Trying to remember someone you never met

Moon Bound




Seohyun and Hyoyeon sat at the back of the class which was the best seats. Being the members of the popular group in school the seats were entitled to them. Both Luhan and Seohyun, once laying eyes on each other the entire room faded into darkness. As far as the two knew, there was nobody else in the room besides from them two. 

"Seo!" Hyoyeon rasied her voice, nudging Seohyun until she got her attention. She looked towards her bestfriend when Hyoyeon directed her view to the entire class whose eyes were on her, including the new boys. Especially Luhan. 

"Oh! You know each other?" The teacher asked with a smile on her face, her voice breaking the unintentional tension created in the room. She looked towards the both waiting for the asnwer along with students in the room. 

"Uhhh, yes. Not that well." Luhan blurted in a calm cool tone. His voice making the girls squeal except for Hyoyeon who was still confused and Seohyun whose aching heart finally tore apart. 'Ouch! What? Why would he say that? Does he not remember me? Luhan'. Seohyun was on the point of crying but she held it in. The fact that he was right in front of her eyes forbid her from crying. She wanted to talk to him, to understand everything. The teacher simply nodded and asked the five boys to introduce themselves. 

"Hello, I'm Park Chanyeol. I'm glad to be here. Please treat me well" Chanyeol bowed and smiled which amde the girls close to fainting. 

"I'm Tao." Tao gave a short curt but cool introduction already claiming his bad boy image. 

"Good morning. I'm Byun Baekhyun. I will be looking forward to attending school here." Baekhyun bowed and shyly smile which awed the girls. 

"Hey, I'm Oh Sehun" Sehun turned to Luhan for his turn. His deep voice unconciously made the girls gape and slightly drool. 

"And I am his older twin brother, Oh Luhan. It is a pleasure to attend this school." Luhan gave his charming smile. Sehun placed his arm around Luhan's shoulders and they both gave drop dead gorgous smiles towards the classroom which caused the girls to scream louder and some even fell of their chairs. 

A girl raised her arm and given permission from the teacher to speak. 

"Do any of you guys have girlfriends?" She boldly spoke earning scoffs from the guys in the room seeing they have competition and the other girls leaned forward wanting to here their answer. Chanyeol was about to speak when Luhan interrupted him.  

"No we are not courting at the moment" He spoke and gave a small smile. Chanyeol, Baekhyun Tao and Sehun looked towards Luhan who just gave them a straight face. The boys were given the choice to have any seat. The only seats left where in the popular section on Seohyun and Hyoyeon's row. Chanyeol lead the pack up with Luhan being last. 'Oh my gosh. Please sit next to me Luhan. Please. My heart right now'. Seohyun remained her composure when her heart was beating frantically when Luhan came closer. The boys took the seat leaving Luhan the last one to the row sitting next to Seohyun. 

The sitting arrangment: 

Chanyeol  Sehun  (Empty Seat) Seohyun  Hyoyeon  Baekhyun  Tao.

Seohyun took a glance up meeting Luhan's face. To her surprise he avoided eye contact. He looked around seeing no other seat available and Seohyun watch his lips form a thin line. While the entire class was waiting for him to take his seat, Luhan turned around and raised his hand. 

"Is there another seat available?" He asked the teacher in the nicest voice. 

"What is wrong with the one between your brother and Seohyun?" The teacher asked. The boys furrowed their eyebrows while Seohyun looked towards her table pretending not to take notice of the indirect rejection. 'Why doesn't he want to sit next to me? What did I do? Why did he even come?' Seohyun thought. As she asked more and more questions to herself she just became angry with him. She wanted to out him not for being a wolf but for kissing her and then he doesn't want to sit next to her. It didn't make sense to her and the further rejection to their 'relationship' made her heart that was already torn, ripped into pieces unable to place back together.

"I can't see from all the way back here. No offense. But the people in front of my are tall" Luhan cutely admitted earning 'awws' from the girls as he rubbed his nape. But th others knew he was lying and were concerned to why he was avoiding the girl.

"Kyuhyun, can you switch with Luhan?" The teacher asked the boy right in front of her. He immediately nodded and grabbed his things. Kyuhyun has had a crush on Seohyun since freshman year and they have been in the same classes every year. He was the computer and drama nerd while Seohyun was one of the queenkas at the school. A confession would only humilate him more and he never had the courage to go anywhere near her. While walking up towards Seohyun (Seohyun being full aware of his petty crush) turned her head to the side and hid her face to mouth something to Hyoyon.

'Help!' She mouthed while Hyoyeon giggled knowing how annoyed Seohyun gets with her admirers. They were all the same and couldn't stop staring at her the entire lesson making it unable for her to focus when someone is eyeing her. It also made her feel uncomfortable. Kyuhyun on the other hand never stopped looking at Seohyun while he approached her making her already feel uneasy. Luhan eyed him feeling strange about they way he stared at Seohyun. His clenched his teeth and found himself glaring at Kyuhyun who had already taken his seat. 

"Luhan, your seat" The teacher called him and directed him to his seat. 

