A heart that loved which didn't beat

Moon Bound


"Ms Seohyun" The driver opened the door for Seohyun to enter her house. After a long night and a long day at school, Seohyun was relieved that it was a Friday. She weakly walked up the steps to meet her sister waiting impatiently at the door. 

"Hurry, Seo. Oppa will be coming home from America, tonight" Yuri stood at the door wearing a knee length one-sleave black dress with her hair loosley tied into a bun. Yuri and Seohyun's older brother Leetuk had been doing business abroad for six months, leaving Seohyun in Yuri's care. Despite Seohyun sometimes disobeying her older sibilings - giving in to her teenage temptations, she cared for her sibilings deeply. 

"And what happened to your uniform? Did your adventures take you inside an abandoned house?" Yuri joked, startling Seohyun for it was true. Yuri knew of her sister's adventures since they were little. She smiled well aware of her sister's hightened curiosity and desire for adventure. She would prevent Seohyun in living such as wild life but Seohyun took after their parents. Their parents lived off adventures and shared it too with their children. They taught their children not to fear the world and it's secrets. Leetuk and Yuri were like their parents aswell, although had to grow up faster and settle into reality when their parents passed causing them to look after the family business. Trouble as it may be since the sibilings were young and did not know how to handle business as well as their parents did. 

"Then let me get dressed first." Seohyun ran to her bedroom and changed into a blouse with small poka dots, black pencil skirt and black boots. She ran back downstairs to the sound of laughter. 


"Oppa, your back! How was America?" Yuri hugged her older brother while servants took his bags to his room, passing Seohyun. 

"Good, I missed my sisters" Leetuk pinched Yuri's cheeks in excitment. 

"Oppa, I'm not a baby anymore" Yuri held her cheeks with a fake frown. 

"That reminds me, where's seobaby?" Leetuk asked hands placed on hips in a masculine way. 

"Oppa!" Seohyun ran down the stairs and jumped into Leetuk's open arms like a child. He spun her around while Yuri watched in amusment. 

"You have grown, you look like omma seo" Leetuk finally placed her down making the atmosphere calm as the sibilings were overcome with nostalgia.

"What about me?" Yuri asked her brother breaking the silence.

"You look like appa" Leetuk teased his sister earning a light punch on his shoulder.

"That reminds me" Leetuk went for his side bag which was waiting on the seats in the middle of the room. He opened as his sibilings watched with curiousity.

"I bumped into Choi Siwon in America. Remember, he was one of appa and omma's closest friends" Leetuk asked while he still was finding something buried within his bag.

"Oh yes, we stayed with him after omma and appa's passing. Oppa you were 17 years old, I was 11 and Seo was only 5" Yuri recounted their ages.

"I don't remember" The youngest whined. Eventhough she was young, she would have remembered staying at a stranger's house. Afterall she remembered the moment when their parents died. 

"Ofcourse not, we only stayed with him for only a couple of days. Oppa turned 18 and was old enough to take our inheritence and custody of us." Yuri reasoned earning a nod from Leetuk as he revealed what was in his hands. Yuri clapped her hands together delighted by what she saw. 

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"I remember this, omma gave it me. She told me that oppa gave it to her while they were young and she kept it ever since. Even worn it on their wedding day." Leetuk placed the necklace around Yuri's neck as she lifted her hair for him to lock it in place. Leetuk then revealed in his other hand. 

"Seo, do you remember this?" Leetuk slowly asked his sister hoping she would regain the memory.

 "Yes, omma gave it to me while telling me that story about the old mansion" Seohyun told her sibilings. 

"That's omma, really weird sometimes. What is it anyways?" Yuri held the pendent. 

"It looks like the sun and moon" Their brother took a closer look placing his hand on the pendent. 

"Oppa, what happened to you?" Yuri snatched his hand seeing a large cut across his hand. 

"Ohh, nothing. Just some clumsy employee holding a large wooden box" Leetuk chuckled hiding his palm for his sister's worried face. 

