Discovering of Hidden Boy

Moon Bound

"Luhan! Where are you taking me?" Seohyun giggled observing Luhan's child-like actions. 

"Do not trouble yourself. We are almost at our destination" Luhan held Seohyun's wrist while pulling her while speed walking. Luhan stopped at two large white heavy doors with gold design carved into them. Luhan used his strength from his large muscles to push to doors open revealing a large ballroom. 


"Wow!" The only word Seohyun could pull out of . Seohyun walked into the room, twirling around wanting to look at the entire room. 

"You rejuvenated this hall! It must have cost a lot" Seohyun pointed at the room while Luhan stared at her taking in her reaction: her smile that brightens her face, her eyes that glimmer in the sunlight and her body constantly twirling. 

"Luhan!" Luhan snapped out of his daydream and found Seohyun calling him. 

"Ahh yes. I apologise. Umm. No not really. This room and a room in the far east of the house were left untouch." Luhan tried his best not lying as each lie to Seohyun felt like a stab in his chest. 

"Untouch? I don't understand." Seohyun in a confused state not understanding Luhan. It was hard for her to understand Luhan's words because of his idiolect but this statement was uncomprehensable. 

"The broken furniture, the torn down staircases, floors and ceilings, the ripped wall paper and cracks on walls and windows. They were all not caused by ageing. When Kris and I found this place it seemed as if the person who owned this place neglected it. Whatever happened the person did not care for this place and tore it a part." Luhan explained. 

"That sounds like a story I heard when I was a child" Seohyun rememebered the story her mother told which lead her to fidget with her necklace her mother gave. 

"Where did you get that?" Luhan stepped close focusing on the necklace. 

"My mother gave it to me. Why? Is there something wrong?" Seohyun was taken back my Luhan's serious stare at her necklace. 

"No, nothing really. My attempt to recall this necklace is failing. I have seen this before."  He knew that somewhere in his mind held the reason why the necklace triggered something in his mind. He just couldn't remember. 

"Hey! Why so serious?" Seohyun furrowed her brows to create a serious face although she weakened it making it look funny. This made Luhan chuckle at her attempt to lighten his mood although deep in his mind, the thoughts of the necklace stirred. She took his hand and placed them in the centre of the ballroom. 

"Seohyun, I'm embaressed to admit that I do not know how to dance" He said onced she placed his hand on the bottom of her back and placed his other hand on hers at their sides. 

"Well it's always the gentleman who is suppose to lead...but how about I lead first and you can lead when you get the hang of it" Seohyun intiated the first step and after a couple of stiffen moves their ballroom dance became more fluent. 

"You're a fast learner" She couldn't but compliment him as the dance suited him and made him ever more appealing to her. 

"You're a good teacher. Who taught you?" He began to take the lead with confidence.

"A dance instructor. My parents...well...actually - my father. He wanted my sibilings and I to grow up to grow up with proper etiquette - dancing, manners and socialising to be able to fit in our social class. He sent my oppa, unnie and I to pronounciation and socialising classes." She looked down and giggled while trying to keep up with Luhan and talk at the same time. 

"I am comprehending that your father cared about appearence" He got a negatively feeling from the way Seohyun and her sibilings grew. 

"He did and business. Since we were going to take over his business he had to made sure we were well groomed. Especially my older brother Leetuk oppa. My father was much stricter with him so at a young age, oppa knew how important our family and business was. After my parents died, oppa became all about business." Seohyun made a sour face thinking about her brother's behaviour ever since their parent's passing. 

"What about you? You seem to come from high class. Don't you dance at business parties or parties? Hasen't a girl ever asked you to slow dance?" 

"No, I have never been offered to" Luhan thought about the question. He has never been allowed out and no one was allowed in therefore Luhan never had the opportunity to dance even learn. Suddenly Luhan felt a change in his body which caused him to stop. 

"What's wrong?" Seohyun asked concerned. 

"I feel lightheaded and feel a rise in temperature" 

"I feel that too" He was confused to her sound of relief. 

"We should stop dancing" Luhan suggested in a nervous state. 

"We have" Seohyun giggled seeing Luhan flustered making him seem more cute. 

"Umm...Luhan I am embaressed to say this but I need a shower. Is there working plumbing here?" Seohyun needed to freshen up since she haden't taken a shower since yesturday and wanted to impress Luhan. She also guessed seeing him in change of clothes and always looking clean. 

"Yes, it is the room located next to mine" Seohyun left for the bathroom while Luhan was preparing food for themselves. 

"Luhan!" Luhan froze hearing the familiar male voice located outside the mansion. He rushed to the window finding Kris's figure becoming larger and larger. He remembered Kris' warning. If anyone finds Luhan, Kris will surely kill them - Luhan aware of Kris' cold nature giving no mercy. Luhan's heart stopped fearing for Seohyun. He knows he is no match for Kris and Kris will hurt Seohyun because of Luhan. Guilt, fear and regret fell over Luhan. Luhan sprinted to the bathroom finding Seohyun exiting the room in her bathrobe. 

"What is it Luhan?" Seohyun watched Luhan bolt to find her - worried about his actions. 

"I'm so sorry Seohyun. He was not ment to come at this time " Luhan apologised out of breath. Seohyun couldn't find herself to answer him not able to catch a word of what he said. 

"Luhan!" Kris' voice stopped Luhan's blood from flowing and his whole world to collapse. 

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aysan-seo #1
Chapter 12: Update soon please
hanhan05 #2
Please update authornim
Chapter 12: I Really miss this story :((
Pleaseeeee update soon :(
sweetdreamerz #5
Chapter 12: Please update I really need to know what comes next. I like the storylines & the plots in this story. I can't wait to read what happen when Kris know who she is.
pipipo27 #6
Chapter 12: oh poor seohyun, please dont leave her again luhan
seonai #7
Chapter 12: noooo luhan don't go seohyun must be broken....hai aq mau ff seohan yg reading married my-ex
Chapter 12: AGAIN?! He's gonna leave AGAIN?! :(
pipipo27 #9
Chapter 11: yeeay another update, i really love to read this story
thanks anyway for the update
eugenenni #10
Chapter 11: Wow I hope Luhan don't misunderstand Seohyun. I love this story author-nim!!! Thanks for the update^^