The truth behind the lie

Moon Bound

"Seohyun!" Luhan spoke when the girl in his arms ran into his room. He immediately stood and rushed behind her only to have his own bedroom door slammed in his face. 

"Seohyun, open the door" Luhan knocked on the door lightly accompanied by his soft spoken voice. He understood what Seohyun was feeling although didn't know how to handle it - afterall this is his first time he has ever wanted to show himself to another human. Seohyun crouched down behind the door holding her chest unable to stop the frantic beating heart making it hard for her to breath normally. She was overwhemled with what she just witnessed. 

'A wolf, he's a wolf.' - This was all Seohyun could conjure in her mind finding it hard to think straight. She didn't know what to do. Seohyun could talk to Luhan but what if he hurts her? What if his pack wants to get rid of her? They obviously treasure their secret especially the large man with ice blonde hair. Her body tells her to run while her heart tells her to stay. Confused she sat there for a large amount of time deciding her next move. 

"You can do this Seohyun, you are a strong, smart independent girl. You are the girl who can do anything. Remember the time when the prom decorations burnt down. 3 months of work you replaced in a week. This is nothing" Seohyun paced back and forth giving herself courage. 

Decoration Dramatic Gothic Interior With Cool Red Leather Sofa Wooden Ceiling With Old Nuance Fireplace With Big Picture Above And Unique Black Chandelier In Stunning Gothic Vampire Theme Living Room Find Traditional and Dramatic In Gothic Theme Decoration

"My deepest apologies Kris" Luhan spoke breaking the silence. EXO had dragged Luhan into one of the rooms to give the girl time to think while they could have a talk with Luhan. Luhan was standing next to the window not able to face Kris or his pack. Feeling like he betrayed them - which he has never done before. He was loyal towards Kris after everything Kris has done for him. Kris was standing next to the fire place with his arm resting on the frame of the fire place to aggitated to sit. He glared at the fire warming the room unable to speak. Chen, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Xiumin were sitting on the large leather couch while Tao, Chanyeol and Sehun were sitting on the three single red leather chairs - their backs facing the window and Suho sitting on the single red leather chair facing the large couch. All unable to bear the silence between their family. 

"Luhan, who is she?" Suho spoke up wanting to answer the question on everyone else's minds. EXO faced Luhan in their seats except Kris who was still in his own thoughts. 

"I do not recall how she came across the mansion, but never the less she did and... Her name is Seohyun. She is of 16 years of age and... that is all I know" Luhan spoke facing the pack. 

"How long has she been here?... How long have you two known each other?" Chen spoke with curiousity burning in his mind. 

"She came... Friday afternoon and she left, then she came back at the struck of dawn" Luhan recalled his memory. 

"How did she manage to find this place again?" Baekhyun was surprised and impressed at the same time. 

"She placed marks at the bottom of the trees that led her here, I would not worry. The marks are hidden" Luhan answered quickly before anyone could panick. 

"An old campers trick. Marking trees" Xuimin knew as he watched campers for years in the forest learning their tricks and it was the packs job making sure the campers would never find their way near their hideout. 

"You like her, don't you?" Sehun spoke slowly watching Luhan's expression.

"It doesn't matter. She can't stay. She's human" Xuimin cut off Luhan's train of thought. 

"What are we going to do to her?" Chanyeol directed his question at his alpha who was listening to their conversation. 

"Do we have to her 'rid' of her?" Tao asked hearing the whine in his voice showing his doesn't want to commit a terrible act. Luhan tensed immediately hearing the question and looked to Kris for an answer. 

"Yes we do" Kris spoke quietly although the entire room could hear him. 

"No! She's only 16." Luhan charged towards Kris only to be held back by Sehun, Tao and Chanyeol. 

"Kris, I promise. I will go anywhere you want and follow your rules. I will even kill if anyone finds me" Luhan begged unable to hold his own strength. 

"Kris, have mercy. Luhan is obviously in love. If you kill her, he might not be able to control himself and put everyone including himself in danger" Suho whispered to Kris clearly the wise one in the pack. 

"What is she reveals our secret? She's young and foolish" Kris spoke loudly. 

"Kris, I swear if you kill her I will never stop trying to get away from YOU ALL. I will never be moon bounded again" Luhan spoke making the grip of the other on him free as they all stood dumbstruck with Luhan's threat. Luhan was kind, caring and loyal. Never once had it crossed their minds that he could be so defiant. 