Tao and Baekhyun were laid back in their seats - since they have lived long lives they knew what the teachers talking about. Hyoyeon focused on the lesson. Unlike the girls in the room who would steal glances at the boys next to her and whisper to their friends and even giggle. The boys had no effect on her as she was already in love and faithful to Lay. Seohyun was writing down notes with a serious expression as she was determined to understand the lesson - her determination to be perfect. Kyuhyun stole glances at Seohyun which she noticed but shrug it off. He would slip her a note once in a while but she pretend she never saw it and pushed her book making the paper fall on the floor. Luhan with his keen sense of hearing especially towards Seohyun, heard the paper fall and saw Kyuhyun staring intently at Seohyun while her focus was on the board. He could tell Seohyun was becoming frustrated. A part of him wanted to throw Kyuhyun to the wall another part wanted to take Seohyun in his arms and take her far away from him. But to his distain he remained in his seat. He drowned the girls giggling around him, complimenting him and planning some kind of way to confess to him. To his confusion he didn't know the girls wanted him. He had never been in public in a long time and didn't understand this generations way of courting. Luhan paid part of his attention to the lesson where his knew everything like the other boys as he spent the time alone taking in information from books Kris gave him. Out of all the boys Luhan was the most academically educated. Eventhough he has never gone to school, he self taught himself. Part of his mind was on Seohyun that he didn't have his full attention on the board. While Sehun and Chanyeol were board to death studing a lesson they already knew. This was like learning ABC. 

The bell rang and everyone packed up. The girls ran to the new boys while the other left the room. Seohyun frowned seeing Luhan surrounded by girls but took her courage, pride and reputation to go up to him. 

"Luhan oppa, come have lunch with us" A girl placed her hand around Luhan's arms and boldly leaned her head on his shoulder. Seohyun couldn't help but look at the scene hoping that it was just her mind playing game when Hyoyeon stood beside her and followed her gaze to the new boy. 

"Urggh, just like Hyuna to throw herself at guys" Hyoyeon was digusted by Hyuna's bold actions showing no lady like manner and honestly seemed desperate. Tao, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun watched the scene and with Seohyun's gaze could feel her pain. Unlike Luhan whose attention was shifted to the girls surrounding him. Seohyun felt too pained to watch any longer and ran out of the room, as fast as her three inch heels could take her. Tear threatening to fall from her face and the last thing she needed was people seeing her like this. Seohyun was all smile and people admired her for that. Even during hard times she stood strong so seeing Luhan with another girl wrapped around him was her weak point. 

Luhan was trying to fend the girls off in a polite way. He was not a social person so these girls around him was sort of creeping him out. 

"Aww he's soo cute!"

"He is shy" 

"Girls, don't scare him" 

The girls crowded around Luhan. The EXO boys were finally brought back to reality when Chanyeol came down the steps followed by his own crowd of fangirls and placed his hand on Luhan's shoulders. 

"Excuse us girls." Chanyeol calmly told them. They toned the volume down a bit but the power in their gazes to have Luhan were heightened. 

"My deepest apologises ladies but I must take my leave." Luhan charmingly excused himself. His voice and words made the girls squeal. When Luhan, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Tao were on their way to the door the girl realised their belongings still sprawled out on their desk due to their careless packing away earlier. Luhan stopped in his tracks and turned to the back of the classroom. 'Seohyun, my dearest Seohyun'. The pain in his heart returned as he realised his actions. He turned to the girl he saw come with Seohyun to the mansion assuming they have a close relationship but unfortunately didn't find her either. With a huff he left the room following his friends who hadn't noticed he was falling behind. The boys walked in the hallway with authority as if it was a catwalk. Luhan was infront with his hands in his pockets with Tao behind with his bag over his shoulder showing off his designer bag and Chanyeol and Baekhyun holding their bags while walking behind in the hallway. All facing forward not minding the attention they were getting. Besides from Luhan. Everyone including the teachers stopped and stared. Girl gave them flirtaious waves and winks while boys either eyed them with envy or snarled at them in disgust for being so aesthically appealing to females eyes... and some males.  

- Behind the school - 

"Seohyun? Where are you?" Hyoyeon hollered for Seohyun. Dreading that her signature heels similar to Seohyuns' were coming in contact with the muddy grass ground. 

"Umm, I think she went that way" A voice from behind caused Hyoyeon to quickly turn around. 

"Sehun, oh thank you" Hyoyeon followed his gaze to the other building. Hyoyeon quickly hurried off as the male's deep gaze was making her uncomfortable. Once Hyoyeon was deep inside the building Sehun strode forward to the next corner. Once seeing it empty he sighed. 

"I know you're here. Don't hide" Sehun called out in a gentle tone not wanting to scare the girl. 

"Then leave me alone! If it isn't so obvious, I want to be alone!" Seohyun raised her voice making it clear that she was annoyed and his presence was a nuisance. Sehun was in a moment of daze. He didn't know what to do and was having second thoughts about the girl till her voice spoke out again. Softer and calmer than before. 