"A sun... and moon" Seohyun repeated placing the puzzle together in her mind. The moon, the mansions and the story and the wolf pack family - Seohyun thought. Yuri directed them to the diningroom.

"I remember when we lost these, we had to take it off to swim, then we couldn't find it. Seo and I cried for weeks. Thanks oppa and tell Choi Siwon a great big thankyou as well" Yuri again recounted using her memory of when Seohyun and her were young. They cried so hard. Another piece of them was gone a piece from their mother. 

"Yes, say thanks you for us when you see him again" Seohyun followed their sibilings to the diningroom.

After dinner Seohyun went up to her room. She dazed out of the window where the moon spread it's light into her bedroom. She tried to remember her mother, the story and the necklace when her head hit the wall and she fell asleep. 

"Omma why does the moon shine so bright tonight, it's so beautiful." Five year old Seohyun asked her mother when she was placed in bed. Her mother sat beside her and recounted the story then gave her the necklace. 

"This is a dangerous world Seohyun. You are pure of heart and can look past obstacles. If I'm ever gone, find the mansion and show him this. He will protect you" Her omma held her. 

"Omma...omma omma!" Seohyun woke up in tears seeing the empty room. The house was large enough for her voice to be drowned out not waking her sibilings. 

"HE, who is 'he'?" Seohyun held the necklace in confusion.

The morning light took over her room as she began to pack her bags. 

"Going somewhere?" Yuri appeared at the doorway. 

"Huh?" Seohyun alarmed at her sister's sudden appearence. 

"Your bags?" Yuri directed her attention to Seohyun's hands placing clothing in her bag. 

"Ahh yes, I'm going to sleepover Taeyeons' during the weekend" Seohyun made an excuse to which her sister wouldn't be concerned enough. 

"But I just arrived" Leetuk complained coming from the doorway. 

"I'm sorry oppa, Taeyeon was going to help me with... dancing. DANCING! You guys know that Taeyeon is a great dancer and... and... she ne--needs me to be in her group for a dance contest." Seohyun smiled. Her sibilings stared at each other and looked back in sync as if telepathically deciding with each other. 

"Okay, just be back before sunday night" Leetuk weakened due to Seohyun's smile and sighed while giving her way to the door. Seohyun wrapped her arms around Leetuk and kissed him on the cheek. 

"Don't worry oppa. When I come back we will spend sunday afternoon together" Seohyun hugged Yuri as well. 'I'm sorry, I lied to you guys. I have to meet Luhan' Seohyun thought while in her sister's embrace. She feared that Luhan would not be in the house and prepared sleeping equitment - clothing and sleepingbag. She prepared just in case Luhan didn't comeback till the following day. She ran downstairs and got food supplies, water and her phone and ran towards the woods making sure she wasn't being followed. She took out her phone to text Taeyeon. 

Seohyun: Tae, I need you to tell Yuri unnie and Leetuk oppa that I'm sleeping over at your house this weekend 

Taeyeon:  Sure, where are you actully going to be?

Seohyun: Camping. They wouldn't let me go

'Sorry Tae, but I must see Luhan' Seohyun thought. She was obviously desperate to see him again. Something about him made him a magnet to her.

Taeyeon: Okay, keep your phone on just in case they call me. And be safe 

Seohyun: Always :) Thanks Tae 

Taeyeon: Anytime, for those times you helped me sneak out of my house to meet Baekhyun ;) 

Seohyun smiled always knowing she could count on Taeyeon. She made her way to the woods where she found that broken glass fragment. On her way out of the forest from meeting Luhan, she made marks on trees using the sharp piece of glass. This showed her where to go - a little trick she learnt from her parents, actully her mother. She ran finding trees with marks on them at their trunks. Finally finding the steep ground she used the vine and slid down and sprinted to the mansion hoping to find Luhan there. 

"Luhan!" She shouted which echoed through the empty mansion. She raced through rooms hoping to find him or any information that could lead her to him. The cold air suddenly replaced with heat. Seohyun finally followed the source of the heat to find Luhan staring a fire in the middle of the room. 