"But if you let her go I will never lay eyes on her again" The words relunctedly left Luhan's mouth knowing it was the only way Kris would agree to his decision. 

"Luhan?" Everyone's attentions switched to the door. Seohyun walked in her body clearly shaking showing she was nervous. She saw the men huddled around the fire place with Luhan and the large man in the middle. Luhan took his eyes off of Seohyun and to Kris who gave him a nod. Luhan strode to Seohyun and held her in his arms. 

"Seohyun, they are not going to harm you. Alright?" Luhan cupped her face making her look into his eyes witnessing the sorrow in his eyes. 

"You lied" Seohyun spoke quietly only Luhan could hear. 

"I am aware and I apologise from the depths of my heart. But it was for your safety" Luhan spoke cautiously clearly distrout. Luhan kissed her head and made his way down to her lips savouring the taste of her lips. Most of EXO was shocked and proud of Luhan able to pull such a daring move. 

"I need you to promise me something" Luhan broke the kiss out of breath. Seohyun nodded feeling the warmth of his breath on her face. 

"I need you to promise that you will not tell anyone about me or them" Luhan turned to face EXO showing Seohyun who he ment. Seohyun nodded frantically. 

"And..." Luhan could not speak the worlds. His throat became dry and tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. 

"I need you to promise never to return or come look for me" The words make Seohyun weak and her heart sank refusing to take in what she heard. Before she knew it two large males were at her side pulling her from Luhan. She fought out of their grips, tears falling from her eyes. 

"Luhan! No stop!" 

"Let go of me!" 


"I promise! I won't" 


"Please don't" 


"I love you" 


"I love you too Seohyun" Luhan spoke quietly unable to look at Seohyun being dragged away by Xiumin and Sehun. Seohyun fought for her freedom watching Luhan in the door frame standing looking away from her, saddness covered his face. 

"I understand Luhan. I proud you did the right thing" Kris held Luhan's shoulders watching how much they cared for each other. Luhan shrugged off his hand and walked in another direction away from EXO, trying to get away from the yells and screams coming from Seohyun. Luhan was unable to bear the sound and covered his ears trying to drown it out as he knew that he is weakening and would go out and grab her and never let go. Luhan threw a punch towards a mirror unable to look at himself hoping the physical pain would be worse than the emotional pain he was feeling for the first time. 

~ Outside the mansion ~ 

Seohyun was still fighting to be freed wanting to find Luhan. She couldn't stand to be apart from him. Tears covered her sight. A smaller man came out of the house but it wasn't Luhan. 

"Baekhyun! Have you got it?" One of the men beside her spoke towards the figure approaching them. 

"Yes, Xiumin" The men stopped pulling her and held her still. 

"We are sorry for this" The taller man beside her (Sehun) spoke softly. 

"Luhan cannot love. It is for his own good" Xuimin spoke as he wanted the girl to know why they were doing this. He didn't want her to assume they were horrible people. 

"Hold still. It won't hurt" Baekhyun came closer revealing a needle with liquid spilling out. Seohyun stuggled even more. The grip of the men beside her became tighter. They were strong as she was unable to move. Baekhyun injected the needle into Seohyun's arm. She felt her body weakened and she fell to the ground when the men let her go. She felt the sharp grass beneath her, the cold air washing her face and the three figure of the men looking down at her becoming shadows as she closed her eyes. 

"Luhan" An inaudible sound. A tear dropped from her eyes as she closed them. The tear falling from the side of her face. 



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aysan-seo #1
Chapter 12: Update soon please
hanhan05 #2
Please update authornim
Chapter 12: I Really miss this story :((
Pleaseeeee update soon :(
sweetdreamerz #5
Chapter 12: Please update I really need to know what comes next. I like the storylines & the plots in this story. I can't wait to read what happen when Kris know who she is.
pipipo27 #6
Chapter 12: oh poor seohyun, please dont leave her again luhan
seonai #7
Chapter 12: noooo luhan don't go seohyun must be broken....hai aq mau ff seohan yg reading married my-ex
Chapter 12: AGAIN?! He's gonna leave AGAIN?! :(
pipipo27 #9
Chapter 11: yeeay another update, i really love to read this story
thanks anyway for the update
eugenenni #10
Chapter 11: Wow I hope Luhan don't misunderstand Seohyun. I love this story author-nim!!! Thanks for the update^^