"I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to rude. I'm not usually like this. I've been having a really bad day... more like really bad week" Seohyun wiped the last tear from her eyes and turned the corner only to be face by the much taller male. 

"You're--" Seohyun's wides eyes fixed with a panic expression and pointing finger alerted Sehun as once. He used his fast speed to come up to Seohyun and used his hand to cover from screaming. 

"Really? You saw me in class and you choose now to scream" Sehun chuckled a bit finding her to be amusingly odd. Once Seohyun stopped her movement and Sehun felt her expression loosen he released his grip and removed his hand from slowly. 

"Sorry... I didn't notice you at first. My eyes were fixed on Luhan" Her words made Sehun smile. 'Never knew Luhan could have such an effect on ladies' he smiled to himself. Seohyun continued her explanation. 

"And I only recongnised you know besides I only saw you once... at the mansion... when you drugged me. AHH-" Seohyun's scream was short as Sehun placed his hand on again. This time she struggled in his grip fearing her life. 'Omg, he's going to kill me. They have come here to finish off their work. What if the drug was suppose to kill me? It didn't work. Their back to get me'. Her mind went sore as she wasn't ready to imagaine what death felt like.

"Shh, I'm not going to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you in the first place. Now please be quiet." The softness in his eyes reached Seohyun and her body responded by falling calm again. He released his hand from and step back to giveh er more room and comfort.

"What do you mean you didn't mean to hurt me? You drugged me and left me in the woods" Seohyun's voice was a low shout showing rage to him for taking her away from Luhan.

"As you are aware of. I'm a wolf in a pack and Kris is my alpha. My body and mindset follows his orders whether I like it or not. It's this wolf thing where we can't control when we are given an order by our alpha. And by the way we made you fall asleep so you would stop struggling and we left you at the side of a often used road. Someone would have passed by sooner or later" Sehun explained with a knowing-all look.

"Yeah, some killer or or BOTH could have passed by sooner or later" Seohyun said sacastically making Sehun chuckle.

"We watched from afar to make sure you were in good hands. We even followed the car until we made sure you were safe" Sehun retorted making Seohyun less tensed and less angered.

"Well... you took me away from Luhan. I wouldn't have told. I haven't yet told anybody." Seohyun's throat was becoming tight as the memory flood back to her.

"Yeah, why haven't you told anybody yet?" Sehun questioned with his hands on his hips leaning forward.

"Why would I? Yeah, I went to an old abandoned mansion in the middle of the forest, met a person who turned out to be a wolf who belonged to a pack. They drugged me and left me on the side of the road. Many people would believe me. Yeah right! They will think I'm crazy! Why would you make me remember you guys or Luhan anyways? Huh? To make me suffer? " Seohyun's saracasm evident in her voice.  

"No no, you weren't suppose to remember anyways. The drug obviously didn't work well enough" Sehun shook his head like an innocent boy. 

"Why are you here anyways? Why would Luhan be here? Doesn't your cold face alpha want him protected in that mansion?" Seohyun crossed her arms. 

"Luhan wanted to see you again and Kris along with the other members are on a trip far away from here." This softened Seohyun's heart. 

"All of you defied you alpha's orders because of me?" Seohyun spoke with a light voice. Her face read an expression of disbelief. 

"We didn't technically defied out alpha's orders. We just went around it. And for you and Luhan. He's been mopping around the mansion and we couldn't take it anymore." Sehun's frustrated expression change to one of kindess as Seohyun enveloped him in a friendly hug. She was beyond happy. 'Luhan missed me!' She squealed in Sehun's arms. 

"Wait, but why did he pretend that he didn't know me? And why did you guys go so far as to pretend to be students?" Seohyun questioned once she released Sehun. Before Sehun could speak someone beat him to it. 

"SEOHYUN!" Hyoyeon yelled turning both Seohyun and Sehun's attention behind Sehun where there was Hyoyeon... the entire year group... Taeo, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and... Luhan. All with different gazes. Hyoyeon had a massive smile on her face, some people had their jaws drop, some looked with envy and disappointment and most with rounded eyes staring at the both of them. 

Seohyun stopped at the face she has craved 'Luhan'. His eyes showed his soul - broken. With a hint of disbelief and anger. 


'I wanted to scream it to the world 

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aysan-seo #1
Chapter 12: Update soon please
hanhan05 #2
Please update authornim
Chapter 12: I Really miss this story :((
Pleaseeeee update soon :(
sweetdreamerz #5
Chapter 12: Please update I really need to know what comes next. I like the storylines & the plots in this story. I can't wait to read what happen when Kris know who she is.
pipipo27 #6
Chapter 12: oh poor seohyun, please dont leave her again luhan
seonai #7
Chapter 12: noooo luhan don't go seohyun must be broken....hai aq mau ff seohan yg reading married my-ex
Chapter 12: AGAIN?! He's gonna leave AGAIN?! :(
pipipo27 #9
Chapter 11: yeeay another update, i really love to read this story
thanks anyway for the update
eugenenni #10
Chapter 11: Wow I hope Luhan don't misunderstand Seohyun. I love this story author-nim!!! Thanks for the update^^