

Areum's vigil was simple yet it was meaningful. A lot of people came, especially Areum's friends. They gave their speeches about her and her loved ones cried so much for their loss, especially Qri. As of now, Boram went to give her speech. Most of the students that came didn't expect for her to be there. They were shocked to see her.

"If you want to know, I'm here for a friend...mostly to her sister." Boram said.

"Even though I only knew Areum moments before she died, I saw the sincerity on her eyes. I saw a very determined  and nice girl, with her life ahead of her. She cared for her friends, especially Soyeon..." Boram's eyes were on Soyeon, hugging a depressed Qri.

"She also cared for her family. I saw it in her eyes, the way she would do well in school for her family, especially to her parents." Boram said and the Lee parents cried for their daughter.

"But the most important of all is that she loved her Eonni like her life depended on it." Boram's last look was at Qri.

"Areum is my epitome for a sister. I have a sister back home whom I loved so much..." Boram started to cry.

"...and because fo Areum, I learned an important lesson. If you have people who love you so much, love them as twice as much because you will never know when they will be gone. And if that happens, we don't have the time to rewind for our mistakes." Boram got out of the platform and cried.

"Qri...would you like to say anything?" Boram had a chance to say before she sat down.

Qri got up. Soyeon continued to comfort her as Qri though of saying something. She noded and stood strong for herself. She  went up and grabbed the mic.

"God has taken you so soon..." Qri looked at Areum's picture by the coffin.

"Areum meant a lot to me and she meant well. We always have that bond whe we were little. She was a bit annoying, especialy on the time when she would tease me that I was not her sister anymore. She even made a note, like it was her last will...using a marker and a piece of paper." Qri chuckled and everyone chuckled too.

'"But then, it was my turn to pay the price. I said the same thing to her...but she was different. She trusted me...she never gave up on me...she loved me..." Qri teared up again.

"As the incident ran into my mind, I felt like I made the biggest sin of my life. I didn't protect my sister when she needed her protection. My remorse grew worse when she donated her kidnet to me so that I can live. But what hurts me the most is that I didn't get the chance to repay her love for me. I can't even say 'I love you' first before she would." Qri's emotions broke and cried.

"I'm so sorry, Areum-yah. Eonni loves you. I always have and always will..." She dropped her mic on the floor and cried.

Her parent went to comfort her. Soyeon and Boram helped her out as Eunjung fetched some water. Her parents kept telling her that it wasn't her falut but Qri already embraced the belief that she was the reason of Areum's death.


Boram and Eunjung waited at the living room. They would have been gone with the rest of the guests but they want to be there for Qri's aid.

"So you're not eh culprit after all." Eunjung said.

"Yeah...anyways, where did Jiyeon go?" Boram asked.

"Rehab..." was all Eunjugn answered. 

"You were brave out there..." Eunjung complimented.

"No...thank you Eunjung...for calling the police and the paramedics." Boram said back.

"Don't you feel jealous of Soyeon and Qri?" Eunjng asked.

"No. It would have been nice but she's happy with Qri. And I know Qri will love her more than I would." Boram lets out a chuckle.


At the bedroom, Soyeon cuddled Qri. She rested her head on her own neck and she kissed her forehead. 

"Shh...don't cry, my Jihyun..." Soyeon patted her back and kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry..." Qri said, looking onto Soyeon's eyes.

"Areum-ah wouldn't like to see you sad..." Soyeon wiped Qri's tears away.

Qri couldn't help being sad. She missed Areum already. She even thought that she would've died and not her.

"I should've taken her place..." Qri cried harder.

"No..." Soyeon kissed her lips.

"Don't you say that. Don't you ever." Soyeon held her face and looked onto her eyes.

"Please don't be mad at me. I just can't stop thinking about Areum." Qri said and Soyeon kissed her again.

"I understand..." Soyeon lets Qri rest on her.

"I love you..." She looked down at Qri and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too..." Qri replied back.

Qri lets Soyeon lie down and lets her cuddle within herself. Soyeon smiled and cuddled back. Qri felt happy liek an agel in heaven. She was so happy to finally gain the love she had for Soyeon. She felt victorious of winning her girl. But she was hurt at the same time for her consolation: the death of Areum.

"Areum-yah..." Qri criedin her sleep.

Soyeon heard her. She looked at Qri's face and wiped her tears. She held her face and gave a peck on her lips.

'Areum-ah...I promise I will love her no matter what...'



yeah... a lot of sadness for this one. my bad...stay tuned tho...this story is almost ending...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
greenjade21 #2
Chapter 15: Wow! That was a sad ending! Sad that Qri had chosen to relive Areum in her person, rather speak with her robotic voice, which is a combination of hers and Areum. She must've been really broken, to resort to such things, to be able to grasp to what's left from her sanity! This was different but, such a really nice story authorssi. It's really good. Thanks. :)
J_T-ara_M #3
Chapter 14: Did qri... is she making ahreum???
greenjade21 #4
Chapter 13: I hope it's still a happy ending?! It's sad that Areum died but, Soyeon leaving? Wouldn't that be too much sorrow for Qri? I'll definitely wait for the ending authorssi! Thanks! It was a really nice update. :)
J_T-ara_M #5
Chapter 12: 2 more chapters? I'm happy that ssokyul finally together... but it's sad to know this is gling to be end
greenjade21 #6
Chapter 11: That was sad, Areum had to die! I hope Qri can move on from such tragic event in her life (I mean in the story)! Just asking..., will Jiyeon ever return in the story? Will Ssokyul really finally be a couple or will the past prevent them from being together? :) Nice update authorssi! Good luck. Till your next update!
J_T-ara_M #7
Chapter 11: Ahreum died.. T.T
I hope could see more Ssokyul in the next chapter~
scdic97 #8
Chapter 10: Okay, you make me cry author-nim ㅠ_ㅠ
Where is jiyeon now? What happened to her?
scdic97 #9
Chapter 9: Noooo!!! Don't let areum die please!!! ㅠ_ㅠ
J_T-ara_M #10
Chapter 8: It's always interesting!! Is soyeon really love qri?? May be you can make qri with boram which made soyeon get jealous! Hahaha.. just opinion