"Seohyun" He stood. She smiled at him but then frowned finding him looking horrified at her presence. 

"You need to leave" He lightly grabbed her hand and lead her out of the mansion. 

"Wait, let go of me. Why?" She protested. 

"Because you not safe" Luhan reasoned with her. Seohyun held onto a door frame to prevent them going any further. 

"And you aren't? This isn't even your mansion so you don't have any right to kick me out" Seohyun argued. This made Luhan even more worried. 

"How did you find this mansion again?" Luhan questioned hearing Kris' words and the probability of finding this mansion twice wasn't possible. 

"I marked trees to show me where to go"

"What!" Luhan felt frozen as he felt vunerable as his home would be found. 

"Don't worry. The marks are hidden at the trunk of the trees. The only person who would find them was the person who created them" Seohyun pointed to herself. 

"Good" Luhan relieved leaned onto the wall agreeing with Kris in his mind. It was too dangerous for her to be in this mansion. To be around him. 

"Don't worry, your precious hiding place has not been compromised" Seohyun waved her hands in the air giving Luhan the hint that he was acting crazy. She stood near another door way still in awe of the place.  

"I give you my deepest apology but you have to lea-" Luhan stepped towards her not noticing her bag placed in between them. He fell on top of Seohyun but he switched their position making him land on the floor with her on top, their lips touched. Both their eyes widened and at the same time their deepened the kiss. Seohyun placed her hands on Luhan's shoulder while Luhan placed his hands on her waist. After a minute Seohyun got up and sat next to Luhan. 

"Wow that was my first...kiss" Seohyun embarressed to say. She wanted her first kiss to be with someone she truly loved therefore she rejected any guys who only asked her out for lust. 

"Mine too" Luhan scratched the back of his nape embarressed aswell by his confession. To think his age and he has never been kissed was humiliating. 

"No way! Really? Your handsome, all girls must throw themselves at you" Seohyun's sudden comment made her turn red and made Luhan smile. 

"I do not frequently socialise especially with women. I am afraid to say I become too nervous" Luhan stated making Seohyun adore him more. She liked the fact he didn't chase girls and he was nothing like herself or her family. He was unique and she was drawn to him. A long silence came upon them

"Sorry, your right I should leave" Seohyun broke the silence. 

"No don't. Stay" Luhan completely grown attached to her held her wrist to prevent her from getting up.  She nodded shyly hoping he would do that. Luhan stood up and helped Seohyun stand. He lead her into the room when he noticed her baggage. 

"Are you journeying somewhere?" Luhan questioned her, quite alarmed that she would leave again. 

"Ohh, no, I mean yes, I mean here. I packed my bags just in case you weren't here. I was going to wait for you and sleepover" Seohyun admitted shyly playing with her hair. Luhan smiled at that thought. She possibly felt the same way he did. 

"I admire your bravery unlike your friends who ran out in fear." Luhan gave a charming smile relieved by the thought she wasn't easily frightened. 

"Are you going home soon?" Luhan was brought back to reality with her question. 

"Pardon?" He thought to himself and the realisation hit him like a wave. She didn't know about him, about his life and his situation. 

"Are you leaving?" Seohyun repeated her question. 

"Not anytime soon" Seohyun smiled at his response. 

"Can you sleep here tonight with me?" Seohyun hoped he would. 

"Why? My! Are you not you returning home" Luhan then realised something about her. She wasn't like him. She was human. 

"Nahh, I told my oppa and unnie I would sleepover at a friends" Seohyun shrugged. 

"And you parents?" Luhan asked her. 

"They died in a car accident when I was young, so my oppa Leetuk and unnie Yuri looks after me" She explained while laying out her sleeping bag near the fire. 

"What about your family? Where do you live?" Seohyun placed herself on the sleeping bag. 

