place, also for your school. It may be hard but I know you will adjust in no time." Her father made his reason.

"But I don't want to. My friends are here. My life is here...Jihyun's here..." She mumbled.

"You'll make new friends at the new place, Injung-ah." Her Eomma joined her.

"If you're going to protest, I'm sorry but we will move! You're coming with us and that's that, whether you like it or not!" Her father was angry and left.

Soyeon sat down with her Eomma and heard the door of her parents' room slam shut. Soyeon was lost that she cried. Her Eomma was there to comfort her.

"Injung-ah, your father is just worrid about you. He's concerned for your safety." Her Eomma said.

"Eomma, can we talk?" Soyeon asked.

"Of course." Her Eomma smiled while holding her daugher's hand.


Soyeon held her mother's hand gently and went to her room. They bot sat down by Soyeon's bed and talked.

"You love your best friend, don't you?" Her mother asked and Soyeon nodded.

"I can't leave Jihyun-ah alone. She needs me...and I need her." Soyeon reasoned with her mother.

"Listen to me. Your father doesn't want anything bad to happen to you again. I don't like it too, all the while I want you to stay with Jihyun. But then...Jihyun is still in so much pain. Love has trust and mutual understanding. It's about time that you need to let her go..."

" doesn't want to be left out. She wants me to stay with her. I feel the same way too, Eomma. I can't let her go. I love her so much." Soyeon shook her head, protesting.

"You need to let her heal on her own, Injung-ah. Believe me. Jihyun hates it when you worry about her too much. She doesn't want you to see her cry and let you join her with her sorrow. Time will come that she won't let you comfort her or be there for her because she doesn't want to be a burden to you and to forget all the pain inside her."

"I know that you love each other so much. But at this point, she won't let you be with her soon enough. She's still mourning and with you in the way, she's not going to recover quickly. Do you want her to cry forever? Do you want her to be reminded of her sister?"

"How could you say that?! Are you saying that it's my fault?!" Soyeon couldn't handle her emotions and cried.

Her Eomma felt guilty for saying that to her that she comforted her daughter. For Soyeon, she thought about what her mother said and thought of what had happened. All of the occurences happened because of her. If she didn't do things her way, none of it would've happened. Jiyeon would have been fine, Areum would have been alive...and she would've seen Qri so happy.

"Eomma...I didn't realize. It's all my fault-"

" didn't mean to say it, okay? It's never your fault. it happened for a reason, Injung-ah. I had to say this for the both of you. It's for the sake of both you and Jihyun. As a parent, I had to do what's best for the both of you. We need to think of what's best for the sake of others, sometimes through sacrifice." Her mother said some words of wisdom and hugged her daughter tight.

"But...what about Jihyun. Eomma? Will she be mad at me forever? Will she stop loving me? Eommaaa...I don't want to leave her..." Soyeon continued to sob.

"Jihyun would get angry, ask you why you had to do it, and kneel at your feet to let go...but if she really loves you, Injung-ah, she will understand. And I know Jihyun will always love you and understand you."

Soyeon didn't say anything and slept her heart out. Her mother left her to get some rest and to think of the decision.


In another house, the Lee parents were devastated. It has been months and Qri was always in her room. She hasn't ate well nor slept well. She did her usual routine, going to school, doing the basic responsibilities, but everything changed her. She had accomplishments in life like being first and class and nominated for President for the Student Council...but it didn't suffice everything. She was never the same again and her parents were getting worried for her. They would tell her to at least go out but she didn't. Qri did nothing but mourn.

"'s that, Areum-ah?" Qri listened to her own voice.

"Good. My turn." It was Areum's voice and Qri cried so hard while listening to her voice.

"My Eonni is awesome. I couldn't have leaned programming without her. Saranghaeyo, Eonni."

Qri lost it. She clencehd her fist and smashed it on her desk. Those moments and the passing months were so painful to her. No matter how much she tried to make the memories fade, she remembered every detail.


No one answered her question of why. She buried her face on her elbows and drenched her desk. She looked up again and saw the things bought for her. There was a half part of an 2-in-1 lipstick from Soyeon and  Yang necklace from her beloved sister.

"Areum..." Qri sniffled and grabbed it.

She pictured out Areun with her Yin necklace when she was already at the coffin. Qri stopped crying and wore it on her neck. She looked herself in the mirror and peered at her reflection for a long time...

"You can't leave us...don't worry. I'm going to bring you back."


That's one chapter. So...stay tuned everyone... - asahdako

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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
greenjade21 #2
Chapter 15: Wow! That was a sad ending! Sad that Qri had chosen to relive Areum in her person, rather speak with her robotic voice, which is a combination of hers and Areum. She must've been really broken, to resort to such things, to be able to grasp to what's left from her sanity! This was different but, such a really nice story authorssi. It's really good. Thanks. :)
J_T-ara_M #3
Chapter 14: Did qri... is she making ahreum???
greenjade21 #4
Chapter 13: I hope it's still a happy ending?! It's sad that Areum died but, Soyeon leaving? Wouldn't that be too much sorrow for Qri? I'll definitely wait for the ending authorssi! Thanks! It was a really nice update. :)
J_T-ara_M #5
Chapter 12: 2 more chapters? I'm happy that ssokyul finally together... but it's sad to know this is gling to be end
greenjade21 #6
Chapter 11: That was sad, Areum had to die! I hope Qri can move on from such tragic event in her life (I mean in the story)! Just asking..., will Jiyeon ever return in the story? Will Ssokyul really finally be a couple or will the past prevent them from being together? :) Nice update authorssi! Good luck. Till your next update!
J_T-ara_M #7
Chapter 11: Ahreum died.. T.T
I hope could see more Ssokyul in the next chapter~
scdic97 #8
Chapter 10: Okay, you make me cry author-nim ㅠ_ㅠ
Where is jiyeon now? What happened to her?
scdic97 #9
Chapter 9: Noooo!!! Don't let areum die please!!! ㅠ_ㅠ
J_T-ara_M #10
Chapter 8: It's always interesting!! Is soyeon really love qri?? May be you can make qri with boram which made soyeon get jealous! Hahaha.. just opinion