"My parents passed away as well when I was young. This lead Kris, their close friend to look after me. I ummm... uhh... we are located in a city." Luhan didn't want to let her discover the truth. He was afraid it may frighten her and she would leave him and possibly tell others about him - the wolves needed him. Without him no one else could do his job. 

"Ahh, so how did you find this place?" Seohyun waited for his answer when Luhan was trying to think of one. 

"Kris and I were travelling. I found myself stray and came across this place. I remain here when I am not occupied with such work. " Luhan was indeed trying to make himself seem prestige. 

"You must be just intrigued by this place as I am. He must be very succesful, your clothing looks expensive." Seohyun admired his clothing and his body fitting perfectly hightening his masculine features. 


"uhh thankyou" Luhan looked down as his clothing. Momentarily laughing when he thought Kris was going mad when he bought the clothing for him - style must have changed - Luhan thought. 

"How old are you by the way?" It dawned on Seohyun that she couldn't tell his age. His face said probaly adolescent but his actions and words say another. 

"---20" After a long paused Luhan tried to calculate how old he was when he stopped ageing. 

"Ohh, I'm 16, so your older than me...Luhan-shi" Seohyun taken back that he was 4 years older than her - where were her manners? 

"There is no need to be formal. We're friends" Luhan reassured her. Seohyun nodded being quite nervous. 

"Shouldn't you be in college?" Seohyun asked. 

"...yes... I attend umm EXO college for one year...I'm taking a one year break" Luhan retold the story in which Kris told him about a person in his pack as his own story. Of Sehun their newest member having to lie about leaving college to embrace his new life as a wolf. 

"Ohh" Seohyun nodded understanding him better. Luhan looked down at her sleeping bag. As comfortable as it may seem he had a better option. 

"I have a better alternative" He held her wrist again and this time she let him lead her. Seohyun noticed as they travelled further in the mansion: rooms, stairs and corridors looked safer, newer as if she stepped back in time when the house was just built.


"Here we are." Luhan held the door open revealing his room. 


Luhan panicked realising what he had just shown her. Seohyun in her case was confused. 

"...I...uh... I was fortunate to posses time and wealth which I expended on this mansion. I bought it and rebuilt it some areas. I rejuvenated some areas in the mansion and when I visit this town I prefer to stay in this mansion" Luhan spoke slowly trying to get his story straight. In reality Kris rejuvenated an area of the mansion with Luhan so Luhan would feel comfortable. Kris didn't have enough money to rejuvenate the enitre mansion as it was massive. 

"Ohh, so this mansion is privately owned by you" Seohyun was impressed with his work.

"Yes. You can stay in this room, this is my room... which I stay when I'm in town" Luhan quickly covered up his first statement.

"What about you?" Seohyun asked while seated on the bed feeling it accomadating her body.

"I can sleep in another room" 

'Kris' room' - Luhan thought. 

"Don't you ever wondered who lived here before? Or why they neglected this place?" Seohyun took in the scent of the room being Luhan's scent. 

"Yes I do." A thought occured Luhan's mind. He never asked Kris whose house this belonged to. He just assumed Kris found this place and the location was perfect as Luhan's hideout. 


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aysan-seo #1
Chapter 12: Update soon please
hanhan05 #2
Please update authornim
Chapter 12: I Really miss this story :((
Pleaseeeee update soon :(
sweetdreamerz #5
Chapter 12: Please update I really need to know what comes next. I like the storylines & the plots in this story. I can't wait to read what happen when Kris know who she is.
pipipo27 #6
Chapter 12: oh poor seohyun, please dont leave her again luhan
seonai #7
Chapter 12: noooo luhan don't go seohyun must be broken....hai aq mau ff seohan yg reading married my-ex
Chapter 12: AGAIN?! He's gonna leave AGAIN?! :(
pipipo27 #9
Chapter 11: yeeay another update, i really love to read this story
thanks anyway for the update
eugenenni #10
Chapter 11: Wow I hope Luhan don't misunderstand Seohyun. I love this story author-nim!!! Thanks for the update^^